Mother Son Chance Happening


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The more interest I took in her, the more smitten I became. That's the only word that I can find to properly describe my condition. I didn't know, though, how she was feeling or what she was feeling.

It was inevitable that my father would go out of town again, and it seems she was waiting for that opening. This time she rented a movie for us to watch and I agreed. We ordered food from a restaurant and had a nice dinner together. We watched movie with me sitting on one side of the big sofa and her on the other. We watched something on TV after the movie, until we were tired from all that TV watching. There was no hurry to go to our rooms and there was no hurry to say goodnight. We only stopped when we absolutely had to.

She turned the lights off in the kitchen and checked the locks, while I put away the DVD and remote controls, and turned all the electronics off.

We had fun, just like the last time; maybe even more. Despite our abrupt ending last time, there was no awkwardness between us. Everything seemed nice, natural, and smooth. As we walked to the corridor together, my heart started to beat a little faster. I was hoping for another chance to kiss a little deeper than usual, a little harder than we had been doing so far. Our previous night together while my father was away, was quite intimate and our goodnight kiss had more substance than normal. I was hoping for another chance to at least experience the same depth as that night, to taste some of her saliva, may be even feel the inside of her lips.

As we stopped in front of the door to my room, my heart started to beat a lot faster. My breathing became a little out of control. But, alas, she didn't give me a chance to try anything. She didn't even get too close to me. I noticed a deliberate distance between us.

I felt disappointed, but I had to respect her decision to keep the intimacy to a minimum. Knowing that we weren't supposed to be intimate in any sort of way, it was actually easy to keep the lips dry and the kiss just a goodnight greeting. At least I could revel in the sweetness of our night together. At least there was more to being together, with or without the wet kiss goodnight.

She went to her room and I went into mine. Everything was fine. There was nothing that had happened before and there was nothing that happened that night. It was a big relief that we made it through the evening and better part of the night without any lines being nudged, crossed, trampled, or erased. All the while we had so much fun.

I felt relieved and somewhat spirited that we had gotten through our time together without her having to push me away and run. Our relationship seemed to have become more mature, with a knowing understanding of the slipup from previous similar night, and an understanding of forgiveness.

About fifteen, twenty minutes later, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said and she opened the door and walked in.

She had changed into a nightie and only then did I realize that one reason our evening had been different was that she had her jeans and T-shirt on during our movie watching, as opposed to her nightie, which was what she normally wore when we spent time together previously.

I hadn't seen her in that nightie before. It seemed new. It was hanging quite nicely on her breasts and the spaghetti straps weren't holding it up as well as her breasts were. She seemed quite voluptuous with her bare shoulders and beautiful thighs, all in my full view.

"I can't sleep," she said. "I thought may be I can spend a little more time with you."

She couldn't sleep, she had said, and my thoughts immediately raced to her comment that sometimes she is so horny, she can't even sleep. Could it be possible that my mother was horny at that very moment? I knew that if she was horny at that time, it was definitely because of me. That thought had an electrifying effect on me.

"Yes, you can. It would be nice." I replied after a short pause.

"Thanks." She seemed quite pleased. She sat on the chair that I normally use to work on my computer. She seemed a bit agitated to me, even though I couldn't put my finger on what exactly made me think that. She was looking around my room while rotating the chair this way and that with her butt. I just sat there on my bed looking at her. She wasn't looking at me.

After a while she asked: "So, did you enjoy the movie." She seemed a little out of breath.

"Yes, I did." I answered. I knew it was a question that had been asked and answered by both of us before, but I went ahead and asked her as well: "Did you?"

She seemed out of breath each time she spoke. I had the same problem, but not to the extent that she was having. As we sat there in silence, I realized that she was looking for something more than just spending a little more time together. It was painfully obvious that whatever it was, had no starting point. I couldn't risk an obvious guess and she couldn't offer any helpful hints.

I was glad, though, that she was there and I got to see her in that nightie. She really did have very nice breasts. I couldn't keep my eyes off of them. I wondered if she noticed the way I was admiring her. She had her eyes focused on the carpet, with her feet folded back under the chair.

Once the silence became unbearable, she got up from the chair to look at a couple of posters on my wall; then she went to the bookcase and looked at my small collection of books. As she walked around, her movement sent some air my way and that air brought a heavenly aroma to my senses. I asked her immediately: "Is that a new perfume?"

She turned to face me. There was a smile on her face that I can't quite explain the reason for it. It seemed I'd made her happy just by noticing a new perfume on her. She said: "Yes, do you like it?"

Her question seemed quite natural. I answered: "Yes, it is very nice."

"Thanks." She replied. She came closer to me, which I am sure was an effort to let me smell her perfume a little better. She came closer to my nightstand with my lamp shining more light on her. That's when I noticed a hint of makeup on her.

It dawned on me then that she had gone to her room to prepare herself to come to my room. She had actually planned to come to my room and had spent time fixing herself up before she came. She had, consciously or unconsciously, tried to make herself look better, obviously for me. The thought was very arousing.

Something was happening between us. I knew for sure there was something significant happening between us. I could have leaned over to smell her perfume more closely and that may have triggered something, but it didn't dawn on me until she had moved away from the nightstand. I missed an opportunity that I believe, in hindsight, she had provided.

I then decided that I had to get up from the bed and make myself more accessible to her, I just had to. I knew that if I did, something was bound to happen. I needed an excuse to get up and get off the bed. Then we would be closer to each other physically, and who knows what could happen. Only excuse that I could use was to go to my bathroom to see something. I was only pretending to be looking for something.

When I came out, I found her sitting on the chair again waiting for me to come back. The way she was sitting seemed quite provocative. She was sitting at the edge of the chair, her hands holding the front of the chair on the outside of her thighs, her legs extended straight out, and her body leaning forward a little. Her nightie was slightly above her knees, showing part of her thighs, and the thighs looked quite nice.

I had to pass by her to go to my closet, and I swear I felt her feet move in anticipation of something as I stepped over them. I wondered if she was looking for a touch. She looked quite sexy and I felt like touching her.

I came closer to where she was sitting and sat on the bed at the point which was closest to her chair. We were practically sitting fact to face, with very little distance between us. Her feet were so close to my feet, so as to touch them. We sat there, quietly, with nothing to say. What could we say? The air was romantic, but we couldn't romance each other. I couldn't reach over and hold her hand. She couldn't get up and sit on the bed next to me. We had this lock on our movements, making us sit there, frozen like two statues, hoping for some breakthrough.

The only thing that could happen was for her to say: "Well, I better go."

I didn't want her to go and I was sure she didn't really want to go either. But there was something, a small voice somewhere, that was urging us to end our time together. The air was thick with anticipation.

She only said that she better go, but she didn't actually make any move to get up. I realized then that she had given me a slight opening; a teensy, weensy opening. I was actually afraid of her response when I blurted out: "Why? Why do you have to go?"

I was afraid that maybe her opening was a subconscious one and she may not be able to catch my drift. I didn't want the usual response that she was tired, or that it was late. I wanted her to say that she wanted to go because she was afraid something may happen if she stayed.

I didn't really know what it was that may happen if she stayed. I know she could say it, even if she felt it. The taboo between us was so strong that even then, sitting there like that, I could only think of a kiss. Although, the erection that I was supporting at that moment could speak volumes about what may happen.

I was horny! There I said it.

I knew that she was feeling something similar. We were sitting so close to each other that we could feel each other's body heat, but there was no way on this earth for us to actually acknowledge our condition, or to hint about it, or to actually do something about it.

She took a long time to answer. She was staring at her feet when she whispered: "I don't know."

I think that was probably the best answer possible under the circumstances. It said a lot, without using too many words.

I also whispered when I said: "There is no one here but us."

It was just a casual comment but under the circumstances it also said a lot.

Her response was quick and spontaneous, but I don't think she actually meant much by it. She said: "What should we do then if I stay?"

I had a million ideas, but none that I could actually vocalize. "Anything!" I answered.

We sat there, quietly, for a while, doing nothing. That was all that we could do, sit there in silence, just thinking of the possible things we could actually do, without being able to do any of them.

Eventually the silence became unbearable. She couldn't sit still any longer. She got up abruptly.

I was startled by the suddenness of her getting up. I also got up with her, which brought us both face to face, standing in front of each other.

We both stood very close to each other. We stood there facing each other, listening to the house making slight noises.

She made the first move as I guess she was more prepared for it than me. She moved a little forward and gave me a hug. I wasn't really expecting it; therefore, I wasn't really ready for it.

She placed her arms around me and quickly pressed herself against me. I didn't respond to it in a way that I was supposed to. I was actually quite clumsy and awkward as I tried to hold her in my arms as a response to her hug, but before I could get there, she quickly released me and as quickly left.

I could feel her pent-up emotions. I hoped that she had felt mine as well. We had all the signs but we had the ultimate restriction on our moves. We could only do what was allowed by our relationship; in this case, just a simple hug; previously, just a simple kiss.

It was just a hug, but her breasts left two warm, soft, and quite delicate marks burning on my chest. I was feeling very sweet all over for a long time after that.

It was definite that there was something going on and it was clear that we were both participating in it. The only problem was that we could only take it as far as a slight holding of the lips and a hug. I couldn't rub my hands on her back as I'd wanted to. I couldn't kiss her full on the mouth. I couldn't deliberately touch her breasts. I wanted to, but I couldn't.

I wondered if she had similar feelings, and it was obvious that she must have. She probably had even more restrictions on her feelings than I had on mine. I was a male after all, and as a male, it was not unusual to have some sexual feelings for one's mother. But as a mother, it definitely was unusual for her to have sexual feeling for me. No doubt, though, there were sexual feelings between us.

I decided to make a conscious effort to increase our physical contact in the days to come.

Our that night together introduced much more familiarity between us. Our next late night get-together felt better than ever. We were at a lot more ease with each other, even being a little playful at times. There was definitely some sort of breakthrough, even though there was still some distance that we were supposed to maintain.

The following night when she said she better go, I got up with her to go myself. I didn't feel like staying behind. There was a new routine set for us and I wanted to make the most of it.

We turned the lights off, checked the doors and then made our way to the corridor. When we were in front of my room, I paused to say goodnight to her.

When she realized that I had stopped in the middle of the corridor, she looked towards the far end which turns and leads to her bedroom. I could tell that she was trying to see if anyone was there, which obviously meant that she was trying to make sure my father wasn't there looking at us. She then pushed me towards my door. She clearly didn't want to say goodnight in the hallway.

That was quite thrilling in itself. She had to lean into me to make sure we were both out of sight of anyone in the corridor. This inadvertently made her press against me with her body. I wanted to put my arms around her so as to hold her but I couldn't. I wasn't allowed to hug her that way. She pushed herself up to reach my lips, causing herself to rub her breasts on my chest, again inadvertently, and gave me a kiss.

It was a wet kiss. We both had wet our lips without really worrying about the other objecting to it. There was a little pressure as well. Our routine had changed from a plain goodnight kiss to a goodnight kiss with a hug. Our goodnight kiss had changed from a dry peck to touching of wet lips with slight pressure. Her breasts felt nice on my chest, and there was an added thrill of the possibility of getting caught. We were doing something that we were not supposed to do and we could very well get caught doing it. It was exciting, in more ways than one. The fact that she was trying to avoid getting caught spoke volumes about her participation in the whole escapade. It wasn't one sided.

The fact that she wanted to kiss and hug me in secret, meant that in her mind there was something scandalous about our being there like that. The fact that she wanted to kiss me and may be even hug me still, despite the fact that she considered it scandalous, meant she was doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing; that meant she was doing something that a mother and son are not supposed to do, but something that she definitely wanted to do with me.

I was horny. I am assuming she was horny as well. I enjoyed her body against mine. I assumed she enjoyed her body against mine as well. But, and that's where we had a big problem, we could only go that far. I couldn't reach over and touch her with desire. She couldn't show desire for me. Even though all the signs pointed to that direction, we had to pretend that that direction didn't exist.

She stood in front of me for a brief moment, thinking. Then she held my hands into hers and squeezed them slightly before leaving. I stood there watching her as she turned around the corner. I felt the intensity of her emotions. I felt bad for not showing her the intensity of mine. I was holding back a lot more than she was.

No doubt, once again, there was something going on between the two of us. Her holding of my hands and squeezing them was quite sensuous. I wished I had kissed her a little differently, but she was gone and it stayed only a wish. I was very aroused. I promised myself to do better next time.

Next night, I didn't go to the TV room. I wanted to see if she would come to me. I wanted to see if she would come for another physical contact like the one the other night. I left the door open slightly, as a hint that I was expecting her.

I heard the TV in the living room and I felt quite disappointed. Even upset. She was watching TV while I wasn't there. Maybe she was waiting for me to come there. But I was waiting for her to come to my room. I felt very bad for wanting that and I felt very bad because it didn't happen. It couldn't have happened. It was too early in the night.

I soon came to the realization that I was expecting too much. It couldn't be that easy. She wasn't just a woman that I had become so smitten with, she was my mother. She couldn't do the obvious, and play by the normal rules. She did let her guard down a bit before, but she was in no position to go any further.

It took me a while to calm down, but calm down I did, and then went to the TV room.

She asked me: "Are you okay?"

She was looking at me inquisitively, trying to read my face. But I was finally in control of my emotions, and all was well, all was normal, as it was meant to be.

It was very clear that I wanted my mother. I wanted her badly. It was also very clear that I was in a dangerous territory. The very thing that I wanted, I just couldn't have it. I just couldn't. What was even more intriguing, I wanted my mother to want me! I wanted her to have the same strong feelings for me that I had for her; which she probably couldn't. Actually she could, and I am sure she did, but she couldn't express them. That was our dilemma. We couldn't express our feelings, even though we had them.

I wanted to know what was going through her mind. I wanted to know what she was thinking. I had very strong inkling, but it was only guesswork. I wanted to know for sure; from her. There was no way to get that from her, so we both watched TV, as usual. I did wonder if she was also looking for a hint or two from me. But, even that was just a guess and nothing tangible.

I left with her this time as well. We stood in front of my room and this time I moved into the door and out of the hallway, so that she didn't have to push me as before. My body was tense as she moved closer to me. I didn't know what I wanted because I didn't know what I could have had. One thing, though, I was sure that I wanted more than before. I was very erect and extremely aroused.

I noticed that she was wearing her new perfume that I had commented about to her. I could smell it better this time because she was closer to me than the other night, and the smell aroused my senses even further.

"You smell very nice!" I whispered, as I wetted my lips. That part had become a norm for us, or should I say that we had moved past that. The wet lips made the goodnight kiss even better and since there was no objection to it so far, I decided to make it integral part of the routine. I also decided to make the hug a bit more intimate. It was she who had started the hug, so it was okay for me to make it a little more meaningful hug.

Her breasts felt sensational on my chest as I put my arms around her. I was afraid that she would pull back, but she didn't. I noticed that her lips were also wet, so my upper lip slid between hers and her lower lips slid between mine. I tugged slightly on her lip as I held her. She squirmed a little but she didn't push me away or pull herself back. When she squirmed, her body jerked a little and I adjusted myself to accommodate her movement. When we settled again against each other, I found my erection pressing into her.