Moms Beach Takedown

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Woman fights with stepdaughter and loses big time.
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"Laurel, will you please keep up! Every time you pull back, it throws me off my step." I groused at my stepdaughter. We were holding opposite ends of a small beer cooler trying to walk across the soft beach sand. It wasn't very heavy, but filled with ice and a six pack of beer and a few bottles of water it weighed more than either wanted to carry. We each had bag containing our personal items like sunscreen and towels.

"Gee, Ellen, what do you expect from an airhead slut?" Laurel answered back, hotly.

"That is not what I said and you fucking know it!" I retorted just as angrily, about to explode.

We trudged on and crossed a small sand dune. We'd found this semi-private spot a couple days before and the whole family had enjoyed hours of sunbathing and playing in the surf together. Those hours had been a short oasis of respite in the desert of our recent relationship.

Laurel was my eighteen year old stepdaughter. We'd been pretty close the past nine years of our relationship. I bonded with the little girl even before I'd married her father two years after his divorce from a cheating wife.

The Slut, as Dave referred to her had run off and left him with an eight year old to raise. She wanted to be free of responsibilities and her lover was going to give her the lifestyle Dave could not.

I'd worked for Dave and liked the man. I'd offered to help him with his daughter and eventually we fell in love and got married. Twelve years years older than the girl, I'd assumed the mother role, helping her navigate puberty and adolescence. We were close or so I had assumed. But it seemed lately we butted heads all too often about petty issues.

Like any kid, she'd gone through a metamorphosis as she went from childhood to adulthood. It was turbulent but we'd survived.

Our latest conflict was over something so stupid as to be ridiculous. Pubic hair.

With her mother absent, I'd been the sole female presence to walk her through life as she grew up into the fine young woman she was today.

When she asked why I shaved my labia, I told her it made me feel 'cleaner'. She understood about periods and the slight discharges a woman has between. While she knew the academics of sex, I was not ready to tell her that her Daddy preferred to not get hair in his mouth when he licked my pussy.

This was a family getaway at a beautiful resort on the coast sponsored by Dave's company. It just happened to coincide with Spring break so everybody could bring their kids along. Our younger kids, a five year old girl and six year old twin boys were with the kids group today spending time with children their own age. Dave was playing golf.

I'd planned to spend a little girls time with Laurel before she graduated high school and left for college. I'd bought us each little swim suits that would be great for sunbathing and just looking 'hot' but would certainly not be suitable for active water play. We'd joked about going off the diving board at the pool and finding ourselves leaving our suits behind. Our goodies were covered, but the rest of the suit was simple string ties.

Dave had rolled his eyes when I'd modeled mine for him before leaving home. He wasn't particularly happy with his daughter looking so hot but accepted my assurances it would be fine. We certainly did look hot when Laurel and I left our room wearing only thin, barely there, coverups over our tiny bikinis. Today, being a 'girls day' was our first time wearing them out.

Being of that age where appearances is everything Laurel insisted on putting on makeup even for the beach. She'd bought smudge and waterproof makeup just for the trip.

I'd been ready and packed waiting for her and decided to go see why the delay. I found Laurel emerging from her bathroom still stark naked. I was about to tell her to get a move on and get dressed when I noticed her pubes. She had trimmed them to a tiny landing strip of brown hair above hairless labia.

I opened my mouth before I put my brain in gear. "What the fuck did you do to your bush?!!" I almost shouted.

"I trimmed it and I always shave underneath like you do," she said, shrugging.

"That is not just a trim job!" I said. "That is an advertisement! You might as well draw an arrow to your pussy. That is called a landing strip for a reason!"

Her look of shock and embarrassment should have told me to back off but of course I was on a roll. "You look like you are getting ready for a job as a stripper or get laid, not for a little sunbathing! You know what kind of women wear their pubes like that."

"Are you calling me a SLUT?!" she shouted back. "You are, aren't you! Just like my Mom. That's what you are saying."

Dave's name for his cheating ex when he referred to her at all had been 'the slut'. He rarely said it in front of Laurel though and only by accident. She had not had any contact with her estranged mother, but was sensitive about the events behind her mother leaving.

Slut was NOT a word she took lightly.

I finally got her calmed down enough to go to the beach but she was far from being over her anger. As we walked past the pool area and onto the beach itself, she seemed to add a little extra sway to her hips.

"What's with the walk?" I whispered, trying to keep from being overheard.

"Oh, just being a slut." she snapped. "Nobody can see my slutty pussy hair so I thought I'd just let them all know what I was. I don't have big cow titties like you to shake."

I sucked in my breath and barely kept from slapping her right there. My breasts were almost two full cup sizes larger than hers but were still firm despite nursing three babies.

We barely spoke another word until we were almost to the spot where we planned to spend the rest of the morning soaking up the rays and sipping a few beers. Now she was eighteen I thought that was something we would share.

We spread our beach towels and arranged the cooler and our bags. I pulled out some bronzer and offered to apply some to her back.

"Nope that spray tan we got was good enough for me. I just wanted to eliminate tan lines when I wore my other suits." Laurel said. But she did accept a beer when I offered.

I decided to try once more. "Look, I'm sorry I opened my mouth but it kinda shocked me to see how you'd trimmed up. It is not how a girl should look unless she is actively involved with a guy or..." She cut me off.

"Or is out being a slut" she finished. "You know I am still a virgin. I'm no slut. But I'll tell you what. You go fuck whoever you want and I'll do the same."

"You little bitch!" I almost screamed at the insult. "You know full well I have not been with a man other than your father since the day we began dating!"

"Then how do you know so much about how sluts trim their pussies?" Laurel gritted.

That did it. I had been tolerant but I'd had my fill of her mouth. "I ought to turn you over my knee like I did when you were little!" I said turning to face her. Actually, as we both well knew, I had barely spanked the girl growing up. And the once or twice I had, it had been no more than a few swats with my hand on her bottom.

"You can try!" she said, venomously. "You'll find yourself the one with the bright red butt."

Challenge accepted. I jumped over, intending to wrestle the little bitch onto the ground. A few slaps would teach her a lesson.

She was faster than I thought. Just as I grabbed her, she spun away and jumped to her feet. We both froze. We each held pieces of her bikini top in our hands. She had grabbed it when she felt it pull away and now it was in pieces. It had ripped beyond repair. One side of the bra was ripped apart and hung from the tie around her neck. Both her breasts were completely exposed.

"You fucking bitch!" she seethed. "You ruined my top!"

"Watch your mouth!" I ordered as we stood glaring at each other. "I'm sorry I tore it. But that does not give you reason to curse! I'll buy you another to replace it. "

"What good will that do me now?" Laurel yelled back. "I'm supposed to stay out here topless? My coverup will not hide a thing."

"I'll go back to the room and get a shirt for you. Or your other suit." I said. "You can cover up with a towel while I'm gone. Let me get my sandals and I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Like Hell you will!" Laurel said angrily. "You aren't going to just saunter back to the room and leave me here with my titties hanging out. You will replace my top right now with yours. Then I'll be the one to go get you something else to wear."

When I told her no way, she said, "Sitting here topless waiting for me will be the perfect punishment for you being such a bitch. We'll see if YOU feel like a slut. Now strip that top off or I'll take the bottoms too."

I was not about to let that happen. I should have run away right then, but I'd taken my sandals off and knew I could not get far across the hot sand and concrete without them. She was between me and my shoes.

When she stepped forward, I knew I was in trouble. We were almost the same size and only twelve years apart in age but she was in much better physical condition and far stronger.

Within seconds I was on my knees with one arm twisted up behind my back. "Okay, you can have my top." I begged. "I'll wear a towel!"

"Too late!" she gritted. "You had your chance. Now you will pay a penalty." She pulled the ties free and pulling my top away, tossed it to one side. "You can sit here with sore tits and think about being a bitch until I get back."

With that she pinched and twisted my left nipple off. Or rather it felt like she pulled it off. I screamed with the pain. I tried to punch her with my free hand but that was totally ineffective. All it did was to anger her more.

"Punch at me again and I'll strip you bare. I'll even take the towels with me. Put that hand behind your back." She ordered as she pinched my left nipple again and shook my breast. I was crying and begging her to stop. "Yeah, that would be a sight. You'd have to bury your bottom in the sand and hold the cooler in front of your tits until I get back. That would be perfect. You'd have sand packed in your pussy and up your ass crack. That'd feel real good walking back to the hotel." I begged her to stop.

"Then ask me very nicely to punish your other tit. Tell me how much you want them to match." And with that she pinched and twisted my right nipple. It hurt so much I could not form words. I cried and begged incoherently.

"What the Hell is going on here?" I heard a female voice from behind us. "It sounded like a cat getting skinned and sure enough it is a catfight!"

"Not much of a fight," came a second voice. "Looks like the fight is over but the punishment is just starting!"

Laurel paused. "I'm teaching my bitch of a stepmother a little lesson about messing with me."

"Stepmother, huh?" One girl said stepping around to get a better view. "I've had to teach my stepmom not to fuck with me, too. Don't stop on our account! What did she do? Well other than rip your top off? I assume you did not do that to yourself."

Laurel told her about our argument while keeping me on my knees. The arm she had twisted was now numb and useless, All I felt was agony up through my shoulder.

"Well, you might as well give her the spanking she threatened you with once you twist her nips enough." the second girl offered. "Damn I wish we had our cell phones. We were afraid of getting them damaged in the sand."

"No photos!" I screamed.

"Shut your mouth!" Laurel ordered. "That is a great idea. My cell is in my bag. Will you take a video me stripping her panties off and spanking her bottom?" The girls laughed as I begged and cursed.

The girls laughed and one got Laurel's phone out. Laurel unlocked it with her thumb print. I cursed and begged once again. "Stop now and we'll call it even. Otherwise, there will be Hell to pay later!" I threatened.

"What is that saying, 'In for a penny, in for a dollar', something like that anyway." Laurel said.

"And if you curse at me one more time, I'll stuff a handful of sand in your mouth." Laurel growled. "Not only that, but I'll scrub your pussy and asshole with sand too. You'll be walking bowlegged for a week."

The two girls howled with laughter and yelled, "You go girl! Teach the bitch who is boss."

"Now apologize and ask me to strip you and spank your bare ass." Laurel ordered. With no other option, I did. What followed gave me nightmares later. I laid bare across Laurel's lap. I felt myself pulled into position and then a pause as I laid quietly. I did not know until I saw the video that Laurel stopped to put on my own discarded top. I was too cowed to even attempt escape. I knew it would be futile.

Laurel pummeled my bottom until I cried and then bawled uncontrollably. I felt hands pulling my legs wide apart and heard one or the other girls comment about my wide open snatch fully visible below a very red ass. "Had enough?" Laurel asked me.

Before I could answer, one of the girls said, "Fuck no. Not until you give her a dozen or so with the sandal. I beat my stepmom's ass hard whenever she steps out of line. She's learned to never fuck with me."

"You spank your stepmom?" Laurel asked.

"Shit yes, she does." the second girl answered. "It doesn't matter who is there either. I was over once and Casey told her stepmom to 'drop them'. The woman did not even argue. She just whimpered a little and got all teary eyed, but she pulled her pants and panties down and off. She stood for a second looking at Casey. Casey shook her head and without a word, her stepmom pulled off her shirt and removed her bra."

"Then she hustled out of the room and came back with a hairbrush. She did not waste time either. I heard later she had a sixty second limit. She bent over Casey's lap and bawled like a baby as Casey spanked her butt raw. I mean it was bright red. Then the woman stood in the corner with her hands on her head and legs spread and fully exposed for a half hour afterward. She tried to act like nothing happened later that evening but you know she had to be mortified that I had watched her spanked like a kid."

"And she lets you get away with that?" Laurel asked incredulously.

"She has no choice." Casey answered. "Finish your spanking and we'll talk. Don't pussy out, spank her until she knows who's the boss."

Laurel used that sandal on my butt until I hung limp over her lap. My throat was hoarse from crying. Laurel wiped the snot and tears off my face with what had been her bikini bottoms. She was now dressed in what had been my swim suit.

"She is going narc me out to my Dad as soon as we get back to the room," Laurel said. "but the satisfaction I got beating her ass was worth it."

"No! I won't I promise, but please delete that video. You know how risky it is to have something like that. It might accidentally get out."

"Don't believe a word she says. She'll make all kinds of promises now while she's sitting there naked with a red ass. She's feeling all sorry for herself and very submissive." Casey advised. "But once she has time to think about it, she'll get pissed. Then she'll try to make your life Hell, even with this video you have. She'll claim you attacked her and forced her. Maybe she will even claim assault and want to file charges."

I shook my head wildly saying I'll keep my promise. "Yeah, I think you are right." Laurel said. "So I'm hosed. That file is already in the cloud. I'll certainly send it out if she tries to fuck me over, but you are right. I could still be in big trouble."

"There is an easy solution. You make another video or two. It's what I did." Casey said. She took Laurel aside to talk. I tried to wrap a towel around my naked body but the second girl pulled it away saying I was on my 'naked time' and was lucky Laurel did not make stand up, legs spread, with my hands on my head.

Casey and Laurel were laughing their asses off when they came back. "Lay down your back Ellen, or rather Bitch. That is your new name." Laurel ordered. I spread out my towel and did as I was told. When Laurel stepped back where I could see her, she was bottomless. She straddled me and began to squat. I immediately began to protest and get up.

"Listen, bitch." Casey said, grabbing me by one shoulder and pushing me flat again. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way, but it is gonna happen. You are gonna eat Laurel's pussy. I'm going to try to not get her face in the frame but you can bet your identity is gonna be right out there. And if you are not doing a great job, my friend Sarah is gonna spread your legs and slap your pussy or pinch the living shit outa your clit. You'll scream so loud you are gonna give Laurel gas. So do yourself a favor and just get the job done without a lot of fanfare."

My protests did nothing but have the other girl stick two fingers into my pussy as she pull my lips apart. I did scream when she pinched my bud. "Guess we'll need another take." Casey said laughing. "We want her to look like a happy lesbian slut excited to eat a pussy. But we have all day to get the job done." Casey said. "I'm sure Laurel will be satisfied by the time we are finished."

I began to cry so that was another failed take. I seemed to suck on Laurel's pussy for an hour until she said she had enough, 'for now'. I almost lost it when Casey announced it was her turn. "Do a good job, and I won't piss in your mouth. I've done that to my stepmom many times. She had the choice to swallow or drown and she's still here so you know what she decided." Laurel manned the camera.

By the time all three girls had all taken a turn, I had no fight left. Their second round was them on their back, knees spread with my face in their crotches. Of course my own ass was up in the air and I was spread and fully exposed as whoever manned the camera got full closeups. On occasion my pussy was fingered and pulled open. They laughed how it was soaking wet and proof I was enjoying my lesson.

The girls mutually decided my final punishment would be to walk back to my room naked with only a towel wrapped around my torso. I was at least covered from my armpits to about midthigh. As long as the towel did not slip or I did not take too big a step, I'd stay covered. My slingbag was over my neck and I was told to grasp the strap and the tuck of the towel in my left hand. My right held the now empty cooler. With my hands occupied, I could do nothing to adjust the towel.

"Let's test it.' Casey said. She had me take a few steps then bend a little, turn and come back. Laurel had her phone out again.

"Don't you have enough damn video?" I snapped. That was the wrong thing to say. Casey took over the camera while Laurel lifted the front of the towel. I had to spread my legs for her to slap me across my pussy three times and then stick two fingers up my hole. I meekly sucked her fingers clean, every action recorded.

"Be a good little bitch for Laurel, now." Casey advised. "Sarah and I will be happy to help her scrub your pussy and asshole with sand. Oh, we exchanged phone numbers and addresses. We all live in the same city. Maybe Laurel will want to bring you over to my house to meet my stepmom sometime."

I was too afraid to say a word as Laurel marched me back to my room. Nobody was any the wiser the lady wrapped in the towel was nude under it.

I was relieved Dave and the kids were not back yet. I was about to head to my room when Laurel stopped me. She stepped close and gave me a one word command. "Spread!" Of course I obeyed.

While staring me in the eyes, she pulled the beach towel away and reached down. She flicked my clit and briefly fingered my wet pussy. When she held her fingers to my mouth, I sucked them clean immediately. "Who is the slut now?" she asked, softly.

"I am." I replied.

"And who bends over for a spanking on command?"

"I do." I said.