Mommy Vanessa


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"No sweetie; when daddy is home I'm all his."

Knowing that dad, on average, was gone overnight at least four times a month the deal sounded too good to be true.

"It sounds good, but I'm just afraid he will come home and catch us."

"No worries there sweetie. He always calls and lets me know when he will be home. He doesn't want to walk in on me. He's adamant that he never knows who I play with."

I smiled and said "You have a new go to guy."

"Well mommy I ready for another romp, but I see you need a little help" and she went down on me. It took her a bit, but she got me up and then said:

"Mommy wants you to butt fuck her this time."

I didn't know how to do it that way. Neither Pauline nor Nancy ever wanted anal and I was so happy that I was getting pussy that I never pushed for ass fucking. Not wanting to screw up a good thing by doing something wrong I decided it would be in my best interest to be up front about it.

"I don't know how. I've never done it that way."

She laughed and said "Goodie; I get to take your virginity. Be right back" and she got up and left the room. A couple of minutes later she was back with a tube of KY and she handed it to me and then she instructed me on how she wanted it done. It was a tutorial on the fine art of pooper fucking.

I liked it. No; that's not true, I loved it. I loved the tight fit and the way it seemed to squeeze me. The feeling that I was deeper than I could get in her pussy. Most of all I loved the way the way she squealed out "Fuck mommy, fuck my as, fuck mommy's ass." When it was over she said:

"We've got to do more of this. A lot more of this."

And that brings me back to staring at the refrigerator magnets. I had to decide on whether it was fair to string along Nancy while I was fucking Vanessa. There could be weeks between dad's trips and Nessa had let me know that when dad was home she was his and his alone. Could I go weeks without pussy? The better question was did I want to go weeks without pussy? The obvious answer was not only no, but hell no. And it wasn't just the pussy. I needed a life away from Nessa. I was one day going to want a family of my own and Nessa was spoken for. I didn't yet know if Nancy would end up my life partner, but I wasn't ready to give her up yet.

For the next six months every time dad was out of own Nessa tried to fuck my brains out and when dad was home I dated. Mostly Nancy, but then she met this guy she wanted to get to know better so I turned her loose and we remained friends. I dated off and on, but never found a girl I wanted to get into a relationship with. I got laid enough that my pipes stayed clear and I managed to stay on a friendly basis with most of the girls I did play with. There were even two that called me from time to time when they were horny.


Graduation came and I went to work for my Uncle Bill. Full time work meant that I saw less of Nessa. As a student my schedule sometimes allowed me to spend days along with the nights I could spend with Nessa, but as a full time worker all I was able to get were the nights an some weekends, but I wanted more, much, much more and couldn't get it. Still, I longed for those nights when I would hear:

"Fuck mommy baby; fuck mommy, fuck mommy's ass."

I'll never forget the day. It was a Tuesday, June 9th and dad had just left for three days to rework a customer's security system and I was eagerly looking forward to spending at least the next two nights in Vanessa's bed. We had just finished dinner when Nessa said:

"I'm pregnant."

"Dad must be overjoyed."

"He doesn't know yet. I thought the father of the child should be the first to know."

"You can't mean that�"

"Oh but I do. It could be your father's, but it isn't likely. He has had problems lately getting erections and he has been taking Viagra. We haven't been making love all that often and he hasn't cum in me more than a couple of times and even then it sort of just dribbles out instead of shooting in me."

"So what are we going to do?"

"Nothing. Your father will accept the child as his. He still thinks I go out when he is gone. If he ever has any doubts he will assume it was one of my random hookups and the condom broke."

"So why did you even tell me this? Why not keep me in the dark the same as you have been keeping dad in the dark all these years?"

"Because I want you involved in the life of your child. As far as your father is concerned you will be the big brother. With the age difference between you and the baby it isn't likely you would spend any time with it, but if you know the truth you will be more likely to spend time with the child."

"But wouldn't dad wonder?"

"Why should he? I'm not talking about you hovering over the baby. Just whenever you are here that you play with it. Be in its life. When it is older take it places and do things with it."

"I guess we should have used condoms."

"I don't like the feel of them. Besides, you can't usually get pregnant if you use them."

"You deliberately wanted me to get you pregnant?"

"Your father and I wanted a baby. Until we decided to do it I was on birth control and backed it up with a diaphragm so no condoms were needed. It was just the luck of the draw that it was you who got the job done. The important thing is that your dad will think it is his. There is a chance, a very slim chance, that he is really the father. All this talk is making me horny. I think we should go to bed. We did and she wrung me out to dry. She managed to get one more out of me in the morning and it was going to have to last me for a while because dad was due home that night.

When I got home from work the next day I could tell Nessa had given dad the news because he was more chipper than I'd seen him in a while.

It was two days later before he told me I was going to be a brother. I congratulated him and then I filled him in on how my search for an apartment was going and he asked me to stop looking.

"I'd like you to be here to handle any problems Vanessa might have if I'm away on a call."

"I'm twenty-one going on twenty-two dad. I need to start having a life of my own. I need a place where I can take lady friends if you catch my drift."

"It will only be seven months or so. Surely you can wait that long."

"Seven months of taking my ladies to a motel will eat up all of the money I've saved up for an apartment."

"You stay here until after the baby is born and I'll pay for the first year of your apartment."

I let myself get talked into staying.


A pregnant Nessa was a force to be reckoned with. The pregnancy did something to scramble her hormones and she was constantly horny. My dad was starting to look haggard and from the sounds I heard from the bedroom I knew why. Nessa was fucking the poor man to death.

I knew what he was going through because I was going through it too, but I was only going through it a night or two here and there while he was gone on overnight service calls. Dad had to go through it every night he was home.'

Then disaster struck.

Nessa was in her eighth month of pregnancy, dad was away on a two day service call and I was making love to her for what she said would be the last time until her doctor cleared her to have sex again after the birth of the baby.

I was pounding her ass and listening to her "Fuck mommy, fuck mommy's ass" when the phone rang. She ignored it, let the call go to voicemail and kept exhorting me to "Fuck mommy hard baby; fuck mommy's ass."

We finished and I fell to the bed next to her and she said "God, but I am going to miss this. I don't know how I'm going to handle going two or three months, but the doctor said no more once I hit eight months. Hopefully I can get two more out of you tonight."

She actually got three. Two in her pussy and one in her ass and then as usual when dad wasn't home we fell asleep together. She got one more out of me in the morning and as I got up to go shower and get ready to go to work Nessa remembered the phone call, walked over to the dresser and picked up her cellphone.

There was a call from a hospital in Sioux City, Iowa asking her to please contact them. She called the umber given, identified herself, listened for about a minute and the cried out "Oh God no!" Dropped the phone and fell to the floor sobbing.

It took me a bit to get her calmed down and tell me what was wrong. Dad had a heart attack while eating dinner with his customer and was dead by the time they got him to the hospital.

The next two weeks were a blur as Nessa and I tackled the many tasks required to get dad's body moved to a local funeral home and set up the funeral service. A wake was held at the house and two hours into it Nessa's water broke and she was rushed to the hospital where six hours later she gave birth to an eight pound baby boy. She named him James Love Dalton Junior after my father.

Things were a cool between Nessa and me after she came home from the hospital and after two months of it I started looking for an apartment and when Nessa asked me why I told her I felt like she didn't want me around so I felt it was time for me to move. She looked at me silently for maybe thirty seconds and the said:

"It isn't anything you did. It's just me. I can't seem to get over feeling guilty?"

"Guilty? Why?"

"I'm on your father's bed screwing while he is having a heart attack and dying."

"That's just plain silly."

"How is it silly?"

"Would you have felt guilty if you were out having dinner and drinks with your friends when it happened? How about you were sitting on your bed doing your toenails? Being at the store grocery shopping? How about maybe being in bed sound asleep? You have nothing to feel guilty about. You were doing what you were doing because he said he was on board with you doing it.

"If anyone should feel guilty it's me. I mean I'm the asshole right? I'm the one screwing my dad's wife behind his back. But I don't feel guilty over it and you know why? Oh I know I was in it for me when you first made your offer, but later I realized that in a way I was doing it for him. I kept you at home and not out cruising the bars looking for someone who just might tempt you into leaving him. I kept you from hooking up with some normal looking but crazy asshole who might have done God only knows to you. I kept you from catching some disease that you could have passed on to him. And yes, I know you were careful in your choices, but you and I both know shit happens.

"You pulled that man out of the pit of despair he fell into when my mother died. You were upfront with him when he first proposed and he accepted it. He was happier than a pig in shit with his life after you came into it even under the conditions you laid on him. You have nothing to feel guilty about.

"If anything accept dad's death as a gift from the Gods. Just imagine how it would have been if instead of dying while having dinner with a client he had died while here having dinner with you. How it would have been if he had died while making love to you. While driving the car on the way to take you out for dinner and dancing. Maybe on the dance floor while you were dancing. Regardless of what you were doing when he died you were spared having to see it.

"Just remember that dad would want you to be happy so stop feeling guilty and get on with your life. Now if you will excuse me I have an appointment to look at an apartment."

I got up and left and it was a wasted trip. I didn't like the apartment or the area it was in. I stopped on the way home and had a bite to eat and a few beers so it was a little after seven when I got home.

Little Jimmy was asleep in his crib and I didn't see Nessa anywhere so I assumed she was in the bathroom. I went into my room and it took me a moment to realize that something was wrong. Then I saw that the bed was stripped down to the mattress. Then I saw all my things were gone from the top of my dresser. A quick check of the dresser drawers and my closet showed they were empty. I walked out of my room to go looking for Vanessa only to find her standing right outside the door waiting.

"Where are all my things?"

"I've moved them"

"Where to and why?"

"I've moved them into the master bedroom and the why is simple. You are now the man of the house so you need to be in the master bedroom."

"You mea�"

"That�s exactly what I mean" she said as she started unbuttoning her blouse. "This afternoon the doctor cleared me to have sex again. Are you coming?"

I reached to unbuckle my belt as I started down the hall behind her. I went cautiously for the first one and then we managed to get one more in before little Jimmy started fussing and Nessa had to get up and feed him.

A little over an hour later she climbed back in bed with me. While she was gone I'd had some time to think and when she was back in bed with me I asked:

"Does this man of the house thing mean the same as it did for my father?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you going to go out looking two or three nights a week?"

"Of course not! You are here and not off traveling."

"Maybe not right now, but in the future I might have to."

"After having your son I don't feel near as needy as I used to be."

"My son?"

"Yes! Jimmy is yours and don't bother wasting time arguing with me about it. A mother knows about these things."

I felt no need to argue with her. It could be. The timing was right and I was there and now had no plans on leaving.


After five months of living with Vanessa as 'man of the house' I proposed, but she turned me down.

"It would be too much of a scandal. I'm pretty sure there are some raised eyebrows over the fact that we are living together in the house together, but it can be easily explained that this is the house you have live in all your life and you are just looking after your father's widow and your brother. But marriage would most certainly be scandalous and I shudder to think of how that might affect Jimmy as he grows up."

I saw her point and I accepted it.

Six months later we got the scandal anyway except it wasn't much of a scandal. As with her pregnancy with Jimmy a pregnant Vanessa was a force to be reckoned with. Yep, her birth control failed and according to the ultra-sound we had a daughter on the way. I proposed again and his time I wouldn't let her put me off. My daughter was not going to born illegitimate which is what she would be considered if Vanessa was unmarried when she was born.

It came as no surprise to me that when Nessa and I married the most of what we heard was "It's about time you two did this" and "What took you so long?"

It didn't surprise me because I knew the people I grew up with and grew up around. Even Vanessa's mother said;

"I wondered if you were ever get your head out of your ass and do it."

Our pretense of living together but separate hadn't fooled anyone.

Mellissa Ann Dalton came into the world at seven pounds and she owned me from the minute her little hand had grabbed one of my fingers and looked up at me smiling.

Nessa decided that two were enough and with my approval had her tube tied.

The birth of her second child changed Nessa's hormones or something because once the doctor cleared her she was no longer the sex machine she had been. Three or sometimes four times a week were enough for her although some of those night ran a bit long. One thing did not change though and I heard plenty of:

"Fuck me baby, fuck mommy harder" and "Fuck Mommy, fuck my ass, like that, oh yes, fuck my ass, fuck mommy's ass."

I hoped I'd be hearing it for the rest of my life.

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LizziepeeLizziepee11 days ago

A very good story Bob

peter4870peter4870about 1 month ago

Great! But would be a good idea to turn on the grammar checker! 😀

imhaplessimhapless4 months ago

Cute -- and original; I like original. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

WTH, horny MILF, now she's a widow, hell yes keep her in there family. Loved it, five stars!

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