Mike & Karen Ch. 20


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She'd remembered asking DeBourne once about why he tucked his thumb into his fist when he flexed his arms, and he'd explained that in professional bodybuilding and posing, thumbs stuck out when you flexed hard, and this was a distraction you did not want the judges noticing. So you tucked your thumb into your fist to make sure their attention was not drawn away from where you wanted them looking.

Sure enough, Karen had looked up pictures of famous bodybuilders, and they always seemed to have their thumbs tucked into their fists. It struck her as the same reasoning to not have a lax hand in a photo shoot- she didn't want anyone noticing her unused hand. Her shining hair just touched the flared shoulders of the jacket.

"So is it true you're not the only woman in the science department?" Cheryl asked while she crouched down and took some shots. She realized that Karen was a natural at posing, and it would require very little instruction on her part to get what she wanted from the girl. "There are others?"

Karen nodded briefly before turning her head slightly for Anderson to take some shots. "Some, yes, but we're hardly pioneers, after all."

"Then what makes you different?" asked Cheryl, still snapping away.

"I think my contribution to women in science continues in the vein of Ada Lovelace," Karen explained, touching a finger just under her chin as she looked off somewhere whimsically. "Women in my social stratum have very little mobility, the vast majority leading the comfortable life of trophy wives. That was never a life for me."

"And this is your message, your crusade, then?" Cheryl queried. "Demonstrating that our women readers are capable of moving outside that box?"

"Not my crusade, per se, I have plenty of those already," Karen allowed. "But there are too many bright female minds never afforded a real opportunity, because the money they represent is deemed more important."

"You've certainly made a name for yourself on campus these past two years," Cheryl pointed out, moving to another angle. "And especially in the sciences department. It seems to be the case that you have few or no equals."

"I have equals, certainly, just maybe not in my little niche field that I've adopted," Karen clarified. "We have actually made positive steps toward consolidating the research of the various fields, rather than competing, and we hope this means great things in short order."

"Most people tend to think of the sciences as being cut and dried," Cheryl mentioned. "But the university has said there is something of a camaraderie in the department. You even have code names for one another, they told us."

"...yes..." Karen said somewhat warily.

"And just to add to the fun, you don't get to pick your own code name, it is more or less assigned to you," the woman continued. "Have you been given one?"

"...yes. Another student suggested it, and it stuck."

"And what might that be?" Cheryl asked.

Karen thought of the name DeBourne had stuck her with, and tried not to scowl and ruin the photo session. "Chromium Mist."

Pete, the lighting guy, burst out laughing.


Blackwell Manor, the present...

"Dude, I'd forgotten exactly how gi-fucking-gantic this place was," Ted remarked, looking around. "I don't think I've been here since, what, Grade Nine?"

"It's been a while," Alex agreed, nodding as he walked his friends through his new residence. "But now that I live here, I can have you over whenever I want. I figured we'd game and practice our music here, if you guys're okay with that."

"Duh, are we okay with that..." Dave mocked, tapping the side of his head with his fingers and crossing his eyes. "Playing in a goddamn mansion? Yeah, I think we're in, genius."

"We can store all our gear and instruments here too," Alex added. "But I actually brought you guys over here to show you something else."

"Better not be your pee-pee, or I'm leaving, fag," Jimmy teased.

"You've seen my pee-pee and it makes you weep with envy," Alex snarked back. "Makes my wife scream in pleasure, however."

"Shaddap," his friend grunted, scowling. "Not fair reminding everyone you've got the hottest girl anywhere."

"So if you didn't lure us here to show us your dick, why are we here?" asked Greg, looking around. He was the only one of them who hadn't visited the place before, and his eyes were bugging out of his head.

"Two gaming rooms my dad and I have set up," Alex announced, bringing them to a room on the main level in the wing as opposite from the ballroom and conservatory as possible. He opened the door and showed his friends in...

"What... the... fuuuuuuuck..." was all Dave could manage on everyone's behalf as they gaped at the interior.

"Welcome to the RPG room, guys!" Alex announced proudly, enjoying their reaction.

The entire room was lined in wood panelling, and had dark wooden beams on the walls, giving it the feel of a medieval or fantasy tavern. The floor was sprung wood. Two long, dark wooden tables were set up with ornate wooden chairs, and in the center of each was a long, flat-panel display. The walls were lined with props of armour, shields, and weapons, and the room was lit by LED torches and candles.

There was even a fucking bar, with real kegs!

"The mead dad and I are making is in the kegs, so that'll always be available," Alex said as he watched his friends walk around in wide-eyed wonder. "Ari and I've programmed the displays inside the table for just about any map or background, so we can play any genre pretty damn easily."

"I have such a fucking hard-on right now," Jim breathed. "It's like I'm in one of the taverns we start quests in."

Alex grinned. "Hidden speakers in the walls, so we can play music too, and it won't be intrusive. Y'like?"

They all mumbled and nodded rather vaguely, still stunned by their surroundings.

"Right, well next door is another room I think you retards'll enjoy," he said, herding them back out into the hallway. He led them to the room over, and headed in. It was still mostly empty, but in one corner stood a lone arcade console game.

"Welcome to the other games room," Alex announced. "Dad and I only have the one game so far, but we're getting a bunch more as soon as we find them. Whole space is gonna be full of classics."

"Fuck me, is that Rampage?!" Dave exclaimed, hurrying over to the corner. "It fucking is, holy shit!"

"Yeah, it's plugged in, go ahead and give it a shot, guys," Alex said, pleased. "Once we've got the power issues sorted out, we're gonna have the walls lined with console games. A few of the more advanced consoles we pick up'll have multiple games inside to choose from."

"I'm playing Ralph!" Jimmy almost shouted as he jostled his way in front of the game.

"Yeah, you would, fur-fag!" laughed Ted.

"Play nice, ladies," Alex called out as he heard the gaming begin, the three players thundering around the screen with their giant monsters. "Keep it civil, or I won't-"

"Helloooooo!" Alexa chimed as she swished into the room, smiling dazzlingly at her nephew-husband and wearing a largish beach towel. "Having fun?"

"Just showin' the guys the new playgrounds," Alex replied, smiling at the most beautiful woman he knew. "They seem to like the idea of the arcade room."

"Boys," Alexa sighed, smiling and rolling her eyes before looking at the knot of young men not far away, engrossed in the game. "Y'mean they'd rather do that than see me in my new microbikini?"

Alexa was already removing her towel as the guys all froze and slowly turned around. Even Alex's eyes bugged out at the sight of the barely-there fabric that ostensibly qualified as beachwear. The two tiny vertical strips of black, held together in places by small silver rings, barely covered her nipples and areolae, leaving the rest of her large, creamy breasts exposed. The high-sided thong, once again with silver rings on the sides, barely covered her pussy. Small crystals glittered on the ends of the strings of the garments.

"Y'like, boys?" Alexa asked, turning to the side and cocking one leg to show off her ass while she ran her hands through her voluminous locks of golden hair.

None of them said, anything, just staring stupidly.

"I think they approve," Alex mused, coming over to his giggling wife and putting her towel back around her body. "Not that I'm objecting, but why're you walking around in your new non-kini?"

Alexa shrugged. "Fre'n'Jeanie are coming over for a jacuzzi sesh in the solarium, so I was just dressed ahead of the game, in case we can't go buff for some reason. I thought I'd drop in on you and your troops. Oh yes, speaking of..."

She walked over to the boys, who were still gawking at her, their mouths wide open. "Which of you guys are the paintballers?"

The four boys looked at one another before Ted and Dave raised their hands.

She nodded, her voice taking on an authoritative tone. "Good. We need two more for our team this Sunday, so you guys just volunteered. Savvy?"

They both nodded.

Alexa pointed at Jim and Randy. "You two're coming too, we need a cheering section. Other people will be there, but it never hurts to have more. Got it?"

Jim and Randy both nodded.

"Excellent," Alexa announced, before looking past them at the video game and making a face. "Ooh, sorry, guys. I got you all killed."

The four young men all looked at the console and shrugged. "Eh, no harm done," Randy said.

"So which of you is best at playing it?" she asked.

"Me!" Ted, Dave, and Jim all barked as they returned to the game and decided to show the insanely hot blonde who was king of the monsters. Alex just shook his head and put his arm around Alexa, pulling her into his side as they watched his friends squabble over the game.

"This is gonna be fun, isn't it?" she said quietly and dreamily. "Us, our friends, actually able to have a good time here."

Alex nodded and kissed the top of her head. "Yeah, I'm thinkin' so. It'll be nice to-"

He paused and frowned as he watched his friends playing. Clearly, machismo was taking over, and when one of them was down, the others made a show of trying to squat over the downed monster and teabag them.

"The fuck're you doin', Ted?" Jim hissed as the gorilla punched and worked its thighs over the werewolf.

"I'm humping your face off, bitch," Ted shot back, laughing. "Unh! Unh! Unh!"

"Mom's gonna kill me," Alex sighed, shaking his head. "I bring you morons over to play a classic arcade game, and you turn it into a kaiju sex massacre."

Alexa paused for a second after what Alex said and then looked at him, her eyes wide. "Oh my God! Alex, that's it!"

"What?" he asked, rather confused. "What's it?"

"The name of your band!" she exclaimed. "Kaiju Sex Massacre! It's so beyond perfect!"

"What? No!" Alex protested.

"But it's perfect!" she insisted.

"I am not calling my band Kaiju Sex Massacre," Alex said firmly.

"Guyyyyyys!" Alexa whined, turning toward Alex's friends and bouncing up and down until her towel fell off again.

The game was forgotten as the young men all sensed naked female flesh on display and turned to look again, staring dumbly.

"Alex thinks that my idea for your band name isn't good enough," she said, pouting, her hands folded in front of her crotch, but pushing her massive breasts together. "I think Kaiju Sex Massacre is a great name for you guys, it fits your sound."

The all turned and glowered at Alex.

"We live in a democracy, DeBourne," Ted said haughtily. "And we all think Kaiju Sex Massacre is a perfect name for our sound!"

"Four-to-one, you're outvoted." Jim added.

"More like an autitcracy," Alex grumbled under his breath. "Fine, we're Kaiju Sex Massacre, you horny fuckers."

"Yay!" Alexa squealed, clapping her hands and bouncing up and down, almost causing Jim and Dave to faint. "Speaking of bands, you big strong boys don't mind being the roadies and crew for my gals, the Replicants, right? It's only a few times a year."

"We don't mind at all, do we, guys?" Jim assured her before glowering at Alex. Alex just rolled his eyes in response and waved with his hand.

"Double and triple yay!" Alexa laughed, bouncing some more before picking up her towel and covering herself again. "Thanks, guys! I can't wait to tell the girls. Enjoy your games!"

She swished over to Alex and giggled as she gave him a kiss on the cheek before wiggling out the door. The guys were already occupied again with the game when she turned and looked at Alex from the doorway. She flung her towel open, revealing that she'd somehow removed her tiny top, and jiggled her glorious tits at him before disappearing.

Kaiju Sex Massacre, Alex thought, pulling his hand down his face. That's just splendid. We won't be playing any kids' birthday gigs, that's for sure. And now she knows she can make these morons do anything.

He shook his head again. His dad had always insisted he never stood a chance when his mom wanted her way, and now Alex understood why.

He'd never question the persuasive abilities of a Gordon-Blackwell woman ever again.


An elegant society room, St. George Campus, 1987...

"Okay, now lean into the dresser just a little more, and turn slightly to face out," Cheryl said as she kept taking pictures. "Yes, now gaze out at something rather distantly..."

Karen controlled her sigh as she complied, leaning into the Victorian furniture and turning her lovely face out and slightly up to gaze at some point on the far wall. She was wearing a form-fitting black dress with silver accents, black gloves that came up past her elbows, and one of her expensive necklaces, pearls with silver fittings. In her free hand she held a long, black cigarette stem, from which protruded (predictably) a cigarette.

"Good, good," Cheryl said, thrilled with the shots she was getting. Karen Gordon was utterly stunning, and the readership would eat this up. How often were they able to have an exclusive session with one of the most eligible heiresses on the continent? "Okay, now... I know you don't smoke, but pretend to smoke."

Karen gave her a look. "I don't know how one pretends to smoke, I'm afraid."

"Just... suck the smoke into your mouth without inhaling, and then gently blow out, that's the only effect I need," Cheryl instructed. "Don't worry, the cigarette is very mild."

"Hooray..." Karen muttered to herself, trying not to scowl as she put the stupid stem between her lips and attempted to not look awkward or cave her cheeks in as she sucked without inhaling. The end of the lit cigarette glowed slightly, and there was an acrid sensation in her mouth. She fought off choking and tears in her eyes as she elegantly blew tendrils of grey smoke into the air in front of her.

"Amazing," Anderson said, shooting from his angle nearby. "The way the light is catching your jewelry is perfect. Excellent choices, even better than what we brought."

"Thank you, it's authentic," Karen said rather flatly while holding her pose. She held no particular doubt that today's shoot was spectacular, but once again, it had nothing whatsoever to do with the purported subject of this entire endeavour, that being society women breaking into the sciences. "And after this, we can visit a lab and shoot some pictures there?"

Cheryl paused in shooting and looked down at her watch. "Yes, we should be able to, especially if the lab isn't dependent on sunlight for decent exposure."

"Then let's get this set done, I have much more to show you and tell you," Karen said readily, feeling like she was finally making progress. She struck several more elegant poses over the next few minutes, and finally was leading them out of the heritage room and down a hallway. There were some small labs they could use in this very building.


Not far away...

"Is there even a name for the type of little crown-hat-thingy that Jughead wears?" Lisa asked as she walked down the corridor with Mona, Janet, and Mike. They were all returning from a free lecture on examples of proto-feminism in early literature.

"Yeah, it's called a clubhouse beanie," Mike answered as he strode alongside them casually, making sure his pace was slow so that he didn't leave the women behind. "They were mostly known in the Depression era, kids would make 'em out of whatever scraps they could find."

"You sure have a knack for grabbing my childhood by its throat," Janet sighed, shaking her head. "Any other completely unnerving facts you pound into my va-"

They all paused as they were met by the image of Karen coming down the hallway, wearing an incredibly elegant and sexy black dress, while followed by the magazine crew. They could see her sigh in despair as she stopped in front of them.

"Good afternoon, Holly Golightly," Mike said, smirking and earning him a sour look from his peer.

"Oh, wow," Cheryl said, looking way up at Mike. "You wouldn't happen to be rich, would you?"

"Him?" Karen almost exclaimed. "Wealthy people like me regularly hired knights to slay beasts like him when they came to eat the town's virgins!"

Mike raised an eyebrow at her censure.

"He is rather shaggy, Cher," Pete mentioned. "Seems unlikely."

"How many virgins would we have to feed him, anyway?" Beth mused, her voice somewhat distant.

"Let's go," Karen said irritably, marching by her friends, all of whom were smirking. "I can feel Blackwell Manor's property values dropping already!"

The magazine crew hurried after her, but not without Cheryl looking back at Mike and making a telephone motion with her hand and mouthing the words 'Call me!' silently.

They watched as the small party disappeared, before Janet finally spoke. "Is there anything that woman can't wear and make it look drop-dead sexy?"

"And why was she carrying a cigarette in that ridiculous stem?" Mona wondered.

"Lucky bitch," Janet muttered under her breath.

They all looked up at Mike. "What about you, Gargantua?" Janet asked. "Not like you to not have anything to say."

Mike blinked, snapping out of his staring and glancing down at his associates. "Uh... y'know, if you two were dating, your power couple name would be MonaLisa?"

All three women just scowled at him and walked off, leaving him standing in the middle of the hall.

"Was it something I said?" he wondered out loud.


"Oh, wow..." Valentina said as she stared at the framed picture in her hands, her eyes wide and her mouth dry. The picture inside the elegant frame was of Mrs. DeBourne, standing in a classy pose, wearing a posh, form-fitting black dress like something out of 'Breakfast At Tiffany's', holding a long cigarette stem in her hand and looking off at something.

So elegant... so classy... so sexy, so... beautiful... I can't imagine how-

"That's a favourite of mine as well, I think," someone said behind her, causing Val to squeak loudly and jump, throwing the picture into the air behind her.

Karen almost causally caught the spinning picture without even looking and smiled as Valentina turned around, her eyes wide and her heart almost visually pounding in her chest. "We just found it in some boxes, so I thought I would see how it looked there on the dresser. What do you think?"

"Omigod, Mrs. DeBourne!" Val said in a loud whisper, trying to compose herself. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't... I didn't mean to... I hope you can excuse..."

Karen just looked at the girl, slightly amused by her panicked dithering. This was almost too easy, but the payoff was worth it. "Go on, darling."

"I... I..." Val said, blushing furiously and now looking at the floor, her hands folded in front of herself. "I'm really sorry for snooping, but I just saw this new picture on your mantle and... it's beautiful, ma'am."
