Mike & Karen Ch. 11


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Her heart pounding was all she could hear, and she forced herself to use the final remnants of torque to assume a pose, looking at her original audience, one foot poised daintily behind the other, one hand on her hip, and her bobbed hair rippling around her face. Her eyes met theirs, and she could see the stunned expressions on all their faces.

She breathed as deeply as she dared, and now she heard cheering all around her. Glancing about, she noticed that many people walking through campus had been looking on. They were clapping and calling out. She smiled and bowed gracefully before strolling back toward the group. Even a few of those girls were clapping now and laughing in delight.

"I believe this is yours," she announced as she approached the boy who had teased her, holding the board out with one hand, ignoring the strain through her wrist. "It's a tad unbalanced toward the front, though."

He took it back, looking at her in wonder. He then looked down at his board and smiled before handing it back to her. "Nah, you keep it. I've got another. I think you've earned this, and I know a master when I see one."

Karen accepted it back and nodded to him while those around them agreed and applauded. She retrieved her books, said her goodbyes and continued on her way toward the dorms, bursting with glee. Who on earth could she possibly tell, though?


Not far away, in a room of the Physics department ...

"So, what's exciting about Calabi-Yau manifolds is that they can explain how superstring theory works on a much more basic and fundamental level," he explained, pointing at the complicated model on the computer screen, while encouraging his associate to lean in and look closer by putting his huge hand gently on her back.

"It's pretty," she said, watching the brightly coloured thingy on the screen rotate slowly. "But it looks like a flower, not a string. Howzit become a string?"

Mike pursed his lips as he tried to suss out how to explain this to her. She'd asked what he was doing over in the Physics department, and seemed keen on visiting it. While sex with her was a given, there seemed to be some conditions to be met first.

What those were, he wasn't sure yet. She was a liberal arts student, and while she was no doubt perfectly adept at her chosen field, she was somewhat stereotypically ditzy. Did she expect him to have a time machine and to make love in it? He wouldn't put it by her expectations. She'd asked him in the bar if he was working to make all that 'Star Trekky' stuff happen in real life.

"Well, in twelve-dimensional theory, tiny basic units we call manifolds can help for explaining infinite density in strings, which act on the three basic forces on a subatomic level. If we're right, compactification can affect time and space. An example would be faster-than-light travel."

"So, like, if you have a flower in space, and unravel it into a string, we can travel along that string faster than light?"

Mike blinked, trying to understand how brilliantly wrong she was. Her analogy was sheer genius in missing the mark. One day, he'd try to break her idea down into math, to see if it led anywhere.

"That's close enough," he said finally, smiling and caressing her back. She smiled and wiggled under his touch, enjoying it. "I wish I had more than just a computer model to show you ..."

"Mmm, well, maybe later," she purred, turning toward him and giving him a sultry smile as she leaned against the computer table. She was rather lush and attractive, even if somewhat dim. "But I'm willing to bet you've got something else to show me ..."

Things had gone a little quicker than anticipated, since he hadn't considered fucking her here in the lab, especially in the middle of the day. Fortunately, there were no classes scheduled in here for at least two hours, and he noticed that she'd closed the door behind them. Things seemed to be going at exactly the pace she had anticipated, anyway.

She sauntered up to him, looking up as he towered over her. She couldn't have been more than a hundred and sixty centimeters at a stretch. She, on the other hand, was convinced this made her the perfect height for what she had planned. She kept her eyes locked with his as she reached out and slowly fondled the bulge in his jeans, thrilling to the size of it.

"Time to check out your manifold, big boy ..." she whispered in a sultry voice as she began unbuckling his belt and then unzipping his pants. She slipped a hand inside his boxers and her eyes widened slightly.

"Looks like I've got a full evening," the girl murmured as she sank to her knees while she drew his cock out of the vent in the front. "Ever done it in a physics lab before?"

He watched as she began kissing the head gently, then sliding her tongue along the length of the shaft. She kissed the head again, then flickered her tongue against it before taking it inside her mouth. She was a rather small girl, and his member was indeed big, so her mouth stretched around the head and she took a deep breath before trying to push forward.

Then he heard laughing outside and movement caught his eye. He turned his head and looked out the window. Not far away, he could see a small knot of students standing on the sidewalk near the central lawn. To his surprise, he could see Karen Gordon standing with them. They were watching another student doing a handstand on a skateboard, rolling several meters before falling on the grass. He then returned, and they seemed to be challenging Gordon to do something.

She took the skateboard and then turned to observe the sidewalk intently. He could see the wheels in her head turning. Clearly, she had no idea how to ride a skateboard, but she wasn't about to let that stop her.

Well, this should be interesting ... he mused to himself.

"Hey, Einstein, I'm down here!" he heard some voice say.

Predictably, she moved forward with the smooth, mathematical precision he had come to expect from her in just about all her waking moments, the skateboard hitting the pavement and her body turning upside down and balancing above the board perfectly.

Everyone gaped as she glided smoothly down the pavement, failing to notice, seemingly, that her physics had indeed taken over and her skirt had flopped down around her waist, exposing her tiny panties and most of her ass to everyone outside.

She reached the grass easily, and then cartwheeled into a dramatic stance, taking the skateboard with her. Mike smiled and shook his head. It couldn't have happened for anyone else.

She returned to applause, and all the students congratulated her. She was allowed to keep the skateboard as a war trophy.

"You're really something, Gordon," Mike said to himself, nodding.

He heard a door click and a small rush of air. He blinked and looked back into the room, noticing that he was alone, with his pants and boxers still around his ankles. His semi-hard cock throbbed forlornly.

Seconds later, the door opened again, and Professor Hunter entered. He paused upon seeing Mike standing there, clearly not know what to say.

"It's ... not what you think ..." Mike said apologetically.

"It couldn't be," Professor Hunter replied, giving him a wry look.

Dammit, Gordon ... Mike thought darkly to himself.


The present: the Kjaer-Le Tourneau residence ...

Lying on the huge bed, Alex was looking at the ceiling, a rather dazed expression on his face. Lying on her side, Jeanie was curled up next to him, watching him intently while she traced a finger along his pronounced pectoral muscle.

"Not bad, huh?" she said, giving him a smile. Her curly brown hair cascaded over her. Her soft breasts squashed against his ribs and she poked his nose.

"Yeah," Alex said, nodding slightly. "Freja being absolutely crazy about you makes perfect sense now. I get it."

"Oh, no need to lie," she giggled, moving around until she was sitting on top of him and smiling down into his blue eyes. "I don't need you to hold me up on a pedestal with Lexi, I promise. I just wanted to show you what it's like when I'm in love."

"And I'm not lying, Jeanie, I get it," he replied, reaching up and caressing her face. She sighed happily at his touch, closing her eyes and enjoying the affection. "Let me tell you something, and I'm being honest: if you ever loved anyone, and they had the chance to express themselves, and they turned their back on you, Jeanie, then they're beyond stupid. Freja's so damn lucky to have you."

"Hey, easy, slugger!" she laughed. "Impressing you already drained my tanks; don't try to make me fall in love again just yet."

"Dork," he chuckled, squeezing her breasts and making her giggle and squirm. "I think you two are a great romance, Jeanie. I'm sorry about the hurt and heartache you've had in your life up to this point, but maybe it was just meant to get you here, y'know?"

"Yeah, that's what I like to think," she sighed, arching her back and stretching her arms overhead. "Gnnnnn, she's such a perfect match for me, y'know? She's a shameless slut too, and we're never happier than when we're sharing. We've dedicated our lives to making one another as happy as possible, and pleasuring one another as much as possible."

Sounds like a pretty fantastic marriage to me," Alex agreed as she reached between them and began massaging his cock. It didn't take long for him to get hard, and then he smiled as Jeanie slipped him back inside her gooey pussy. It wasn't really fucking, just more of a need to share closeness and intimacy. Jeanie loved the feeling of a cock inside her. "You're quite the catch, Le Tourneau."

"Mmm, honey-dripper ..." she cooed as she leaned forward, supporting herself on his chiseled chest as she began rocking back and forth slowly. "So, you're really okay with your mom and your wife going at it?"

Alex shrugged: "Hey, if I'm not there to look after her needs, then who better than my mom?" he reasoned, as weird as that sounded. "I trust Alexa implicitly. She's never given me a reason not to."

"Don't get me wrong, I love it," Jeanie continued, squeezing her inner muscles around him. "I think they're so hot together, but ... don't you think it's a little weird?"

"I'm already fucking and married to my aunt," Alex pointed out. "Who am I to condemn incest? If anything, I would think your marriage is more normal, and you'd be jelly if Fre was out fucking other people."

"Good point, but since I'm not jealous, I guess you get a pass," she said cheerfully. "I mean, Fre's probably letting your dad tear her apart right now, so fair's fair, right?"


"And it doesn't bother you that my wife is fucking your dad right now?" Jeanie asked.

"You were before you met Fre," Alex reminded her. "And my mom, come to think of it."

"Ooh, right," she giggled. "I'm none too bright, y'know."

"It's one of your endless charms," Alex laughed as he thrust deep inside her, making her cry out.


Freja panted and ground down hard, riding Mike's cock. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her teeth clenched, feeling him throbbing deep inside her. One of her hands rested on his thigh as she faced down his body. Sweat streamed from her and she gasped, feeling his palm smack one of her ass cheeks, the delicious sting electrifying her nerves. Damn, he was even bigger than his son. His was the biggest cock she'd ever had inside her, no doubt.

She'd pushed one knee forward while stretching the other leg back, up alongside his massive torso. This tightened her pussy and made it feel like he was splitting her even wider, a gorgeous sensation that made her want to scream in ecstasy.

And why wouldn't she? She was in the DeBourne house, which was certainly not small, and had enough land around it to prevent any yodeling on her part from readily reaching the neighbours, especially since the windows were closed against the bracing October air.

Another palm crack on her cheek made her hiss with delight. She clenched hard around him, pumping up and down with a will. Maybe she wasn't his match sexually, especially with his overwhelming strength, but that didn't mean she had to make it easy for him, did it?

The brute power of his body enthralled her and struggling back against it was a joy all its own. She knew that Jeanie felt submissive and kittenish when dominated by sheer muscle, giving in to it. Freja loved defying her submissive side for as long as possible, because it made the final surrender all the more wonderful for her. As subs, Jeanie was the kitten, Fre the brat. What better dynamic could they ask for?

Mike was cheating and pushing up with his hips, sending his cock so deep inside her that it felt like he was up in her thorax. Her breath caught in her throat and she juddered, losing her rhythm. She realized that she wouldn't recover and could no longer contest him. She surrendered and sent herself hurtling forward into the colossal orgasm that crashed in around her senses.

Pleasure splintered through her, shattering her sense of universal order as Freja shrieked loudly, feeling his cock swell inside her and begin pumping its precious cum. It felt molten inside her, lashing her pussy with the heat of the sun. Delight lanced up her spine and her vision blackened, sparks and explosions of colour behind the darkness. She barely felt Mike's powerful hands squeezing her ass cheeks and heard him exhaling as he came.

Time meant nothing to Freja, and she had no idea how long she lay prostrate atop his long, powerful frame, almost like a dead thing. He was still deep inside her, hard and throbbing, although no longer cumming.

Freja finally stirred, steeling herself before pulling off his massive cock. She did so with a loud, wet 'POP!', grunted and flopped forward, trembling. It was several minutes before she could reorient herself.

"For poker, man," she muttered as she felt his still hard cock press against his ass. "Does that thing ever go down?"

"He has a mind of his own," Mike said, shrugging and putting his arms behind his head on the pillow. Freja slowly crawled up and lay into his side, her arm on his massive chest. "You're quite accomplished in bed."

"Fair praise from you, with that kraken between your legs," she replied. "Your wife, she is made of iron, I think. She would be okay with us doing this?"

"She couldn't care less, I assure you," he confirmed. "If memory serves, she's told you on more than one occasion that it was fine. I don't think she likes the idea of me going untended to for an entire week, because I would drown her upon her return."

"Det er forstaeglit," she giggled. "Although I am thinking there are worse ways to go."

"Not that I object, but what brought you this way to begin with?" he queried. "I suppose I could have asked when you got here, but you had my pants down before you were fully in the door."

Freja shrugged now. "Alex said something very kind to my Jeanie, something that meant a lot to her. I thought to give them some alone time, since this would allow her to express her appreciation most readily, you see?"

"I get that," Mike said. "Alex probably misses Alli as much as I don't like being without Karen."

Freja nodded: "I would not like the idea of being separated from my yndling, I confess. And sex, it is different with you, ja? With Alexa, Alex, or even your wife, I am feeling intimacy. With you, while I like you, I have no need for intimacy. We are ... oh, what is the term my Jeanette uses ... 'friends with benefits?'"

"Sounds about right," Mike agreed cheerfully. "I'm a married man, after all; it wouldn't do for you to get a bad case of the feels for me."

"Even if you were not married, I do not know that I could be intimate about you; your body terrifies me."

"I get that a lot," he said as she crawled on top of him and looked down at him. "Happy I could keep you occupied."

"It certainly is preferable to milling around in a mall, I know this," Freja concurred. She stretched and wiggled her butt before clambering off her titan sex partner. She stepped out onto the balcony, still naked. It was cool outside, but not cold.

Mike checked the messages on his phone briefly, before getting up and heading outside to join Freja. She was looking out into the dark at the low moon, her arms crossed, taking a hit off a joint. Mike stood next to her, towering over her. She offered it to him, but he just held up a hand politely.

"It is nice here," she mused, gazing into the night sky. The balcony off the master bedroom faced the rear of the property, and the far side of the yard was lined with tall firs that concealed them from view. It was safe all year round to be naked like this. "I am liking Toronto. It is dynamic in comparison to little Denmark, especially Roskilde."

"A lot more people," Mike allowed. "A lot greater ethnic diversity. I think we'd be jealous of your long history."

"I am looking forward to having a Canadian identity as well as my Danish one," Freja said, smiling. "I know Alexa considered herself always Canadian in her heart, but also identified with the many countries she lived in: England, Wales, France, Italy, Germany, Denmark ..."

"Miranda certainly kept her moving around," Mike chuckled. "Probably for the best."

"You all have taken this in stride very well," Freja said. "It does not bother you, that she just disappeared, taking Alexa with her and no explanation?"

"Of course we all wanted to know," he replied, shrugging. "But we trusted Miranda, when she asked us in her single letter to give her the benefit of the doubt."

"It was hard on Alexa, not knowing," Freja mused. "She knew not to press her mother about it, of course, because Miranda was so very stubborn. But she always hoped her mother would tell her one day."

Mike nodded and leaned against the rail, looking out into the night. "Something happened, something with her husband. I'm assuming it terrified her so badly that she left immediately, no hesitation. And she didn't want anyone else in the middle of it."

"That is what I am thinking," agreed the Danish girl. "She did not want whatever it was to become some trauma for the entire family. Because she no doubt would have been safe here in Toronto."

"Apparently she didn't think so, and here we are," Mike pointed out. "And there was trauma, certainly, but maybe it would have been worse. She'd never given me cause to doubt her judgment before, and I wasn't about to start when it was most necessary and important to her. She asked me to look after Karen, which I did. I loved that woman dearly."

"I am sensing that," Freja said, smiling up at him. "But I did not come here to discuss the sad things. Aside from the good fucking, I also wanted to thank you for allowing me to patent the kinetic jewelry. I think it will be good for Jeanette and I. She was worrying about ever feeling useful and I am thinking she will be good at her part in making this work."

"And what is her part?"

"Modelling it to effect, of course. And she can charm people into buying and wearing it. My Jeanette is very charming when she wants to be."

"Well, I'm happy to be of service in giving the patent to you," Mike laughed. "I've always had a soft spot for your wife, and I've liked you since you stepped into that airport terminal. You and I have quite a few things in common."

"Oh? Like what?"

"We're both tinkerers, for instance."

She smirked. "For me, this is a side effect of being an engineer. I do love to tinker and build things."

"You do have a rather Rube Goldbergian air about you," Mike laughed. "Alex said you couldn't even keep from messing with your toaster."

"It just needed some tweaking," she sniffed. "But it would be nice to have a partner to tinker with. It is not exactly in Jeanette's ... her ..."