Mike & Karen Ch. 07


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"Did you know that you apparently teach a Voyeurism course?" he grunted as he dragged the girl back to the desk and presented her to the professor. Angela sat up, seemingly unimpressed as the girl blushed furiously.

"Kim," she said sternly. "What the Hell? This is not okay!"

"I'm sorry, miss," whimpered the girl. "I've known that you two were ... I just wanted to see, you looked so beautiful, please don't hate me!"

"I don't hate you," the teacher almost purred as she took the girl into her arms. Mike's eyebrow rose as she kissed the new girl almost lovingly, seemingly not at all concerned about his cum getting all over her clothes. The girl kissed her back, almost desperately. "Spying, girl?"

The girl pulled back from the kiss, her face flushed and breathing heavily. "I ... I've done it before, miss. I just had to see what you were doing, and I had to see him."

"Well, clearly I'm the interloper here," Mike observed, not at all concerned about his nudity in front of the new girl. "And also not your only student tryst."

"No," the professor said, shaking her head. "You're my only male student lover, though. And it's not as big a risk as you might think, DeBourne, especially if the students don't take any of your courses. You should remember that if you ever plan to teach."

Mike shrugged: "Well, hello, Kim. I'm Mike."

The girl smiled shyly and nodded at him.

"So you intended to just hide in my closet and masturbate?" Angela asked, making the girl blush again and look at the floor. "You might've asked if you could join, you know. I doubt our friend here would object too much to having two girls at once."

"I'm sorry," Kim said quietly, still looking at the floor.

"Me too, because he just came, and none of it's in you," Angela pointed out. "I guess your penance is going to be licking all his cum off of me, isn't it?"

Kim's eyes widened in excitement and she nodded eagerly. Mike watched in fascination as the girl knelt between the teacher's spread legs and began lapping hungrily at her gooey pussy, getting his cum out of her. Angela fondled herself, smiling almost lovingly down at the girl before looking up at him and winking.

"So, I know we're living in a day and age where consent is of ever-increasing importance, but I'll ask all the same," Angela continued as the younger woman lapped at her slit. "Would you object to Kim here joining our little trysts?"

Mike shrugged: "Not like Vitamin E is in short supply. If you're happy with it, I am."

Angela smiled slyly and crooked a finger, beckoning him closer. He approached, looking down at the girl between her legs. Kim came up for air and saw him standing nearby, his massive cock not far from her face.

"Woof," she breathed, reaching out and placing her tiny hand on it, giving it some experimental strokes.

"I think that's a two-person job, my love," Angela purred, sliding off the desk and kneeling next to her student. "Let's play with it together, shall we?"

Mike stood still and closed his eyes, feeling the mouths and hands of the two women on him now.

God, he loved university life.


"There," Karen panted as she held onto the shoulders of Mitchell, and her legs hooked around his waist. "Now isn't this much better?"

"Gnnnn, can't believe I'm doing this," he moaned, his hands on her breasts, massaging them in circles as he thrust his cock up inside her pussy. "He's right fuckin' there, I can feel him."

"Oh, come now, what's a little skin and membranes between friends?" Karen breathed, thrilled to be enjoying herself. Behind her, Robert, the other boy involved, was holding her by her ass cheeks, which he spread while slid his member deep inside her derriere, in time with Mitchell's thrusts. Pinned between them like this, she was loving the challenge of fucking and squeezing them both, something she rarely got to do.

She knew what Mitchell was referring to, the fact that his scrotum kept slapping against Robert's, since their genitalia were so close to one another's as they fucked her. She also didn't care much, to be honest. He was just being macho and neurotic, she was certain.

"Here, a little something extra to distract you ..." she gasped. She turned her torso to the right, leaving her hips facing Mitchell. She exalted in the stretch and how flexible she was, how she was the only person she knew who could do this. Turned to the side now, she reached for their heads and gently pressed them down toward her abundant and now readily available breasts. The two boys sucked on her nipples, even as they kept thrusting inside her, trying to break rhythm with one another so that their balls quit slapping together.

Karen craned her head back and moaned as they sucked her breasts, her arms now resting around their shoulders. True, she was propped on Mitchell's thighs, and Robert's hands were on her ass cheeks, but she was still sinking down even farther onto them than before, and it felt utterly divine.

She needed to find another girl who could play with her and Lisa, so that she could get double-penetrated more often, like back in boarding school.

She felt their teeth biting on her nipples and she groaned rapturously, working on squeezing them individually, which took considerable effort, but clearly paid big dividends in the pleasure department. She flexed her ass cheeks and rocked around, making Robert moan, before squeezing her pussy around Mitchell, eliciting a similar response. Both boys were trembling as they tried their best to fuck her into a blissful coma. They wouldn't, of course, but they were getting an A for effort, and they would indeed make her cum.

Karen panted, her body shining with sweat now as she moved herself up and down on her lovers, synchronizing their thrusts up into her once again, even if it meant balls touching. She'd come over to this house just off campus, having been entreated by both of these young bucks to share a night of passion. She had agreed, finally, but only if she had sex with them in tandem.

They may have balked initially at the notion of being so close to one another, but the bragging rights for saying you got laid by Karen Gordon was too good an opportunity to pass up. Not fearing for her safety, Karen had walked over and met her paramours that night. Several rounds later, she could feel that their energy reserves were finally tapped. Once they'd made her cum this time, she'd be heading back to her dorm.

They were gripping her tighter now, and she could feel their bodies trembling. Whether the boys liked it or not, they were synchronizing their orgasms, and it made her giggle. She squeezed them harder with her ass and pussy, hearing their little moans become louder and louder.

"Wait for me, boys ..." she managed to gasp, feeling the wondrous, tingling sensation that heralded climax starting to course through her. She rode a little harder between them, driven to heights of delight by the feeling of their cocks throbbing inside her, almost swelling as they approached the finish ...

Karen threw her head back and sighed loudly, cumming hard, even while both boys began pumping their cum into her. She ground and writhed between them, almost feeling their cocks press together inside her, separated only by the thin, slick membrane between her pussy and ass. Scintillating colours washed through her, an unreal bliss that made her feel like she was floating on clouds of pure pleasure.

Almost drunk on the hormones pumping through her body, Karen felt like she was in a swoon, gravity turning into nonsense and her limbs little more than galactic strings of tingling stars in their thousands. So warm and wet, like gooey caramel that oozed deliciously through one's fingers.

"Mmmmm, that is exactly what I came over for," she purred, hugging them both close to her. She had turned her torso to the front again, and Mitchell was wearily kissing and sucking on her nipples. Robert was kissing at her shapely back. "Let's lie down like this, shall we? I'm not done feeling you inside me ..."

Robert gingerly shuffled backwards and slowly eased himself down onto the bed, trying to keep himself inside Karen's ass, and making her giggle at the shifting sensation. Her legs unwrapped from around Mitchell, and she laid them outside of Robert's, keeping her spread wide enough for the blond boy to lie on top of her, although her needed to prop himself up on his hands to do so. He looked down at her somewhat uncertainly, but she smiled up at him with what seemed like genuine affection and caressed his cheek.

"You both did so well," she said in a soft voice. "It's been a long time since two boys made me climax that hard."

"Thanks," Robert said tiredly beneath her. "You, uh ... you really rocked my socks tonight."

"Reciprocity is the key to happiness," she agreed, wiggling her behind on top of him, making them both moan. "Never forget that lesson, gents."

"D'you ... think we'll do this again?" Mitchell asked, his cock still buried in her pussy. But she could feel them both beginning to soften inside her, and she had no intention of ending up glazed like a toaster strudel.

"I will consider it," she answered, nodding to him. "Just remember, I'll be expecting more of the same, and at least one more round from the two of you, so you'd best eat your Wheaties beforehand."

The two boys nodded wearily.

"And now," she announced, sitting up, making Mitchell step back and pull out while Robert moaned loudly as she sat on his cock, sinking it deep inside her again. "I believe you two told me about a bathroom and shower I could use?"

Mitchell nodded and waited while she gingerly clambered off Robert and wrapped a towel around herself. He led her down a hall to the bathroom, in which there was indeed a shower stall, thankfully only big enough for one.

"Thank the Lord for effective birth control pills ..." Karen thought to herself as she squished through the bathroom door. Inside the shower, she cleaned herself meticulously, emerging to dry up and get herself ready to leave. She came back to the bedroom, smirking as she saw Robert still lying naked on the bed, while Mitchell sat on the opposite side, looking quite drained.

"I enjoyed myself very much, boys, thank you," Karen said cheerfully as she started to slip on her dress, forgoing the bra and panties she'd worn over to the house. "You delivered on your promise of a good time, and I won't forget it. Don't worry, I can find my own way out. Ta!"

Leaving them laying side-by-side on the bed, she went down the steps to the main floor and out the front door, closing it behind her.

"Ladies ..." she lilted at two girls who were sitting on the verandah, smoking and gaping at her in astonishment before looking back at the door she'd emerged from. She went down the steps and headed the few blocks back to campus, feeling very good about her night, and circumstances in general.

This was even better than boarding school life


"Wow, Kar, two guys at once?" Alexa murmured in fascination as she sat in the whirlpool opposite her older sister, each of them holding a champagne flute in their slender hand. Both were naked, of course, since there was no modesty or formality between them at this point. They were completely comfortable around one another. It was only natural.

Karen shrugged: "Hardly my first time, nor my last. Did you think you had a lock on that sort of behaviour with your easy Millennial and bohemian ways?"

"Well, no," Alexa giggled, smiling cheerfully. "It's just ... you're my big sister, and you're so regal and dignified. And against all odds, you made getting fucked by two guys at once sound regal and dignified, it's just ... strange and awesome to me."

"I'm sure you look quite glorious when you have two men inside you, Alli," Karen replied, winking. "Sexuality fits you like a crown."

"Perhaps, but guys are not required anymore," Alexa agreed, shrugging. "With Alex in my life now, I've got the only man I need. Same for you and Mike, I assume?"

Karen nodded: "Always. If I ever happen to couple with another man, which is extraordinarily rarely, it is for a given circumstance, one my mighty husband would overlook. I have, on one or two occasions, had sex with Dr. Stevenson, when we were at one of his intimate parties, for instance."

"Hard to imagine ever needing another man if I had Mike around to tear up my insides," Alexa mused.

"Need wasn't a factor in the equation at all," Karen explained. "For example, six years ago, the Stevensons were hosting a swingers' party, and the numbers went askew, leaving the good doctor without a partner at one point since his wife was already accounted for. Michael was already busy with some women, and it wouldn't do to have the host feel left out, so I simply mounted him and rode him into the sunset, so to speak."

"Like taking one for the team," Alexa said, sipping her champagne. "A noble gesture."

"Precisely," Karen agreed. "While Michael is, indeed, everything I desire in a man, he understood long ago about these parties and how they might work out this way. And in thirty years, I have been with maybe three other men for a brief period. That works out to one a decade, not bad for a swinger's lifestyle."

"I guess my relationship with Alex is still too new to countenance those kinds of things," Alexa admitted. "It also makes sense that Mike could overlook it, since he doesn't need to be territorial about you, does he?"

"We have supreme faith in one another, Alli; I can't begin to imagine giving him cause to worry," the older sister pointed out. "What could another man give me that he doesn't? We don't need more money, his love for me is unconditional, and you've seen what he does to me in bed ..."

"Yeah, I do spy on your guys quite a bit," Alexa admitted, blushing. "My bad."

Karen waved it off. "You're just spying on your older sister having sex; you're not the first younger sister to ever do it, it's completely normal and we don't mind. Even if it weirds Alex out."

Alexa giggled as she shuffled around the jacuzzi to sit next to her sister, snuggling in close. "It does. But he'll adjust. He never seems to have had anything like an Oedipal complex about you, according to him."

"That's good to hear," Karen said, putting her arm around her little sister's shoulders. "We were too busy raising a young god to worry about psychosexual neuroses. Alex lives in awe of me, same as he does with his father. The only Freudian rebellion in there against his mother-figure is that bent sense of humour he gets from Michael."

"Well, he has your dry, acerbic wit as well, I might add," Alexa stated, clinking her crystal flute against Karen's. "Is it weird that I'm perfectly willing to share Alex with other girls, like even Heather, but I'm not the least bit interested in being shared by other guys?"

Karen shook her head. "I'm convinced that most Blackwell-Gordon women are decidedly bisexual with lesbian leanings, to be honest. I'm pretty sure I preferred making love to women more than men over all. But then a particular man steps into our lives, and all other men fall away, never to matter again. For mom, it was dad, for me it was Michael, and for you, it was Alex."

"So, I'm just carrying on the tradition of the women who came before us?"

"Be proud of it, little sister," Karen said, smiling warmly at her younger sibling. "Because I promise you won't regret the choice you've made."

"I already know that, Kar..." Alexa purred as she leaned in and gave her sister a loving kiss.


1986 ...

Kim gasped and whimpered as she lay on top of Angela, the two women kissing one another hungrily. They squirmed against one another, splayed out on the desk in the professor's office while Mike stood between their legs, pushing his cock in and out of the dainty, slender student. He could almost hear her hips popping as her pussy tried to accommodate his huge member.

Tongues plunged and tangled between the two women, hands groping breasts feverishly. Kim shuddered and then Angela groaned as Mike pulled out of the student and slid deep inside the professor. He held Kim by her ass cheeks as he fucked Angela now, less gentle than he had been with the younger woman, whom he was still somewhat afraid of breaking, although she certainly got credit for not flinching.

Mike had begun to think of the two as a couple, to be honest. There was clearly some emotional attachment between them and they were just using him for sex, not that he minded. Kim seemed almost slavishly devoted to the teacher. He also found it interesting that she was one of Professor Coulson's business students, which defied the logic she'd preached to him a week before about how risk was minimized by not sleeping with one's actual students.

He shrugged and continued on, smirking as the older woman convulsed around his cock, kissing the student greedily to keep them both from screaming. Once she had finished her orgasm, Mike pulled out of her and pushed back into Kim, who keened in depraved pleasure. He fucked her strongly until she too wailed, cumming hard. He pulled out of her pussy and pumped his hand along his length, grunting as he fired several spurts of thick, creamy cum onto her ass and up her back. As the women lay still, clearly spent, he teased this throbbing head up and down their wet slits before sliding slowly back inside Kim, who murmured in pleasure.

The sex session over, Kim got up wearily, put her clothes back on and left the office first. Angela was smiling at the closed door while she dressed, sitting on the desk.

"Lovely girl, isn't she?" the teacher mused as she pulled one of her nylons up.

"Very nice," Mike agreed casually, not actually thinking one way or the other. She was just involved in his tryst with the business teacher, and their three-ways were hot. What wasn't to like? "You've been her lover for some time, I take it?"

"Quite a bit longer than one would readily admit to in most company," the older woman answered, her tone an elusive one. "I'm glad she's to your liking."

"She hasn't given me a reason to dislike her, barring her little spying stunt," he said, shrugging. He watched as the teacher snapped her garters back into place, noticing that she hadn't done anything about cleaning the sticky mess of cum off her chest. Perhaps she intended to at home. Whatever. "And I don't mind if she joins us, as long as she can keep her mouth shut."

"I'm sure you'll find a way to persuade her, handsome," Angela said in a seductive voice, getting down from the desk and slinking up to him, her hand now stroking his cock. She smiled up at him as he towered over her, clearly thinking he was ensorcelled by her. "She's well worth accommodating, take my word for it."

She left a lipstick kiss on his pectoral muscle and then helped him dress. As he walked down the hall, he couldn't help but think something was amiss. And he'd be damned if he knew what it was.



She admitted that it felt strange to be here, now that the campus had become her residence. Sure, everything was completely familiar, just as she'd left it, but every time she came home for a visit, things just felt even more remote than they had before. And Karen had to admit, she'd never felt completely comfortable in her own house.

Of course there had been happy times, all of which she treasured, but the mansion had a sterile, almost museum-like quality to it, as if nothing was to be disturbed, even when in the recreational rooms. White walls, accented with marble and molded plasters, the intricate tiles on the floor, nooks and alcoves lined with vases, busts and works of art.