Mike & Karen Ch. 06


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Neither of them tried to prolong the orgasm, and both strained, arching their backs and leaning back on their hands. Gasping, panting and almost yelping, they squished against one another desperately. Alexa grit her teeth while Heather shuddered and almost spasmed, her breath catching in her throat. They both cried out in rapture as they came, bathing one another's pussies with their mingling essences.

Both girls collapsed back on the bed in opposite directions, chests heaving as they stared at the ceiling. Alexa purred and caressed her breasts, her hips still working slowly against Heather's, undulating expertly. Heather could barely move, stunned by how hard she'd cum. She felt Alexa unwrap herself from their sapphic tangle, and slowly turn her body around until her face was at Heather's pussy. She hugged Heather's hips and began lapping lovingly at the frothy, mingled cum on her lips. Heather did the same happily, shivering at how they tasted together on Alexa's womanhood.

Minutes passed as the lovers cleaned each other of their cum before they finally sat up again, assuming their previous position, locked in a body-to-body embrace, legs wrapped around one another. They kissed deeply and sensually for some time before Heather blushed and hid her face against Alexa's shoulder.

"Dammit," she said in a tiny voice. "Totally in love with you again ..."


"So, how did your little endeavour turn out?" Karen asked as she walked alongside her younger sister through the campus, under the shade of the tall canopy of trees. Karen was wearing a stylish sundress, while Alexa had wiggled into a pair of form-fitting capris and a tank top.

"Better than I imagine it should have," Alexa admitted. "I mean, yes, I'll do anything to protect my relationship with Alex, Kar, but I still feel bad for what we did to Heather."

"I understand," the auburn beauty said gently, pulling her sunglasses above her forehead. "But like you said, you and Alex were seeing everything through a filter of dread, where there were no good or happy choices, just less painful ones as you stumbled forward. So Heather is doing fine?"

"Yeah, I guess," Alexa replied. "I kinda fucked her so hard she fell in love with me. I guess that worked to my advantage, but ..."

"Being a sex goddess has its drawbacks when you feel guilty about how you use it," mused the older sister, reaching down and squeezing Alexa's hand. "It may not have been the kindest method available, Alli, but it's the one you knew would ultimately work. There's something to be said for that, and it probably made Heather's life easier somehow, once she didn't feel played anymore."

"I'm glad she allowed me to explain everything in full detail," sighed the blonde. "It gave her some perspective. Sure, she jumped into bed with me because she was horny, and that made her question her seriousness about Alex, and I didn't have to do anything to seduce her. She already pretty much wanted it. I just left the door open."

"Which served your purposes anyway," Karen added. "If you weren't around, she might have been a decent fit for Alex, but nowhere near as good a fit as you are. You two are perfection."

"Well, if anyone would know about that, it's you," Alexa said, blushing slightly. "Still so many hurdles to overcome."

"Indeed there are, and you two have certainly locked yourselves into place for a world of potential hurt and inconvenience," agreed her older sister, looking straight ahead while she spoke. "I know from experience, although perhaps not to the same degree as you'll encounter. But Alli, I promise you: he thinks that it's worth it ..." she turned toward Alexa: "... that you're worth it."

"I had a lot of ridiculous social stigmas to overcome when my peers found out about Michael, some virtually penniless pleb from Northern Ontario. But that didn't deter me, because I loved him. Once I'd made up my mind, I would have left everything behind for him, my family included."

"Fortunately, it didn't come to that," Alexa pointed out.

"And I promise that Michael and I will never force you two to choose between yourselves and the people who love you," Karen said in a quiet but assured tone. "Because I would miss you both so very much."

Alexa smiled, but her eyes were misting and she resisted the urge to wipe at them with her finger.

"So Heather's going to be fine?" Karen asked, getting back on the original topic.

Alexa nodded. "She wants to be casually sexual with me, for sure. If she likes the lesbian thing, I can probably fob her off on Fre and Jeanie easily as well."

"Does she want anything from Alex?"

"She doesn't know, but at least she respects that it's his choice," Alexa replied. "I think Fre and Jeanie and I keep him pretty used up as it is."

"Hard to imagine," Karen mused, smirking lightly. "I'm glad this worked out, Alli. The toughest parts are yet to come. Forget the legal complications and challenges, we have to endure what the Blackwells will attempt to do once it's known about you and Alex."

"What do you think they'll do?" Alexa asked uncertainly, looking at her sister while they walked.

"I have, since dad became ill, fought off several challenges to the estate, by members of the family who want to be the controlling interest. I've kept it in a trust, executed by me, as his oldest direct relative. People keep challenging my right to be the executor, since I'm not even in the business at all. And when they find out about you and Alex, they'll attempt to spin that as me being unfit to carry on the family name, legacy and controlling interest. It won't be pretty."

"I'm sorry, Kar," Alexa murmured, looking at the ground now.

"Don't be; if it wasn't this, it would have been something else, Alli," Karen said firmly. "And we are not going to balk when those little jackals come sniffing around, I promise you. They're going to learn their place."

"How will you do that?"

"We will be doing it," Karen stated, stopping and turning to look at her sister. "It's about time they got to know you anyway. Some time in the near future, you and I will go and hold a formal meeting with the rest of the family in Quebec City, and protect dad's legacy once and for all."

"I don't know how, but I trust you a hundred p, sis," Alexa said, nodding. "Whatever I can do, count me in."

"Good," Karen said, folding her arms and smiling. "Because no Gordon-Blackwell woman ever turned down a good challenge."


"Now listen, honey! I just wanna be beside you everywhere!

As long as we're together, honey, I don't care!

'Cos you've started something, can't you see,

That ever since we've met you've had a hold on me!

No matter what you do!

I only wanna be with you!

No matter, no matter what you do,

I only wanna be with you!"

The crowd in the pub roared its approval as Mike finished the song, singing it to Karen, who sat primly on a stool onstage while he serenaded her. She made a show of fanning herself or blushing for effect at his words. He held his hand in the air as he finished and nodded his head.

"Thanks, folks! That was in memory of Alan Longmuir, who was just taken from us recently. May the hills of Heaven be ever plaid for him, and may thistles never get caught beneath his kilt! Thanks!"

He escorted Karen down from the platform by the hand and back to the table, where Alex and Alexa waited. Father and son clinked glasses and drained their Guinness before ordering another round. Alexa watched on in amusement while Karen smiled and shook her head.

"I love Guinness, but you two knock it back like it's tap water," Alexa mused, tracing her finger around the rim of her own drink, a wheat beer with a peach accent. "Is there some sort of secret society Guinness drinkers belong to?"

Alex nodded. "We have our own secret handshakes and everything. When you see a complete stranger in a bar drinking Guinness, you raise your glass and nod your head, because you know he's just better than everyone else."

"Okay, so what do us peach wheat beer people do?" Alexa queried.

Her husband thought for a moment and shrugged. "Engage in buttplug relays?"

"Alex!" Karen chided, frowning at her offspring across the table. "Be nice to Peach Wheat Beer, she's had a long couple of days!"

"When did that become my nickname?" Alexa asked. "Last I checked, wasn't I 'Aunt Honeybunch'?"

"Alli, try to keep up." Karen said dismissively.

"Remind me to never be caught in the presence of hotdog water..." muttered the younger sister, drinking her beverage. It was very fruity and rather stereotypically gay.

"Well, Alli, Karen says you've acquired a new girlfriend," Mike quipped, raising his new glass of Guinness to her before draining it quickly. "Cheers to weaponized sex!"

"Here here!" Alex agreed, draining his pint glass as well.

"Hey, you!" objected Alexa, looking at her nephew-husband. "I did this for us, you know!"

"Yes, but as a helpless slave of your sexual dynamism, I can't help but plead Stockholm Syndrome, can I?" Alex reasoned. "I've been completely subverted."

"And don't you forget it." Alexa warned, pointing her fruity drink at him. Mike chuckled while Karen shook her head again. "I'll have you on the Thai slave market in no time. You must be worth a few bucks..."

"The important thing is that Heather is not going to be an obstacle to your future happiness," Karen interjected, holding up her champagne flute, in which sat sparkling wine and absinthe. "Even if Alexa must sexually enslave half the planet, I for one am very pleased for you both. The march to victory continues."

"One act of tribadism at a time!" Alex said loudly, earning him a look from his wife.


Michael and Karen sat side by side on the chesterfield, poring through the pages he had printed off earlier that day. They contained exhaustive references to legal considerations for avunculate relations and marriage from all over the Commonwealth, the European Union, and even the United States. Court cases reaching as far back as a hundred years prior were mentioned. Nothing went unread, and no detail escaped their notice.

The two had no intention of letting the younger couple fight this battle alone, nor even carry the greater burden of it. Their lives in love were meant to be bliss, not a daily toil and agony to be endured. They would encounter enough challenges without also fighting the wall of legal bureaucracy this matter entailed. But Michael and Karen had both the time, and the determination, to make the system bend to their will, and to acknowledge that they were right.

"How different do you think things might have been for all of us if they hadn't fallen in love?" Karen mused as she leafed through documents, looking for a specific precedent that had been alluded to in another case.

Mike shrugged slightly. "Not better, I imagine. Like we'd already told them, they could just be having casual sex, exercising themselves on one another's bodies, and we wouldn't have blinked. The complication is strictly their emotional bond to one another, nothing else."

Karen considered and nodded. "Alex might have kept on dating other girls, maybe Heather, and Alli would've probably brought Freja over and married her, barring the Jeanie aspect. But you're right, things would not be better. Less messy, maybe, but certainly not better."

Mike smiled. "Since when was 'not messy' ever our MO, princess? Remember the frat boys and the Talisker shots?"

Karen winced. "Ugh, don't remind me. My sphincter clenched just at the mention of it."

"Poor sphincter," Mike replied in a voice rife with mock sympathy. "I'll be gentle with her later."

"You're incorrigible, male," Karen sighed, shaking her head. "But you are indeed correct; we haven't really ever shied away from the difficult, have we?"

He smiled at her. "Not with you by my side, no. Never. I can do anything."

She snuggled into his side. "I told Alli I'd be taking her to meet the family and have that war out finally."

He raised an eyebrow. "Sort of a harsh introduction, don't you think?"

"Inevitable, really," she sighed. "Whether we say anything or not, they'll somehow know about her relationship with Alex before the trip is up, and then the war begins. I'd rather control the narrative and just prepare her. She's a tough girl, tougher than she thinks. The past year has been rough for her; we might as well use that conditioning to her advantage."

"Well, as long as it doesn't change her," he allowed. "I'd miss quirky and fun little Alli."

She raised an eyebrow as she looked at him. "And do you mean to say that you miss some delightful aspect of me that was burned out of my psyche long ago, replaced by the Iron Queen?"

Mike chuckled as he pulled her into his lap, letting all the papers fall away. She made a production of rolling her eyes at this welcomed inconvenience, her hands now resting on his massive shoulders as she looked down into his ice-blue eyes.

"You've always found time to show me your silly and irreverent side, woman, and I've guarded that secret jealously ever since," he answered, his massive hands resting on her jeans-encased butt. "No one else is entitled to it, not like I am."

"You've certainly earned it," she agreed, nodding, feeling her heart fluttering in her breast. "And you've never flinched at my shortcomings."

"I don't even know what those are," he replied. "You're as close to perfection as anyone has ever been allowed to come, Karen. I never had a chance. There's nothing I wouldn't have given up for you. Nothing I wouldn't have done for you."

Karen controlled a shiver, remembering, long ago, exactly what Mike had done and sacrificed for her. It was an enthralling, heart-gripping terror she would never forget. She kissed him then, letting all other worries and considerations fall away. Even if only for a few moments of bliss and love, everything else could wait.

He was the rock she stood on, braced against all adversity. He gave her a bravery to face all odds, and a determination to see any crisis through. Long ago, she had nearly killed herself with alcohol poisoning to teach a lesson to a bunch of stupid frat boys. And the world didn't need to notice, as long as he had, and approved. That was all that counted, even if she couldn't admit it to herself at the time. A crazy stunt to impress a boy.

And she knew that she was his inspiration, the driving force he needed and craved, to make the journey through a world he was too big for, somehow worthwhile. She'd committed to being his everything, because she loved him so dearly that her own life lacked purpose if it wasn't about loving him. Yes, they would both still be absolutely brilliant physicists and people if they didn't have each other, but so what? None of that mattered now, did it? Not without each other.

The kiss ended, and she looked deep into his eyes, loving everything she saw there. Thirty years, and still she could find something new in his soul to love every day. She nodded slowly, knowing that they were reaching a conclusion in their minds, one that didn't need to be said but would anyway, just for perfection's sake at this moment.

"They need us," she said quietly. "I'll fight the whole world for them and their love, Michael."

The blond giant nodded: "Together, Karen. Always together." The blond giant nodded; her slender fingers knotted into his, the pact and the bond between them remembered.

"Let the heavens tremble..." they said to each other in quiet but potent voices.


Author's Notes: R.I.P., Alan Longmuir. You will be missed.

The great thing about the narration of past events, is that you know how things ultimately turn out, so they tend to be fun, emotional romps, without many insane plot twists. In the present, I wanted to get the matter of Heather dealt with, since she was something of an (intentional) loose end that required resolution. And hey, when is Alexa getting involved in graphic lesbian sex ever a bad thing?

Much like early portrayals of Jeanie, I wanted Heather to be a sympathetic character, even if she is not at all central to the plot. I could have been lazy and just said she moved away over the summer, but I'm quite intent on making Alex and Alexa continue to confront the scope and implications of their still-taboo relationship, and the effect it can have on others, no matter how mundane or petty it might seem. I want them acutely aware of it, rather than callous and uncaring, because I don't like having sociopaths for main characters.

Young Karen continues to impress even me, and I already know what I'm writing about her. But seeing it laid out in a readable format makes it that much more enjoyable, if you know what I'm getting at. As controlled as she may seem in the present-day stories, it's important to remember that she is still very much young Karen as well. She has never lost that kamikaze, go-big-or-go-home attitude so aptly displayed in this chapter. She may not get to express herself this way very often nowadays, but rest assured, it's still there. The meeting with the Blackwells in Quebec will test the limits of her nerves, no doubt.

I'd always known that Kee was going to die, because she is, in a sense, my representation of the "Missing And Murdered Indigenous Women's Report" happening here in Canada as we speak. As a nation, we're finally owning up to the fact that countless native women have gone missing and died horribly over the decades, and we shamefully did nothing. So no, don't count on Mike ever finding out who murdered his beloved friend, because that's not what happens in 99 percent of those cases.

And yes, young Mike is terrifying. He needs Karen in his life, even if neither of them knows it. Not because he's some violent beast with an uncontrollable temper, but because he is, in Karen's estimation, a force of nature to keep appeased. If she's a regal female deity, then he's a demiurgic thunder god to keep placated. If Mike is rapt with her relentless will and how far she is willing to push herself, she is in awe of how he must hold back.

I hope I showed a different, rarely touched-upon side of Alexa here, and hopefully it didn't make her come across as a bitch, because that was not at all my intention. Yes, it hopefully brought to light how far she would go for Alex, but also displayed her willingness to accept responsibility for her actions and to not trivialize how they affect others. She knows she's manipulating Heather, to a degree, and she doesn't like it, so she opens herself to accepting whatever castigation is required for getting her way. She's willing to pay the piper, so to speak.

I mostly left Alex out of this chapter, since it was getting long as is. Don't worry, he'll be back. Same with Jeanie and Freja. I can't go without my crazy duo for too long.

Well, I'm sitting at over 2,570 followers as of this writing, and I am, as always, flattered and humbled by people's enjoyment of my work. It means a lot to me, and thank you.

Welp, onto the next chapter of whatever story is up next. Have a great summer, boys and girls.

Keep your stick on the ice!


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Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 2 years ago

You're doing an excellent job of expressing the love between Mike and Karen. Normally, I'm bord by now due to the repetition of it all. I mean, how many times/ways can you tell or show someone you love them in a narrative story? Somehow, you've managed to keep me on the edge of my seat as I absorb the afterglow of their love. I do NOT get that feeling with Alex and Alexa. Too much "free" sex spread across too many people is diluting that love. 5* still!

josenussbaumjosenussbaumover 2 years ago

"and hopefully it didn't make her come across as a bitch". Sorry BH, but the planning of seducing Heather is very 'bitch' to me. Actually I think it was alex's job to clear up with Heather, but i guess he chickened out. As it stands it looks like heather is a much nicer girl thn they expected.

"Sure, she jumped into bed with me because she was horny, and that made her question her seriousness about Alex" Hmm, why doesnt jumping into bed with Heather (or fre or jeanie) doesnt make alexa feel like if she's cheating?

Until now i like karen/mike much much more than alex/alexa well if karen can stay away from alexa of course

PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 2 years ago

Good chapter. However I feel like sex didn’t need to be used to convince heather, why not just sit her down and talk to her? It would have definitely been a more honest less pulling the will over her eyes…

Anyway I see how you try to ensure and reassure all the readers that Alex and Alexa are deeply in love with eyes for no one but each other. However as much as you try to have us see that we are also seeing Alexa sleeping with pretty much any and all females that cross her path. If I was Alex I would definitely be jealous and uncomfortable thinking of my wife with bunches of other woman.

Alexa as much as I love her as a character still comes across as a lesbian slut, albeit one whose in love with her nephew. I don’t mean this in a harsh manner or anything as Alexa is by far my favorite character of the series but she still comes across to me at least as rather slutty and unable to keep her hands/mouth/tongue/pussy off other females.

Still despite my own personal demons with this chapter, 5 stars from me. I do hope that your future as of yet unwritten chapters will take into account some of what I said and maybe slowly work towards Alex and Alexa being monogamous.

I would say that maybe the reason they aren’t already is because they don’t consider themselves legally/properly married and therefore are free to test the waters until they are but alas I can’t say this either as we all know they consider their beautiful glade wedding real and binding. So therefore yeah lol, no can do. But still maybe after their ‘legal’ wedding they’ll stop sharing one another with others?

One can hope lol. Have a great day and I’m onto the next one.

blade_rocknutblade_rocknutover 4 years ago

I've enjoyed the level of intimacy we get with young Mike and Karen. There have been times they've seemed *too* sappy perfect in the present day form, but at least you're not simply trotting them out there as such. The coming of age bits do help with the plausibility, as they realize just how unique they each are and the astronomically slim chances of another human being their equal/ rival/ missing piece. Witnessing them figure this out is wonderful.

And yes...the Alexa/ Heather tryst was quite salacious. :)

taco1085taco1085almost 6 years ago

although I really love this story, I am saddened that Mike will not have the ability to cleanse what happened to Kee. I would have loved to have had the opportunity for him to assist in finding out who did it even though he is at school. the way he tears the information apart and analyzes it and he would see things that others may miss. It would be putting to rest a pain that almost ate him up if it were not for Karen. by the way I love how you wrote that part of the story.. Her confronting him and helping to calm the savage beast before he really hurt himself. thanks for a great read.. ps although like you said a lot of the cases go unsolved, it would be nice to see it solved to give hope to those who have been in the same situation. Kinda like they ( society and police) are really working to make things better.... yes i know it is a story, but inspiration starts somewhere. why not here...

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