Mike & Karen Ch. 04


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"Shuddup, just a moment," Brad almost hissed, not interested in being interrupted. He couldn't see all the action, but now the bronze-haired beauty was sitting on top of some barrels with her back to him, and seemingly the redhead was between her legs, licking her snatch. "'s getting real good now."

"And what do you two think you're doing?" said a deep voice behind them, making them both start and look around. A huge blond man towered over them, scowling. Brad grinned.

"Redhead and another hottie in here, lezzing out," he said before turning his attention back to the action inside. "Wait your turn and you can -"

Both men gasped and squeaked in pain as Mike took them by their necks and squeezed on pressure points. They went up on their toes, unable to cry out in pain.

"You have a choice, gentlemen," the blond giant said in a quiet, but somehow dire voice. "Either we go see the dean and confess what we were up to, or I take you both behind the shed and give you the thrashing you so richly deserve."

"C'mon, dude!" Trent gasped, pain shooting through his shoulders and down to his toes. "We weren't hurtin' anyone!"

"Not your decision, since you didn't ask the ladies what they thought," Mike growled, marching them toward the administration building. "And be glad I'm deciding to just rat you out, because possibly getting expelled is a lot less painful than your alternative."

He dragged them through the doors.


"You are so gallant, Mike," giggled Alexa while she sat on the loveseat, her legs astride Alex's and letting him massage her feet. "I'm glad it rubbed off on your pod here."

"I try at all times to remain preux chevalier," he replied, his arm around his beautiful wife while she snuggled into him on the chesterfield. "One is either preux, or one isn't."

"Are you absolutely certain you didn't steal a peek?" Karen asked, looking up to him and smiling saucily. "I wouldn't have minded, you know."

Mike snorted. "Please. You would have given me absolute hell, if I'd done that and been caught. If I were lucky, you would have forced me to join the janitorial staff for the rest of the year."

"Well, yes, but I wouldn't have actually minded," Karen replied airily, making her younger sister and Alex sigh and shake their heads. "Am I right, Alli, in assuming that you never cared much if you were getting spied on?"

"God, Kar, you make me sound like such a skank," the blonde girl snickered. "But it's true, I mostly didn't care. I wasn't as bad as Fre, she seemed to get off on it. My preference, for the most part, was to not be spied on, but if it happened, it happened."

"What happened to Brad and Trent?" Alexa asked. "Did their asses get booted out of the university?"

"Well, they got severe reprimands, and a definite black eye on their records, but they weren't expelled, unfortunately," Mike explained. "Questions were raised about girls having sex in the beer storage tent to begin with, and a lot of explaining was necessary. Neither of them knew your mother's or Lisa's name, only vague descriptions. Fortunately, there were at least two other girls with reddish hair serving at the time, and another girl with coppery hair, so no one could quite prove anything."

"You really had a penchant for cutting it close, didn't you, Kar?" Alexa teased, looking at her sister and winking. Karen blew her a kiss and snuggled closer into her husband.

"Sounds like mom had some serious karma armour," Alex sighed. "Then again, having a giant berserker bodyguard didn't hurt, either."

"So, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it was Mike showing you up again that got you all hot and bothered, wasn't it?" Alexa suggested, settling down into the couch a little more and humming in pleasure as Alex began massaging her toes.

"Maybe," Karen replied, smiling wistfully. "Admittedly, it also turned me on getting the better of him, because that felt like an amazing accomplishment. But watching him assert himself would get me gooey, yes. I just couldn't admit it to anyone, even if Lisa was the beneficiary of my arousal."

Alex's watch beeped at him and he glanced at it and nodded. "Gotta go and straighten out some registration stuff. You coming with me?"

"Only if you plan to take advantage of me while we're out..." Alexa giggled as she allowed him to ease her off the couch and lead her out of the room to get ready. Mike and Karen sat silently for some time, just enjoying the quiet and one another's company. He kissed the top of her head and she purred and snuggled into him.

"You're doing a wonderful job, trying to get me pregnant," she said lazily, caressing his chest with her hand. "Of course, you'll have to keep trying, until we know for sure."

"And after that?" he asked.

She looked up at him. "Just because you get me pregnant is no excuse to not keep trying, of course."

"You looking forward to being a grandmother and an aunt? A grauntmother?" Mike quipped, caressing her cheek.

"Ugh, I almost like the sound of aunt better than grandmother," Karen sighed. "I feel like I'm too young to be a grandmother."

He chuckled. "A grandmother with a newborn. You were destined to be a great matriarch, my love."

"Alongside you, the great patriarch?" she cooed, looking up at him, even while her hand reached down and began undoing his pants. "Uniting our great houses under your benevolent tyranny?"

"I think my house might prove a little more pliant in that regard," Mike chuckled as she pulled his member out. We'll see how many Gordons and Blackwells I have to punch into submission in your name."

"Mmmmm, just the right amount to turn me on, I'm guessing," she purred as she leaned down and began kissing his massive cock. She stroked the still-soft shaft gently, taking her time. With Alex and Alexa gone, they had all the time they could ask for. "Does your beer wench please you, oh mighty lord?"

"I am her slave, and she knows it," he replied, caressing her silken hair as she kissed and slid her tongue skillfully around his head. She wrapped her lips around the head and then began to slowly bob up and down, taking more and more of him into her mouth. Before long, her lips touched the root of his cock and she hummed in contentment. "My devotion to her is total."

Karen moved up and down his hardening length, thrilling in how much she could turn him on, after some thirty years of being in love. The passion had never once left their relationship and she knew it never would, if they lived to be a hundred.

"Just promise me," she'd once said to him, soon after they'd married. "Promise me, Michael DeBourne, that no matter what, you'll let me die first, my love. Let me die first, because I don't want to spend a single moment in this world without you."

"You have my word, Ekaterina Leda Gloriana Gordon-DeBourne," Mike had said solemnly, meaning it. There was nothing he would ever deny this remarkable woman, his life and devotion. He'd felt like the luckiest man to ever exist, being allowed to try to prove that devotion to her, every day for the rest of his life.

Karen smiled as she saw he was fully hard now. She'd already deftly slipped off her panties and pulled the sundress she was wearing over her head. She looked up at him and stroked his shaft with her hand before rising up and then clambering onto the chesterfield to stand over him. He held her hips gently in his huge hands while she presented her smooth, glistening pussy to him. He gazed longingly at her flawless skin, her toned stomach, magnificent breasts and her angelic smile.

He then leaned in and kissed her womanhood, eliciting a sigh from her, He stirred her netherlips with his tongue, and they yielded before him readily, allowing him inside her. Karen moaned in pleasure, her hands now in his thick, blond hair, caressing and kneading. His tongue probed her pussy expertly, knowing exactly where to touch and how to bring her to the peak of delight before the act would culminate in their lovemaking.

"Michael..." she sighed, her eyes closed as she surrendered to his will.

The sweet tang of her pussy on his tongue was every bit as thrilling as it had been the first time they'd made love all those decades ago, and he could feel the desire in his throbbing cock, which almost ached to be inside her. He pushed his mouth against her harder, his tongue in deeper, and she gasped and shuddered in response, gripping his hair to steady herself.

They both knew the exact moment when she would pull away from his mouth, and he held her gently while she knelt, settling down onto his lap. He waited while she took hold of his huge cock, teasing the head along her dripping pussylips and against her clit for several seconds, enjoying this last, final tease. It was an exquisite, endlessly rehearsed dance between them, one perfected by years of lovemaking, and knowing one another so very, very well.

Her golden-amber eyes looked into his ice-blue ones, holding one another rapt as she finally allowed his cockhead to penetrate her. Then she slowly began to sink down, taking him inside her. She groaned in pleasure as his massive cock stretched her slippery walls wide, pinning her to him. She let gravity do the work, carrying her down until her clit pressed against his base. She closed her eyes and shivered as she adjusted, calming herself. This would not be wild sex, this would deep and meaningful lovemaking, part of their ritual to get her pregnant again. They would cum together, looking into one another's eyes, bound in endless love and dedication to one another.

They kissed, deeply, lovingly. Karen began to move up and down slowly, squeezing on the way down, while he used his powerful hands to help her move, controlling the pace. Karen shuddered as his cock touched deep inside her, the wide shaft throbbing thrillingly, almost in time with her heartbeat. The sensation never ceased to enthrall her.

She moved up and down rhythmically, but also undulated her hips in gentle circles, her incredible core control allowing her to squeeze him in ways most girls would consider impossible. But Karen DeBourne acknowledged no limitations when it came to pleasuring the man she loved more than anything in this world. She would never cease finding ways to bring him joy and bliss.

She gasped and moaned as his mouth latched into one of her nipples, suckling intently while his hands groped her ass cheeks, squeezing and pulling on them. She bit her lip as she felt the delicious sting of his teeth on the delicate bud, his tongue massaging her silken flesh around the nipple wetly. Her fingernails grazed over his broad shoulders, his powerful build dominating her.

She moved up and down more quickly now, feeling her hairline grow damp with the sweat of her exertions. Deep inside her, his cock pushed her walls apart, a feeling like nothing else on earth. His teeth tugged gently on her nipple, sending little shocks through her. Her skin was pink and warm, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Michael..." she whimpered, squeezing her eyes shut.

She churned on his lap, impaled on his manhood, yearning to feel his thick, warm cum inside her. She felt him holding her closer, his heartbeat thundering in his massive chest. She squeezed him harder, knowing it would not be long now. She leaned in and kissed him hungrily, their tongues tangling. Karen crushed herself to him, her breasts squashed to his chest now, rocking in his lap heatedly. She could feel his cock swelling inside her, throbbing maddeningly.

He pulled her in tight as he groaned, and it seemed as if he would break her because of how hard she squeezed, but Karen writhed and cried out in unreal pleasure as she ground on his cock and came hard. Mike shuddered and began pumping his essence deep into his wife's pussy, which accepted his offering eagerly. They writhed against each other in ecstasy until she collapsed onto him, breathing heavily.

Mike sank back into the couch, deliciously spent for the moment, but careful to hold her close, to cradle her in his powerful grip, just the way she craved at these moments. He was her giant and all-encompassing shield against a world gone mad.

Karen stirred and looked up at him finally, her normally bewitching eyes glassy, shining with love. Her hand caressed his face as she mouthed the words "Thank you" to him and then snuggled herself back against his shoulder, content to just be bonded to him this way.

Some time later, she finally peeled herself out of his lap and led him through the house and to the hot tub out back. Once they were relaxing in the tub, she sighed in contentment and looked at him. "We really do need to decide what to do about the families, and how to bring up our little situation to them."

Mike nodded. "My family shouldn't prove too difficult. Especially if we just spring it on them and rely on their tendency to be adaptable taking over. The Gordons won't be nearly the hassle the Blackwells will. And I can't punch them all into submission about this."

"I know," she sighed. "So then Alli and I will go see them in Quebec City, hold court. Without dad in the picture, I'll be able to hold sway."

Mike nodded. "Under those circumstances, you wouldn't even need Alex or myself to be there. You two'll be a helluva tag team."

"I think so," Karen agreed, smiling. "She'll really learn a lot about herself when she meets the Blackwells, I think."

"Might be a good chance for you to see to some other issues as well," Mike remarked, shrugging. "Assuming they've not been resolved by then, of course."

Karen knew what he meant and nodded slowly. "Are you sure, Michael?"

He smiled and nodded. "I see no reason to not trust to your judgement on this, Kar. Whatever you decide, and however it works out, I'm perfectly fine with it."

She gave him a why smirk. "You sure you're not just being a giant perv? What about Alex?"

Mike grinned. "Exactly what moral ground would Little Jamie Lannister have to stand on in this case?"

"Well, none, per se, but she is his wife."

"And she was your baby sister when he took her to bed," Mike reasoned. "At the end of the day, he'll be fine. He just wants everyone happy and for things to get as normal as they can be, whatever that might look like. Sexual tension between you and Alli probably doesn't qualify in his book."

Karen sighed. "I guess it needs to happen. You're right, things can't continue on this way. Thank you for trusting me."

"You've never given me a reason not to. Ever," Mike said plainly. "My world would make no sense if you couldn't be trusted in it."

"In spite of my treachery back in university?" she quipped, smirking at him while she rose, water cascading from her glorious body. She wiggled her wet breasts at him.

"Oh, that's just how you completely warped my worldview," Mike chuckled, reaching out and pulling her close.

"Think I've still got what it takes to be a beer-hall wench at Oktoberfest?" she asked, smiling saucily as she settled into his lap again.

"As long as you're prepared for me to steal the show again by singing with the Glee Club," Mike replied as he fondled her breasts.

"Gaudeamus igitur!" Karen giggled as she surrendered to his molestation.


Author's Notes: Mike and Connor's favourite anime is '"Star Blazers," aka "Uchuu Senkan Yamato" (Space Battleship Yamato), which came out in 1974 in Japan. Get used to my weird and esoteric references, if you aren't already.

Mike and Karen sexually destroying Jeanie and Freja in this episode was wonderful. Karen's line about amateurs coming into her house had me laughing so damn hard as I wrote it. What was left of Freja and Jeanie discussing how their plan backfired as they lay dying in the tub really made me snicker too. They're such a wonderful comedy couple.

Having said that, though, I also quite enjoyed writing their emotional lovemaking scene, because I'm very dedicated to them as a couple. They're very much in love, and showing Jeanie's emotions was important to me.

Karen's relationship with her campus friends is proving fun to write. I enjoy how devoted she is to them, even when they do things she considers utterly boneheaded. Karen pondering "where she went wrong in training her friends" is so very her at this point in her life. I'm really enjoying it.

No, I did not misspell "blithe." Ann Blyth stared as Kathie in the movie adaptation of "The Student Prince" in 1954.

So Mike won this round, in a sense, insofar as her sentencing him to Glee Club prison has backfired on her. He turned it around and used it to increase his already campus-wide fame. Not surprisingly, this made Karen wet, and she took it out on Lisa. Poor girl.

I had Mona reference Wilma Rudolph as a famed sprinter, because Florence Griffith-Joyner would not be a thing for another year or so. Trust me, it's fine.

After the beer supply tent incident, if you still think Karen is the repressed type, well, you're stupid. Stop reading my stories before you get your stupid all over them. Scat.

As you can see, Mike and Karen are trying to give Alex a sibling. Her doctor said it would be fine, even if she's in her late forties, just accept it. Her doctor knows better than you do.

As of April 3, I have over 2,400 registered user-followers. I'm very flattered, so thank you! I do believe Like A Daughter To Me is next, so I'd best get at it, right? See you all in the funny pages.

Keep your stick on the ice!

- Management

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AnimalChrisAnimalChris3 months ago

IMHO, this was the Best chapter, so far. Great work. I have really enjoyed reading the entire catalog beginning with A&A, thru K&A and now cruising into M&K.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 2 years ago

I left the comment in last chapter and it's worth repeating, (actually, not really as the stories well ahead of my read) Alexa needs to clear with Alex before having sex with her sister, just as Mike says. In your story, he'll likely not care but it would shake the underpinnings of a relationship if this were real... 5*

josenussbaumjosenussbaumover 2 years ago

I completely agree with PrinceLuke. Alexa/Karen would really ruin thtis story for me.

Actually, Alexai is already fucking every female, so maybe it wouldnt matter, It would just make alex a bit more cuckolding.

In general I also think there are too many sex scenes, to the point I started skipping them.

PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 2 years ago

This in itself was a good chapter, though I obviously skipped all the flashback parts and Mike and Karen sex. However I did come across this part that I read as it was after the sexual scene ended.

Mike grinned. "Exactly what moral ground would Little Jamie Lannister have to stand on in this case?"

"Well, none, per se, but she is his wife."

"And she was your baby sister when he took her to bed," Mike reasoned. "At the end of the day, he'll be fine. He just wants everyone happy and for things to get as normal as they can be, whatever that might look like. Sexual tension between you and Alli probably doesn't qualify in his book."

Karen sighed. "I guess it needs to happen. You're right, things can't continue on this way. Thank you for trusting me."

This reasoning makes no logical sense, they have to know how this will hurt and affect Alex. Karen and Mike are already fucking everything they want, like legit to be friends with them it seems you must be fucking them as well. But I don’t mind that they can do whatever they’d like I just don’t want them doing Alex and Alexa. I’m really worried about what I will read in the next chapter. Please, please, please let it not be what I fear it is lol.

Anyway this chapter was 5 stars even if Mike seems to not care about how his son would feel seeing his aunty-wife getting fucked by his mother-her sister.

Also that part where Alexa is like simple I’ll fuck heather problem solved. How does she and Alex justify that and be alight with that. Like imagine your wife just fucking everyone else around you. I married her so I would be the only one who got to have her and experience her but she is still doing stuff with everyone else… just rubs me the wrong way but anyway onto the next chapter. 5 stars for this one, despite my reservations about the next one.

lilshymynxlilshymynxover 3 years ago

I loved your Alex and Alexa stories, only recently having discovered them, and I have read that series several times . I was very much looking forward to the continuation of their story, as well as the backstory of Mike and Karen. I was very unsure of the initial sexual dynamic between Alexa and Karen, but I thought it was deftly handled with that scene in the bathroom and the realization that if they did something, it would ruin Alex and Alexa's relationship.

And now this "it needs to happen" and "Well he fucked your sister first, he'll be fine."

Not sure that I want to continue the series now as I think that this takes their saga in the wrong direction. The Alex that I've come to love wouldn't just "get over it" as Mike so blithely states.

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