Mary - XIX

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A mature woman finds love at Spring Break.
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Author's Note: This story also got away from me. It was supposed to be a short 5,000 to 8,000 word story. But then again... well enjoy. I also didn't know which category to put it under, erotic couplings or mature. I chose Mature.

Copyright © 2023 - This is an original work by Zeb Carter and under U.S. copyright law is protected. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Author.

Mary - XIX

Mary and Phillip had been married for fifteen years. Phillip had been fifteen years Mary's senior. Mary now forty years old, was suffering from a deep depression from the loss of her husband. That he had died in his sleep lying next to her was all the more depressing. And that it has been over three months since his death she was still sitting around, doing nothing, depressed her even more. Even though she went to work each day, she was just going through the motions. Her boss told her she was eligible for a month of paid leave, Mary continued to go to work. She did her job well, but she was still depressed and when she got home, she just sat in the dark living room falling asleep on the couch. One bright note that Mary experienced was that she lost a bit of weight.

When her dear friend Lilly calls, she almost orders Mary to come down to Florida to visit. Mary didn't want to, but Lilly, told her, that her husband Paul was up in Chicago on business. And if she needed to Lilly would have him drag Mary down for a well-deserved vacation. Mary finally agreed, just so there would be no confrontation with Paul, even though Lilly was having him stop by to pick Mary up. Mary was ready when Paul arrived, in a limousine. Mary was suitably impressed as the driver put her bags in the trunk and opened the rear passenger door for her to climb into the limo. Paul was there, waiting for her, as she sat not all that far from him. When the door closed, Paul pulled Mary to him and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so glad you will be visiting. Lilly has been worried about you so much, as have I. How are you feeling?" said Paul.

"Oh, Paul, I'm just doing fine. No, really I am. I'm getting by although I do miss Phillip dearly," replied Mary.

"As do we. I'm glad you are doing okay. Lilly is waiting patiently for your arrival."

"And I can't wait to see her," said Mary, hugging Paul again.

Paul sighed as he once again wrapped his arms around Mary. The ride to the airport took a while as it was close to rush hour, even though Mary didn't live all that far from the airport. An hour later, they were in the air and on the way to Florida. The flight took an hour and a half. Getting to the luggage carousel took about five minutes. Mary found Lilly standing there waiting. The two women hugged and squealed like children as they danced around each other.

"Oh my god, you lost weight!" shouted Lilly.

Mary, embarrassed by her friend, just nodded as her cheeks flushed brightly.

"You look marvelous, Mary. Just marvelous."

Paul had retrieved their luggage and was waiting for them to notice. Mary saw him first and nudged Lilly in the ribs with an elbow. Nodding, Lilly took Mary's hand and pulled her toward the door, followed by a smiling Paul. Another limo was waiting for them out front. Paul helped the driver put the luggage in the trunk. He then got in the back with the ladies. He smiled all the way home. He had two of the most beautiful women back there with him. He loved his wife but sometimes Lilly could be a little standoffish when it came to some of Paul's ideas. Especially, about sexual things.

Mary was looking at Paul as Lilly just jabbered on about what was happening and what would be happening next week. Mary just nods her head as she watches Paul out the side of her eye. An hour later, they pull up in front of a wonderful-looking house. It was not only pretty but also big. Anywhere else in the country, it would've been called a mansion. And maybe that's what they called it here also. Everyone got out and grabbed some luggage out of the trunk. Mary of course grabbed her overnight case with her makeup and other private things in there. Paul grabbed her other case and his briefcase. Lilly had to grab Paul's carry-on duffle. It wasn't as heavy as Lilly let on.

"Oh Lilly, do shut up about the duffle!" said Mary looking at her. "Here give it to me you whiny little bitch." Both Lilly and Mary laughed as Mary made a grab at the bag.

"Well, we're here, I might as well carry it the rest of the way," said Lilly.

"Without whining about it?" asked Mary laughing as she stepped through the door being held open by Paul. "Thank you, Paul."

"Thank you, Paul," said Lilly looking up at her husband.

"You're welcome ladies," said Paul closing the front door.

Paul and Lilly got Mary settled in their extra bedroom at the back of the house. Mary stood there looking out the sliding glass door that would allow her to step right out onto the patio where there was a nice big pool and lots of sunshine. She stood there and sighed softly. She also saw there were plenty of lounge chairs to lie out on. Mary turned to the king-size bed and started to put her clothes away. Then she pulled out her bathing suit. It was black and even though it was a one-piece, it didn't look like a one-piece. The sides were non-existent as was the back. The middle of the front was a simple strip of material that held the top and bottom in place and covered her lower tummy. Phillip had bought her this suit and she loved wearing it for him.

Stepping out on the patio, Mary walked to the first lounge chair that was in the sun. She sighed as she looked down at herself in the sun. She had to admit that she looked pretty good. Taking a deep breath, she sat and then lay down on the lounge. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the bright sunlight that beat down upon her. She was still depressed about losing her husband but she finally realized that she needed to get on with her life.

"Oh, here you are," said Lilly as she came out the patio door from Mary's bedroom.

Lilly dragged another lounge chair over by Mary.

"I'll be right back. Are you hungry?" asked Lilly.

"No, dear, just tired," replied Mary.

"Oh, okay, be right back."

Lilly left via Mary's room. Mary laid back and just enjoyed the warm sunshine. Lilly was back within five minutes. She was in a very skimpy bikini. A white bikini. She also had two drinks with her and a tube of sunscreen.

"I fixed you a glass of white wine, dear," said Lilly shoving a small table between their chairs.

Lilly placed the glasses on the table and then just flopped down on her chair.

"Oh, thank you, dear. But don't blame me if I get drunk and make a pass at you," said Mary laughing.

Lilly laughed, as she picked up her glass of wine.

"Paul will be out in a bit to fix us lunch," said Lilly after taking a gulp of her wine. "Would you like me to rub some sunscreen on you, dear?"

"I will need a lot more wine for that," said Mary laughing. Lilly laughed too.

Mary sipped her wine. It was very good. It also relaxed her even more. She thought to herself about what she had said as a joke to Lilly. She wondered if Lilly would want to be with her in a sexual way. Mary wasn't really into women, yet it had been so long since she had any kind of sex... she shook her head to clear her mind of what she was thinking.

"Oh, just to let you know, next weekend Paul and I will be gone. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. We'll be back on Monday evening. We're going up to Florida State to visit with Kathy. She hasn't been home for over a year and is thinking about staying for the summer semester. I think she has a guy who is a teaching assistant, but Paul says no to that."

"Well, I'll get along, I'm sure," replied Mary.

"Also, just so you know, Friday is the start of Spring Break. Florida will be overrun with college kids looking to score with anything in a bikini," said Lilly laughing.

"Well, then it's good I'm wearing a one-piece," replied Mary giggling.

Lilly laughed even louder at that.

"They won't be looking for an old lady like me," said Mary frowning just a little bit.

"Oh yes they will, us MILFs are in hot demand nowadays," said Lilly in all seriousness.

"MILFs?" Mary asked.

"Oh god, you never heard of 'Mother's I'd Like to Fuck'?" asked Lilly.

"NO!" shouted Mary not believing her ears.

"Oh yeah. Those college kids are out looking for us more mature ladies and we don't even have to be real mothers for them to want us, in bed, under them," said Lilly.

"No shit?"

"No shit."

"So maybe I can get laid down here, because it's sure is dry up where I live," said Mary smiling at Lilly, then taking another gulp of her wine.

"I bet you could walk out on that beach," said Lilly pointing to the beach, "and find at least fifty young men who would be following you with their tongues out, dragging in the sand, wanting to fuck the crap out of you. That would be next weekend, as you can see there is no one out there now."

Lilly laughed at what she said. Mary just looked at her friend smiling.

"Well, then I have almost a week to rest up, don't I," said Mary laughing hard.

'She knew she wouldn't be looking for a sex partner anytime soon. Not so soon after losing her husband. Maybe next month,' she thought to herself.

Just then, Paul came out of the house through the living room patio doors with plates running up his arm and a big platter in his right hand. Mary jumped up from her lounge to help the poor man. Paul shook his head as he worked his way to the grill. He skillfully placed every plate on the side table. Mary stood there smiling at him.

"Nice," said Mary.

"Thank you, dear Mary," replied Paul.

"Why didn't you go in and help your poor husband?" Mary asked Lilly as she sat back down in her lounge.

"That's man stuff. Besides he gets his reward at bedtime, sometime before bedtime," replied Lilly.

"You are a bitch?" said Mary getting up and going back in the house.

She closed and locked her sliding glass door, then went and locked her bedroom door and lay down on the bed. She was very surprised at what Lilly had said. Looking over at the patio door, Lilly stood there knocking softly on the window. Mary got up and closed the drapes. She heard Lilly and Paul talking. Then it became silent. Now Mary felt sorry for Paul. She still loved her friend Lilly, but somehow she had turned into a bitch and Mary had to think about that.

* * * *

Mary was floating along in the darkness at peace with the world. She suddenly felt happy. Of course, it could have been the wine, but she didn't think so. Then there were lips on her cheek. She smiled again. She opened her eyes and Lilly was sitting on the edge of the bed smiling down at her.

"What?" said Mary scowling at her friend.

"Lunch or if you would like, Dinner is ready," said Lilly still smiling.

"Okay, thank you. I really am hungry."

Mary tried to sit up, but Lilly held her down.

"I want to apologize to you. You were right I am a bitch. Paul and I talked about what you said, and I've agreed to work on my bitchiness," said Lilly.

"Do you love Paul?" Mary asked.

"Of course I do!" replied Lilly. "I've just become, recently, somewhat of a bitch and I don't know why."

Lilly leaned down and kissed Mary on the lips quickly. She was up and out of the bedroom before Mary could even respond to what had just happened to her. She got up and looked out the bedroom door to the patio. She didn't see either Paul or Lilly. She went out her bedroom door. When she caught the smell of food, she followed it to the dining room. Paul was standing Lilly was seated to the left of the head of the table. Paul waved Mary over to the chair he was standing behind waiting for Mary. She nodded at Paul and went to where he was standing. Mary looked at Paul, leaned in, and kissed his cheek. His smile got even bigger as Mary took her seat. Paul then went to his seat at the head of the table.

"Let's eat," said Paul.

Mary bowed her head not only to say grace but to express her hopes for her husband's soul to be in Heaven. When she looked up, Lilly was watching her. Paul was just sitting there his hands folded in front of him.

"Let's eat," said Mary.

Throughout dinner, there was talking but it was just about nothing except for the next weekend when Lilly and Paul would be gone. The meal was good and filled up Mary for once. Since Phillip had died, she had just nibbled at most of the meals she had bothered to fix for herself. At most, she had sandwiches or soup. She found herself very hungry, yet didn't want to pig out. She felt it might make her sick. So she ate lightly. Once dinner was over Lilly with Mary's help cleared the table and cleaned up the mess in the kitchen. When they went back outside, Paul was lying in a third lounge he had pulled up next to the one Mary had been using. Lilly giggled as she sat in that one. Mary just shook her head and sat in the other lounge.

"Who wants to go down to the beach?" asked Paul.

"Sure, why not? Mary?" asked Lilly.

"Sure, but can we just sit here a minute or so to let our food settle?"

"Sure," replied Paul.

Lilly just looked at him. Her face had a smile on it, yet her eyes filled with anger and he didn't know why.

After about five minutes, Mary stood up.

"Let's go before the sun goes down," she said.

Lilly got up as did Paul. There was a box standing next to the substantial gate on the other side of the pool. Paul opened it and got three large beach towels out of it. He carried them as they walked down to the water. Mary went right out into the water. It was warm and the waves were very gentle. Turning she walked back to her friends.

"I just had to," she said smiling at them.

"That's okay sweetheart," said Lilly. "Now that way," Lilly was pointing to the left, "you'll be headed downtown. Don't worry, it's not that close, and the beach ends about a mile down. This way," Lilly pointed to the right, "is where all the action will be next weekend. All the nice, but cheap hotels are down that way along with the beach bars. Now there might be some people from down there," again Lilly pointed to the right, "that get here, but they can't get on to the property unless you let them. Paul will tell you the code for the gate before we leave. Now which way do we stroll?"

"Oh, we don't have to stroll far. Can we have a fire on the beach?" asked Mary.

"We can, but we won't be out here that long. We both have to work tomorrow. Sorry, dear," replied Lilly.

"Well, we can just sit right here until you guys need to go inside," said Mary grabbing a towel from Paul, spreading it out, and flopping down on it in the sand.

Lilly laughed at her friend as she too took a towel from her husband spread it out and flopped down on it. Paul did the same. Mary just sat there leaning back on her elbows, gazing out across the water. Lilly followed suit, as did Paul. No one said a word as they all just gazed out across the water. Mary sighed and then laid down, her left arm over her eyes.

"What's the matter sweetie?" asked Lilly softly.

Mary didn't answer, she just sobbed. Lilly dropped her head, reaching over to her friend and placing her hand on her right arm.

"Lilly, go, I'll stay with her until she... go, you have to be there early tomorrow, go," said Paul.

Lilly looked back at Mary. She sighed because she had to leave her friend. She got up and went back to the house. Paul moved over next to Mary and put his hand on her stomach. She jerked just a little then settled down still sobbing. Mary lay there, the only thing she could think of was her late husband. She missed him so much. Paul moved until he pressed against her side. Mary sobbed even more. Yet what Paul was doing made her feel wonderful. Moving her arm off her eyes, she saw Paul looking down at her. She thought that he and Lilly were such wonderful friends and she could never repay them for what they were doing. She pulled Paul's lips to hers. When his tongue touched her lips, she opened them for him. When his hand touched her breast, she gasped but didn't push him away. They lay on the beach as it got darker and darker. Paul kissing and feeling up Mary. She knew she shouldn't but couldn't quite stop what was happening. Paul pulled his mouth from hers.

"Should I continue?" he asked.

"No. Thank you. Your wife is my best friend and I would hate to be the one who broke you two up," Mary said glad that Paul had stopped kissing her. He still held her breast in his hand but he wasn't squeezing it anymore.

"She won't divorce me or even hate me, even if she came out here and found us fucking on the beach. She would just join in. She has such a crush on you," said Paul as he gave her breast one final squeeze and moved his hand away.

"Thank you, Paul. And I love Lilly too but not in a way that I would have sex with her."

"She won't push you, but she will be disappointed if you reject her," said Paul.

"She'll still be my friend though?" asked Mary.

"She will always be your friend, but she wants more, she wants to be your lover."

"Are you and she still fucking?"

"Of course. We love each other more than anyone will ever know," said Paul.

"Do you fuck other women?" Mary asked she just had to know.

"No. And neither does Lilly. At least that I know of," replied Paul.

"And what were you trying tonight?"

"I was trying to help a friend and if it took me to slide my cock into you to do that I was willing. I would have immediately told Lilly I did it and it wasn't you coming on to me. Even if it was you coming on to me."

"Oh god, no, I could never have done that to you two, ever," Mary almost shouted.

"I know. I would never have forced you."

"I need to go in and to think and to sleep. What time will you guys be home tomorrow?" asked Mary.

"No problem. Your tits are very nice," Paul said getting up and gathering the towels. "Just so you know... there are several marital aids in the drawer of the nightstand on the wall side."


"You heard me. Lilly put them there before you came to town. They should be clean. We haven't had sex in that room for ages," said Paul as he pulled the gate open for Mary.

"Thank you... uh..." said Mary pulling Paul's lips to hers for a quick gentle kiss.

"Thank you, Mary. Have a good night."

"I'll try to," replied Mary as she pulled the sliding door to her bedroom open and stepped into her room.

She found the light switch on the wall next to the door and flipped it on. She closed the sliding door and locked it. She quickly got undressed and fell into bed. She lay there staring at the ceiling thinking about her day. When she thought about Paul, kissing and feeling her up, she shivered. It had been a long time since anyone had touched her like that. She shook her head got up out of bed and went to the bathroom across the hall. When she was done in the bathroom, she crawled into bed again, pulled the covers up over herself, turned out the bedside lamp, and lay down. She closed her eyes as she said good night to her husband.

* * * *

The next morning Mary got up feeling refreshed, even though she hadn't felt this good in a long time. Looking at the clock, she found she had slept not only the entire night but also well into the morning. And then she was running across the hall to relieve her bladder. When she finished in the bathroom, she felt even better. Going to the kitchen, Mary found a pot of coffee on the warmer. She thanked Lilly for thinking of her, although she would bet even money that it was Paul who made the pot.

Mary sat at the breakfast counter staring out the window. She was mesmerized by the sea. The waves were a little rougher than yesterday. She finished her first cup of coffee and poured another. This time she went outside. Even though all she had on was her panties, she didn't think anyone would say anything as the nearest neighbor was at least a hundred yards away. She sat there watching the waves come in and leave. Their crashing into the beach was thunderous. Mary sat there wondering what it would feel like to sit on the beach and feel all that power washing over her.