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"Got ya," Marley said and disappear from sight. A minute or so later the calf started to move up and sideways.

Bob held onto the crosstree and the makeshift halter and let the tractor pull him out also. When most of the calf was over the hard bank he yelled to stop. For the second time the calf struggled. Bob jumped back as best he could and held onto the halter. The calf settled down as his mother came up to lick the back of his head.

Pulling on the halter, Bob moved around in front of the calf and used one hand to untie the bow in the rope. The calf came down on her side and scrambled to her feet. Bob grabbed the halter with both hands and held on.

Marley came down the cut. "What can I do?"

"Try and get the clips loose without getting stepped on or kicked."

Marley grinned. "No problem, I have my calf proof mud armor on."

"You won't joke if she steps on your bare foot."

Marley sobered and moved in to grab the crosstree. She got the front clip undone on the first try. The calf bucked and jumped forward. Marley jumped back. The second buck the calf made tossed the crosstree and slings ten feet. Marley moved back until she was against the vertical bank.

Bob stepped forward quickly and pulled on the loose end of the rope at the knot in the halter. It slipped and then with a flip of his wrist, the halter flew off the calf's head. The calf froze and then took off at a dead run up the cut with mom in hot pursuit.

Marley watched them go and then chuckled. "You're welcome," she called after them in a loud voice.

Bob chuckled and waded ashore wiping mud as he went. "Calves aren't too strong on goodbye or thank you."

"So I noticed," Marley said and then grinned. "I think there is a hard bank back the way we came a little ways."

Bob walked over to the equipment on the ground and picked it up. "Good, I need to wash this stuff up."

Marley laughed and bent slightly forward to look at all the gray mud coating her body. "You need to wash me up also."

Bob looked at her hard and then sighed. "You were a lot of help."

"Thank you. It was the least I could do for you letting me use your place anytime I wanted to."

"Saving that calf saved me some money and that always comes in handy."

With a nod Marley turned and started up the cut. The mud was starting to dry and flake off in places. Bob smiled at the gray and brown young woman in front of him. "An interesting camouflage job."

She stopped at the top of the cut and looked down at him. "It's starting to dry and itch in spots."

Bob reached the top and grinned. "Then lead on."

Marley grinned at him and turned down the trail back the way they had come in. "You just want to watch my ass."

"And the problem is? You seem to like me watching it."

"Could be," she said as she wiggled her hips from side to side.

They walked about a hundred yards and came to an old narrow cut. "Down here I think. I was walking in the edge of the creek and came up here. The bank on this side was blocked."

At the bottom of the cut was a narrow sand beach with the current on the far side. Several logs and big rocks blocked the current on this side. Bob waded out into the surprisingly warm water testing each step as he went. He didn't want to break through the sand like the calf had.

He was a little over knee deep and squatted down. "Looks like a good spot to me," he said as he started to wash the mud off the straps and crosstree.

Marley waded out to where he was and squatted down. "At least it's warmer than the mud was."

"No current and its been in the sun most of the day."

Bob finished getting most of the mud off the equipment and pushed it aside. As he started working on getting the mud off his arms, Marley said, "Speaking of money, daddy farms his place. It's mostly fields. How do you make a living off this place?"

"I sell a few cows every year and lease out part of the place in the winter to a hunt club. I don't have to make a lot. I retired out of the military and that pays a fair pension."

They were silent for a while and then Marley asked, "How do you manage the deer population on your place?"

Bob looked at her and shrugged. "The hunters take whatever the county regulations say they can for the most part. I keep an eye on the number and sex of the deer I see on a day-to-day basis. Some years I ask them not to take as many bucks and more does. Nothing scientific if that's what you mean."

Marley stood up. She had her arms, chest, and belly clean. She moved in shallower and sat down to work on her legs and thighs. "I'm going to school to be a veterinarian," she said a few minutes later. "I sat last year out so I could make some money. I have a couple of small scholarships and a grant but they barely cover tuition, classes, books, and labs. I work a couple of jobs to make extra but it gets old after a while."

"That sounds like a good business to get into."

She nodded. "I worked for a veterinarian clinic in the city last year. Made some good money. Dogs and cats, family pets mostly. It was interesting but kind of boring at the same time. It did give me a taste of what the job would be like."

Bob moved in shallower and sat on the bottom as he cleaned up his legs and feet. "You have to do something you like or you won't ever be truly happy."

Marley nodded and leaned back on her hands. Her breasts were pushed out as she did. She grinned and shook her head as Bob's eyes went to them. "You sure are looking."

"You have filled out in all the right places." Bob replied and grinned back at her.

Marley got to her knees and rose up enough to be able to rub her ass. "Mud should never get into certain areas," she said with a groan. "Sand in the butt crack is one of them."

Her sex was just above the water. Bob looked at it and licked his lips. There was a small patch of tightly curled hair on her mound. The rest was smoothly shaven. "Uh huh," he said as he looked away and smiled.

Marley looked at him with a questioning look as she sat down on her heels. "Yeah, that's another place mud should never go," she whispered as she spread her knees and put her hands between her legs.

Bob watched her hands move and then sighed. "Thank goodness I have an outie instead of an innie."

Marley chuckled and shivered as she continued to work on the mud in her slit. "Yeah, that is one good thing about being a guy. Not to mention being able to pee standing up."

Bob chuckled as he washed his dick and balls. "Yeah but all this dangly junk keeps getting in the wrong position all the time. It can get to be a pain in more ways than one."

He rolled over and used one hand and then the other to get his butt clean. As he sat back up, he said, "Turn around and I'll get your back."

She grinned at him and asked, "Just how are you going to get it?"

Bob shook his head. "With my hands."

Marley laughed and turned around. "Just checking," she said as she did.

Bob dipped up water and rubbed her back. The mud wasn't thick but it was sticky and gummy. It was also gritty with sand. He took his time so he didn't take any hide off. To take his mind off where his hands were and the naked young lady sitting in front of him, he asked, "What about being a country vet?"

Marley looked over her shoulder. "That was my original idea but after talking to some of the older vets it seems the money isn't as good as in the city. More animals so it might not be as boring."

"We sure could use one around here. It's an hour to the nearest one if traffic isn't bad or the weather."

"How many farms and ranches are there around here? I've never actually looked it up."

"More than you might imagine. A lot of the land farther out is being converted to horse farms."

"Horses are a big ticket item," Marley said more to herself than anything.

Bob dipped up water and rinsed her back. "That about does it."

Marley half turned and looked at him. "What no coping a feel? That just ain't right. You're too much a gentleman."

Bob chuckled and turned around. "Now it's your turn."

Marley turned and moved over closer to him. She dipped water onto his back and started rubbing. "Hey, there are muscles under that skin. Not bad for an old man."

"Uh huh," Bob said with a smile.

"How old are you anyway?"

"I was fifty five last month."

"Bullshit! That would mean you're older than my dad and that can't be right."

"Nope. I graduated high school at eighteen, spent twenty two years in the Marines, and I've been here nearly fifteen years. That's fifty five if my math isn't screwed up."

"You sure don't look it or feel it for that matter. I had you figured for mid forties at the most."

"Good genes I guess. I do try to take care of myself though."

Marley dipped up water and rinsed his back. "That's about as good as it gets."

Bob turned and looked at her with a grin. "What? You didn't cope a feel? I figured you wouldn't pass up a chance to get your hands on this old white man's body."

Marley made a growling sound and jumped forward grabbing him around the neck. They both went under as he fell over sideways. When they came up, Marley was on top of him. "Are you trying to drown me?" he asked but he didn't get the answer he expected, which was a laugh.

Marley leaned her head forward and planted a barnburner of a kiss dead on his lips. Bob jerked with surprise and then gave in to the kiss, giving as good as he got. He was holding them up with one arm and wrapped the other around her shoulders. Marley moaned softly and hugged his neck tighter.

The kiss started at passionate and skyrocketed from there. Marley ended up straddling his hips and rubbing her hot sex on his hard shaft. Bob groaned and struggled to sit up. Finally with a hard shove of his back hand he got in an upright position as Marley slid backwards a little. She quickly wiggled back forward. Her breasts mashed tightly to his chest.

Now he had both hands on her back. He caressed her from her shoulders to her tailbone. Excitement and lust chased each other through his mind and body. One moment he wanted to lift her hips and impale her where she was and the next he want to roll her over and take her that away. In the end, he twisted his head and broke the kiss.

Marley growled and hugged him tightly, her head next to his. "Oh damn!" she whispered sharply.

"Yeah," was his witty reply.

A moment later, she shivered hard and then giggled. "You almost got you some dark meat."

"That would have caused a lot of problems for both of us," Bob whispered back.

Marley sighed and sat back, looking into his eyes. "I don't think it would have caused me any problems. Not problems I couldn't handle anyway."

"It would for me, I'm afraid. I'm not the one night stand kind of guy."

"And the problem with that is?"

"Your daddy, our age difference, just to name the first two on the top of the list."

"Yeah, daddy would have a shit fit to put it mildly."

Bob sighed and whispered, "Yeah and I'm older than he is. You need someone your own age."

Marley grinned. "Between school and working, I haven't had time for anybody at all."

Bob looked at her hard. "A college full of guys and not even one has had the nerve to chase you?"

"Not one that I'd let catch me, anyway."

Bob shook his head slowly. "What the hell is this world coming to?"

"I'm picky, what else can I say. Anyway, there was always this old white guy that was nice, friendly, helpful, and non judgmental that I kept comparing those younger guys to. They just didn't have a chance. The only problem was that he kept looking at me and drooling but never did anything about it."

Bob just stared with his mouth hanging slightly open. "I... uh... I...." He finally stammered.

Marley smiled and kissed him softly on the lips. Breaking the kiss, she whispered, "I'm through hinting around." With that said, she kissed the hell out of him again.

Bob groaned and hugged her tightly as he returned the kiss. His mind was once again warring over which way to fuck her. Marley let go of his neck with one arm and took the decision away from him as she rose up, pulled his dick away from his body, and sat down on it. He entered her to the hilt as they both groaned deeply into each other mouths.

The next thing he knew, they were rocking back and forth, his dick moving inside her hot tightness. He had never felt anything like it. Not even his wife thirty years earlier. It was like molten silk wrapped around his shaft that would squeeze him and relax, only to squeeze him again and again.

Marley was whimpering softly as they continued to rock. Suddenly, she broke the kiss and took a deep, deep gasping breath, as her hips got out of sync with his. Then she was moaning loudly as she let out that breath, her hips alternately jerking and grinding into him as she came hard. He was right there with her, painting her insides with spurt after spurt of cum.


Marley had her head on Bob's shoulder. One arm was around his neck and the other under his arm and across his back. Her breathing was nearly normal when she sighed deeply. "That's how it should be," she whispered a few seconds later.

Bob had been stroking her back and hair. When she said that, he nodded and hugged her tightly. "Like nothing I've ever felt before."

Marley giggled. "That makes two of us."

Bob chuckled. "I think you're exaggerating a little."

"Not in the least. You're my first other than my fingers and an old hairbrush," she whispered and then giggled. "You beat the hell out of both of them."

"But... but...but...." He was back to stammering again.

"Yeah, I want to try that sometimes too but not here in the creek," she whispered and lifted her head. She looked at the shocked look on his face and laughed. "What? You don't think I was a virgin, so to speak."

"Yeah, I believe you but that doesn't fit with the rush you were in to get on birth control."

Marley laughed. "I only did that to piss off daddy. I had plans and boys were not in them until after college."

Bob looked at her hard. "You're still on them right?"

"I might be crazy but I'm not stupid. I was off them most of last year but started back a couple of months ago."

"Why did you start back on them?"

Marley laughed. "Because that's when I decided you were the right one and started planning how to seduce you."

Bob's eyes narrowed. "Exactly how did you get that calf in the creek?"

Marley laughed again and then groaned as his semi hard dick moved inside her. "I didn't. Just call it a fortuitous accident."

"Uh huh," Bob said and then grinned. "You and mama cow planned the whole thing."

Marley giggled. "Yeah, she was the brain's behind the operation."

Bob laughed and hugged her tightly. "I think I'm in a world of trouble."

"Wait until I get you out of this creek."

"Uh, what happens then?"

Marley giggled and whispered, "I get to ride back to the barn naked on your lap."

Bob groaned and replied, "You almost branded me through your dress and my overalls, I won't stand a chance with you naked."

Pulling back to look into his eyes, she smiled and said, "Branding is the least of your worries. You're mine now and ain't nothing going to change that."

Bob grinned and said, "I guess I'll just have to accept my fate."

Then they were kissing softly.

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Campus77Campus777 months ago

A fun story with an interesting plot. No sequel is needed as I can't get my head around the age difference working to their advantage. But fun none the less.

MarshallaMarshallaabout 7 years ago
I agree wholeheartedly ...

... simple and sweet, and that was all it needed to be.

Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I loved this story !! Simple and sweet!! Well done!!

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
great story

they both got what they wanted.

very entertaining. and the mutual teasing was fun.

Nemo18Nemo18almost 10 years ago
Great job

Good summer loving but I hope we get to see more of their future or some backstory

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