Marci Ch. 2


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When my orgasm passed and I wasn’t spewing any more semen, I put my flaccid cock back in my shorts and went back to my room. When I got into bed I laid there and listened as Marci went to the linen closet and got a clean pillow case. Then she went into her bathroom and got in the shower. I fell asleep before she finished her shower.

The next day Marci didn’t come down stairs until after I went out side to wash my car. While I was washing the car I thought about what I had done to Marci. I felt a little guilty about the way I treated her but I also felt that I had gotten a small amount of revenge by treating her as an object rather than a person. My thoughts for the rest of that day kept going back to my humiliation of Marci. By the time I got to bed that night I had decided to do it to her again. I waited till almost midnight then I removed my shorts and went into her room. This time I didn’t say a word I Just sat on the bed. Marci was asleep so I touched her arm. She jumped a little then sat up and looked at me. I just pointed at my cock. I could tell she didn’t want to do it so I tilted my head as if to say, “Look down there” then when she looked down I pointed to my cock again. Marci resigned herself to what she had to do and she took my cock into her mouth again. As I did the night before I made lewd and dirty comments about what she was doing and what I was going to do to her. This time I made Marci take her panties off and get on her hands and knees so I could enter her from behind. When I had myself near orgasm I again pulled out and walked around the bed and pushed my cock into Marci’s face. She took me in her mouth and brought me to climax and I shot my load all over her face and hair again.

As I left the room Marci dropped down and lay on her stomach. She didn’t look at me as I walked out of the room. I closed her door behind me and stood listening for a moment. That’s when I felt the first chink in my armor. I heard Marci crying. It wasn’t loud but it was unmistakable. For the first time I felt really bad about what I had done to her the last two nights. I was almost tempted to go back in and hold her and tell her I was sorry, but I didn’t.

I didn’t see Marci again until the next evening when I got home from work. She was sitting in the kitchen and I could tell immediately that she had been crying. She looked up at me as I walked in and she said, “We need to talk.”

I said, “Okay,’ and sat down at the table with her.

Marci said, “I said I would do anything to save this marriage but I don’t think I can handle the way you treated me the last two nights. Maybe I deserved to be treated that way after what I did but I can’t let you continue to treat me like an animal. I want to love you and I want you to love me. What has gone on in this house since I came home has nothing to do with love. It’s anger and revenge on your part and submission on mine. I can’t live like this. I have been willing to abide by all of the conditions you set for me but now I have to set a condition for you. I will not allow you to treat me that way again. If you hate me that much just tell me and I’ll leave.”

I felt terrible. I was being vengeful and I knew that if I really wanted to try and save our marriage I wouldn’t be able to treat Marci that way. I wanted to apologize but then again I didn’t. Instead I looked at Marci and said, “I accept that condition. It won’t happen again.

Over the next month Marci and I lived as normally as we could under the circumstances. There were no more late night visits to her bedroom. As a mater of fact there was no sex going on at all.

For a while I had been listening in on her phone calls and checking up on her any time she left the house other than for work. I finally realized that trying to watch her every move wasn’t going to save our marriage. I was going to have to trust her. Give her back her freedom and then if she betrays me the marriage is over. The way things were I didn’t have a marriage; I just had a woman living in my house. So I stopped asking her about her phone calls and I stopped asking her where she was going every time she left the house and I stopped following her to see where she actually went.

After that things started getting better around the house. We started to feel more comfortable around each other and we started talking more. The kinds on conversations we use to have before all this trouble. We even discussed what we would like to do on our next vacation. That’s when it hit me that we hadn’t been intimate, romantically intimate since before the trouble. It struck me as odd to be discussing where we would go on vacation together when we didn’t even sleep in the same room. I decided then it was time for me to take the next step. It was on Friday afternoon that I called Marci at work and asked her if she would like to go out to dinner with me that evening. She said that she would love to. I told her to be ready when I got home from work. On the way home from work I picked up a bouquet of flowers.

When I got home Marci was upstairs so I put the flowers in a vase in the kitchen. I got a beer from the refrigerator and drank it as I waited for Marci. When she came down stairs she looked great. She had obviously spent a lot of time on her hair and make up and she had put on her best spaghetti strap cocktail dress. It was obvious that Marci understood the importance of this evening as much as I did. When she walked into the kitchen she looked pretty pleased with herself. When I told her she looked beautiful, probably the first compliment I had paid her in the last three months, Marci blushed a deep red. Then she saw the flowers. She went on and on about how beautiful the flowers were.

We had a wonderful evening. We had a delightful dinner followed by dancing then we went for a walk in the park along the bay. When we got home I put a couple of romantic CDs on the player and poured us some wine. We drank the wine then started to dance. As we were dancing I kissed Marci on the forehead. She lifted her head and I kissed her on the nose then on the lips. After a few minutes of very passionate kissing I stepped back from Marci and asked, “Would you care to join me in the bedroom?”

She asked, “Will I be staying the night?”

“Yes, and tomorrow night and the next night... I want you to move back into the master bedroom with me if your ready.’

“I’m ready.”

Marci held my hand as we went upstairs. In our room I slowly undressed her and planted kisses all over her body. When I looked at her naked on the bed, for the first time since she came back home, I wanted to make love to her. I quickly stripped off my clothes and joined Marci on the bed. I squeezed, kissed and sucked on her breasts and nipples until she was practically begging for more then I kissed my way down over her belly and through her patch of curly dark brown hair. As I moved my head between her legs Marci spread them to give me better access. I ran my tongue over her vulva several times and watched as her petal like lips opened then I ran my tongue between her lips and pushed it inside Marci’s now very juicy pussy. I locked my lips over her pussy and started flicking my tongue back and forth across Marci’s clitoris. Marci was soon in the throws of a major orgasm.

Marci turned around in bed so that she could get my cock into her mouth. She held my sack in one hand gently tickling my balls as she ran her tongue up and down my rigid shaft occasionally slipping the knob into her mouth. When she had me nearly crazy she took me deep into her mouth and brought me to the brink of orgasm then she stopped. She moved up my body to my ear and whispered, “I want you inside me now.”

I rolled on top of her and pressed the head of my cock against her slippery opening. My cock slid easily into her and it felt wonderful to be back inside her again. I humped into her for several minutes and was approaching my orgasm when Marci said, “I want you to cum in my mouth.”

I gave her an inquisitive look and she repeated. “I want you to cum in my mouth.”

So, I pulled out of Marci’s pussy and rolled onto my back. Marci crawled over me and straddled my head with her knees and put her pussy just inches from my mouth then she lay down on my chest and took my cock into her mouth. As Marci pumped my cock into her mouth I locked my lips onto her pussy and returned the pleasure. Suddenly there was a small flow of juices from Marci’s pussy telling me she was having an orgasm. That was all it took to set me off and I exploded in her mouth. Marci never took her mouth off of my cock will I was ejaculating. She took everything into her mouth. When it was over Marci climbed off me and I could see then that she must have swallowed most of my load but there was a little running down her chin. Marci wiped her chin with the back of her hand and smiled at me.

I said, “What was that all about?”

“I wanted to show you that I would gladly do that for you when we are making love. I just didn’t want you to force me to do that against me will.”

I said, “I am sorry I did that to you. I was just so angry then that I was a little out of control. But I can promise that I will never do that to you again.”

We fell asleep in each other’s arms.

That night was the major turning point. Our relationship continued to get stronger as time went.

Then about three months later as I was having lunch with some business associates I saw John Martin walk out of the Hyatt Regency in downtown Baltimore. I felt the rage building in me. I wanted to go over and confront him but I couldn’t with my work associates watching. So I did nothing. After lunch I began to wonder if he had or would try to contact Marci. So being somewhat resourceful I called the Hyatt and asked if John Martin had checked in yet. The clerk was gone from the phone for a minute and returned and said, “Yes. Mr. Martin checked in at 10:20 this morning.”

I thanked the clerk and hung up the phone. He had just arrived so he would not have been able to contact Marci yet. Now what should I do? Should I tell Marci I saw him and warn her to say away from him. If I did that it would be saying I am not going to trust that you can make the right decision yourself. But if I do nothing he may contact her and what happens if she goes to see him. That would be the end of the marriage. I thought about what I should do all afternoon and in the end decided to do nothing. If Marci couldn’t stay away from him on her own then our marriage was doomed anyway. I decided to wait and see what happens.

I didn’t have to wait long. That evening the phone rang and I answered it. A man’s voice on the other end said, “Sorry, I must have called the wrong number.”

I thought, “That worthless piece of shit is after Marci again.” Right after dinner I told Marci I was going out to work in the garage and she went about cleaning the kitchen. The first thing I did in the garage was to remove the mouthpiece on the phone out there. It was about seven thirty when the phone rang again. I waited till the light went on indicating that Marci had picked up the phone in the house, and then I pick up the phone in the garage. As I picked up the phone my heart was pounding so hard I thought Marci would hear it in the house. When I put the phone to my ear I heard his voice, “Hi Marci how are you?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t recognize your voice. Who are you?”

“It’s John Martin.”

“Why are you calling me? Haven’t you caused me enough trouble already?”

“Listen. I need to talk to you.”

“I don’t think we have anything to talk to you about.”

“What do you mean? I thought we meant something to each other.”

“You know I have no idea how I ever got mixed up with you but it was the biggest mistake of my life and I am certainly not going to make that mistake again.”

“Are you saying you don’t want to see me?”

“That is exactly what I am saying. I want you to stay away from me and never try to contact me again.”

Then the asshole tried to stir things up. “Did you know that your husband came to Chicago and Had sex with my wife.”

“Yes I know and it’s very painful for me to think about that and if it you had left me alone in the first place that never would have happened.”

“You’re blaming all of this on me now?”

“No. I made a very bad decision but I am not the one who started it. I didn’t call you. I never would have come looking for you.”

“So your not interested in getting even with Ben and Janice?”

“Ben was right, you really are an asshole. When I hang up this phone I never want to here from you again. When Ben comes in the house I am gong to tell him that you called so that if you come anywhere near me you will have to deal with him and I think Ben would love to hurt you. Do you understand me?”

“Yeah I understand. I just thought that...”

“Well you were wrong. Good bye.” Then Marci hung up the phone.

I was so proud of the way Marci handle the asshole that I actually had tears in my eyes.

I waited another forty-five minutes before I went back into the house. Marci came over to me as I entered the living room and kissed me then she took my hand and led me to the sofa. She said, “I have to tell you something but you have to promise not to say anything until I finish. Okay?”


“I just got a phone call from John Martin.”

I couldn’t believe that she was actually telling. I thought she would just act like nothing happened. I said, “That son of a bitch.”

Marci put her hand up and said, “You promised. Anyway he tried to get me to meet him. I told him I never wanted to see him again. Then he tried to make me angry by telling me about you and his wife. Bottom line is I told him that he is an asshole and I never want to hear from him again.”

I said, “I am surprised that you are telling me about this.”

“I don’t want to have any secrets form you. They can too easily be misinterpreted and cause problems.”

I kissed Marci and told her I was glad she told me. After that we went up to bed and made love.

That all happened three years ago. Since then our marriage has been good. Marci has been true to her word. She hasn’t given me a bit of worry since that night I caught her with the shit head. That is not to say things are perfect. I still often think about what happened and without any way of understanding why, it still brings me pain. I’d be lying if I said I had the same level of trust in Marci now that I had before but I am happier with her than I would be without her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Great LW and cuck stories, even the asshole of LIT agrees.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

wimpy cuck shit.

NoBullAlNoBullAlalmost 8 years ago
Does love really conquer all?

Not sure how, no matter how much he loved her, he is able to go back to her. Stupid, stupid man. Maybe after the first time he caught her out there could have been a reconciliation but after the second time she should have been kicked to the curb... HARD!!! It was totally a planned event that she was obviously looking forward to and he was able to watch as it took off. Then she even continues to lie about the 'car ride'.

So now we are led to believe that she has learned her lesson and will continue on the straight and narrow path... well until the next time she feels the need for some 'strange'. Of course she won't be able explain why, again, but he'll just go along with her again.

Someone should give him a smack upside the ear and explain (not that it is likely to do any good) that 'once a cheat, always a cheat' and check how easy it is for her to look him in the eyes and lie, lie, lie!!!

PennMusicPennMusicabout 8 years ago

I think the two of them should have went to counseling. She needed to talk to someone to figure out why she would do something like that since she had no answers herself.

TwopullTwopullabout 8 years ago

I don't think people dissing this story have ever been in any relationship themselves. I mean a relationship of equals...

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