Lucky Man Ch. 05


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"Fuck, right there," she moaned, wrapping her legs around him. He stayed where he was, knowing that she was wanting him to hold still for a moment as her pussy squeezed around his cock. She gasped finally, the orgasm cresting as he began to pound harder into her.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" she cried, her words turning into unintelligible yelps of pleasure. She felt him begin to shoot his warm seed into her then, the feeling driving her to even higher plateaus of ecstasy. His cock pounded into her again and again, each thrust driving a spurt of semen deep into her. Finally spent, he slumped over to his side as she finally came down off of her own orgasm and snuggled up beside him, both of them breathing heavily.

A few minutes passed as they snuggled together, enjoying the feeling and the view from their beach front room. Just outside the patio door was a small paved area with a table and chairs to one side. There was a privacy fence, but you could still see the beach from the bedroom.

"That was amazing," Duncan finally muttered.

"Thank you," she said, smiling to herself. "What do you have planned for today?"

"Well, I know that we're meeting Kara and her boyfriend for breakfast, and then she and I have a short conference with the owners. After that, we have until Monday to enjoy ourselves. Speaking of, how much are we going to enjoy ourselves?" he asked pointedly.

Kelly smiled and slid up to her elbow to look at her husband while she rubbed a hand across his chest. "Well, I figured I'd leave that up to you, my love."

He shook his head. "I might choose your outfits sometimes, but I can't be the one that tells you when you're going to be an exhibitionist."

She giggled and shrugged. "Sure you can. I like the idea of you making me take my clothes off, or telling me to wear something skimpy. It's almost like I'm your property; a possession for you to take out and play with when you want to."

"Oh come on, you know that's not how I treat you!" he said, pulling away and looking at her.

"Duncan, listen. The things that we're doing to enhance our love life are very exciting. We haven't done anything that has made me want to stop. I don't know why, but it excites me when you take over. The thought of you standing me up in front of someone and exposing me really, really turns me on!"

He fell back to the sheets again. "You mean you really like when I just... take control in those situations?"

She giggled and nodded. "It gets me really wet," she whispered, knowing that the words would stick with him. "The thought of you making me do what you want, for your pleasure? Very hot," she confirmed.

He knew better than to disagree. Once she had obviously decided on something, few things could dissuade her. "You're more than I deserve in a wife, you know that?"

She shrugged but kissed him. "So what will we be doing on this vacation?"

He scratched himself in thought for a short while. "Well, would you like to show off a little skin, maybe some harmless flirting like at the club a few weeks ago?"

She grinned then, the memory bringing a slight blush to her cheeks. "I think if I'm ever going to get over being embarrassed or just comfortable with being nude around others, then we'll have to do exactly that. Besides, I think the more relevant question is... do you want me to show off a little skin and flirt?"

He chuckled and fell silent in thought for a second. "Yeah, I really think I do," he finally concluded. "If we like doing it here where only strangers will see us, maybe that will make us a little braver, you know? I guess it's a good thing that the owners like giving us these vacations."

Kelly absolutely loved that his company insisted that their employees take frequent trips. If he ever spoke of finding something else or quitting, she would mention the frequent trips they got to take. It wasn't every vacation that took them to exotic locations, but every few months a trip to the mountains wasn't out of the question. Once a year or so they'd go to a really nice destination.

She stood then and headed off the bathroom to get ready. She was excited to finally meet Kara, Duncan's new administrative assistant that apparently looked very much like her.

She showered quickly and stepped out to let her husband take her place. They got dressed and headed out to the lobby. She slid her hand easily into Duncan's as they stood waiting.

"Mr. Thomas," someone called from behind them. "Hey!"

Kelly turned with her husband and was genuinely surprised to see a replica of herself standing there.

"Oh my God!" Kelly sputtered, moving forwards. She placed both of her hands on the shoulders of the redhead standing in front of her.

"Wow," Kara said, just as surprised. "I mean, your husband said we looked alike but..." she trailed off as she turned and looked up at her boss wide-eyed.

"I told you two..." he said.

Kelly was floored. Kara looked almost exactly like her. She could easily be mistaken for a sister. They had the same tone of hair and it was the same length. They were just about the same height, Kelly being only slightly taller. The both had the same body shape, it seemed, the same size breasts.

"This is so weird," Kelly said.

"I know, but in the best way!" Kara said with a giggle.

"Oh God, they even laugh the same," Duncan said with a grin. That caused both of them to giggle, glance at each other and then laugh again.

Duncan grinned. "Kelly my wife, this is Kara my secretary."

"Wow," Kara repeated between giggles. "Nice to meet you!"

"Likewise," Kelly said, finally releasing her and shaking her hand.

"My boyfriend should be down shortly," she said, turning to her boss.

"By the way," he said, giving her a quick hug, "I thought I told you to call me Duncan."

She smiled and shrugged. "I'm still getting used to that I guess."

Kelly and Kara began to idly chat while they were waiting for Sam, but didn't have to wait long. Both girls turned and looked at him as he approached. Kelly saw the look of surprise and confusion on his face. Kara reached out and grabbed one hand. "Sweetie, this is Duncan, my boss, and Kelly, his wife."

Kelly smiled at him as he shook her hand and then her husband's. He was an attractive young man, but didn't have a beard. He had shoulder-length blondish hair, and was just a hair shorter than Duncan. He looked to be young, like Kara, maybe twenty-six.

"Shall we get some breakfast?" Duncan asked.

"Absolutely!" Kelly and Kara said in unison, causing a fit of laughter. Kelly took Kara by the arm then and walked towards the exit. They stopped briefly at the front desk and asked the best place for breakfast. After getting a few suggestions, the two ladies conferred among themselves and decided on a place.

"I have a feeling that I'm going to be making fewer decisions at the office now," Duncan said, grinning at Sam.

The younger man nodded and grinned. "I think Kara might have a new friend," he agreed.

The two men laughing and talking behind them, Kara and Kelly walked out of the hotel and walked the short distance to the restaurant that the front desk had suggested.

"Well, I don't know what Mr. Thom... Duncan told you, but he and I have a conference to go to with the owners, but that shouldn't take very long. After that, we can go shopping, or head to the beach!"

Kelly grinned and nodded. She really liked Kara. She was outgoing and very nice.

"Eventually, I guess we should probably give our men some of our attention," she said.

Kelly shrugged at that. "I think Duncan will be okay for awhile," she said with a wink. "Do you think you guys will mind going to the beach with us later? I intend to go find a nice, sexy bathing suit to show off for my husband."

Kara smiled and shrugged. "I think seeing a couple of gorgeous women will make it easier to convince Sam."

Kelly clapped excitedly, but then stopped. She smiled widely. "I'm going to buy us both a new bikini while you two are at the meeting!" she said excitedly. "It's the least I can do for the sexy clothes that you bought me a while back!"

Kara tried to dissuade her briefly, but it was obvious that Kelly would not take no for an answer. They entered the quiet restaurant and were quickly seated. The two women quickly began to discuss a myriad of topics. They covered their childhoods, where they grew up and other personal topics. Duncan and Sam spoke as well, but clearly were not as enamored with each other as Kelly and Kara. They got along fine, however.

"We should have gone out with them weeks ago!" Kelly said.

Duncan nodded, smiling at her. "I have a feeling that we'll be seeing more of them," he said with a laugh. After they finished an absolutely amazing breakfast, they all headed back to their hotel.

Duncan glanced down at his watch. "We should probably head up to the meeting," he said glancing over at Kara. She pulled out her planner from her purse and nodded.

"Why don't you take my wife to some of the shops around here and then Kara and I can meet you guys wherever you end up?" Duncan suggested, turning and winking at Kelly.

She turned an admonishing look at him. "Oh I'm sure Sam has better things to do than chaperon me."

"Nonsense!" Sam said. "I don't have anything planned."

Kelly smiled then and nodded. "Well, alrighty then," she said. "He can help me pick out a new couple of swim suits!"

Kara smiled and nodded. "He's definitely got great taste."

"We should head to the conference room," Duncan said, touching Kara's elbow lightly.

"Okay," she said. Glancing at Kelly, she opened her phone and asked for her number. "We'll let you know when we get out and you can tell us where you two ended up."

"Deal," Kelly said, and quickly gave Kara her number. She added it to her cell and turned to walk with her boss to the conference.



Duncan glanced down at Kara. "Where are they?" he asked.

She glanced down and looked at her phone. He could already see a long series of texts between her and Kelly. They had only been in the conference for about an hour and a half.

"They are down the street a ways. She said they didn't make it very far." The two left the conference room and headed toward the elevator. "I really like your wife!" she said.

Duncan laughed easily. "I can tell, I think she's found a new best friend."

"She's definitely a lot of fun!"

The two quickly exited the hotel and walked down the street. It was crowded already, so Kara walked closely next to him. They got separated more than once, so Duncan finally held hands with her. He smiled as he felt how similar it was to Kelly's.

"Thank you!" she said loudly, trying to be heard over the din of the crowd. They entered the surprisingly large shop that Kelly and Sam were in. The crowd was still thick, but slightly less so. He felt safe letting go of Kara's hand then. He spied Sam over the racks of clothes then, just as the tall man turned and nodded at him. He raised his hand and pointed towards the changing room near him. Duncan nodded.

"There's Sam," he said, leading the way.

Kelly emerged then and didn't immediately spy Duncan. "So what do you think?" she asked. She was wearing a light blue dress, spaghetti strapped and thin.

"It's nice," Duncan said. She spun around then and smiled.

"Baby!" she said. "How was the conference?"

"Good, same old thing as always. They actually thought that Kara was you for a second, though."

"Really? That's so funny!"

"So did you have fun?" Duncan asked. Kelly nodded.

"Sam was a very good escort," she said. "Can you guys believe the crowds?" she asked, turning and smiling at Kara.

"I know, Duncan had to hold my hand so we didn't get separated," Kara admitted.

"I know, so did we," Kelly said.

Kara came over then and admired the dress. "You should get one in another color," Kelly said. "You know it's gonna look good on you!" she said with a spin.

Kara smiled and nodded. Sam groaned and looked over at Duncan. "I think we're going to be here awhile."

Duncan chuckled. A few hours later the quartet finally made it back to the hotel, several bags in tow. They parted ways, but decided to meet up after lunch for a trip to the beach.

"Did he behave himself?" Duncan asked, drawing her up close as they got back to their room. He moved to the phone to order some room service.

Kelly smiled. "Of course he did. He was a perfect gentleman. At first he was a little too modest. I had to practically beg him to give me an opinion. I tried on this absolutely scandalous bathing suit and had him tell me what he thought," she said, smiling demurely at him.

Duncan grinned widely. "Yeah?" He dialed the number and began to order then.

She nodded and slid to the floor in front of him. "I sure did. I'd say that he liked it," she said cryptically, reaching up to unzip his pants.

"Why is that?" he asked as she reached in and pulled out his rapidly swelling prick. "Hello, room service?" he asked, glancing down and shaking his head in mock dismay at her.

"I could tell he had a hard-on," she said. "It's quite flattering that I can turn on the younger crowd."

Duncan chuckled as she leaned forward and licked the tip of his swollen member. "Well, you're only twenty-eight my love," he whispered.

Kelly giggled and wrapped her lips around his cock. She popped it out briefly and gazed up at him. "It's a very, very naughty bikini," she said, and pulled his cock back in, her hand pumping swiftly back and forth on it. "It's positively pornographic."

Duncan groaned in pleasure. "God you're getting so good at that," he muttered. He began to order then as the person on the other end came back on.

She smiled up at him. "I don't think you realize how much I love sucking cock now," she said. "I honestly can't believe that I ever stopped. There's something that happens when I've got your cock in my mouth that kind of takes over. It's so exciting when I can feel you getting into it and when I know that I've got so much power over you. I love making you feel good!"

He grinned as he confirmed the order and hung up the phone. "My Baby is a little cocksucker?"

She gaped at him briefly, before smiling playfully. "I'm definitely a little cocksucker," she said. She pulled his cock back into her mouth and pumped again. Suddenly, she stood and tucked his cock back into his pants with a playful smile. "I don't think I want my Baby to cum yet."

He groaned. "What are you up to?"

She giggled. "Well, I might want to give you a little show at the beach."

He shook his head. "You're incorrigible."

"You're the one that started this," she said giggling.

He laughed. "No I'm not. You asked Marie to help you learn how to suck my cock."

She giggled and shrugged. "Okay, so I turned myself into a wanton little slut. Still, you're the one that gets to decide."

Duncan smiled. "When are we meeting them?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Whenever we get ready. I told them to come to the patio door when they were ready."

He shook his head. "What if you aren't dressed by then?"

She grinned. "Well then I guess they might get a little bit of a show!"

"Would you like to show off a little then?" Duncan asked.

She looked at him curiously. "I mean, I'm already going to be wearing a tiny bikini. What more did you have in mind?"

He smiled. "I want to sit a ways away from you and see if anyone comes to flirt."

She looked at him, surprised. "That's a pretty big step for us, isn't it?"

He shrugged. "If you aren't comfortable with it..."

She shook her head. "It's not that, I'm fine with it. I just don't want to freak out your secretary and her beau." She turned and looked out the window. "Where would you want me and Kara to be?"

"Well, we can postpone it if you think Kara and Sam would be weirded out by it, but I was thinking that I would remain at the patio, behind the privacy lattice, and you could lay a short ways away"

She grinned. "I think that could be fun. Wanna give it a shot?" she asked.

He thought for a second. "I think maybe you and Kara should talk for today, and kind of... "clue her in" to how we're showing off your gorgeous body," he said, pulling her back towards him. She came back up against his chest, her butt against his legs. "I don't want to cause her any sort of alarm, you know? She is my employee."

She nodded. "I hadn't thought of that." She patted his arm then. "I'll make sure and mention about how we're experimenting a little in our conversation. Maybe I can mention it at the beach, or just at dinner tonight."

He nodded in agreement and kissed the top of her head. A short while later, their food had arrived and been devoured. Duncan and Kelly had both changed and were sitting out on their patio. February in The Bahamas was almost idyllic. It was chilly in the evenings, but not sweltering in the middle of the day and this particular Saturday was no different. Kelly had elected to put on her new bikini in the bathroom, pulling a pair of shorts on over it, followed by a thin shirt.

"Don't want to spoil the surprise," she said when she emerged. She packed them a bag and tossed in the sunscreen. A few minutes later, Kara and Sam walked up from their hotel room a few doors down. Kara was dressed in a modest bikini, but Kelly quickly grabbed her hand and headed into the bathroom.

"I've got a surprise!" was the only explanation she offered Sam as they disappeared.

Sam sat down next to Duncan and the two began to idly chat.

"Kelly bought them new bikinis," he explained, looking across at him.

The younger man nodded in understanding. "Well I was wondering why she wanted my opinion. I was hoping I wasn't crossing any lines by helping her pick one out."

Duncan nodded. "I'm glad you were able to help her out. I'm glad that she had someone there. I'm not really the jealous type. The fact that you asking about it tells me that I don't have to worry about you, not that I would."

Sam nodded. "Yeah, you guys seem a little different than other folks we typically hang out with. I don't mean that in a bad way."

Duncan chuckled. "Well, Kelly and I are bit different from other couples," he confirmed. "I certainly don't mind people admiring how gorgeous she is. I know she gets a kick out of it, and I like the reactions she gets when she's being audacious. Some dudes are way more possessive and jealous. I know Kelly isn't going to stray. She's always been this sexy, so it's easy to get used to."

Sam nodded. "Well, I have to agree. I'm not a jealous guy either, so if Kara gets a few stares at the beach, it doesn't bother me. She told me some guy at work was flirting with her pretty hardcore."

Duncan chuckled. "Ha! Yeah, that would be my buddy Mark. He's got a thing for Kelly too, and ever since he saw Kara and how much she looks like my wife, he said he was going to make a play for her. You don't have anything to worry about though, Mark is an upstanding guy."

Sam shrugged. "I know my Kara. She wouldn't do anything."

Duncan nodded. "How long have you two been a couple?"

"Oh, let's see, about four months I guess?" he said, thinking for a moment. "Are you weirded out by how much they look alike?" he asked, shifting gears in the conversation.

Duncan shrugged. "It's definitely odd. I mean, I wouldn't call them twins, but they would at least be easily mistaken for sisters. Maybe one of them..." he started, but stopped short as Kelly emerged from the room then, followed by Kara. They were both dressed in shorts and a small t-shirt, further concealing the surprise of the new bikinis.

"Shall we?" Kelly asked, smiling playfully and offering an arm to her husband.

The foursome walked a short ways down to the semi-private beach behind the hotel. It was crowded further down towards the water, so they stayed up nearer to their room so that they were not completely overwhelmed.