Love Me... Love My Dogs Pt. 02


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I added a finger to the mix, then another, gently probing deep into her pussy, while maintaining my assault on her clit. Her breathing was picking up, which told me I was getting to her. Of course, there were other indicators ; her nipples standing tall, and her pussy getting hotter and wetter by the second.

"Yes, well, there's a bakery, um, nearby where I usually...get, um, bagels. I can look there for you," she replied. "No problem, everyone wants...traditional...pumpkin, so they should, um, have lots pies." Her hips were undulating, and she was pushing my face deeper into her cunt, but she was holding up remarkably. Hmmm, how about this.

I pressed my thumb against her tight little starfish, which was quite wet with her dripping juices, and she stopped talking altogether. I pressed harder, and the tip of it slipped in slightly, spreading the tight ring open. I pressed more, and slid in to the knuckle.

"Oh shit!" she gasped. Aha! Explain that one to Mom! "Sorry, I, uh...I just thought of something I need before I ...come...home today. Can we, later?...Great. See you about 8. Bye."

She had hardly turned the phone off, when it hit her. It took a tongue and lips on her clit, two fingers up her pussy, and a thumb up her ass, but I had overridden her natural ability to multitask. She pulled a pillow over her face and screamed, while her cunt tried to crush my fingers and drown me at the same time, gushing hot, delicious juice into my mouth. Her little asshole seemed to be trying to expel my thumb at the same time as it was pulling it deeper. She kept cumming, shrieking unintelligible words into the pillow. Finally she pulled the pillow away.

"Oh fuck! Takeitouttakeitouttakeitouttakeitout! Take it OUT!" she gasped, finally relaxing when I did so, pulling both my fingers and thumb from their respective holes. "Oh shit, thank you!"

She was flushed a bright pink, and breathing heavily, looking pretty devastated.

"I'm sorry, baby," I said, concerned. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Hurt me?" she asked, panting. "HURT ME?! My god, I've never felt anything like that before in my life! Next time you're going to make me cum like that, give me a week to prepare!"

"So it was good? You like it when I play with your ass?"

"Um, YEAH!" she giggled. "No one else ever has, so I didn't know what I was missing, but now that I do...Wow!"

We laid there quietly for a few minutes, then Christie spoke up.

"Okay, so we've established that I'm anal, in a good way," she laughed. "Also, you owe my Mother two apple pies, because I'm not driving all the way back to school just to get them from the bakery there. That's what you get for eating me while I'm on the phone."

"It was worth it," I answered, smiling at her.

"Yeah. It was," she whispered, smiling back.


Okay, so the plan that we had for the rest of the afternoon would have to be altered slightly, to accommodate the addition of two apple pies.

Originally, we had planned to drive separately to a restaurant, have a nice dinner together, then head home. One of us, likely me, would take the long way, and Christie would turn into her parents driveway, arriving home after her long, 6 hour drive from school, that took 20 minutes.

All of that would have taken place under cover of darkness. Now, we needed to get the pies, and the bakery nearby closed at 6, so we'd have to leave before sunset.

We decided to lounge around the pool until we had to leave. She decided to do it naked, which nearly resulted in more bedroom time, but like I said before, there's more to life than sex...there's also naked conversation around the pool.

Christie packed up her stuff, except for a few items, like the black bikini, which she left for future visits. She was standing by the French doors of the bedroom when I came out of the bathroom, dressed to go out.

"You'll leave this door unlocked tonight, right?" she asked, slinking over to kiss me softly. "I might want to come over for a swim after my 'long' drive," she smiled. "A swim...or something better, and more fun."

"The door will be open," I replied, "and my heart." I kissed her back.

About a half hour later, I went for a walk outside, along my driveway, out to the road. I was watching for Christie's parents, who were not to be seen, so far at least. I took position in the greenery between their house and mine, with my phone in hand.

Clear, I typed.

The garage door opened, and Christie drove out, rolling down the driveway. From my position in the bushes by the road, I could see the traffic situation. There was one car coming from the right.

Slow. 1 right.

The car passed by, leaving an empty road in both directions.

Go. All clear.

She didn't even stop, rounding onto the street smoothly. Her hand extended above the roof of the car, and she wiggled her fingers at me. Before I made it out of the bushes, my phone buzzed.

"Thanks, baby," she laughed, when I answered it. "You feed the dogs, I'll get the pies, and I'll meet you at the restaurant. Drive safe. I Love You." The phone clicked off.

I stood there, stunned. She said it. 'I'm falling for you' had been replaced by something more tangible...something more in the present tense. She said it. 'I Love You'.

If I had security cameras, they would have recorded me dancing, skipping, and generally behaving like a teenager who just got lucky. I was ecstatic. Fortunately, I don't have security cameras, so I could be happy, and not worry about being embarrassed at a later date when the footage inevitably surfaced.

I beat Christie to the restaurant by almost two minutes. Tonight's choice was seafood, one of my favourites. I was just settling into my seat when she walked in.

"So, about where are you now?" I asked, referring to the long, arduous drive she was currently making from school. She smiled and checked her watch.

"Let's see," she laughed, "about two hours out, I'm probably almost to the McDonald's where I usually stop to pee, and get a milkshake."

"Well, I hope you are driving safely," I added.

"Oh yes," she whispered, smiling at me and leaning closer. "The last time I made the drive, I was a little nervous, and very, very horny. I'm afraid I spent most of the trip with only one hand on the wheel..." she blushed, "...if you get my meaning."

I had a delicious image of her, driving like a bat out of hell down the freeway, with one hand jammed down her jeans, furiously masturbating.

"I'm much more relaxed now. Thank you, Sweetheart. I've really had fun the last day or so," she added.

"The feeling is mutual," I answered. "I love you too. I would have said so earlier, but you hung up too quickly."

"Yes, well, sorry about that. The hanging up part...I meant what I said."

"Me too," I said. "I've never had a long distance relationship before. I've never had one with my neighbour's daughter before, either. Now I have both, at the same time."

She was dressed as she was when she arrived at my house, in her travel clothes; jeans and a t-shirt. I remembered removing these clothes a couple of days ago. Now, I sat, watching her as she perused the menu. Her body was mature beyond her years, so she could pass for a few years older, and she had said that I looked younger than I was, so perhaps, to the casual observer, the gap between us may have reduced to twenty years.

I know...I'm rationalizing, right. Maybe. You fall in love with a goddess thirty years younger than you, then come tell me what to do. Until then, keep your judgements to yourself.

Dinner was lovely, but quiet. We both knew tonight was going to be lonely.

When we went out to our cars, the moment finally arrived. I held her tight, unwilling to end our embrace, but knowing it must end for now. We weren't ready to be public yet.

"Don't forget," she whispered, as she climbed into her car, "Leave the door open for me. I will be coming for a swim...and then I'll be cumming!" A wink and a kiss, then taillights disappearing into the darkness.


I was laying awake, awaiting my visitor. It was nearly eleven, and I had employed the strategy used by countless children on Christmas Eve ; go to bed early, and sleep off the hours of eager anticipation before the arrival of the presents.

Yeah, it didn't work, so I'd been laying there in the dark for about two and a half hours, my mind running amok with images of Christie's spectacular body, and the pleasures it had given me. Those images had a predictable effect on me, or rather my cock. Hard doesn't even begin to describe it. It took all my will not to jerk off.

The door squeaked, and she appeared like a dream before me. Her robe fell silently from her shoulders, and she slid wordlessly into bed, kissing me passionately. Her hand found my dick.

"Jesus! I guess I don't have to ask if you missed me!" she giggled, rolling onto her back. "Please?"

My cock found its home to be every bit as wet as it was warm. I obviously wasn't the only one who'd spent the last few hours reliving things.

It was a fast, frenzied, frenetic fuck, pure wanton lust and need, devoid of the gentle caring that I wanted our future to be, but exactly what we both needed right now. I pounded her pussy with remorseless fury, while she held tight and absorbed my thrusts in near silent bliss. When she did speak, her voice was a smoky rasp of desire.

"Oh god... Yes darling, I love you, so much!...Please fuck me...fuck me so hard, with that big cock!"

I did, and she bit my shoulder to muffle her orgasmic cries. Moments later, her pussy was flooded by my own climax, a huge load of spunk that overflowed, and dripped from her swollen cunt.

She slipped silently from the bed a few minutes later, and closed the door as she left, returning to her parents' home, for now.


"I like your new hair, honey," Angela said, feeling her daughter's strawberry-blonde waves.

"Thanks Mom. I did it to surprise my new boyfriend," Christie replied, keeping a straight face despite my being in the room. I liked the title.

"Oh really? Is he in one of your classes, this new man in your life?" Angela asked, with motherly curiosity.

"No, more of a lab partner, really. We bounce ideas off each other. You'd like him. I think you would have him over for dinner," Christie answered.

Jesus, girl... Why don't you just tell them we've been in bed together?! I thought, trying not to let my cringe show. Then she turned to me, getting me involved in the game.

"You see," she began, explaining herself, "Mom and Dad always had this thing about my boyfriends. If we wouldn't 'have him over for dinner', he wasn't going to be my boyfriend for long. Kind of a character judgement." She smiled as I squirmed inside. At least I qualified, as this was easily the tenth time I'd been over for dinner. Most of those had been during Christie's absence at school, but I guess they still counted.

Thankfully, that particular topic of conversation ground to a halt. The turkey was almost ready, so Ed and I were called to the table. Since it was just the four of us, Mom and Dad took the ends of the medium sized rectangular table, which put Christie and myself across from each other.

Both ladies were nicely dressed, and as Angela put the delicious looking bird on the table, she gave me a peek at her equally delicious cleavage. It was innocent enough, just a byproduct of her pretty silk blouse. Christie took it as a challenge, and when she followed her mother in with the gravy and bread, she leaned well across the table, rearranging the items, and wagging her lightly restrained boobs at me in the open neck of her own silk top for longer than decorum would allow. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Ed had his head turned, still watching the football game on TV, and Angela had returned to the kitchen.

Christie, still leaning over and showing me her tits, squeezed her upper arms together, maximizing her display of teasing cleavage with a mischievous grin. She heard her mother coming back, and ended the titillating behaviour, standing up. A parting wink, and she went to get more food from the kitchen as well.

"Thank you so much for inviting me tonight, Angela. It would have been just me, the dogs, and a pizza, I fear," I said quietly.

"You're very welcome," she replied, placing the veggies on the table. "We all have so much to be thankful for, good neighbours included."

I hope you still feel that way when you find out what's been happening between your daughter and I, I thought. I am quite thankful for your daughter's love.

We all took our seats, and said grace. Not my thing, but it wasn't my house, or my table, so I played along, taking the opportunity, while everyone's eyes were closed, to take a peek at Christie's tits. After the leaning cleavage trick, she had done a few hard sits, which made those luscious orbs bounce as she adjusted her chair. Now, those same globes were resting on the edge of the table. While I watched, she pressed her upper arms in, squeezing her boobs tightly together again, swelling upward. She knew I'd be watching. Little vixen.

I almost choked when I felt her foot, rubbing on the inside of my calf. Cliché as it is, she was playing footsie with me under the table. Or...she might have something more in mind, because the foot is still headed north, and just passed my knee.

Looking across the table, Christie's face gave no indication that she was currently trying to drive me insane. She ate her food, looking at her Mom and Dad quite innocently, while her soft, sexy foot wormed its way higher, and higher, only stopping when it made contact with the hard bulge that she had caused in my crotch. I saw a brief flicker of a smile tickle her lips. She was a wicked little tease, but she was worth enduring the torture.

I lifted my napkin from my lap, and dabbed my lips. With my other hand, I reached down and grasped her foot. Across the table, Christie's fork paused on the way to her mouth. She glanced quickly, out of the corners of her eyes, at her parents. I pulled her foot tighter, dragging her forward on her chair, and a small grin formed on her lips. She wiggled her toes, and I put the napkin back on my lap, hiding her foot from view.

I let her have her fun throughout dinner. Ironically, it was her mother that made her stop.

"Christie, could you please get the desert from the kitchen?" Angela asked.

"Of course, Mom," she replied, deftly retracting her foot and sliding her chair back. "Two apple pies, coming up."

"She got them from a bakery near her school," Angela said, with no clue how wrong she was. "They're supposed to be good."

Christie came back in, with a pie in each hand, and a wry grin on her face. What Mom didn't know wouldn't hurt us.

The pies were very good. While we were having a second slice, Christie spoke up.

"Mr. Reynolds, would it be okay if I came over to visit the dogs later?" she asked, innocently. "I haven't seen them for so long. I miss those cute faces."

"I'm sure they'd love to see you too," I replied, somehow holding back the laugh that her act nearly caused. "Please. Call me John." Or Sweetheart, baby, honey, lover...

With the meal complete, we sat around the table gabbing for another hour or so, before I excused myself, said my goodnights, and went home.

Christie was fifteen minutes behind me.


When she arrived, Christie was dressed in casual clothes, having changed out of her Sunday best, for dog fur reasons. That's the story, and we're sticking to it.

Those casual clothes were now strewn casually all around the bedroom, and she was tall in the saddle, riding my cock for all she was worth. Her boobs were flying as wildly as her hair, and the look in her eyes revealed the extreme urges that had gripped her all day. Seconds later, she grunted through another orgasm, her third in the last fifteen minutes, and her motions slowed to a halt. I grabbed her ass, and rolled us over.

"Uhn, fuck, yes...fuck me baby!" she hissed.

I was pretty close, so I was going to be doing that, with or without her permission. I plunged deep into her cunt, over and over, fucking her hard, until I felt the tide rising in my balls. I pulled out, and sprayed my cum all over her, then crashed beside her.

"So, honey," she laughed, finally getting her breathing under control. "my Mom was lecturing me, before I came over here tonight, about taking advantage of your hospitality."

"Really?" I asked, opening my eyes and trying to focus.

"Yeah, she's worried that I'm using your pool too much." She was scraping my cum up and licking her fingers.

"That's ridiculous," I laughed. "I mean, you've hardly used the pool at all, since you started using my dick."

"I know!"


John and Christie are having fun. I hope you had fun reading their latest adventure.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Not many stories on Lit talk about love like this one. While the sex is awfully good, if not a little over the top, it's the love that makes it even better.

TG700TG700about 1 year ago

The love is what makes the story even better!

naughtyandy4unaughtyandy4ualmost 3 years ago

This is a fun and sexy read, most enjoyable, the story and the sex

2cookies4u2cookies4uabout 3 years ago

Absolutely loving this story! Enjoy the pace and writing of the story as one of the other commenters made earlier.

Keep it up!!

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