Living with April


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Then Larry groaned and shot his wad into April and April looked like that was perfectly fine with her. Then Larry pulled out of April and Marion made Hannah kneel down and eat April's pussy even though it was full of Larry's come! Hannah was going crazy and got even crazier when Marion started whipping her pretty hard and saying "suck up that jizz you dirty little slut and you may not come until you have licked it all clean!"


He stopped coming inside me and then Marion made Hannah eat me and suck all that nasty come out of me and I couldn't believe how that felt and it was the nastiest vilest thing ever and I wanted to do it too! Hannah was wild and was frantic to get that come and swallow it and Marion was whipping her and yelling that Hanna could not let herself come until she had sucked it all out of me and that was nasty hot! And then Hannah made a smacking noise and took in a big breath through her mouth and I knew she had finished it all and them Marion started whipping her right on the pussy and Hannah threw her head back and had this giant wrenching screaming orgasm and squirted all over the floor!

Then suddenly the guy with the even bigger cock put it to my lips and I devoured it and sucked it and licked it and I could not get it all but I got most of it and I was proud and I saw Jack watching again and I was ashamed to be such a slut but I was and that just made me hotter and then I went really wild and got the cock all the way down my throat! Then it was shooting in my mouth and it felt hot and nasty and I knew Jack was still watching and I sucked it hard and swallowed it all and Marion started flicking me with the whip and I knew I was supposed to keep sucking and keep him hard but my jaw was sore!


I watched Hannah sucking and licking April's pussy and realized she had reached a state of sexual delirium and complete reckless abandon! She was sucking Larry's come out of there like her life depended on it. When she finished it Marion whipped her right on the pussy and it must have hurt like hell but it made her come so hard she almost passed out. I will never, ever, understand women!

April must have reached the same altered state because when Leon came over and put his cock up to her lips she took it without hesitation and it made me shiver to see the lust in her face but wasn't I the one that wanted to be here? April was frantic and soon got even Leon's big dick all the way down her throat just before Leon grunted and came in April's mouth. I could see the smile in April's eyes and she looked at me like she had in the truck when we were describing this fantasy and her eyes said yes and her throat muscles said she was swallowing it all! I was frozen in time and could not move.


I kept the guy hard with my sore jaw and got every drop he had and then he moved back and put his cock in my pussy and started to fuck me and I was not even human I was some kind of animal and I wanted it deep and hard and nasty and I wanted everyone to see it! And then the other black guy climbed back up on the frame and put his cock in my ass and then I devolved into some even lower animal species as I felt two cocks fucking me at once and I wanted more but I only had two holes back there and I wanted it to be on live national TV and have everybody see I was a champion slut and I could take them all!

I looked at Jack and his face looked like glass and I smiled with my eyes and tried to tell him that I would love to have his cock in my mouth right about now but Marion stood up and put her nasty pussy with all those piercings in my face and said "Eat it slut. Make me come before you do!" And it was really nasty strong tasting and sweat was dripping down from Marion's body and I liked it and I guess if couldn't suck the come out of my own pussy I could at least eat this one and I gobbled it and got rough and Marion musts have liked it that way because she came very soon.


I was now watching April getting one big cock in her ass and another even bigger one in her pussy and having Marion's pussy shoved in her face! She was getting a trifecta of just what she asked for and I was certain she liked it, because her pussy was dripping like a leaky faucet and she was making noises like a staked out goat being killed by lions, except that she had never looked more happy and alive! Her forebrain was finally captured and taken over by hormones and pheromones just like mine was when I was eating her pussy!

Then Marion had a big noisy orgasm on April's face and then stood up and grabbed Althea by the hair and dragged her over and put her face right behind April's ass so she had a perfect view of those two cocks going in and out of April. Then just as Larry was about to come in April's ass she pulled him out and shoved his cock into Althea's face and said "finish him off slut and swallow it all, but don't you dare come until I tell you!" Althea was in the same frantic state that Hannah had been in and she slurped and sucked then Larry shot his come in her mouth so hard that some came back out of her nose! She sucked like a machine and then smacked her lips and Marion kept steadily and lightly whipping her thighs and pussy and telling her not to come yet! The Leon pulled out of April's pussy and Althea dove for his cock like bear trying to get a salmon in its mouth and she sucked that huge cock all the way down her throat and played tonsil hockey with it.

That made Leon shoot again and Althea took it all with even more crazy glee than Hannah had displayed and then smacked her lips proudly to show Marion it was all gone. Marion then whipped her hard and fast right on her pussy and Althea had an orgasm so intense I was afraid she was going to break her own neck!


Suddenly there were no cocks in me and no pussy in front of me and all that was left for me to do was breathe really hard and I needed the oxygen because I was about to pass out and I realized I was sore all over. I just stayed suspended in the frame and worked my lungs as I saw Hannah, Althea, and Marion all arrayed on the floor and trying to catch their breath too.

Jack stood watching me with a tight smile and another expression on his face I could not read. It was not angry or hostile or unhappy. It might be surprise plus affection plus maybe a little sadness? Jack helped me get unstrapped and down from the frame and then unhooked and removed the neck restraint and corset. He led me into the bathroom and started up the shower and made it very warm and then got in with me and shampooed my hair and then soaped my body up and scrubbed me with a washcloth and rinsed and then did it all again. I had all sorts of little scrapes and bruises and red spots and the soap and water stung. He handed me my toothbrush with some toothpaste on it and I scrubbed my teeth and gums. The he dried me off because I was still weak as a baby and he wrapped me in another big towel and put me in the bed. He got behind me and hugged me the way we usually sleep and I wanted to tell him so much but I feel asleep in two seconds.


It only took April a minute or two to fall sound asleep. I went into the dungeon wall room and heard the shower running in the guest bedroom. Larry and Leon were just getting dressed and they both came over to say they were leaving now and that I sure knew how to throw a party! I told Leon he better show his wife Paula a good time when she got home and he said he always saved his best for Paula. As I locked the door behind them Marion emerged from the guest bathroom all scrubbed and clean and completely naked with neither makeup nor body jewelry. She looked like a nice middle aged lady that you would see at the neighborhood swimming pool! She smiled and said Hannah and Althea were in the bedroom still trying to work out which one should dominate the other, and I laughed and said they were just competing for second place!

Marion said "I wanted to talk to you about April before I left. I have never met anyone like her. She has a tremendous need to be a total slut, and a tremendous capacity to do it, and you saw how completely she could give herself up to that. But she also told me that she knew she could never be so open and wanton unless she knew you were there for her. She loves you with all her heart. I hope you can reconcile those two. The main thing to remember is that she does not have a mean bone in her body; she would never do anything to hurt you deliberately or even accidentally if she was aware of it! You know intellectually that most women can take on ten men every night and probably used to back in prehistoric times. Today, few women can slip the bonds of modern society and reach that primal state, and who knows if that is good or bad? I guess the question for you two is how often does April need to go there and how comfortable are you with it? And no one can help you two with that, but I do know you have to be brutally honest about it to have a chance to make things work together."

I gave her a hug and asked her to please round up the two other sluts that I liked but was not in love with and take them with her so I could be with April. She agreed. And once again I knew that I would never be able to understand even one woman, much less all of them!


I was totally disoriented and someone was touching me and was all that hot nasty stuff a dream or was it real and it must be real because I am sore all over and Jack is going to sleep fuck me and that's what I want and that's what is normal and the real thing and all is right with the world and do me little fucker do me! I was sore and Jack was not being gentle but that is not what sleep fucking is all about so bring it on Jack!

He was getting close to coming and I wanted something special and I started whispering in his ear like I was hypnotizing him and maybe it would work and maybe not and then it did and he got up and fucked my mouth for the last few strokes and came and that's what I wanted little fucker and now let's both sleep until noon!


Things got back into a comfortable and wonderful routine. I finished the first year of school and made really good grades and suddenly I had several new job offers and lots of requests for interviews. Walter's 'hot rack' as he called the machine was selling very well. Then I asked April where in the country she would like to live if money was not really critical and she said she liked real estate and she would want to do it even if we had more money than we could spend so she wanted to be in big cities with population growth. Her number one choice by far was Los Angeles, second choice Los Angeles, third choice Miami. She had just named the two cities in the country I that least wanted to live in! She said was afraid to start her own company right away and wanted to work for a really big firm for a few years first, but she still was not sure which one.

One night she asked me if there was video of her birthday surprise! I said no because she might end up being a public figure in the real estate business and I did not want a video turning up to embarrass her. She said you are right of course but I might like to have one to watch instead of being tempted to actually do it again. She said it scared her that she could be such a slut. I told her Marion's theory that historically all women used to behave like that and she said "so I'm really, like, a cave girl?"


Things kept going smoothly and soon I had my broker's license and Jack would graduate in three weeks. We both had several job offers and had to make a choice soon! We saw Marion and Walter and Lawrence and Hannah and Althea socially, but Jack and I only fucked each other. I had some flashbacks and dreams about being used and abused, but I kept that to myself.

I finally told Jack that Los Angeles was the only place for me and that I could not have kids and did not want to get married and did not want adopt kids either. I told him I probably would want to do more group sex, because that was just the way I was and I wasn't going to lie to him or to myself about it. But that I wanted him with me there and I would live with him by 'the new rules' with the understanding that I would only do other people if he was there, and never do it behind his back, but he had to let me do it.


I told April that I could not come to Los Angeles permanently now, but I would be traveling a lot and trying to build my resume, but there were lots of airports near LA. Could I come to see her from time to time? And if I could move to California later would the offer still be open? But she told me that if I was not living in LA with her then no 'rules' would apply at all. I said I was willing to stay exclusive and live by the rules even if we did not live in the same city, and she said she would not do that.


So I took a job with a big firm in LA and things went swimmingly for me and soon an investor group approached me about forming a big real estate investment company to serve as a general partner for their various investment vehicles and I took the gamble and won; in two years I was the majority owner of one of the top ten real estate firms in California. But I gambled that I could have it all and get Jack to commit to LA with me by telling him it was my way or no way and I lost that bet. Jack came through town a few times, but I was usually busy and when we did get together the old spark was just not there. I was able to find some discrete but suitably wild playmates in LA.


It seems I chose the right firm and the right international assignment to start with, and soon I went through a dizzying series of high level jobs and now spent most of my travel time on Net Jets going to meetings on billion dollar deals. Walter's 'hot rack' went on to become a great seller, and was in fact put to use all over the world and was well known in almost all adult productions. I had a very substantial 'retirement plan' set up by investing all my royalties, which I did not need to spend, but it did not get enough publicity for anyone to research that patents and recognized me as a co-inventor. Walter and Marion would call occasionally to regale me with some their wilder stories about things they saw on shooting locations and at parties when they visited customers.

I saw April covered in the business magazines periodically as her new company climbed the ranks to be a major force. I would send her a congratulatory email from time to time and sometimes send a picture I had taken in some exotic locale, but we really didn't keep up. One day I realized I hadn't heard from her in several years and I did a search and found an article about her in a local California magazine. She had married another real estate mover and shaker and they had apparently adopted two infant boys from Eastern Europe. Maybe people do change and I spent quite a while thinking and regretting what might have been!

My latest job was as VP and division GM of a large multinational. My division built offshore drilling platforms, tanker terminals, and refineries but other divisions did air bases and naval bases, so the firm was very security conscious, and I had access to a state of the art security suite. I pulled in several photos of April as a target and then started a facial recognition search. There were immediate hits on photos of April speaking at a convention, and getting some 'real estate executive of the year' award, and some Facebook stuff where April was tagged at parties and even a picture of April and her new husband at some sort of country club event. After a few more minutes of search time, I saw some photos from internet newsgroups. I had learned that these are used for a lot more than swapping photos, and are regularly crawled by security spiders to look for hidden messages. The most disturbing one showed April just barely disguised in a little black Halloween mask that hid only her eyes, smiling as she held a large cock up to her face.

A few months later Walter sent me a link and a password for one of the kinkier sites that specialized in very dark fetish group sex. The featured HD video was two years old now, but it had just been put up on the site. It was one of those 'humiliated in a dungeon' videos starring a tall, athletic and very beautiful woman with a jet black spiky Mohawk haircut, dark brown eyes, very heavy makeup, and lots of wild tattoos all over her body. She was restrained in a 'hot rack' and from the first close up of her eyes I knew who it really was! She had dyed her hair and used colored contacts and those tats were paint and if you looked really close toward the end of the video you could see they were a little faded and smudged. But as she was whipped and fucked and sodomized and even pissed on and totally used and abused by over two dozen men and half a dozen women there was no mistaking the noisy serial orgasms and that look of lust and need and nasty and bring it on that was in her eyes, because I had seen it all before, up close and personal. I decided not to bring the facial recognition software back online, because I did not really want to know if one of the men in the video was her new husband.

I realized she was still one of the hottest women on the planet, and part of me still loved her and always will, but that we really were never meant to be together in the long run. And I still do not understand women!

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CanalogaCanalogaover 3 years ago
Great story

Great story, but I'm left a little out of breath at times. Some punctuation and structure to the paragraphs would make it an easier read and give the rader the chance immerse themselves in the eroticism of the story. As it is I sometimes found myself having to reread some paragraphs to make sense of what is being told and that put me off my stride at times. But the story is good. Wonderfully good. A slightly sad ending but that's life right?

King7Fish6King7Fish6over 8 years ago
Great story but,

Didn't like the ending at all. I mean not even a little.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Ending s u c ked

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

So, you are one of those disgusting fuckers who likes sharing his women, huh.

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