Living The Dream

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Nightmares are dreams too unless you get help.
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Another softer story to support the 2020 Valentine's Day event.

Please read my profile for my stance on comments. Feel free to email suggestions or to start a conversation. Private messages work too.

Glenn Lewis Frey; Don Hugh Henley: "It may be raining, but there's a rainbow above you. You better let somebody love you, before it's too late."

+ + + +

Sometimes you want a do-over. My name is Parker and my wife, Bonnie, and I have been together for five tumultuous years. We met a week before Christmas my senior year in high school. My goal in life was to get into every girl's panties as soon as I could. Bonnie was that nut I couldn't crack.

As I sit here today, I wish I would have skipped the challenge. Gawd how I wish that's what I had done. I should have given up and moved on. Unfortunately, I spent the rest of my senior year working at getting a shot between her shapely legs. Senior prom was the beginning of the end.

Despite my promise to pull out in time, well, almost doesn't count. Most of the squirts were onto her belly. How big of a squirt does it take to get someone pregnant? Two months later we were discussing inexpensive honeymoon plans suitable for pregnant women. My plans to attend college were on an indefinite hold.

+ + + +

I'd been fascinated with computer programming and took several college level courses my junior and senior years in high school. I know my way around a database using SQL. It's easy for me to whip out a query, view, function, or stored procedure. I can craft triggers for the most complex data situations. With the tools available, by searching the internet, I've become very proficient. I can work anywhere I can get WIFI. In my case, that means I don't have to leave the house.

I'm not sure how I'd feed my kids if I couldn't work from home. You see, I'm under house arrest for the next ten months. I beat the shit out of a guy at a nightclub. I'm not an imposing fellow. This was actually the first fight I'd been in since grade school. It wasn't even a fight. I ambushed the schmuck. He never touched me. Fortunately, I wasn't charged with a felony.

+ + + +

After Bonnie gave birth to our son, Adam, we had a very quiet six months. I have a pretty good paying programming job. At the time, I worked in an office with about a dozen other programmers. Bonnie and I did grown up things. We were just twenty and pretty naive about, oh, just about everything. Bonnie swears she took her birth control pills, but here we are in the doctor's office looking at a sonogram showing three little sets of hands and feet.

Everything went smoothly. Bevin, followed a few minutes later by Connie, and wrapping up the festivities Dani joined our family. I'm seriously thinking of getting fixed before we knock off another letter of the alphabet.

You can only take so much of a terrible twos boy, who is quite upset that the chorus of whining girls get more attention than he does. On a Saturday night we had Bonnie's parents come over and watch the kids.

Bonnie and I had dinner at a chain restaurant then found a nightclub with a live band. This was the first time we'd been to a bar since we turned twenty one. The place was packed. It was tough to talk and even tougher to dance without bumping into people. We opted for a different nightclub. There was no live band but they did have a juke box and a dance area. There were about forty people enjoying themselves.

After several dances, and a few mixed drinks, we ended up sitting near three couples. All of the couples were like us, not knowing any of the other couples. The guys were talking sports while the ladies were talking about, well, beats the hell out of me. Some other guys approached our table and asked the ladies to dance.

Two accepted, two declined. I watched Bonnie saunter off with a guy. A couple of fast dances later she was back. Then a different guy asked her to dance. She glanced at me and I nodded my approval. They were together for a couple of fast and at least that many slow dances. It looked like there wasn't any hanky-panky out on the dance floor.

I excused myself to use the restroom and when I returned, I couldn't spot Bonnie. I wandered around but to no avail. I stepped outside and this guy had his right hand between Bonnie's legs, on the outside of her jeans. He was squeezing her pussy vigorously. Her hands were around his neck and his left hand was under her blouse. His head was near her face.

I walked up and kicked as hard as I could into the side of his leg. The toe of my shoe hit him just below his knee. He let out a yelp and his head jerked up. I slammed his blond locks into the side of the building, which was made with concrete blocks. He crumpled to the ground. My next kick delayed the further use of his equipment. My last kick was well placed and I think I turned his gonads into ovaries. Security grabbed me at that point.

I stared at Bonnie "What the fuck were you doing?"

"I uh, I uh, uh, I don't know."

How Bonnie got home is a mystery to me. I spent the night wondering if drunks turned into perverts in the middle of the night. There were six of us in the holding cell.

My parents paid my bail. After dropping me off at home, I heard 'Sorry' from Bonnie so many times I finally told her "Sorry doesn't explain the why of what you did. When you want to explain that, I'll listen, but until then, shut the fuck up!"

No explanation was ever offered.

+ + + +

Sex dwindled as the atmosphere around home stayed frosty. Bonnie was trying her best to avoid confrontations. We couldn't afford more than an apprentice lawyer, but I doubt big bucks could have done much better. I was sentenced to eleven months of house arrest. Unless I was in the back of an ambulance or squad car, I was confined to my house.

Having me around 24/7 was more than Bonnie could stand. She started going out to coffee with some of the neighbors. I was able to bond with all four of my tribe. My boss was very accommodating, and with online meetings, I could keep up on the requirements and progress of my projects.

The next arrow in the heart of our marriage came less than a month into my home confinement.

"Parker, there's not an easy way to broach this subject. I don't want to sit around every night while you're confined. Ever since that guy groped me, I've been thinking I need to see what I missed by being a prude. I met a guy at the supermarket and I'm going on a date with him Friday night."

I'd like to tell you that I remained calm and spoke rationally. That's not how I responded. Bonnie feared for her life, fled to our bedroom, and locked the door. I made it very clear that our marriage was over if she did that. As soon as she locked herself in our bedroom, I called both her parents and mine. They agreed to come over right away.

Bonnie's folks, Roger and Edith, and mine are very similar. Both my mother, Julie, and Edith are Aunt Bea types. Julie occasionally wears slacks, but mostly floor length dresses. I've never seen Edith in anything but a floor length dress. For all I know, she could have four legs as her dresses are always bulky. My dad, Mark, and Roger are very similar too, with stylish beards and receding hairlines.

I explained what I thought Bonnie had told me. Edith coaxed her out of the bedroom. It did not go as planned. After heated snipes, back and forth, Bonnie put an end to the evening.

"If you EVER want to see your grandchildren again, you will stay OUT of my personal life!"

I got a look of pity from all four of the parents. Each gave me a hug when they left. Bonnie fled back to the bedroom and locked the door. I slept on the couch again.

+ + + +

Bonnie spent very little time at home the rest of the week. I have no idea where she went. I was stuck with four lovable but demanding little mouths to feed and care for. Mark arraigned for a divorce lawyer to swing by the house. My choices were to get fucked or really get fucked. Unless Bonnie was shown to be an unfit mother, I was looking at just under eighteen years of child support and paying spousal support, housing, and all sorts of crap for a lengthy period.

Friday evening, just after six the slut announced "I don't know if I'll be back tonight."

I begged Bonnie one last time not to go. She drove off and my marriage was over.

Around 1 Am my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number so I let it go to voice mail. When the tone chimed that they had left a message, I played it.

'Mr. Douglas, this is Abby at University Hospital. Your wife, Bonnie, has been admitted. She's in no danger but will require surgery tomorrow. This is a courtesy call. My number is ...'

Serves her right. Not like I can leave the house. Did he beat her? Was she in a car crash? Was he driving? I did have trouble getting back to sleep. The three little hens decided it was feeding time. I was one tired hombre by the time the roosters were crowing.

The doorbell rang at 8 am. As I approached the front door, I spotted a nice looking sedan parked behind my car.

The man at the door was showing his badge "I'm looking for Parker Douglas?"

"That would be me. How can I help you detective? John is it?"

"Yes, call me John. Are you aware that your wife is in the hospital?"

"I am. That all you have for me?"

"No. Where were you around midnight last night?"

"If you'd get your head out of your ass you'd already know that answer" as I pointed at my ankle monitor.

"OH! Sorry, I should have done a little research. Do you know anyone who would want to harm your wife?"

"None that leap to mind. The hospital left a message that she was there. That's the only thing I've heard. What happened?"

"I've got to tell you Parker, your attitude is quite puzzling. Care to clue me in?"

"She decided to end our marriage last night and went on a date. I somewhat hope her lover beat the shit out of her and raped her."

The color left his face.

"Nothing like that, at least I don't think so. As she was leaving a motel room, she was physically assaulted. No indication, from her, that there was a sexual assault. Her face is black and blue but the real damage is that her assailants took a hammer and broke every finger on her left hand. They left a message on her face with a black marker 'Choices have consequences'.

I know it looked bad, but I was smiling. I had absolutely nothing to do with this.

"Can't help you John. If you'll excuse me, I hear some children who think it's feeding time again."

+ + + +

I thought about calling Bonnie's folks and letting them know what I knew, but then I decided Bonnie could make that call. It was another hectic day of feeding, bathing, changing diapers, feeding, changing diapers, and well you get the picture. I got to watch maybe ten minutes of television and I was falling behind on some of my programming projects. Another late night coding was in my future.

Just after 4 Pm my cell phone rang and caller ID warned me it was Bonnie. I let it go to voice mail.

'Parker, I don't know what you've been told but I was assaulted last night. They operated on my left hand today. All of my fingers and thumb are broken. My entire hand is in a cast. Could you have someone drop off a change of clothes for when I come home tomorrow? How are my babies? Call me.'

Like I'm her fucking nanny. Screw you bitch! Wear your slutting outfit home. Dinner time found my favorite detective at my front door.

"Mr. Douglas, I have a search warrant for your home."

"So formal John. Come on in. Get you something to drink?"

"No thank you."

I sat quietly while they gathered up my computers and busied themselves dumpster diving. His helpers gave John this 'we got nothing' look.

"John, what's going on?"

"There's a related assault. This one was definitely sexual retaliation. We've linked this man to your wife. Someone mutilated his private parts. Same message on his face with the black marker."

I cringed. Mutilated? That's got to hurt. Just like Bonnie's attack, I had absolutely nothing to do with this.

"I guess it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Good luck with your investigation. Since you're taking my phone, would you mind calling my dad for me?"

John called Mark. I told him I needed to borrow a notebook computer, and could he pick me up a cheap throw away phone. My folks came with dinner and I brought them up to date with what I knew. My mom said what I was thinking "Serves the bitch right!"

+ + + +

Bonnie left a few more messages. She was acting like she was the victim of a random crime. Not a shred of regret in her decision to pitch the marriage. I didn't respond to her voice mails or texts.

Sunday, around noon, a car dropped her off at our house. The kids were all excited to see her. I did my best to be in other rooms the rest of the day. She struggled with the kids but I ignored her when she asked for help.

"If you can't do something then lock yourself in the bedroom and I'll do it."

"Parker, don't be like this. We still have a marriage. I'll be in this cast for at least ten weeks. I need your cooperation."

I ignored her and went into my office area. With earphones on and music drowning out my surroundings, I got some work done. I smelled dinner cooking and felt a tap on my shoulder. Bonnie handed me a note.

'The kids need baths. I can't risk getting my cast wet. I'll be in the bedroom.'

When John returned my computers and phone, he let me know that my browser history and cell phone activity were of no use to them. It felt nice to say 'I told you so.'

Bonnie asked John if they had recovered her rings. She had worn my wedding band and her maternal grandmother's wedding band. Apparently the assailants took them off before hammering her fingers. John said no rings were found or turned in.

We lived in a standoff. Bonnie would do what she could and I would finish once I heard the bedroom door close. Almost daily she tried to change my resolve. There was no way I was backing down.

It was a Thursday when Bonnie came out of the bedroom wearing a sexy outfit. At the time I was on the phone with Edith. The kids have a doctor's appointment on Friday and she was going to chauffer them around.

Bonnie announced "I have another date. I don't know if I'll be back tonight."

I stared in disbelief. I need a divorce, and quickly. I'm not going to live my life as a cuckold. I'll miss my children but I'm at the end of my rope.

Edith agreed to take the kids on Friday and expressed dismay about Bonnie's date. Moral support was offered but I was beyond being rational at this point. Thankfully, the snuggles from my kids gave me some hope for the future.

+ + + +

I was sound asleep when my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number so I let it go to voice mail. When the tone rang out that I had a message, I played it.

'Mr. Douglas, this is Mary at University Hospital. Your wife, Bonnie, has been admitted. This is a courtesy call. My number is ...'

What the hell! A replay of the first date? I doubt she was out with the same guy. Mutilated privates don't heal that quickly. Maybe this guy beat the shit out of her. I was shocked, with myself, when I realized I was hoping that maybe she would die of her injuries. Sick, I know, but my life is so fucked up right now.

I took a shot of whiskey and dozed off. I no longer cared about Bonnie.

With a cup of coffee in my hand, I greeted John when he approached the front door.

"John, nice to see you again. What's the story this time?"

"Here's your copy of the search warrant. Same M O, assaulted leaving the motel, broken fingers, and another message on her face. Another guy with mutilated privates. You're good, but we're going to catch you."

"Give it your best shot John, but I am as much in the dark as you are. Same message?"

"On the guy yeah, on Bonnie, a second message 'You're a slow learner; feet are next'."

"You said broken fingers. Right hand this time?"

"You got it. She won't be able to do a thing for herself for a long time."

"Sucks to be her. Don't look to me to help her."

Before they took my phones, I called my dad and asked to borrow his notebook computer again. I also indicated I'd need another throwaway phone. Thankfully all of my work is stored on the cloud. I'd been smart enough to make backups of everything, put them on thumb drives, and let my dad hold them for safekeeping.

Friday, around 4 pm, Bonnie called. Well, Bonnie didn't call, someone called for her. She was panic stricken. How am I going to do this? How am I going to do that? On and on she whined. She's obviously mistaken me for someone who cares. Maybe her folks will take her in.

Julie came by at dinner time and helped with the kids. When my cell phone rang, she saw it was Bonnie, answered it, and put it on speaker.

"Parker, you have to help me."

"Bonnie, this is Julie. Don't count on Parker or any of his friends or relatives helping a slut like you."

"Julie, I told you to stay out of my personal life. Put Parker on the phone."

She offered me the phone but I shook my head no so she poked the END button.

On Sunday Bonnie tried one more time. I let it go to voice mail.

'Parker, if I come home, will you help me? Call me.'

I didn't call. I have no idea where she's staying.

John returned my computers and phones a few days quicker than the first time. Same warning that they still think I'm involved.

+ + + +

Monday morning I had an unexpected guest "Edith, what brings you here?"

"I'm here to help you with the kids."

"What about Bonnie?"

"What about her?"

"Isn't she staying with you?"

"No. She told us to mind our own business, so we've refused her calls. We haven't seen her since the night she told us to stay out of her life. I think she's staying with one of her friends. If I'm not mistaken, it's one of the ladies in her wedding party. She's called on Bonnie's behalf several times but we told her we no longer had a daughter."

"In that case, come on in. Coffee?"

"Black please. Where's my babies?"

Edith stayed out of my way and spent the entire day taking care of the kids. When they were sleeping, she did the wash and some general cleaning. I thought it was a one day thing but she's been back every day. Some days Roger joins her. I caught up on my work projects and actually had time to take a nap without any guilt.

I've not heard from Bonnie and Edith says she hasn't either. My lawyer thought it was a great time to file for divorce. She's abandoned the children at this point.

With Edith staying through dinner, I'm able to map my day out as if I had a wife. The days, which had been a blur, had returned to a very calm pace. The downside of that was that I had plenty of time now to ponder my situation with Bonnie and cultivate my hatred.

My mom comes by several times a week as well. The grandparents get along much better than Bonnie and I ever did. When the kids have a doctor's appointment, one or the other of the grandparents shuttle them.

+ + + +

Once the paperwork was ready, Bonnie was served. Her voicemails were laced with profanities and threats. I didn't delete them figuring there was a chance they'd provide the court a clearer picture of Bonnie.

With my movement limited, the meetings between the lawyers were held in my front yard. I figured it would add a layer of shame for Bonnie to endure. They were intent on fighting for Bonnie having custody and getting child support from me. We were making the same claims against Bonnie. She'd have to get a job to pay her share of support. With her skill set, there's no way she can swing that with anything but an escort's earnings.

The first court hearing went quite poorly for Bonnie. My lawyer painted a colorful picture of me providing the ONLY support the kids had seen in eight weeks. They countered that, with her injuries, she was unable to use her hands. When asked why I wasn't helping her, my attorney provided depositions from the two lovers with mutilated cocks. I confirmed that I did not condone Bonnie having extramarital relations.
