Living In The Shadows Ch. 03

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Life goes on with some bumps in the road.
5.6k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/19/2021
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Two days later, we were all having breakfast, waiting for an update from the doctor. Jim didn't have any setbacks, but they wanted to wait another day to see if the swelling went down more before waking him.

Abby was depressed as she hoped they would wake him the day before, but she was hopeful. Ken and Lainey did their best to reassure her and keep her optimistic, but they could only do so much. Joe was in good spirits, and I wondered if that was because of the time we were spending together. I hoped it was anyway.

Abby's phone rang with a call from the hospital. She answered in front of us, and immediately smiled. She thanked them and said she'd be there shortly.

"Well?" Lainey said brightly, not waiting for Abby to tell us what they said.

"The doctor is happy and will bring him out this morning."

We all applauded and high fived. Keri asked, "How long will it take to wake up?"

"I don't know," Abby answered. "I expect right away, but he'll be groggy for a while."

Joe had a tear fall down his cheek and I smiled at him as he wiped it away.

"Thank you, Melanie and Keri. I appreciate you coming down here with me more than you can ever know."

"Aw, don't worry about it. What are friends for?" Keri said before I could speak.

I squeezed his hand and he said, "No, you hardly know me. I know you've met Jim, but..."

"Whoa there, buddy," I said. "Jim is Ken's best friend and Ken's my family. That makes Jim family. As for you, we knew last Friday when you saved us that you were a great guy and..."

"Saved you?" Ken, Abby, and Lainey shrieked in unison.

"I'll tell you another time," I said. "Right now, we have to get to Jim."

Ken and Abby agreed, while Lainey gave me the sisterly 'we have to talk' look.

We certainly would talk. I needed to pick her brain about falling in love so quickly. I'd never felt as I did before, but I knew she felt that way about Ken from the start of their whirlwind romance. Hell, she was all over social media and famous after their first date and didn't care. She fell in love with Ken while being hounded by the press and having his ex-girlfriend trying to break them up at the same time.

Every time I looked at Joe, I melted just a bit more. I tingled all over, my mind couldn't focus, I even broke out in sweat. Our conversations were so easy and light. Well, the conversations that weren't about Jim and his condition. Those tended to be heavy and laden with tears.

I was there for him. Somehow I knew I'd always be there for him. It was the weirdest feeling. I felt my self on the edge of losing control with him. I barely knew him a few days, yet I wanted him to make love to me, to take my innocence. Well, I wasn't completely innocent, but you get the point.


As we walked to the hospital, I was surprised when Melanie took my hand. I didn't know why I should have been surprised though. We weren't exactly hiding how we felt about each other--and it was clear to anyone paying attention, we were falling hard for each other.

I was embarrassed by our first attempts at kissing, yet she didn't seem to care that I didn't know what I was doing, and she was really good. She took control of the tempo, the amount of tongue, pretty much every touch of our lips period. I almost lost it when she bit my lower lip as she broke our kiss for the final time.

She squeezed my hand as we walked past the crowd of people that seemingly hadn't left for the entire time. They'd watched us come and go and some recognized Ken, even though he had shaven that morning. For some reason, he went back and forth between beard and no beard.

Thankfully, no one asked Ken to stop for a picture or to bug him with some inane question about the movies, and we walked right in. The lack of reporters made me laugh as the biggest news was happening shortly. Jim waking up was surely more important than a silly update about nothing happening.

I guessed Abby succeeded in putting the fear of God into the hospital staff and the leaks were shut down. I was glad. I didn't want my brother's situation to be a horror show of reporters everywhere. He was still news at that time, but it was just updates to say there were no updates.

When we got to his floor, Abby said, "Let me find his nurse and see what's going on."

She took my hand and we walked through the double doors. One of the nurses at the main station recognized us and walked up.

"Hi, the anesthesiologist already started to bring him out. He should wake in a few minutes, but he'll be groggy and out of it for a bit after that," she said with a genuine smile.

I hadn't seen Abby smile since the doctor told her the risk of infection had dropped to just about nil. She turned to me with a huge smile and hugged me. "Let's go see him, Joe."

Abby was crying when we walked into the room. Jim was up! His eyes were open and looked glazed over, but he knew when we walked in.

"About time," he whispered hoarsely. "Thought you didn't bother to come." He smiled weakly, but it was still that damn Jim Steel heartthrob smile.

"Of course, I came, you idiot," she said as she rushed to him and hugged him. I couldn't help the tear that escaped my eye as I watched their love demonstrated before me.

I walked to the other side of the bed as Abby let Jim go from her arms. "Hey, bro," I said quietly.

He patted my arm and said, "Hi, Joe. You didn't have to come all this way. It's just a flesh wound." It was a quote from our favorite Monty Python movie. He used to play that scene out with me when I was little.

"I had to come. I needed to tell..."

"Hey!" he said with a little more power in his voice. "You don't have to tell me anything. I'm your brother and I always will be, no matter how mad you think you are at me."

"But you must think I hate you the way we left it."

He smiled, "I never thought you hated me. Sure, you were mad, but there was no hate there." He patted my hand weakly and changed the subject. "What day is it?"

"Monday," Abby said. "You were put into an induced coma because your brain swelled."

Jim smiled and said, "Told you I have one."

We laughed and Abby said, "What happened, Jim? I mean we've seen the video, but it's not clear on what failed."

"The safety harness broke loose from the wires holding me in the air. The last thing I remember is being shocked that they both failed. I don't understand what happened after though. I should've hit the big air pillow and I'd have been fine."

"You missed the pillow and hit the floor," Abby said.

Before she could say it, I was already thinking it. Someone sabotaged the safety equipment.

"Have you heard from Jackie or the studio?" He asked.

"Jackie was here when I got here but he left. I'm not sure where he went off to," she answered.

"Okay. Could you let him know I'm up? So, what's wrong with me?"

Abby squeezed his hand, "You were lucky. You had a ruptured spleen and your blood pressure got so low, you died on the operating table. They somehow brought you back to me, obviously."

He smirked, "Obviously."

"You also had a pretty bad head injury with brain swelling, so they put you in an induced coma for two days. Thankfully, it wasn't too bad. You don't have any broken bones, but your ribs are bruised pretty good. You're gonna be in pain for a few weeks."

I chimed in, "Your cheek was cut, and you have a jagged scar down your cheek. I'm afraid your good looks are a bit more rugged now."

His hand flew up to his face to feel it and I laughed, "Kidding, bro. You're still the sexiest man in Hollywood."

He laughed and then groaned from the pain in his ribs. "Don't make me laugh," he begged.

The nurse walked in and said, "The doctor will be here soon. Can I get you anything, Mr. Steel?"

Abby didn't like the way she said 'anything,' and I could see the change in her face.

"Abby, how about we let Ken and Lainey visit for a bit?" I asked hoping to avoid a scene.

Her face changed back and she nodded.

"Ken and Lainey are here?" Jim asked.

"Yes, and Keri and Mel too," I answered.

I saw his eyes water just a bit. It was good to see him get emotional for a change, instead of being the cocky superstar.

"Please? I'd like to see them," he said.

Abby waited until the nurse left, then gave Jim a glare. He smiled and said, "Easy, baby. You know who I want."

She smiled and said, "Angela's a couple thousand miles away though."

He laughed again and winced. "Damn it, stop making me laugh."

"Angela?" I asked her as we walked down the hallway.

"Lainey's mom," she said with a smirk. "She's a fifty-year-old version of Mel and Lainey. Jim calls her the hottest grandma in the Midwest."

"Oh, right. I've heard him mention her."

She slapped my arm and smiled, then she stopped me.

"Joe, I was so scared I'd lose him. I don't know what I would've done." I hugged her and let her cry it out.

"I know. He may be a pain in the ass, but I love the asshole."

She smiled, took a deep breath and we walked through the double doors. Everyone jumped up looking for news.

"He's up and talking. He wants to see Ken and Lainey first," Abby said. She exhaled a deep breath. It was almost like the weight of the world was lifted off her shoulders.

Ken and Lainey each hugged her and rushed through the doors. Abby sat and was still emotional, although no longer from fear, it was relief. Melanie and Keri sat on either side of her and took her hands in theirs. It was a beautiful sight. I looked at my sister-in-law, who'd give her life for my brother, smiling at the girl I was falling for. I don't know why, but at that moment I felt like I would have that kind of love with Melanie. We clicked on every level.


With the Jim scare over, we were packing to return home. We only missed one day of classes, so it wasn't too bad from that standpoint, but the biggest result from the trip was my feelings for Joe deepened to something almost scary.

I hadn't seen him since we kissed in the hallway after we got back from the hospital. Our flight left in three hours, and I wondered if I could sneak in some more kissing before we left. I know I sound as if I were just a horny kid, and I was. I felt with Jim out of harm's way, there was no reason not to have a little fun.

I hurried and got everything put away. I was about to go to Joe's when there was a knock on my door. I hoped it was Joe and hustled to open it.

"Hello, ma'am," the bellman said with a smirk. "Here's your order. Thank you." He handed me a paper back and almost ran down the hallway.

"What the hell?" I thought as I opened the bag. I gasped when I saw it was a box of condoms.

I yelled and pushed open the adjoining door to Keri's room. "Was this you?" I shouted.

She looked at the package and laughed, "Nope."

"Who the hell...fucking Ken!" I shouted.

I grabbed my phone and called him. When he answered I didn't wait for him to speak. "You're an asshole. I'm going to come up there and kick your Hollywood ass, you..."

"Mel, shut up for a second," he said cutting me off. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"The box of condoms you sent me, prick. It's not funny."

"Mel, I didn't send you a box of condoms. I'd never do something like that to you. Hang on."

There was silence and then I heard him laugh and say, "You're gonna pay for that."

He came back on, "Mel, I'm sorry, honey, it was Lainey. I guess she thought it was funny."

I didn't respond and ended the call. Keri was laughing and asked, "Was it Ken?"

"Lainey," I answered as I threw the 36-count pack of Trojan Magnums into the trash bin.

Keri pulled them out and tossed them into her bag. I glared at her, and she said, "Hey, one never knows when they'll come in handy."

"Grr..." I growled and walked out of the room. I'd get even with my sister for the prank a few months later. The problem is, I took it too far and Ken left her. That's another story though.

Anyway. There was another knock on my door, and I was about to scream at whomever it was, until I saw that it was Joe. I pushed him into the hallway and made him open his door.

"What are you doing?" he asked as the door closed. I pushed him into it and pulled his head down to mine and kissed him.

"That's what I'm doing," I said, as he tried to catch his breath.

"I like it," he smirked. "To be honest, I was coming over to help you pack so we could spend a few more alone minutes together before we left."

"You read my mind, sir," I sighed. "You won't believe what my asshole sister did."

"Hm?" he asked as he took my hand and led me to the bed.

"She sent me a box of god damned condoms. Extra large ones too!" I shrieked.

He backed up and looked away in embarrassment. I saw his face turn red and thought his shyness was adorable. Then I saw the outline of his penis swelling in his gray sweatpants. He realized his predicament and walked to the window, quickly turning away from me. I suddenly thought those extra-large ones may not have been big enough.

I walked over behind him and wrapped my arms around his stomach.

"You don't have to hide from me," I whispered.

"'s just..." he stuttered.

"Turn around," I demanded softly.

"Melanie, I..."

I pulled him around and said, "Don't be shy." I took his hand and walked him back to the bed. I gently pushed him down and sat on his lap.

"Melanie, no," he said shyly.

I turned to face him and wrapped my legs around his back.

"Joe, that big log is all mine from now on. Don't ever be embarrassed if I give you a hard on again. That just means that I turn you on, right?"

He nodded.

"Good. That's my job. But," I paused to kiss him deeply. I felt him harden more between my legs. "You can't make love to me. Yet. I'm a virgin and I plan to stay that way for a while. Don't get me wrong. I'm falling hard for you, and I think you feel the same."

He nodded.

"Good. I won't have sex with you for now, but we can do other things, okay?"

He nodded again. He was putty in my hands.

"Melanie, I don't have much experience. I've never had sex either."

"And you never will," I said. He looked confused and I smiled. "When the time is right, we won't have sex. We will make love."

He snickered and I slapped his shoulder. "I know I sound like a dork. Too bad."

I kissed him tenderly and said, "We have some time before we have to go. Wanna fool around?"

It was as if a switch went off in his mind. He rolled me over and straddled my body. The look of lust in his eyes turned me on so bad, I thought I would seep through my leggings.

His hands went to my breasts and his fingers pinched for my hardening nipples as his palm and other fingers massaged me. I felt so out of control I'd never felt so submissive in my life. Whatever he wanted to do, I'd let him, and he knew it.

He slid his left hand up and stroked my chin with his thumb. I was putty in his hands, what a turn of events.

He rolled off and pulled me onto him. I straddled his hips, and he took my butt in his hands as if it were natural for him. I was almost certain he'd never touched a woman's butt like that before, but it was such a practiced movement, I wondered.

"I love that, Joe. Your hands feel so good."

He sat up and kissed me. "How far can I go, Melanie? I don't want to..."

"Shush," I said with a smile. "You can do anything you want except put your penis in my body."

"Really?" he asked too excitedly. I all of a sudden had the feeling I was a new toy for him.

"Melanie, there's something I'd like to do. If you don't want me to, that's fine, but..."

"Joe, anything except penetration. What is it?"

He pulled back and looked down, "I want to taste you. Can I lick you down...there?"

I wanted to laugh but held it back. Who the hell was I to say no to a man that wanted to lick my pussy?

"Baby, feel free to lick away."

He jumped up off of the bed and grabbed his phone. I wondered what he was doing when he smiled and set it down. I almost laughed when Barry White started playing. He must have heard that it was romantic music or something, but when 'You're my first, my last, my everything' comes on, all one wants to do is dance.

"Um, Joe, try a different song."

He looked pale. "Um, I heard..."

"Joe, put on some soft music. Here, let me."

I took the phone and put on a lite rock playlist. Air Supply came on and who doesn't love "Making love out of nothing at all?"

Joe kissed me down to the bed. His hands roamed my body and I shivered at every sensation.

I sat up and took my shirt off. My braless breasts then became his obsession. He squeezed, licked, and sucked at each nipple, never ignoring one of the two. His strong hands made me feel like Play-Doh and I loved every second of it.

His hand suddenly stroked down my side. When he hit the waistband of my leggings, he slid around and slipped in and cupped my butt in his hand.

"Joe, oh, Joe," I moaned as his large hand explored my butt.

He kissed me with such passion, I wanted to explode, but I felt chained. He moved to my side and slid his hand from my butt to my mound. I shivered as his fingers snaked through my hair, moving their way to my wet pussy.

"Oh, Joe, yes, my love. Touch me."

I shivered when he finally touched my clit. All of a sudden I craved his fingers penetrating me.

"Go ahead and pull them off," I begged.

He smiled and pulled my leggings and panties off. He seemed as if he were in a trance, staring at my pussy.

"Um, I believe you wanted to lick me," I reminded him.

"Oh, yeah!" He answered and slid down between my legs.

He traced his fingers through my trimmed hair. I didn't shave, but I liked my kitty to be neat and trim. He seemed to like it as well. He achingly inched closer to me in slow motion. I knew I was dripping with anticipation.

I watched him take a deep breath and had to stifle a giggle, but he didn't stop inching closer.

Finally, he licked from the bottom of my slit to the top. Grazing over my opening and my clit. My legs shot out from the sensation, and he dove in with gusto. His tongue was a whirling dervish, licking everywhere seemingly at once. He made me feel good, but I ached for him to get down to business and focus on my clit. I wanted to cum so badly and I was so close, I couldn't stand it.

I used both hands to lift his head. He smiled at me with my juices messy on his face.

"Lick here for a bit and you'll make me cum," I whispered and rubbed my clit.

"Anything you want," he said with a cheeky grin.

"Oh, shit!" I moaned as he began his effort to finish me off.

"You taste so good," he said and lowered his head back in.

"That's it baby, that's the spot. I'm so... Holy crap!" I shrieked as his fingers penetrated my hole unexpectedly. Jesus, it felt good as he twisted and turned his long fingers inside me. Whether by luck or knowledge, he found my g-spot and pushed me over the edge.

"Yeah, oh yeah!" I moaned as I trembled through one of the best orgasms I ever had. I was definitely going to enjoy playing with him a lot.

I got sensitive so I lifted his head again. "Too sensitive, baby."

He moved up to kiss me and I touched my finger to his forehead. "Wash your face first, Romeo."

He jumped out of bed and hurried to the bathroom.

I sat up and sighed contentedly. I wondered if expected me to return the favor. Was I ready to give him a blow job? I hemmed and hawed about it, to use one of my dad's favorite expressions. My mind was made up as soon as he came out of the bathroom. He was naked and looked incredible. His chiseled chest and six-pack abs floored me, but his penis, holy cow was it big.

It was hard as iron and bounced as he walked to the bed. His large balls swung in his loose sac. I must've had the same look as he did when he first saw me naked. I'd never seen such a beautiful penis.