Lifestyle of a Fallen Angel

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Fallen angel Sela reunites with her lover Grigori.
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"Shit," Grigori Bastien said to himself. The bullet fired by the bank robber thudded into his forehead and he fell to the floor, dead. Or so it seemed. The other people gathered at the All Saints Mall branch of the Bank of Canada gasped in shock. The City of Ottawa, Ontario, is usually quite bland and boring. Some even call it the town that fun forgot. Grigori just happened to catch an Uber to his favorite mall on what seemed like a mundane evening and regretted it. Shit happens in this life, folks. The big and tall, dark-skinned and well-dressed, thirty-something lay on the floor, bleeding profusely.

The bank robbers were later captured by the local police, and witnesses were interviewed by the investigators while media and curious parties gawked on. Paramedics put a white sheet over Grigori Bastien's body and drove him to the medical examiner's office. The East End of Ottawa is usually full of the wrong kind of excitement. Grigori has been living in the area for a decade, and thought of it as quaint. Of course, sometimes the shit hits the fan and everyone gets caught in the crossfire. Grigori was taken to the medical examiner but mysteriously vanished. What happened to the poor fellow's corpse?

"That's what you get for banking in person instead of online," came a rather cheerful voice. Grigori sat up on the bed, and instinctively touched his forehead. The wound was gone, and there was no scar that he could feel. Sighing, Grigori scanned his surroundings. A tall, dark-skinned woman with dreadlocks stood a short distance away. Decked out in a black leather jacket, red turtleneck shirt, blue jeans and boots, the woman looked beautiful. Grigori smiled wanly as he recognized the fallen angel Selaphiel.

"Hello, Sela," Grigori said, and Selaphiel smiled then drew closer. She handed a bottle of Merlot to Grigori, who took a good swig from it. The two fallen angels exchanged a look. Grigori and Selaphiel have known each other for a while. Once upon a time, they were among the renegade angels who defied Heaven and sided with Lucifer Morningstar. Most of the rebel angels were rounded up and sent to Hell by the thousands. A few rebel angels managed to hide on Earth among the humans. That was eons ago...

"If I hadn't been working that shift you'd be in a lot of shit," said Selaphiel. Grigori nodded with gratitude. Fallen angels have to get jobs to pay the bills just like everyone else. Selaphiel chose to be an EMT, and she had her degree from local EMT factory Algonquin College and everything. Grigori chose to be an IT professional, working as a tech support or call center agent for various companies from the comfort of his home. Yeah, fallen angels are just regular guys and gals with jobs...most of the time.

"I owe you," Grigori said, and he took a look around Selaphiel's place. They were in the affluent suburb of Barrhaven, in the west end of Ottawa. Barrhaven was like a different planet compared to the loud, overcrowded, ghetto spot known as the East End of Ottawa. Grigori chose his Overbrook apartment because it was affordable, and the place was alright. Grigori doesn't mind gang bangers, drug dealers or prostitutes. The fallen angel had been around since Sin was first invented. Today's mortals, with their fascination with race, gender, sexuality and identity, couldn't faze Grigori. The fellow was jaded before it was cool.

"Yes you do," Selaphiel replied, and she grinned as Grigori pulled her into his arms and kissed her gently. Selaphiel kissed Grigori passionately and groped his ass. Laughing, the two fallen angels slipped out of their clothes and began making love. Grigori's eager hands caressed Selaphiel's large breasts while she fondled his ass. Grigori grinned as Selaphiel reached for his long, thick member with both hands. Selaphiel smiled almost ferally as she stroked Grigori's cock. Back to the bed they went...

"Glorious," Grigori whispered as Selaphiel straddled him. he caressed her thick round ass as she stroked his cock. Selaphiel rubbed Grigori's member against her wet, hairy pussy. With a swift thrust, he entered her. Selaphiel groaned as Grigori's thick cock entered her pussy. Resting her hands on Grigori's broad shoulders, Selaphiel began riding him. The two longtime friends made love passionately, drawing on superhuman reserves of energy that mortal men and mortal women could never match. Afterwards, they lay in each other's arms.

"You're going to have to leave Ottawa, and neither Montreal nor Toronto are far enough, think Buffalo, NY, or something," Selaphiel said gently. Grigori caressed Selaphiel's thick round ass and gently kissed her shoulder. As fallen angels hiding in the world of humans, they had to be careful. Immortals remaining undetected among mortals must exercise great care. Humans are masters of sensing that which is different in their midst and persecuting it.

"I will miss you and this city," Grigori said gently. Selaphiel grinned, pleased with his choice of words. Over the course of thousands of years, Selaphiel and Grigori have loved, disliked and even hated each other. They always kept in touch. There were a few other fallen angels out there. For the most part, they avoided each other. The world is a big place, and the fallen and undying sons and daughters of Heaven didn't care for each other's company most of the time. Even among those who cannot die, one should know when it is time to move on.

"We have some preparations to make, I'll give you a ride to the airport," Selaphiel said, and Grigori nodded. A few days later, Grigori was at the airport, wearing a fake beard and mustache. He had a passport under a new name, and was headed for the United States. After sharing a passionate kiss and a heartfelt hug with Selaphiel, Grigori set forth on his new journey. A few hours later, Grigori was in Boston, Massachusetts, under the name Benson McGregor. He stayed at a hotel and looked for a new apartment. Money wasn't a problem. Fallen angels know how the human world works...

As Grigori began a new life, Selaphiel returned to her own existence. The tall, alluring female fallen angel got back to her daily routine. Selaphiel likes to shop at the Rideau Shopping Center, and her favorite movie theater is at South Keys Plaza. When Selaphiel isn't driving an EMT truck and saving lives on the streets of Ottawa, Ontario, she enjoys musicals and horror movies. For rest and relaxation, Selaphiel practices transcendental meditation mixed with Yoga. Selaphiel also collects Afro-Caribbean art and always has season tickets to the National Arts Center in downtown Ottawa. The lady does know how to live in style...

Selaphiel, known to the world as Sela Philemon, walked through the Rideau Shopping Center like she owned the place. Located in downtown Ottawa, the bustling shopping center attracts all kinds. French Canadians, Haitians, Somalis, Arabs, English Canadians, Indians, Pakistanis, Persians, Chinese and more. Young people on their cellphones. Middle-aged men following their wives dutifully in and out of shops, trying to look excited rather than bored. Gay men and bisexual men on the prowl for that next male-on-male connection. Lesbians and bisexual women making eye contact with straight women and sighing in disappointment when nothing happens. All the flavors of Humanity...

"I need some jewelry," Selaphiel said to herself. The tall, alluring fallen angel looked like a supermodel and men and women of all hues couldn't stop gawking at her. A blond guy on a date with an Arab woman stared a bit too long at Selaphiel. A short-haired, masculine woman holding hands with another short-haired, masculine woman did the same thing. A young black man holding hands with a plump blonde-haired white woman stared so much at Selaphiel that his girlfriend gave him a dirty look. Selaphiel merely smiled. After 7000 years living on the Planet Earth, she's still got it...

"You stink like mortals do," came a voice. Selaphiel froze in her tracks like a deer in head lights. A short distance away stood a tall, handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes, dressed in a fine business suit. Next to him stood a tall, athletic Asian woman and a handsome, bearded Middle-Eastern male. Selaphiel the fallen angel fought the urge to run and hide. The trio approached her, smiling at her like old friends. If Selaphiel could have flown away she would have, but she and her fallen brothers and sisters lost their wings eons ago...

"Michael," Selaphiel said, and the leader of the Archangels smiled and nodded. Michael stepped forward confidently. For a brief moment, Michael flexed his wings, which were invisible to mortals. The other Archangels, the female Galadriel and the bearded Uriel, did the same. Selaphiel kept perfectly still. The fallen angel knew that the archangels could summon eldritch weapons at will and kill her in an instant. During the War, Michael personally killed many of the rebel angels who followed Lucifer Morningstar. Selaphiel lost many friends to the Archangels blades...

"Selaphiel, former angel of the Thrones," said Galadriel. The dark-haired, well-dressed Asian female archangel looked at Selaphiel with an expression bordering on pity and contempt. Selaphiel swallowed hard. Once upon a time, eons ago, Galadriel was Selaphiel's commanding officer. The two of them had been close friends. Galadriel mentored Selaphiel and was training her to be her lieutenant. Of course, that was before Selaphiel fell for Lucifer's lies and joined his cause...

"I don't want any trouble," Selaphiel said gently. Michael seemed amused while Galadriel seemed disappointed. Uriel stroked his beard. The normally quiet, almost taciturn archangel is a being of few words. While Michael, as leader of Heaven's Army, is an imposing and formidable being, Uriel looks deceptively benign and calm. Selaphiel saw right through Uriel's quietness. It was Uriel who commanded Heaven's loyal angels to cut off the fallen angels wings. Some fallen angels were sent to the Hell dimension, to be tortured for eternity while others hid on the Planet Earth among the humans.

"I should have sent you to the Pit of Hell," Uriel said quietly. Michael chuckled and Galadriel's pristine features twisted into a smile. The three archangels looked at Selaphiel the way cobras look at a cornered dove. Selaphiel took a deep breath even though, as an Immortal, she did not need to breathe. Passersby gawked at the tall, pretty black lady who stood awkwardly talking to the tall trio in business attire. Mortals knew deep down that these were no ordinary folk but they were masters at denying the truth of their instincts. The supernatural counts on mortal disbelief in hide among them...

"Selaphiel, tell us where Grigori is, and we will let you leave," Michael said evenly. Selaphiel frowned, genuinely surprised by what the archangel said. This didn't make any sense. Grigori was an angel of low power and importance among the fallen angels hiding among the humans on the Planet Earth. Not the sort of being that the archangels would even notice. Back in Heaven, Grigori was the Archivist at the Heavenly Library. What did the archangels of Heaven want with Grigori? There were more dangerous and more powerful fallen angels scattered all over the world...

"What do you want with Grigori?" Selaphiel asked, and once the words left her mouth, she knew she fucked up. Michael frowned. Uriel smiled. Galadriel looked bored. Michael snapped his fingers and Time suddenly...stopped. It was as if someone hit the Pause Button all over the crowded Rideau Shopping Center...and the world. Selaphiel looked around and saw that all the humans were frozen. The archangels power was absolute. Stopping time was just one of their tricks...

"Wrong answer," Michael said, and the archangel touched Selaphiel's shoulder in an almost gentle manner. Golden fire shot out of the archangel's palm and into Selaphiel's body. The fallen angel screamed in sheer agony. Nobody heard Selaphiel's screams because Time had stopped all over the world. Selaphiel fell on the floor, her body ablaze. Rolling around on the floor like she'd seen people do in movies, Selaphiel tried to put out the flames. Suddenly, something blasted the archangels off of their feet. The flames burning Selaphiel went out immediately...

"Selaphiel my dear, come with me if you want to leave," said a familiar voice. Selaphiel looked up to see a tall, handsome man with golden brown skin and long, curly dark hair. He looked at her through amused emerald eyes. Bending gently, the leather-clad, handsome fellow held out his hand. Selaphiel hesitated and then took the fellow's hand. He pulled her to her feet. Selaphiel looked around and saw the three archangels trapped in a magical forcefield of golden energy. Nobody could mess with the archangels, except perhaps another archangel...

"Lucifer," Selaphiel said, filled with equal parts dread and wonder. Lucifer, former archangel of Heaven, looked at Selaphiel and smiled. This was the being whose seductive lies cost Selaphiel and thousands of angels from all Choirs their place in Heaven. For thousands of years, Selaphiel dreamed of what she'd do or say if she ever saw Lucifer again. In some of her fantasies, Selaphiel wanted to embrace Lucifer. In others, she wanted to hurt him. Lucifer looked at Selaphiel with concern. Since he just saved her ass, Selaphiel decided not to do anything rash...

"We must leave, Sela, my Binding Spell won't hold the archangels for long," Lucifer said firmly. Selaphiel nodded. Lucifer put his hand on Selaphiel's shoulder, as Michael had, and she flinched. Energy poured out of Lucifer and into Selaphiel. Within moments, the fallen angel was completely healed, without any scars. Selaphiel smiled at Lucifer, grateful beyond measure. Lucifer nodded, and then snapped his fingers, teleporting himself and Selaphiel away. The Devil's always got a trick up his sleeve...

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