Life of Mick Ch. 12


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Misty walked back to the kitchen and announced that there was no hurry and she went to the refrigerator and pulled out eggs and sausage and pulled a frypan to a burner on the stove. I kissed Monique and then Mariah and walked in a firm embrace from Misty. I headed for the airport.

I met Peter and the Signature lobby on the far side of the airport from commercial traffic. He was wearing an off-the-rack suit that I would have been thrilled to have at his age. He was more nervous than when he left my office yesterday. I encouraged him and told him to relax. I watched his shoulders sag to a relaxed posture. He forced a smile and gathered himself. I smiled to myself. He was going to be fine.

We sat beside each other on the plane and I watched as Peter pulled out a volume of the company security manual and studied it for the hour-long flight. A car was waiting and we were in the Corporate Boardroom a half-hour later. I put a hand on Peter's shoulder to settle him down as his nerves were getting the best of him as board members filed in. I had to chuckle to myself when Olivia, Emma, Sophia, and then Alexis came in and sat down. I hadn't warned him about what to expect. Olivia sent an air-kiss across the table at me and I smiled back. Alexis came around the table and kissed me on the cheek and whispered, "He'll make a good addition to our parties. We need some young blood." Then she stood up and said louder, "We're all sorry about losing Samantha." I nodded.

There were several men and a few women whom I didn't know and had never seen before. They turned out to be CEOs of other West Corporation companies.

Hunter came in with a few headquarter security guys. Hunter sat at the head of the table across the length of the table from Alexis. The security guys took a parade rest posture behind Hunter. There were chairs for them to sit in but none of them did. This was an odd assortment of attendees and I sat back and let things happen.

Hunter's Security Chief introduced himself and shook my hand and then Peter's. He was probably in his fifties and kept referring to Peter as 'son'. I cringed a little. Corporate Security was the purpose of the meeting and not just at my company but across the entire company. I guessed that Peter was invited because he was the newest 'chief of security' in the company. Presentations were made on the latest concerns to maintaining security given the huge surge in technology and the corporation's moves to counter it. The whole dog and pony show was interesting.

After the meeting broke up the other CEOs left and Peter and I were asked to stay. Hunter leaned forward and looked at Peter. Peter gulped hard and Alexis giggled and said, "Sweetie, you're scaring the kid." Now Peter was embarrassed at getting backed up by Alexis. Hunter smiled and said, "Relax Peter. We trust Mick's selection of you to take Samantha's place as Chief of Security. You are by far the youngest at that position in the corporation and Mick's company security is critical to us all. We are proposing that you move here for two weeks for training. We'll provide a seasoned replacement for you while you are here."

Peter seemed to release the pressure building up inside him in one long breath. Then he jumped in his seat and everyone looked at him and then, as one we looked across the table at Olivia who was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. I looked down to see Olivia's shoeless foot in Peter's crotch. He was afraid to move.

Alexis said, "Come on Livy. Give the guy a chance." She laughed and everyone joined her except for Hunter, Alexis, Peter, and me. Peter had no real encumbrances to Hunter's proposal and he readily agreed. He would drive up in his car next week and start his training. The meeting was over and Alexis leaned over and touched my arm and asked me to follow her back to her office. Peter went to HR to get his security badge for next week and get his classified clearance transferred.

Alexis took a position behind her desk and she offered me a matching cherry wood chair and I sat down. Unfortunately, she wanted to talk about Samantha. I understood how much Alexis liked Sam but I didn't want to talk about it. My emotions on the subject were too raw and pulling anything from me was like extracting fingernails with plyers. Olivia, Emma, and Sophia came in to give their condolences. Olivia was always Olivia and she jokingly offered to pick up the slack in the sex department. The others broke in a chuckle. She upped the ante when she said, "Well, maybe I should stay here and take good care of that stud you brought with you."

Alexis sternly reprimanded Olivia and said, "Leave the guy alone. I understand that he is dating Mick's daughter Misty and maybe Monique too." I was stunned at the level of intelligence that Alexis could get her hands on." She smiled at me and I just smiled back.

Emma said, "I understand you are heading right back." She didn't wait for a response because she already knew the answer. She continued, "I was hoping you would stay over tonight." Olivia and Sophia both nodded their agreement with what Emma had said.

I said, "Sorry, I have two teenage girls that I'm not crazy about leaving alone for too long."

Alexis giggled and said, "Amen." She stood up indicating that this meeting was over. I stood up too. Alexis, "Ladies. You'll get another shot at Mick in a couple of weeks at our end-of-the-year pool party for Mick's girls and Alyson before they go back to college."

Olivia muttered, "Can't wait."

Alexis said, "Hunter wants to see you before you go." Alexis opened the adjoining office door into Hunter's huge office. Hunter looked up from his desk and offered me a chair. Alexis hugged me said, "We'll see you and your girls again soon." She kissed me on the cheek and went back through to her office.

Hunter had a stern look on his face and I sat. Now I was feeling as nervous as Peter had earlier. Hunter got right to it. No pleasantries. No shop-talk. He said, "I've been keeping an eye on your company statistics and I see things are running smoothly, but you aren't. Since Sam left you've been on cruise control, and I can't have that Mick. I need you on the top of your game. I gave you some slack at first but you're wallowing isn't going to get it done. You know what I'm saying is true." I hadn't expected such a dressing down but I nodded in agreement. I was flushed with embarrassment. "love you like a brother and it hurts me to say these things. It's the hardest thing I have to do in my position and I've let it go too long because it's you. Get it together, okay?" Your company numbers are great, Mick. You're coasting down a hill, but the hills will go the other way and you have to anticipate them." I nodded again as I kept eye contact with him. I had learned that about Hunter. He had finished and he stood up and reached his hand across the desk and I shook his offered hand. He said, "I'm very sorry about your loss. I don't know what would happen to me if Alexis just left one morning. I doubt I'd do as well as you have."

I don't know if Alexis had been listening or what but she appeared at the doorway and walked me down to HR to collect Peter. Alexis hugged me in the lobby as the company car pulled up.

Peter was winding down on the flight home. He pulled off his tie and said, "That was the most incredibly attractive Board of Directors I've ever heard of. I don't know how old the busty platinum blonde is but she is smoking hot, and when Hunter's wife walked in? Fuck. I got an instant boner." He looked at me and decided he should just shut up.

I said, "The busty blonde in Olivia, and she's nearly sixty. Emma and Sophia are in the mid to late fifties."

Peter's eyes went wide with this revelation and he said, "You're shitting me. No way." I pulled off my tie and pushed my seat back and let the rhythmic throbbing of the engines take me away. I woke when the wheels touched down. It was mid-afternoon. We were hours earlier than planned. I had told Misty that I'd be home late tonight. We hadn't stopped for lunch but the snacks on the plane had curbed my hunger for the time being.

I headed home thinking about this opportunity for Peter. It would snatch him literally out of the jaws of Misty, Monique, and Claire until college started. I wasn't sure why I was glad that this would break up the shared blow jobs and sex. The fact that Misty, Monique, and Claire were sharing sex with me wasn't lost on me.

We can all rationalize our actions and mine was that Peter was being service by three beautiful women and wouldn't make a choice. Why should he? The girls seem to be happy with the arrangement. I, on the other hand, am providing a service to them with my big cock, that they can't seem to get enough of. I shook my head as I drove to get this line of thinking out of my head.

When I pulled into my driveway, there were several cars there that I didn't recognize. I parked and got out. I eased the door shut and put my hand on the hood of each of the cars to discover that they were still warm. They hadn't been here long. The girls were at it again. Now, I'd catch them in the act. I knew I could be wrong, and they weren't doing anything nefarious. Maybe they just had friends over to play video games or something, but I rationalized my reaction as one of a normal parent. A brief thought of jealousy flashed through my mind, but I pushed it away.

I walked around to the end of the multi-car garage and found the key, hidden under a fake rock, and let myself in. Misty and Monique's cars were in their stalls and there was heat emanating from the hoods too. I checked my watch. They would have got home from work less than an hour ago, which would account for the heat from their cars.

I eased open the door into the house and stepped inside. I listened to a silent house before I shut the door behind me. When I got to the stairs, I heard giggling and laughing from upstairs. As I slowly ascended the stairs, I heard lower-pitched voices. I had no idea how many, but it was more than two. I went into my bedroom and removed my suitcoat. I could hear muffled voices but not the words. I went into my walk-in closet and the words became recognizable.

From what I could make out, there were four tittering girls and at least that many guys. At first, I figured the girls were Misty, Moe, Claire, and Mariah. But a new voice was heard. It was Sarah. No one could giggle like Sarah. I hadn't seen her since Moe's graduation party. My cock hardened in my pants as I reminisced about having sex with her. I anticipated further hardening, so I unzipped my pants and pulled my cock out, and let it dangle there as I tried to figure out what they were doing.

I heard Misty say, "Okay. Here's the game. The guys will go across the hall and strip naked and then pull their blackout sleep masks over their heads. The girls will do the same in here. When everyone is ready, the guys will come back in here and sit on the edge of my bed. It doesn't matter if you have an erection or not; we'll take care of that. Won't we girls." The girls giggled and the guys snickered at that. "Everyone will be blindfolded, so when the action starts no one will know who is doing who. Girls, take your time. If the guy you have cums too soon, just keep going. I'm sure you can get him up again soon. You can use your hands but keep to a blow job until the alarm on my watch goes off. Then we move on to the next guy. My watch is set for five minutes. The guy's job, besides enjoying yourselves, is to rank each blow job. Score between one and five. The girl with the highest overall score gets the title of the second-annual cocksucker of the year award." The girls all tittered. "Not surprisingly, the girls will rank the cocks for whatever you consider the best cock. The winner gets the title of the second annual cock of the year award. The two winners can go to Moe's room to do whatever they want."

I had to cover my mouth with my hand to stifle a laugh. Everyone would be blindfolded and I just had to see this. I heard the guys leave the room. Then I heard Monique say, "I can't believe I'm doing this. Why didn't I know about this last year?"

Misty said, "You were too young." There were a lot of sexual moans between the girls before a knock came on the door. Misty opened the door and invited the guys inside. She said, "Is everyone blindfolded?" A chorus of 'Uh-huh's' followed.

When I heard the first of the male groans, I left my closet and went into the hall. I hesitated there waiting for my conscience and libido to duke it out. The little head won another battle as I silently opened Misty's bedroom door. The sight before me instantly pushed my cock up to full size. I ran my hand down the shaft and cradled my balls. All of the guys looked like they were praying to the ceiling light. They were tipped back with their hands on the bed and heads back. They were all skinny guys except the football player from the pool party. I guessed that all of the guys were at the pool party, but I wasn't paying attention to the guys that day. The girls were all on their knees sucking on a hard cock except for Misty, who was searching for a cock that didn't already have a face on it.

I couldn't resist the temptation as I silently stripped myself naked and sat down on the end of the bed. The kid beside me said, "Hey, Dude. You're late. You almost missed the event of the year." Sarah was bobbing her head up and down in his lap and he let out a loud groan. Misty's search brought her around to me. I took the same pose as the other guys and Misty dropped to her knees between my legs and fumbled around to find the cock she was supposed to be sucking. She ran her hands up my thighs and encircled my rigid shaft with her hand. She stopped immediately and put her other hand on the top half of my foot-long. She squeezed hard but couldn't get her finger closed around the circumference. She tentatively began jerking me off and then leaned down and struggled to push her lips on. She pulled back and pulled her blindfold off her head. Her eyes went wide as her mouth opened and closed, wordlessly. I put my finger to my lips to 'ssshhh' her. She gave me a lustful grin and pulled her blindfold back on and gave me an amazing blow job.

The skinny kid on the other end of the bed groaned hard as he lost his load. Mariah was the recipient and she took it all and kept going. The kid was in heaven. The next kid down the bed had Monique working on his pole. She seemed eager to win the title and the guy was thrusting his cock as deep in her mouth as he could. Monique was taking his thrusts easily and working his cock with her hands leading and following her lips.

Claire was furiously bobbing her face into the crotch of the football guy in the middle. He had an average length fatty and she was enjoying it. The groans continued until Misty's watch alarm went off. Everyone came off their respective cocks waiting for Misty to say something. She was delayed because she was trying again to deep throat me to no avail. She pulled off and wrapped her wad of saliva on my cock and with a strained voice said, "Okay, girls. We all move down one guy toward the foot of the bed. Cocks were wagging in every direction as Misty kissed the tip of my cock and went to the head of the bed where the skinny kid had cummed in Mariah's mouth.

Sarah slid her hands along my thighs as she settled down between my knees. She tracked down my wagging cock and once she got both hands on it, she muttered, "Jesus Christ. Which one of you dudes has a cock like this?" Misty "sshh'd" Sarah and said, "Don't give anything away." I watched Misty push her lips down her new cock to the balls and the kid spazzed.

Sarah screwed her lips from side to side until she got my cock inside her mouth. She 'mmummpphhed' several times and then resorted to 'aaawwwkkkss' to get the maximum amount of my cock in her mouth. She pulled off and laid the length of my cock along her face and flexed her jaw. I figured all of the girls would be doing the same soon, regardless of the size of the cock they were blowing. Sarah worked her way back on and was vigorously blowing my cock, when the alarm went off again. At that moment, the football guy blew his load in Monique's mouth and let out a loud, "Oh fuck. Yeah." I watched her taking his cum. They waited for Monique to finish him off before moving on without directions from Misty.

It went like this for three more rounds and one by one the guys blew their loads. The kid next to the skinny kid held Misty's head to launch his load. The kid next to me humped up and launched his in Mariah's mouth and 'football guy' lost a second load in Sarah's. When Monique got to my cock. She knew who it belonged to. She pulled up her mask grinned sheepishly at me. I motioned for her to be quiet. She nodded and deep throated me and bobbed my knob in her throat a few times and pulled back with an 'awwkk'.

When the blow jobs were over and the tally counted. Mariah was crowned the cocksucker of the year and 'football guy' was the best cock of the year. Misty and Moe had both given me 'zeros' to make sure I didn't win. I grabbed my clothes and crept from the room and shut the door behind me.

I supposed that Mariah and 'football guy' went to Monique's room and the wailing moans filtered down the hall to my room where I dressed in a tee-shirt and a pair of nylon shorts. My cock had been sucked by five girls and I was as hard as granite. I decided to jerk myself off to the images that I had just witnessed. My eyes were closed so I wouldn't be distracted.

My hand was flying up and down my shaft when I felt a new weight on the bed and I opened my eyes to see Misty straddling my hips and lowering herself toward my cock. I stopped jerking on it and held it for Misty to drop herself on. She groaned hard as she found her depth and started fucking me. She put her hands on my chest and I took her breasts in my hands. She muttered, "Jesus, I'm horny. I have to rethink this event so the ladies get to get off." She picked up her pace as her eyes glazed over and her mouth dropped open with a constant but stifled moan. She didn't want to alert the others and have to share.

When Monique crawled up on the bed beside us, Misty knew that she'd have to share with her sister. Monique knelt, sitting back on her heels with her legs spread and her hand in her sex, furiously strumming her fingers through her wetness. She watched Misty's slithering sensuously as she drove herself on my cock and then withdrew. Finally, Monique said, "Hurry up Misty. I'm so horny. Why didn't you have a second game where the guys eat pussy or fuck us or something." Misty giggled and nodded and then her attention returned to her pending orgasm.

I motioned Monique to me and said, "I'll gladly eat your pussy." She grinned at me and quickly moved her sex to my face. She was facing Misty and they fondled each other's firm tits. Moe had already diddled herself up to the edge of her orgasm and moments later, my tongue drove her over the top. Misty was rising to hers and watching Moe's body gyrating on my face drove her over too. They both leaned forward and kissed each other as they tried to stifle their screams in the other's mouth. It didn't work as they had planned and the screams were pretty loud.

Suddenly, two more girls were standing beside the bed watching Moe and Misty grind through their orgasms. They knew better than to interrupt. Sarah and Claire just watched as they diddled their own wet pussies. When Misty was nearly recovered, Claire said, "Thank God. You planned on some way to get us off after sucking all those cocks. Now, I know who the cock at the end of the bed belonged to. I should have known."

Sarah started to nod her agreement but her body went rigid and spastic as she was throbbing through a self-induced orgasm. Claire motioned for Misty to get off my cock and she complied. Claire crawled onto the bed and mounted my pole reverse-cowgirl style. She immediately launched into a furious fucking motion. She must have pulled herself up close to her orgasm with her fingers because she didn't last long on my rock-hard cock.