Libby's Guilty Secret

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Libby thinks her secret is safe, until she gets caught.
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Making her way up the garden path, Libby rang the doorbell.

"I'll get it!" her friend Cheryl yelled from inside; a few seconds later, she opened the front door.

"Hiya mate, come in," the pretty redhead smiled, ushering her friend inside.


Libby always enjoyed spending the weekend at Cheryl's, it was chance to get away from her parents for a while. With them being deeply religious and in their late fifties, they could be rather straight laced and over protective of the twenty year old which sometimes created a bit of friction between them. Although Libby knew it was only because they loved her and wanted to keep her safe, she sometimes felt almost suffocated by it; so these occasional weekends with her friend came as a blessed relief. She would usually go round on a Friday afternoon because Cheryl always had Friday off and would then stay until Sunday evening.

"So, you managed to get a weekend pass then?" Cheryl teased as they climbed the stairs to her room.

"Don't be mean, they're not that bad," Libby smiled.

"Yeah yeah, alright; fancy a quick one before we go?" the redhead giggled as she pulled a bottle of vodka from under her bed.

"Erm...yeah go on then."

Getting two glasses, Cheryl poured the drinks and handed one to her friend. Sitting on the bed, the pair discussed which shops they would visit. It was by sheer chance they had ever become friends at all; they had bumped into each other just over a year ago, quite literally in fact, on the steps of the town library, spilling the books Libby was returning all over the place. Apologising profusely, Cheryl helped the shy brunette pick them up and then invited her for a coffee at the cafe where she worked and the pair instantly hit it off.

To look at, the two friends couldn't be more different. Cheryl was a pretty, confident twenty one year old with short red hair, sparkling blue eyes and a slender size ten figure which she showed off to its utmost by wearing tight jeans and t-shirts, attracting an almost never ending stream of male admirers.

Libby by contrast was a rather shy retiring twenty year old; despite having a similar figure to her friend, she tended to dress a lot more conservatively, preferring to just blend into the background rather than stand out, probably a result of her upbringing. Her mousey brown hair was straight and cut to shoulder length and her hazel eyes were framed by a pair of thick black rimmed glasses. Sitting there dressed in her green parka jacket and baggy blue jeans, she couldn't look more plain and 'normal'; but as Cheryl was soon to find out, you should never judge a book by its cover.

"Right, let's go," said Cheryl, knocking back her drink. Finishing hers, Libby put her glass down and the pair made their way back downstairs. In the living room Cheryl's parents were watching TV.

"Hello Libby, how are you?"

"Hello Mrs. Atkins," Libby smiled nervously.

"I've told you before, it's Susan," Cheryl's mum smiled, shaking her head, "you don't have to be so formal."


"Dave! Say hello to Libby!" said Susan irritably, tutting and sighing at her husband.

"Hiya love," Dave muttered, smiling before turning his attention back to the TV.

"Hello," the brunette replied, blushing a little.

"Ignorant sod," Susan muttered; turning back to the two girls, "and what are you two up to this afternoon?"

"We're just nipping into town for a bit," said Cheryl, slipping on her jacket.

"Oh right, shopping?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna try and persuade her to buy something other than jeans and baggy tops all the time," the redhead teased, smiling at her friend.

"Leave her alone, not everyone likes to wear skimpy things like you," said Susan.

"I don't mean skimpy Mum; I just mean something a bit more colourful, make her stand out a bit more and maybe get a second look every now and then."

"Hmmm," Libby smiled anxiously; if the truth be known, she wasn't really that interested in getting lads to look at her. She had only ever had two boyfriends and neither of them lasted long.

"Well maybe Libby doesn't want to stand out."

"Bloody hell Mum, I don't mean anything drastic, just a skirt maybe, nothing too short or tarty."

"Hmmm, I don't know," the brunette shrugged.

"Well let's get going and see what we can find, come on, hurry up or we'll miss the bus."



After spending a few hours in town, the pair returned to Cheryl's. Stepping into the bedroom, they put down their bags and flopped down on the bed.

"Bloody hell, I can't believe how busy it was," Cheryl groaned, "still, it was worth it."

"Hmm, I'm still not sure about this you know," said Libby, peering into her bag.

"Don't be daft, I told you it looks fine, go on, try it on again."

"Hmm, alright," the brunette sighed, blushing as she slowly undressed. Not wanting her friend to see her in just her underwear, she quickly pulled on the new top and skirt.

"I don't know why you get so embarrassed," Cheryl giggled, smiling at her friend as she stood red faced, looking down awkwardly at the floor.

"I dunno I," Libby muttered, "anyway, what do you think?"

"Yeah, like I said it looks good," smiled the redhead, admiring the black knee length skirt and tight red long sleeved top, "pass me mine over please mate."

"Yeah, here you go."

Taking the bag from her friend, Cheryl slipped out of her tight jeans and her blue t shirt, leaving her in just her white lacy bra and a pink thong. Libby swallowed hard and tried not to look, feeling her heartbeat quicken; she felt sure that sooner or later Cheryl would work out why she was always so shy and awkward whenever they got undressed in front of each other. One time after a few drinks, she almost plucked up enough courage to tell her but had backed out at the last minute, scared of how her friend might react.

Pulling down the tight blue mini-dress, Cheryl turned to her blushing friend.

"There; what d'ya reckon?" the redhead chirped, hands on hips.

"Erm...yes it's very nice." said Libby quietly.

"Christ Lib, don't explode with excitement will you?"

"No honest, it's nice I like it."

"Tea's ready you two!" Cheryl's Mum yelled up.


Later that evening, the pair were sitting on Cheryl's bed in their pyjamas, chatting away and drinking the rest of the vodka. Getting up and opening the window, Cheryl then gently closed the door.

"What are you doing?" asked Libby.


Rooting round in the back of a drawer, the redhead then pulled out a joint.

"Fancy a bit Lib?" asked Cheryl, smiling mischievously.

"Erm...oh...I'm not sure, I don't even smoke," replied Libby anxiously.

"Oh come on you boring git, live a little; you're not at home now."

Lighting the joint, Cheryl took a drag and handed it to her friend.

"Go on, just one drag."

Sighing, Libby reluctantly took it and had a drag.

"Uugh...God!" she gasped, coughing and patting her chest as her friend laughed.

"Nice?" Cheryl giggled.

"That's fuckin' awful!"

"Give it chance to work," the redhead smiled as she topped up their glasses.

Sure enough, Libby soon began to feel a little strange; trying the joint a few more times, she was beginning to feel more relaxed.

"Told you, didn't I?"

"Mmmm," the brunette groaned, flopping back on the bed and giggling.

"You lightweight," Cheryl laughed.

"Piss off."

Finishing off the joint and the last of the vodka, they then decided to go to bed. Rolling her sleeping bag out on the floor, Libby then slipped inside as Cheryl switched off the light and got into bed.


"Yeah mate?" the redhead replied in the darkness.

"I'm...really glad we met; that we're friends."

"Me too."

"I...really like you."

"Yeah and I really like you too."

"Cheryl...I thi-"...

"Go to sleep you drunken sod," Cheryl giggled.


"Night mate"...


The next morning the sun streamed through the curtains; as per usual, Cheryl was getting ready for her Saturday morning jog.

"I suppose you're going to stay in there as usual 'til I get back are you?" Cheryl smiled.


"Lazy git; I'll drag you out with me one of these days, see you in a bit."

"Mmmm, see you in a bit."

Hearing the front door close, Libby sat up and blinked; putting on her glasses, she rubbed her head, still a little sore after last night. Feeling her pulse quicken and the familiar butterfly sensation building in the pit of her stomach, she took a deep breath and swallowed hard. Cheryl's parents had already gone out earlier to walk the dog in the park so she knew the house would be empty for at least another hour. At first she just sat there trying to resist, but it was no good, the temptation was just far too great. Even though she had sworn to herself the previous time that it would be the last, she began to take off her pyjamas.

"Just one more time," she whispered.

Now completely naked, she stepped over to the washing basket; taking the lid off, she found what she was looking for. There at the top was Cheryl's little pink thong she had been wearing yesterday; next to it was a pair of silky black panties. Picking them both up, she lay back down on top of her sleeping bag, placing the pink thong over her nose and breathing in.

"Oh God...yes," she groaned, smoothing her hand across her breasts and down towards the moistening lips of her pussy as the sweet smell travelled up her nose and hit the back of her throat. Breathing in harder, she rubbed her stiffening clit, her head swimming with lustful thoughts of the beautiful redhead as the climax began to build within her.


Within seconds, her whole body tensed and she dropped the thong by her side as the brief but powerful orgasm tore through the brunette; unfortunately, she was so lost in the moment she hadn't heard Cheryl come back into the house and come racing up the stairs.

"Forgot my..OH MY GOD LIBBY! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" she shrieked, wide eyed with shock as she stood over her groaning naked friend.

"Oh no!"

Libby instantly sat bolt upright and burst into tears.

"Oh God! I'm sorry Cheryl, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...please," she sobbed, trying to cover herself up.

"Hang on a minute, these are mine!" Cheryl snapped, picking up the underwear, "did you get these out of the laundry basket?"

The tearful brunette nodded, unable to look her friend in the eye.

"Oh my God," Cheryl sighed, "you've been sniffing my dirty undies, haven't you?"

Libby kept looking at the floor, feeling her face burning with shame.

"Haven't you?" repeated the redhead forcefully.

"Yes...I'm really sorry," Libby wailed, bursting into tears again.

"Oh my God Libby, what the fuck? That's disgusting!"

"I know."

"Why Libby why?"

"I...I don't know; I'm really sorry Cheryl."

"Fuck sake stop saying you're sorry!" the redhead hissed, throwing a tissue over, "here, dry your eyes and stop squarking."

"Thank you," said Libby quietly, picking it up, " won't tell anyone, will you?"

"How many times?"


"How many times have you done it?" Cheryl asked sternly, arms folded.

"I...I don't know, I can't remember."

"Don't lie to me Libby."

"Cheryl please...I don't know."

"Jesus, I just...I just don't believe this," Cheryl sighed, rubbing her eyes and shaking her head, "I thought we were friends."

"Do you want me to go?"

"Oh no you don't; you're not getting out of it that easily, you're staying here tonight and we're going to have a talk."

"What sort of talk?" Libby asked nervously.

"A bloody long one!"

Just then, they heard Cheryl's parents come in downstairs.

"Hello; are you two up there?"

"Yes Mum!" Cheryl yelled back, her eyes fixed firmly on her friend.

"Right, I'm going for a shower, she said quietly, "I suggest you have one as well after what you've been up to."

Still looking down at the floor, Libby nodded, "please Cheryl, don't tell anyone."

"I'll see you in a bit," the redhead replied, closing the door behind her.

With a sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach, she put her pyjamas back on and sat on the edge of the bed, head in her hands. She had a feeling this was going to be a long day...


As it turned out, the day went a lot quicker than Libby had feared; Cheryl acted as though nothing had happened, although Susan had asked her if she was okay a few times. Libby just smiled politely and said she was fine even though her stomach was turning somersaults. Usually on a Saturday evening, they went out either to the pub down the road or into town but it seemed Cheryl had other plans.

"You two not going into town tonight?" Susan asked.

"Erm...naah, I don't feel like it tonight," replied Cheryl.

"Well me and your Dad are popping down the road for a couple later if you fancy coming with us."

"No thanks it's alright Mum; me and Lib are just gonna stay in and watch a DVD, aren't we?" Cheryl smiled, looking over at the brunette.

"Erm...yeah," Libby replied, smiling anxiously.

"Oh well, please yourselves"...

An hour or so later Cheryl's parents were getting ready to go out.

"Right, see you in a bit then," Susan chirped, pulling on her coat.

"Yeah, see later."

As the front door closed, Cheryl looked over at Libby and smiled.

"It's alright, relax," she said softly as she grabbed the bottle of vodka and two glasses from drinks cabinet, "come on, let's go to my room."


With her heart pounding, Libby followed the redhead up the stairs and into the bedroom. Pouring two drinks, Cheryl handed one to her.


Sitting down on the bed, she took a large swig from her glass and looked over nervously as Cheryl perched on the chair by the dressing table. Taking a sip from her glass, she then placed it on the table and smiled.

"Right, I'll admit that when I first caught you this morning I was shocked and angry; I felt like you had breached my trust, not to mention being a little creeped out by it, bu-"..

"Cheryl I'm really sorry, it won't happen again I promise," the brunette blurted out.

"Let me finish Libby," Cheryl smiled, "but now I've calmed down, I just want to know why, to try and understand, okay?"

"Okay," Libby nodded, looking down at the floor once more.

"So come on, how many times have you done it?"

"A few."

"Can you be more specific?"

"I think I first did it the third time I stayed here." Libby muttered, unable to look her friend in the eye.

"Oh Jesus," Cheryl sighed, rolling her eyes, "do you mess around with other girl's knickers?"

"No, of course not!" Libby snapped, looking up and fixing her friend with a steely gaze.

" it's just mine then."


"Are you gay?"

"No...erm I...I don't know," Libby faltered, "bloody hell Cheryl, what sort of question is that?"

"Sorry, I'm not trying to upset you Lib, I'm just trying to get my head round this."


"So do you like boys and girls then?"

"I don't know what I do and what I don't like," Libby sighed, taking another sip from her glass.

For few moments they sat in silence avoiding eye contact.

"Do you like me?" Cheryl asked, looking straight at the brunette.

"You know I do," replied Libby, smiling and shifting awkwardly on the bed, "I said so last night, didn't I?"

"We both know what I mean," said Cheryl, raising her eyebrows, "do you find me attractive?"



"Yes," the shy brunette replied, her voice barely a whisper.

There was then another awkward silence.

"How long have you felt like that about me?"

"From the moment we bumped into each other on the library steps," Libby muttered, holding her head in her hands, "I thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen."

"Jesus Lib; why the bloody hell didn't you tell me?" Cheryl sighed, sitting down next to her friend and putting her arm around her.

"I...I didn't know how to; I was scared of how you'd react and I didn't want to lose you as a friend."

"You daft sod," Cheryl whispered, kissing her softly on the cheek, "so you fuelled your fantasies of me by pinching my knickers out of the laundry basket and..erm.."

"Sniffing them yes, because it turned me on; I've said I'm sorry Cheryl, I won't do it again I promise." the brunette sobbed, turning her face away.

"Alright alright; come on, don't start crying again," Cheryl said softly, pulling her closer, "look at me."

Slowly, Libby turned her face towards the pretty redhead; gently brushing the tears away with her thumb, Cheryl softly kissed her on the lips, making the brunette's eyes widen behind her glasses.

"What was that for?" Libby asked, a little stunned.

"Didn't you like it?"


"Then stop asking daft bloody questions."

Cheryl gently pushed Libby onto her back and resumed the kiss, pushing her tongue deeper into the brunette's mouth; giving a surprised squeal, Libby responded, their tongues wrestling as their hands explored each other's bodies. Lying there trapped in her friend's embrace, Libby could feel her clit tingling as she felt a hand slip inside her top and gently rub the outside of her bra.

"Oh God...Cheryl," she groaned, digging her fingers into the duvet.

Suddenly Cheryl got up off the bed; sitting up, Libby looked across at her.

"What's the matter?"

"Take your clothes off," the redhead gasped, her breathing fevered.


"Please...take them off."

Hesitating for a moment, Libby kicked off her shoes and slipped out of her jeans; pulling off her top and dropping it off the edge of the bed, she sat there in her peach coloured bra and panties.

"There," she smiled, "like what you see?"

"Take the rest off," said Cheryl, a slightly sterner tone entering her voice.

"Okay," Libby shrugged, smiling mischievously.

Unclipping the bra, she then dangled it and dropped it on the floor; standing up, she slowly rolled her panties down her legs and stepped out of them, revealing her neatly trimmed bush. Now only wearing her pink ankle socks, she lay back down on the bed.

"Now close your eyes," Cheryl ordered.

Feeling the butterflies rise in her stomach, Libby obeyed, her hands falling limply by her sides.

Despite getting a glimpse of Libby naked earlier, Cheryl had been a little too shocked then to appreciate it. Now in more relaxed circumstances she cast her gaze over the brunette; she had a figure similar to her own, but with perhaps slightly smaller boobs and wider hips. Her skin was quite pale with a sprinkling of freckles here and there. Reaching up under her skirt, Cheryl took off her silky red thong and held it in her left hand.

"Are your eyes still closed?" she asked, tip-toeing over to the bed.

"Mmmm," Libby groaned with a relaxed smile on her face.


Libby suddenly felt something warm being held over her nose; opening her eyes, she found Cheryl standing over her with a wicked smile on her lips.

"Go on, sniff it, lick it," the redhead purred, rubbing the thong all over Libby's face.

"Mmmmfff...oh God," Libby groaned, running her tongue over the skimpy garment.

"Yeah; is that nice?" Cheryl whispered, holding it over Libby's mouth, "I've had it on all day."

Libby groaned submissively as she licked and sucked at the sweaty material; moving her hand down, she began to rub frantically at her swollen clit.

"Cheryl...ohhh God!"

"Yeah that's it; go on, play with yourself you dirty bitch!" Cheryl gasped, feeling her own clit start to throb. Just when Libby was right on the edge, Cheryl snatched the thong away and flung it across the room.

"Oh no Cheryl...pleeease!" she begged, shaking her head.


Pulling up her skirt, she straddled the groaning brunette, her waxed pussy inches from her face.

"Go on, you know what to do," the redhead said forcefully, grinding down on her trapped friend's face.