Late Ch. 07

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Jane and Freddie rekindle their desires...
15.4k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/18/2023
Created 07/28/2017
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Hi all!

Thanks for sticking with me, and hope you continue to enjoy this series. I do read the comments, and appreciate everyone who took the time to enjoy the stories.

Best, TSG123



Two teams ran to their respective dugouts, or rather, one ran whilst the other trudged with downcast faces, seemingly impervious to the optimistic voices coming from the home bleachers.

"Come on Wildcats!"

"You got this guys!"

Mo looked at the scoreboard and grimaced, shouldering his bat and wishing he was at home, coming to join Zoey and Claire in the huddle. A fairly un-inspiring man stood in the centre, and before he had even opened his mouth Mo's attention began wondering.

"SO, time to get it right......"

Dean usually began with some monologue or another before getting to the point.

"Well this sucks," Mo muttered into Claire's ear.

"Oh thanks, I needed to hear that after standing in a field watching them run in circles past our bases," she responded out of the side of her mouth.

".... we're being too soft, we need to play hard!....... What we NEED to do is focus...."

Dean continued speaking but Mo stopped listening, shifting from side to side, his eyes lowering to Terry's slim, but firm ass standing in front of him.

"Wouldya stop staring," muttered Zoey, "you're gonna start drooling."

"What?? It's slim pickings without Coach here.. I need something to rest my eyes on!" he hissed back.

"Hey, I'm right here," muttered Claire, pushing her large butt out so it pressed through her shorts.

"You told me to stop looking at yours."

"Yep... I expect you to understand that the pickings are NOT slim, but that you should avert your eyes at all times regardless."

"That's literally torture!"

They nattered away at the back of the group of gathered players, many of whom were trying their best to put on a brave face in the face of a rather un-inspiring speech.

"Come ON!" Dean snapped, "It's not that hard, we went through this."

Some of the heads lowered. Friends and family continued to clap nearby, but their excitement was tempered by the clouds overhead slowly devouring the summer sun, patters of rain hitting their foreheads, bringing with it an unshakeable malaise.

"Go Wildcats."

"Come on Charlene!!"

She smiled, waving at a man sitting with two young children, but then Dean's voice rose, and it was quickly wiped from her face.

"We just have to make sure that everyone is actually getting their head in the game, RIGHT BOB?!"

Bob's eyes never left the floor.

Terry looked over at him and then at Dean, watching him with his hands on his hips as he pointed at people, in his happy space of dictating facts. She had to squeeze the bat tight in her palm to stop herself accidentally throwing it at his nose.

"Right, I expect everyone to be on their toes and ready... bases are there to be stolen, so if we aren't on our toes, how can we expect to get there???!"

He spoke at Kevin who looked statuesque.

"Toes, toes, toes!"

The man said nothing in response, and Dean nodded as if they understood each other. Terry also tried to catch Kevin's eye, but the previously jocular figure seemed too lost in his own thoughts to acknowledge either of them.

She clenched her fists, the muscles across her body tightening.

Behind her Mo spluttered as Terry's ass tensed aesthetically, and received a sharp elbow in the ribs from Claire.


Miles away, Jane pirouetted around her bedroom.

It had been years since she'd danced. Of course when people had suggested as a child that she should stick to that and not sports because she was a girl, that was the end of that. It had been sports from then on.

She balanced up on her toes and arched to the side, using the edge of the bed to manoeuvre across the room to the window where she tried to spread her arms before she was reminded her left was still trapped in a cast, spirits briefly dragged down to earth as she groused, clutching the immobile limb..... but as quickly as the pain left, her heart was soaring once more.

The tall, lithe figure slipped to the window and gazed out with a bright smile at the overcast day that couldn't possibly dampen her high spirits.

'This is silly... I can't be this happy just because I got a blowjob yesterday...'

Jane then span, throwing her right arm out to an invisible partner before racing after him, pushing into a long skip with her legs out front and back. As she did her dick flopped odiously through the front of her jogging bottoms, making it look like she was kicking a secret third arm out in front of her as she spun.

The moves were sloppy, but it didn't matter, the joy clear in every lithe and imperfect twirl.

Jane landed athletically, her knees bending easily to support her, breathing fast as she slowed to a walk back towards the living area again.

A glance at the clock made her frown.

A game was taking place right now. With her team.... or rather, not her team.

She sighed.

Not exactly as perfect a day as her mood suggested...

Just as she was thinking of easing off the interpretive dance, her phone vibrated on the table, the light of the screen a beacon calling to her.

Instead of walking straight to it, she threw herself forwards dramatically, then away from it, her smile unabashed as she attempted to balance on her toes like a ballet dancer, managing a few game steps before her calves and the arch of her foot began to burn, and she stumbled the final few steps, eagerly grabbing the phone off the table to read the bright blue message that had appeared.

*Hey Jane. Can we meet up? x*

Even though she had expected it, her eyes went wide like a cat that had rediscovered its favourite toy.


Across town, Freddie placed the phone back on his desk and began shuffling back and forth. He tried not to stare at his phone expectantly, but found himself glancing at the desk every few seconds.

'Was I too forward?.... No, don't start all that again.... just wait...Maybe I should play some games to occupy some time....'

Uninterested fingers picked up and fiddled with a controller that he could no longer be distracted by.

'Don't think about it... do something productive...'

He considered going downstairs and maybe cleaning the dishes or doing the rubbish, but frankly it excited him less than anything he could imagine other than searching for a job, and that was definitely not in his short or medium-term list.

There had to be SOMETHING to do other than wait for Jane to-


Freddie lunged for the phone, jumping onto his bed and opened the message with his head on the pillow, and the other hand nervously fiddling with the bedsheets.

*Sure. Where would you like to meet up?*

His heart pounded as he considered the question, mind already racing.

'Where to go...?'

A little voice in his head suggested probably not going to her place... because if that happened, they would probably just get straight down to-

The memory of her cock bulging his cheek odiously made his heart palpitate, and he could barely contain the adrenaline that began coursing through his body, fingers slipping as he typed and then untyped a message.

His thumb circled the phone.

'Just say somewhere...'

An image of Terry storming off made him sigh.

'....not burger-town though..'

His fingers began to blitz across the screen.

*The Coffee Café in the town square tomorrow? 1pm?*

After a less than a minute a response came back.

*It's a Date x*


Steam rose from the coffee machine as it whistled in the background, a few tables of the colourful coffee shop occupied by an older couple, a businessman on his laptop, and some student types discussing what might have been a group project. The rest were empty save for one small, unassuming Freddie as he tried his best to look cool without looking like he'd made a lot of effort to do so, brushing his brown hair forward slightly despite it still being too short to place into a quiff.

The young man glanced at the neatly ribboned chocolate he had bought, placed carefully on the table, and checked his appearance in his phone camera for a third time. Unsatisfied, he glanced at his watch.

She was usually bang on time. It was nearly five past...

Then it happened, and suddenly he wasn't ready for it at all.

Like a dream she strolled into view behind the window, and Fred had to blink a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

Jane looked jaw-dropping; skin bright and effervescent, like the sun had kissed it twice. Her ass had somehow been crow-barred into skin-tight jeans with a smart golden belt-buckle, and her top was so revealing it looked like something out of a lingerie catalogue, her breasts carefully pushed up and out front by a combination of black silken straps so there was no possible way to avoid ogling the healthy showing of soft, plump mounds shouldered between them, with a long crevasse open down to her belly. A black sling still sat on her left side, subtly covered by a large black handbag, and her hair was razor-edged at her shoulders. She entered with the air of someone who knew exactly how good they looked. She looked smouldering enough for Fred's vision to go hazy.

'Oh my God...'

The bell above the door rang out as she entered.

Heads turned, the businessman glancing up from his corner, the students far less reserved about their sudden astonishment at the supermodel who had just entered, one of them buffeting the other hard, wheezing as their compatriot's face went scarlet. Usually Jane marched with a soldier's gait, yet the sassiness of it seemed to have been dialled up to ten, large sunglasses making her look like she had just sashayed straight off a catwalk.

Fred had to stop himself glancing left and right just to make sure she wasn't walking towards someone else.

'...God and I thought she was hot in coaching gear.... She looks like a fitness model. Okay... okay just stay cool.... s-stay....'

It turned out that his body wasn't listening, eyes flitting everywhere across her front, before automatically following the path of least resistance to her crotch once, and then twice to make sure. A tinge of disappointment hit him when he realised there was currently nothing there to see.

'God I'm so pathetic... I got sad because I couldn't see a huge cock on a woman.....'

Jane could see his confusion written on his face at the lack of bulge, and managed to resist the urge to smirk.

'That's right... I know you're looking for it, horny boy....'

Nearby, one of the students looked like his brain was dripping out of his ears, staring at the underside of her breasts which were open for viewing.

Fred felt all his senses going haywire as she came and sat on the chair opposite, fixing him with a steely gaze.


"H.. H-hi Coach... Miss M... Jane."

She leant forwards, giving him a full view of her cleavage.

"You look good."

One of Fred's legs went numb.

"MmI?... I... you look.... good too..."

"I know I do," she responded tersely.


Jane cocked her head at Fred's inability to create human words whilst looking him up and down, taking in his rather loose semi-smart jacket and shoes combo. It was quite pleasing, beholding the rather gallant effort he had made to look manly.

'Oh he is just too cute...'

Fred opened his mouth then closed it again.

He noticed she had a glossy pink lipstick on that she usually didn't use, making her lips look even juicier as they pursed.

"Is this for me?"

She picked up the chocolate, turning it over slowly.


"Quiet now."


Fred's head was pounding as he fell silent, watching her unwrap it and place a small piece in her mouth.

"Mmm... MMMh.... that's good.."

He gave a hopeful smile.

"Yeah... it's.. I really like it.. I thought you might too."

"Oh I do..."

She proffered a piece.

"Why don't you eat some."

He smiled and made to take it, but she pulled her hand just out of reach.

"Tut, tut."

She opened her mouth at him like she was training a toddler.

"Say Ahh."

The atmosphere developed a layer of tension that had threatened to emerge the moment Jane walked through the door. Fred could feel a few eyes nearby watching, but ignored it, focusing instead on the chocolate.

She rotated it gently between her fingers, smudging a little of it on her skin as she did so.

Freddie hesitated, then leaned over the table, mouth open.

Jane let her fingers come to meet him, allowing him to take the chocolate carefully with his teeth before pushing it onto his tongue so her fingers went between his lips for just a moment. Freddie wished she could keep them there, saliva submerging the warm, sweet treat in his mouth as she pulled back, stroking across his chin as she did so.

"Good boy."

He felt exactly the same way the chocolate did in that moment as it melted in his mouth. The flavours had never tasted so good given from her hand, the sweetness and creaminess of it rolling across his tongue as Jane watched, enraptured.

"Mmff-... Th-Thanks."

A high heel nudged his foot under the table as she leaned over, lowering her voice.

"You're welcome bitch."

Fred's back straightened, senses heightened. It felt like the air was solidifying, like he was struggling to breath, as if something heavy were sitting on his chest.

After a moment of unbearable tension she spoke in a sharp tone.

"Have you ordered?"

"N... No... would you like a coffee-? How are y-?"

"Shut up."

He fell silent, saliva already filling his mouth. It was only partly due to the chocolate he had just consumed. The fact she hadn't even taken off the opaque silver glasses made her feel even taller than usual. Her jaw was tight, something in her neck pulsing.

"Freddie.... I don't care what stupid questions you might try to fill the silences with. I don't care what you've been doing 'up to'. I don't care what you've been watching on tv, and I don't need the small talk. We are going somewhere for you to suck my cock, understand?"

He could barely get a response out of his mouth.


"And then I'm taking you home, and I'm going to fuck you."

He gave the tiniest nod, trying to control his trembling hands.

Her nostrils flared, lowering her voice as she leaned across the table so even more of her cleavage was open for him to salivate over.

"Now, You can either stay here and finish your coffee alone..."

She leant forwards again, her voice quiet but more playful.

".... or you can come and be Momma's little whore."

He glanced around the shop where almost every pair of eyes were flitting between their coffees and the gorgeous blond and her pet. Behind him, the coffee woman dropped a metal stirrer on the floor, which clanged as it bounced, too busy glancing with molten jealousy at the young man speaking to a demi-Goddess.

Hopefully they hadn't heard what she said.

Fred's mouth moved, but his throat felt like it had tightened up.


Jane raised an eyebrow, and Freddie felt a hot flush come to his cheeks, managing a bashful smile.

"Yes... uh, yeah..."

Jane reached over and grabbed his hand, yanking him up from his seat and away from the disbelieving faces of the coffee-shop customers who eyed Jane's ass as it swayed from their eyes. The glances they gave to Freddie were less than savoury.

'I wonder what they'd think if they knew what Jane was going to do to me later...'

Despite being pulled along like a dog being walked, Freddie felt adrenaline coursing through his veins as the door tinkled, and then they were walking through a beautiful, sweltering summer day.

He looked up at her business-like expression, then down to her ass swaying, making the jeans she was wearing worth every last dollar that she paid for them and more. Eyes from everywhere snapped towards the odd-looking couple. Perhaps they thought it was merely an alpha female leading her clear beta (or perhaps her son) to the next department store.

It was embarrassing for Freddie, and yet he clutched her hand like he was being led to the promised land.

'I suppose in a way I am... if somebody had told me a year ago that Jane Matherson wanted me, I'd never have believed it in my wildest dreams....'

Two tall, wide men raised their eyebrows and smirked at the blond striding past, then their faces became distraught as they saw the gentle-looking boy she was hand-in-hand with.

'Gosh... I didn't realise that people would look at me now that I'm with Jane...'

He quickened his scurry to keep up in case the men somehow pulled him away from her.

Making their way across the square, they stopped beside a shop ringed with vines, proudly displaying rich tapestries of colourful flowers arrayed in buckets. Jane observed some for a moment before picking out a simple red rose, and Fred squeezed her hand.

"Oh.. would you like-?"

Jane pressed a finger up against his lips.

"No. Not for me. You got me chocolate... I want to buy you something."

"Oh, well you don't have to-"

"I want to buy something for my bitch. You will accept it.".

The way she said 'bitch' so maliciously had something gooey in his spine melting, and she walked inside and returned moments later with a full bunch of bright red flowers, handing them to him.


He took the bouquet, bashful.

"Oh J-Jane.. you didn't have t-"

She leaned in, teeth bared in a rather terrifying smile.

"What did you call me?"

The breath left his chest as he struggled to deal with the wooziness clouding his head.

"S-sorry....Thank you, Mommy."

"You're damn right boy...."

He could barely keep his head together as she stood far closer than necessary, forcing him to look up past her breasts.

"....You're gonna give Momma everything tonight, right?"

Fred's knees were doing their utmost to collapse, his brain working overtime to keep himself upright.

"Well.. how do you.. mean?..."

Her face became lined with furious passion, and she threw an arm at him, Freddie lurching as he was thrown a few paces back, then she pushed him again into an alleyway to the side of the building. He found himself quickly trapped by the physically superior woman underneath a fire escape, still clinging to the bouquet, his breaths heavy as his back hit the brick wall.

"Ev-ery-thing," she whispered, advancing.

As his blood accelerated in his limbs, Jane reached out and grabbed between his legs, the large hand enveloping his junk easily, his manhood firm as an iron rod in his pants.


"And I mean.... everything."

He managed a pleasured mewl as she squeezed his erection.

"Un! Y-yeah...."

"I'm going to work you hard tonight bitch."

"Yuh," he whimpered, loving the feeling of her body crushing into his, the soft fats and hard muscles almost painfully strong compared to his own, her lips grazing his cheek. He wished she would clamp them across his own and tongue him to death, but they merely pulled back, just out of reach, enticing, so close, and yet so far.

".....You're going to be screaming my name."


She forced him back against the side of the building, snorting into the valley of his neck, licking it.

"Hhhg... Mmmmhh... I'm gonna give you everything you deserve, and you're gonna love it."

Her lips brushed his, and he felt the excitement of the kiss that was about to happen threaten to overwhelm him. His mouth opened... and just as he was expecting the kiss to land, Jane pulled back, her face malicious in its twisted grin.