Kelsey's World Ch. 14


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"Ow!" the man in the chair said, glaring at Barbara after she'd drawn blood again.

"Sorry. Rinse please."

"Oh my God! That's so cute!"

Kelsey ran down the front steps, her bare tits wobbling wildly. Brie and Charity were stepping out of Brie's new used car, a three-year-old, bright red Honda Fit. Charity giggled when she saw Kelsey's nakidity. Even after everything she'd been through, it still thrilled her to know she was a part of such a free-thinking new world.

"Don't you just love it?" Brie said, beaming with pride.

Kelsey looked the car over and climbed into the back seat. "I can't believe how much room it has in it! It looks so small on the outside!"

"The seat folds up really cool, too. You can put tons of stuff in it," Brie said.

"We'll be fillin' it up. Mr. Mitchell called. He said we can move in tomorrow if we want.

"Really! Oh my God!" Brie said.

"Here's the best part — Trinny and Albert are giving us two chairs and two couches. They bought some new stuff and they were gonna donate them, but they said we could have them. One of the couches is from their basement, but she said it's good enough to use on our porch."

"Nice!" Brie said.

Charity smiled. "That's so nice of them!"

"So, Albert and Daddy said they can rent a truck," Kelsey said. "Austin and Richie are gonna help. Everybody else offered to help too, but we don't have that much stuff."

"Before Daddy left he said we can take our beds with us," Brie said, "but I think I'm going to get an air mattress or something, until I get my first paycheck. I want a real bed. A nice big one."

"Me too," Charity said.

"Why Charity!" Kelsey said, with an exaggerated southern accent. "You're not thinkin' of entertainin' gentlemen on that big bed of yours, are you, Honey?"

The girls all giggled, thinking how wonderful it was going to be to have their own place.

Sunday was beautiful blue sky day. Kelsey and Austin loaded up her Jeep, Charity and Brie packed her car full with their stuff, and Bobby and Albert loaded a small U-Haul truck with furniture. They all converged on the rental house out on Barclay Road. Richie met them there. He'd just bought a car of his own too, a worn out Hyundai that had seen better days.

Everything was moved inside in less than an hour. Kay and Sharron and Barbara surprised the girls, showing up with boxes and bags full of kitchen gear, some old and some new. They got things set up in the cupboards and drawers while the girls directed the men to re-arrange the furniture. There wasn't much. There were lots of spaces left to fill.

In the kitchen with Kay and Sharron, Barbara mentioned seeing Rick at the gym and hinted at what he'd asked her.

"That sly dog!" Kay said, smiling. "He never was one to waste any time. Brace yourself, Honey, if you're thinkin' of going. He fucks like a bunny. They both do. You'll be waddlin' home."

"I sort of told him I might have a guy to go with me. It was stupid, I said it without really thinking about it. I guess I was wondering about Koop."

"Yeah! Ask him!" Kay said. "But don't shy away from going on your own for a threeway. That's a lot of fun, too."

"We used to do the threeway thing some," Trinny said. "We picked up women in bars and other places. It was hot."

"Would you do it with someone you know, though?" Barbara queried.

"Sure. That'd be even hotter," Trinny said. "You should definitely do it."

"Do what?" Kelsey asked as she walked into the kitchen. Austin was with her.

"Oh. Nothing," Barbara said, glancing at her son.

"You're too nosy, Honey," Kay said. "You don't have to know everything that's going on. Are you girls all staying here tonight?"

"Yeah, we decided we can all sleep on my bed until they get theirs."

"Oh, that'll be fun!" Kay said. "You won't be sleeping much, though."

The adults all left after a while, Bobby and Kay with misty tears in their eyes. Austin and Richie lingered.

"Let's break this place in," Kelsey said as she stripped off her clothing. "From now on, 9240 Barclay Road is officially clothing optional."

"Yay!" Charity yelled. She stripped too.

"And when the landlord comes around to see if we need anything?" Brie asked.

Kelsey grabbed her tits and wiggled them. "You think he'll mind?" she laughed. "Let's call him Billy. He'll like that."

"I'd just hate to get thrown out on our first day," Brie said. She pulled her t-shirt up over her head, taking it off slowly, like she wasn't really thrilled with the idea. "Shouldn't we let him get to know us first? Before he walks in on...this?"

"He's not just gonna walk in," Kelsey said. "He'll knock like a regular person."

"I guess," Brie said. As she unhooked her bra she smiled at Charity. It wasn't long ago that Charity would have been the last one naked, but there she was, nude and relaxed, with two fully clothed boys in the room.

"You guys just gonna look at us?" Kelsey asked Austin and Richie. "I mean, you can if you want, but..."

Richie had a raging hard-on under his shorts. Three naked twenty-two-year-old girls generally did that to him. The thought of stripping and walking around like that, when there didn't seem to be any sex happening, terrified him. There was no way he was making a move until Austin did.

Austin shook his head at Kelsey. "How'd I get such a crazy girlfriend?" he said.

Charity smiled when his shirt came off. After all the sex she'd had, Austin was still perfection as far as the visuals go. She'd never seen a more beautiful male specimen.

Richie took off his shirt too, matching Austin's every move so he wouldn't have to strip on his own in front of the girls. Kelsey smiled at him. He was such a cutie she just couldn't stand it.

"Got a present in there for me?" she asked him when he and Austin unzipped. "You guys are special, you know. The first sex in our first house. We'll always remember this."

Richie was relieved. His boner wouldn't seem so out of place if Kelsey was going something. She walked to him as his shorts went down, took his hard cock in her hand and kissed him with an open, hungry mouth.

Charity went to Austin. She didn't waste any time with a kiss. She squatted as he stepped out of his shorts, inhaling every inch of his half-hard length.

"Nothin' like jumpin' right in you guys," Brie said. She smiled and shook her head in wonder at her two oversexed friends. She thought Richie was adorable, so she joined Kelsey, sharing the hot, wet kiss with him. Her hands went to work too, caressing his cute little ass and the soft skin at the top of his inner thigh, letting his balls tickle the top of her fingers.

"Isn't he just the cutest?" Kelsey said.

"Mmm hmm," Brie moaned into his mouth.

"Lets go out on the porch, you guys," Kelsey said, pulling Richie by his hard cock.

The four of them tumbled onto the nice long couch. Kelsey wondered how many times Albert and Trinny and their friends had fucked on it. She was pretty sure it was well broken in.

"Oh, yeah!" she said when she settled her squatting pussy down on Richie's hardness. "You always feel so good inside me."

She smiled as the youngster's hips thrust his shaft up into her. It was just what she needed to make the house feel like home.

Brie was a few feet away, sucking Austin's cock. He was slouched way down on the cushion with Charity above him, her legs supported by the back of the couch. She rode his face with swiveling hips, getting deeper into the feeling by the second.

"Your ass looks so good from down here," Brie said.

Charity was already breathless. "Yeah?" she panted. "Lick it. Lick my asshole."

Brie held Austin's cock in her hand, stroking the wet shaft while she buried her face between Charity's warm ass cheeks. Austin was right in there too, just inches from Brie's mouth, feasting on Charity's already steaming pussy. Charity loved the double attack. It didn't take her long to launch into orbit.

Kelsey and Richie were fully involved too, fucking with some urgency, so nobody noticed the woman outside on the lawn. The landlord's daughter, Margie Mitchell, had brought a plate of cookies, made with organic butter and stone-ground flour. She'd knocked at the front door and was ready to leave when she heard voices on the porch. She never made it all the way around, stopping short when she realized what was happening. There was a pretty good view of the action from where she was standing, camouflaged by a big forsythia bush. Charity's wild orgasm, cumming hard on two tongues, was unlike anything Margie had ever seen.

"Oh, fuck! That was wicked!" Charity panted. "I wish I could cum like that every time!"

"You do, you nasty little fucker," Brie said, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. All the girls giggled.

"Nobody cums like Char," Kelsey said. She rode Richie harder, rising to her own big finish. "Oh, ffuuckk!" she shrieked, cumming hard with gasping groans. "Nice, Honey," she said softly when it was over, kissing Richie with some heat.

"Did you cum, Richie?" Brie asked. "You got some for me?"

Margie stood with the plate of cookies in her hand, not knowing what to do. If she moved they might see her. If she stayed...well, she couldn't do that either. She waited until some partner swapping was complete, marveling at the sexiness of all the participants, and crept away when the action heated up again. Kelsey caught a glimpse of her in retreat.

"Someone's at the door, you guys," she said. "Stay here, I'll go."

All were silent as Kelsey left. She pulled on her shorts and the nearest t-shirt. It was Brie's, low-cut, small and tight on Kelsey's big, wiggly bust. She ran outside just as Margie was getting in her truck.

"Hi! I'm Kelsey!" she yelled as she bounded off the side door steps.

"Oh," Margie said. "I, uh...I just wanted to say hi. I didn't mean to...bother you."

"It's no bother," Kelsey said. "Do you live around here?"

"Oh. Yes. I'm Margie Mitchell. My father owns this house."

"Yeah! He told us you lived, like, right up the street, right?"

"Yes. The next house up. It's about a half a mile. I, uh...I made you these," she said, handing off the plate of cookies.

"Wow! That's so nice! You wanna meet my roommates and our friends?"

"Oh, no," Margie said. "You're...busy. Another time maybe."

"Sure, Margie. It's super nice meeting you."

"I'll be around. I cut the grass, so..."

"Oh, yeah, Billy told us. That's so nice of you."

Margie smiled when she heard Kelsey call her father Billy. He never liked that nickname, but she had a feeling he wouldn't mind it coming from Kelsey. Good Lord, Margie thought, look at the tits on her! And those freckles!

"Okay, I better be on my way," she said. "Nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you to Margie. Thanks for the cookies!"

Kelsey scurried off in her bare feet, pausing at the side door to wave.

"What the fuck was that?" Margie mumbled to herself when she drove down the driveway. Are they wild partiers? Are they going to trash the place, she wondered, or are they just sex maniacs? Either way, it was not what she expected. Her father had told her the girls seemed like nice young women. School teachers. One of those boys on the porch looked like he could be one of their students! Was that kind of thing going to be going on? Isn't that illegal? And that other guy, holy shit that was a big cock! Okay, she thought to herself, I'll be home in a matter of seconds. What the hell am I supposed to tell Ryan? What happens when he meets those girls? Oh, fuck, this is bad!

Ryan was working on one of the tractors when she pulled in the driveway, so she parked near the house and went right inside. It was a half-an-hour before they came face-to-face.

"Did you meet the new tenants?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah, I talked to a girl named Kelsey. I better not catch you hanging around there. She's..."

"Oh, a looker, huh?" Ryan said, pulling Margie into his dirty arms. "You don't trust me?"

"Jesus, I don't know if I trust myself! I wasn't going tell you this, but...they were all having sex on the porch when I got there. With two boys. It was...crazy."

"What? You're kidding!"

"I'm not. It surprised the shit out of me, I'll tell you."

"Fuck! You're serious!"

"Yup. And I mean it, I better not catch you over there."

"All right, Baby. We'll, just...keep our distance. It's none of our business anyway, as long as they keep the house nice. They were fucking?"

"Yup. And they're kinda crazy hot looking, too. What the hell did Dad get us into?"

"You know your dad. He's got an eye for the ladies."

"Kelsey called him Billy. It was all I could do to keep from laughing."

"Wow. She sounds like a firecracker."

"She's that all right. Be careful, okay?"

"Tell me what you think about swingers," Barbara asked Austin. They were sitting in their living room watching an old episode of The Andy Griffith Show, each sipping a beer after a long day at work.

"What about 'em?" Austin asked.

"Everything. What do you think about it all?"

"It's fine I guess. Why do you want to know?"

"What if I was one. Would you be embarrassed of me?"

"Mom, you kinda already are."

"I'm not! One party doesn't make you a swinger!"

"I guess."

"I always think of it as more of a couples thing," she said. "Two couples getting together, and..."


"Yes. Or a couple bringing in a third for an evening. You and your friends do it all so naturally, I don't even think you think about it."

"No, I guess we don't. Is it a big deal, Mom? Do you really have to analyze it?"

"I have to think about what my son would think of me, yes. That's what mothers do."

"So, you're saying you want to meet a guy who wants to swing?"

"I just want to know, if I do start going down that path, in whatever way, would you be okay with it?"

"Sure, Mom. I think it's cool. I mean, Bobby and Kay and all their friends are cool. They all seem to enjoy life a lot. That's what matters, right?"

"Right. But, promise you'll tell me if I ever embarrass you, okay?"

"Okay. But don't worry about it. We're all just having fun."

Barbara stood in Rick and Donna's kitchen, feeling as nervous as she had in years. She was kicking herself for not calling Koop. Being there would have been so much easier with another beginner to cling to.

"I just love that dress," Donna said, as Rick poured three glasses of wine. "As long as I've known you you've always had the body for great clothes, but I don't think I've ever seen you dressed up. Well, graduation, of course, but, I guess we had our Sunday dresses on that day, didn't we?"

"Four years ago, I can hardly remember," Barbara said. "My yellow poplin, I think. Yes, that one would look right at home in church."

"I really need to get back to the gym," Donna said. "I can't fit into anything from four years ago. Follow me, Barbara. Bring the bottle, Ricky."

Barbara followed Donna, smiling a little at the somewhat exaggerated swing of her ass. She was surprised when Donna walked right through the living room, leading the way down a hallway, away from the public rooms of the house. Rick was right behind Barbara, and she could feel his eyes on her ass. Without realizing it she was swinging hers a little more than usual, too.

They all entered the couples bedroom. A king-sized bed dominated the room, but there was also a sitting area with a lounge-style couch and a matching upholstered chair. The lighting was low and intimate. A tabletop stereo provided some nice, easy listening jazz.

"Shall we get comfortable and drink our wine?" Donna asked. She didn't wait for an answer. She set her glass down on a small cocktail table and stood in front of Rick while he unzipped her dress.

"May I?" he asked Barbara.

"Oh," Barbara said. "Yes."

She turned her back to him, clutching her wine glass for security. Donna was stepping out of her dress. All she had on was panties and thigh high stockings, both black to match her high heel shoes.

Barbara hadn't been so bold when she dressed. She wore a lacy, flesh-colored bra along with matching panties, with thigh high stockings that were sheer rather than black. Spaghetti strap sandals adorned her feet.

Her heart was in her throat when Rick lowered the zipper. His free hand glided onto her hip. Her nervous energy had heated her up, activating her perfume.

"You smell wonderful," he said.

Barbara set her glass down on the table. Seeing Donna's bare breasts made it a bit easier for her to take off her dress, but it didn't feel at all normal. She thought about Kelsey as she slipped it off her shoulders, letting gravity do the unveiling.

"Pretty, Barb," Donna said as she settled onto the loungey couch. "I love flesh colored undies."

Barbara was happy to see Donna's run-of-the-mill body. She had worried that her own middle-aged body might be second best, but she was pleased to find it was just the opposite. Eating right and going to the gym was finally paying off. The twinkle in Rick's eyes when she handed him her dress told her he was pleased, too.

"This feels so decadent, doesn't it?" she said as she picked up her glass. "Drinking wine in the boudoir?" Her heart was pounding furiously. Donna could sense it.

"Sit, Barb," she said, patting the cushion next to her. "Put your legs up with me. Let's just relax and talk a bit."

Barbara joined her. She had to sit close in order to get her legs on the lounge portion of the couch, but that was just what Donna wanted. Rick draped her dress carefully over the back of a chair and started unbuttoning his shirt.

"You don't mind if Ricky gets comfortable, do you?" Donna asked.

"Oh. No," Barbara said, giving him a quick once over. She turned back to her drink so as not to stare.

"So, Trinny tells me you're new at this," Donna said. "That's so exciting. I wish I could go back and re-live my first few times again."

"Oh. You talked to her?" Barbara asked.

"I hope you don't mind," Donna said. "She and I are such old friends, and, I just wanted to make sure you'd be comfortable."

"No, that's fine," Barbara said. "She and Kay are both so sweet. I don't know where I'd be without them."

Rick was down to a pair of satiny black boxer shorts. He picked up his wine and sat next to Barbara. Not too close, but not far away.

"We're just so excited by the idea of Kelsey getting involved," Donna said. "It sounds like she's brought in some wonderful friends. We'd love to talk to you about Austin. Ricky and I have often thought Ashley would enjoy getting involved, but it's just so...awkward. How have you managed? Is it working out?"

Barbara took a big sip of wine. "I think it is. It's been crazy at times. I've been doing a lot of second guessing. I told Austin, none of this is in the parenting handbook."

"No, it's not!" Rick laughed.

"It's been fascinating, though," Barbara said, starting to relax into her surroundings. "He's a very mature young man, in a lot of ways. He's very much an "It's all good" kind of guy. And Kelsey, she's sort of guiding us through the minefields. Actually, she just sort of wades through, letting them explode all around her without a care in the world."

"Just like her mother," Donna said.

"Exactly!" Barbara laughed. "Maybe it's different than that, though. Kelsey's sort of shown us that the minefield is a myth. It's made up by someone to scare us away from something that scares them."

"That's a wonderful way to look at it," Donna said.

"So, does Ashley know about your swinging?" Barbara asked.

"We told her, when she was old enough. I could tell she was interested, but she put up her defenses and hid from it," Donna said. "You remember Ashley, Barbara. She's never been one of the pretty girls, and she fights a weight problem. She's a lot like me in that regard. I think boosting self confidence is what the lifestyle does best. I mean look at me, sitting her like this with a beautiful woman like you, feeling comfortable. I wish Ashley could experience this."