Keep it Down in There!


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Katie smiled at us, and I had to smile back.

"You jerk!" she said to me, still smiling.

"Seriously, you need to learn how to knock!" I spat back, also still smiling. I gave Natalie a hug. She dashed into the bathroom that was across the hall from my bedroom while Katie and I headed to the dining room. Natalie emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later and said goodbye to Katie and my mom. She ignored me completely until she winked from the front door and left.

Smoking-hot Natalie wanted to date me. That was a freaking bombshell I did NOT see coming.

I have to admit, the thought kept me up that night. I was wide awake in my bed, stroking a boner that would not go away. I was surprised to hear a light tapping on my bedroom door. Since Katie never knocked, I assumed it was my mom. I tried to hide my erection by pushing it down the leg of my underwear and then bunching the covers over my crotch.

"Come in," I said.

The door opened silently, and Katie stepped into my room. The house was really dark, so I could barely see her after she closed the door behind her. She couldn't see very well either. I picked up my cell phone and tapped it so we had a little light. I pointed it toward the wall behind me so it wasn't too much.

I could see Katie then, standing by my bed in a thin t-shirt. I saw her nipples through the shirt, and that surprised me. I couldn't ever recall seeing her without a bra, except when she was wearing a swimsuit.

She whispered something, but I couldn't understand her. She cleared her throat and shook her head, and started again.

"Sorry," she whispered, "I wanted to talk to you, if that's alright."

"Sure," I whispered back.

For once, it didn't feel like a trap. My sister looked nervous, even a little uncomfortable standing there. I slid back toward the wall, to give her room to sit down on my bed. She looked relieved at that, but then she slid under the covers next to me. My bed is narrow, so she was lying right next to me. I didn't want to start a fight with her by saying something stupid, but I was worried about poking her with my hard dick.

The light from my phone lit her face, just inches from mine. She looked into my eyes thoughtfully, but then the light from the phone went out.

"Should I turn on a lamp or something?" I whispered to her.

"Probably not," she whispered back, "If Mom or Dad get up, they would see it and they might check to see why you're still up."

"Okay," I replied. That did make sense, but it would take a few minutes before my eyes would adjust to the dark enough to see Katie's face at all.

I could feel her warm body pressed against mine, though. In the dark like that, she just felt soft and amazing against me. I mean, I know she's my sister and nothing was going to happen, but my hard dick couldn't make that distinction. Katie's breasts were pressed against me, mashed into the right side of my chest. I could clearly feel where her nipples were poking through her shirt.

"You smell good," Katie whispered. I could smell her toothpaste on her breath, since our faces were inches apart. At that moment, I was glad I had showered. I almost never get up early enough in the morning to shower before school, so I usually shower before bed. Katie's shampooed hair always smells good.

"Thanks," I said, "so do you."

She leaned her body into mine, resting the side of her face on my shoulder. Her arm wrapped around my waist and she was lightly rubbing my back. Her right leg sort of wrapped around my left thigh. She just sighed and lay there for a while. It did feel really nice, even if I was frozen in place. I didn't know what to do or say, so I just lay still and didn't say anything.

She sighed again before she asked me, "KJ, do you hate me?"

"Yup," I replied, "Not so much right now, but...come on, Katie, we have never liked each other."

"Yeah," she said sadly.

We lay there quietly for a while again. I could just barely make out her silhouette against the lighter wall behind her. I really wanted to see her face right then.

"Hold on," I whispered to her, "I have an idea."

I reached up and found the pull cord for the Venetian blinds in my window. I slid my hand over until I found the rod that adjusted those blinds and turned it until they let moonlight stream in toward the ceiling. It wasn't a lot of light, but compared to the pitch black we had been lying in it was a dramatic difference. I could clearly see Katie's expression now. That face is what I picture now every time I see the word 'wistful.'

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

A sad sort of smile spread across her whole face, but gradually. Katie, my sister looked beautiful when she smiled like that.

"Oh, KJ, so much is wrong...I'm not even sure where to start." Katie's eyes were searching mine as she continued. "I have been thinking about us, all these fights over the years. It seems like such a waste now. We could have been friends if we weren't so busy fighting."

I didn't know about that. I don't think Katie and I ever had that much in the way of common interests, outside of hating each others' guts.

"Now, when I look at you," she went on, "I see this incredibly good-looking guy. All my friends—yes, those same friends who treated you like shit for years—saw you walk in to school this year and were just blown away. We all feel like complete assholes now. Of course, then we were talking about it...Tanya brought up that we have also been really shallow, because we wouldn't even have noticed how rotten we've been if you hadn't turned into such a hottie. That just made us all feel worse, because of course she was right."

"My friends never have those kinds of talks," I said. Katie looked at me questioningly and I explained. "You guys can't be that shallow, because none of my friends even have that kind of deep conversation."

Katie smiled at that, not the sad smile from earlier, but a genuinely amused smile. "That wouldn't have occurred to me," she said.

I finally felt relaxed enough to put my own arm around her and gently rubbed her back as she had been doing to mine. I felt her tense back muscles slowly relax beneath my fingertips.

Katie groaned softly at my touch. I could feel that groan, against my shoulder as her warm breath washed over it and also against my chest and abdomen as her chest heaved out that breath. Katie mumbled then.

"And the other problem is that you are my brother, of course."

That one confused me. "Why is that such a problem?" I asked.

She looked into my eyes again, and could tell I really didn't get it.

"I'm not sure I should tell you this..." she whispered it softly. There was a long pause as she made up her mind. "Look, you're my brother. If you weren't, though, I would be all over you right now. I haven't been laid in almost a month, and I'm horny as hell."

I could feel the heat from her panties, pressed against my hip. I had to chuckle softly at that one, though.

"I've definitely got you beat there," I whispered back, "I haven't been laid in eighteen years."

Katie pulled her head back and looked at me shocked. "Really?" she whispered a little louder.

I just nodded sadly.

"Wow, I had no idea," she lay her head back on my shoulder, "I just figured you were getting laid at summer camp, same as me and my friends."

I looked at her in horror before it dawned on me. "Wait," I got out, "There were guys at your summer camp?"

"Yeah," she said. Her eyes shot open then. "There weren't any girls at your summer camp? Oh my god, I had no idea."

We both just lay there as that reality of the past six years sunk in. That really explained a lot, for both of us. It also made me imagine just how different my summers could have been.

Katie's thigh finally brushed against my erection, and she froze.

"Sorry," she whispered. "Is that your dick?"

I couldn't help it. "Nah," I whispered, "I always stash a little summer sausage in there in case I get hungry in the middle of the night."

"Shhh!" she whispered, although she was the one who was laughing. Her thigh rubbed deliciously against the bulge in my underwear.

"You are so bad," she whispered. I was grinning as I looked at her smiling face. Then she caught me completely off-guard again. She leaned up and started kissing me.

Really kissing me, like I had never been kissed before. Katie gave me an education in passionate kissing over the next fifteen minutes. It took me the first three just to try to get my head together and kiss her back, but then it just got better and better. When we finally stopped, we were both trying to keep quiet as we caught our breath.

Katie was trembling through her whole body. I could feel it the length of my body.

"Are you okay?" I asked her softly.

"No, not at all," she bit her lip, looking like she might cry. "God, KJ, I want you so bad right now."

"But I'm your..." I didn't get to finish.

She rolled her body out of my bed as she said, "I know."

I got a really good view of her bottom. Her shirt had ridden up in the back. Her panties were practically a thong in the back, just a slender string separating her gorgeous ass cheeks. I sucked in a sharp breath at that amazing sight. She heard me.

Katie stopped in her tracks and looked over her shoulder at me, then followed my gaze and realized it was glued to her sexy backside.

"I'm sorry, Katie," I mumbled when I realized she had caught me looking.

"It's okay, KJ," she whispered back. "Do you think I have a nice ass?"

"It's amazing," I replied honestly. I was still looking at it. "I had no idea you had such a sexy ass."

It dawned on me who I was talking to at that moment, and I felt my face blush. "Sorry!" I whispered again.

I expected her to be mad. I half expected her to yell at me, or throw something. At the very least, I figured she would cover her bottom and storm out of my room. She did cover her bottom with the hem of her shirt, but she smiled at me and said, "Thanks," softly before she quietly left my room.

I lay there stunned for a good four minutes. I could not believe that just happened. Then I heard another soft tap on my door. "Come in?" I whispered.

Katie genuinely looked embarrassed as she came back in and once again closed the door behind her.

"Sorry, KJ," she whispered. She came back over and slid back into my bed, "I got so distracted that I forgot to say what I really came here to say in the first place."

We both smiled at that.

"I talked to Natalie on the phone after dinner. She was so turned on, telling me how sexy you were."

I felt my cock lurch at that. So did Katie. She moaned softly as she felt it press into her thigh. I was pleasantly surprised when she reached down and softly squeezed the middle of the shaft.

"Damn," she whispered, "It's nice and thick, too." I saw her lick her lips as her fingers lightly traced their way down to the base of my shaft and then all the way up to the tip. I was hard as granite and all I could do was lie there and breathe heavily.

She didn't say anything either. Her fingers squeezed the head of my cock and then worked their way around it. They then retraced their way back down to my balls and she lightly squeezed them as well. Her breathing was getting heavier as her fingers worked their way back up to the tip of my straining dick.

I finally found my voice. "Katie, if you don't stop that, I'm going to come." She groaned at that and she lightly bit my shoulder.

"Oh, KJ, you should not have said that," she whispered. Her hand slid inside the waistband of my underwear, and she started stroking my hard cock. "That was just mean," she whispered again, "teasing your sister with this hard cock, and then telling me you're going to come."

I didn't think I was being mean. I thought I was just giving her fair warning. I really needed to learn the rules of this game.

"I was just trying to warn you," I said. I thought my voice sounded a little whiny, so I cleared my throat softly before I continued in a deeper, quiet voice. "I didn't think you would want me to shoot a big load of cum all over your hand."

I could see her eyes light up. Her nostrils flared at that, and she growled at me. I was unaware that my sister could be such a hungry animal. You should never tease a hungry animal. It's a dangerous and foolish thing to do.

In my case, I found that I was soon feeding that hungry animal. My sister slid beneath the covers and just slurped my cock right into her mouth. I nearly cried out loud at the sensation, but managed to bite my lip and suck in air through my nose instead. She was unbelievable, taking half my cock into her mouth and applying gentle suction. Her tongue felt incredible as it was all over the head of my dick. I don't think I lasted two minutes.

"Coming!" I managed to gasp out, just as the first shot erupted from me. It would not have been enough warning for her to stop, but Katie had no intention of stopping. I felt her moan in her throat as she gulped down my sperm. It was way too intense for me. I blacked out, briefly. It couldn't have been that long, as I was still coming in my sister's mouth when I could see again.

I was still shaking with the aftershocks of that unreal orgasm when Katie released me from her mouth and slid back up my body. She gulped the last of my cum down her throat and then said, "Thank you. I really needed that."

I couldn't believe that she was thanking me. "Really?" I gasped out, trying to keep my voice down, "I can't believe you're thanking me. That was fucking amazing. Thank you!"

She just smiled at that, actually looking a little shy and embarrassed. I realized, though, that she was still stroking my cock. My underwear was pulled down to just below my balls and it was uncomfortable.

"I'll just get those out of your way, if you don't mind," I said. When I reached down for my waistband and lifted my hips, she understood what I meant and she leaned back a bit to give me room. I slid my underwear down to my ankles and pushed them off beneath the covers. I lay back down, and moaned softly as her hand immediately found my cock again.

"You're still hard," Katie chuckled softly. "Natalie is in for a real treat."

I had to chuckle at that. Katie's eyebrows raised in question.

"Please don't tell Natalie, but I had completely forgotten we were talking about her," I said.

"Yeah," Katie said, looking down at my now exposed cock, "I'm not sure she'd be that understanding if I told her I had been sucking your dick. I mean, she'd understand, but it's still incest."

My erection throbbed in her hand when she said that. She couldn't help but notice. Katie looked like she was going to say something naughty, but then bit her lip and shook her head instead. She gently let me slip from her grasp, and pulled the sheet back over us.

"Let's see, where was I?" she was whispering again. "Oh, right. Natalie really wants to get some time alone with you. But, with that rule our parents laid down, we couldn't figure out how to make that happen. She could come over here, but Mom's always here. You and I could go over to her place, but her mom is also always around. Natalie suggested we could go out on a double date, but that still doesn't give us a place where we would have any privacy. She said I should ask you. Any ideas?"

Nothing sprang to mind.

"Not during the week," I said as I thought it over. I had my right arm under Katie. I brought it to her back and began gently scratching her back as I lay there and thought some more. I was looking up at the ceiling, but I could see her looking at my face out of the corner of my eye.

"On a Saturday, if Dad isn't home, she could come over here if you went out with Mom somewhere. Maybe..." I looked at her then, "Any chance you and Bryan could get back together? We could go to his place."

She pulled a face at that. "I don't think I want to try getting back with him, now," she said, "Bryan was a total dickhead when we couldn't have sex anymore. I realized then that sex was really all we had going on, and it wasn't even that good."


"Is there anyone else you are interested in?" I asked then. She looked a little embarrassed.

"Not really," she said, "I have been a little too preoccupied with you, lately."

"Oh," I whispered back. I didn't know what else to say on that topic.

Katie reluctantly disengaged from my arm and got out of my bed. She looked really sexy bathed in the moonlight. I realized for the first time that my sister was every bit as hot as her friends. That shook me up a bit. I had been hard all evening thinking about Natalie, but my dick was throbbing under the sheet as I checked out my sister.

"I'm in no hurry to have Natalie take your virginity," Katie whispered, "So we can just think it over until we come up with something."

"Okay," I responded. I realized that she was leaving, so I got out of my bed and spread my arms to offer her a hug. She just stood there and stared at my hard dick for a good minute, so I felt really awkward.

"I was going to hug you goodnight," I grumbled. She smiled at that and stepped into my embrace. I hugged her as best I could, trying not to squeeze her too tightly.

"You are so hard," she mumbled into my chest.

"Sorry," I whispered back.

We released each other and I whispered, "Sweet dreams, Katie."

She was looking at my hard dick and licking her lips. She finally shook her head and looked back up at my face.

"You too."

I stood there and listened to her soft footsteps fade down the hallway. I lay back down and figured it would take me a while to fall asleep. I had a lot on my mind and I was still rock hard. I was also drained and tired, though. I fell asleep almost immediately.

For once, I got right out of bed when my alarm went off the next morning. I had neglected to put my underwear back on, so I searched around under the covers until I found them and tossed them into my laundry basket. I got dressed for school like a robot, all without thought. I was thinking about Katie, about how amazing her mouth felt on me, and about Natalie.

A loud pounding at my door made me jump.

Katie pushed my door open and lit into me. "There! I knocked! Happy, now?"

I cocked my head, looking at her and wondering what she was doing. She raised her eyebrows at me, as if we were in a play and I had forgotten my line. I realized then that we essentially were putting on a production for our parents' sake.

"Wow. You actually learned how to knock on a door," I had found my sardonic voice. "Let's give Katie a freaking Nobel Prize for figuring out how people in civilized countries have been doing it for fifteen hundred years. What the hell do you want from me, Katie?"

"Nice," she whispered, before raising her voice again, "There's just no reasoning with you, KJ! Seriously, I just came to see if your lazy ass was out of bed, and you give me crap!"

"Keep it down in there!" Dad's voice carried down the hallway.

Katie smiled and gave me a big hug. I hugged her back, loving the way her body felt in my arms.

"We're on our own for breakfast," she said softly. I nodded as I released her.

We made a real show of ignoring each other as we ate breakfast. We actually talked in the car, turning off the radio as we rode to school. We sat in the car and kept the conversation going until Annette walked up to the car. We got out, then. I smiled at Annette.

"Good morning, Annette," I said to her, "You are looking lovely today."

She actually blushed at that. "Thanks, KJ," she said softly.

"You two have a great day," I said, "I'll see you this afternoon."

At lunch, I had the weirdest confrontation in the cafeteria. I was approached by Coach Harper and Coach McMahon, the football and wrestling coaches at our school. They looked annoyed with me, and I honestly had no idea why. I knew who they were, but was really surprised they had any inkling who I was.