Kate Pt. 02


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"I'm not on anyone's side," I quietly seethed, pulling Kate and Sara into my arms, "I'm on my side, and don't ever forget that."

"You need to remember that I'm still your uncle, boy," he began to growl.

"As long as you're interrogating any suspect in my house you're DEA as far as I'm concerned," I reminded him, "Anything beyond that is trivial."

"What about your allegiance to your family, Mark," Uncle John asked, a hurt look on his face, "Doesn't that mean anything to you at all, son?"

"Of course it does, Uncle John," I replied, "But until this shit is finished once and for all, the only family I recognize right now is Kate, Carolyn and Sara. The rest of my family died when I lost my father in Vietnam, and then when my mother passed away in her sleep during the summer I turned eighteen, because of a broken heart from losing my father. Don't get me wrong, Uncle John; I love you, Tabitha, and Grams very dearly; but it has to be this way for now. Surely you, of all people, can understand that, can't you?"

"Of course I can, Mark," he kindly told me smiling, "And believe it, or not; I think that's pretty smart of you to think that way, too."

"I'm glad," I smiled, hugging him, "Right now though, business is business, okay?"

"Okay, kid," he laughed, gently smacking the back of my head with his hand, "You win...for now..."


Chapter Four

Kate, with Sara's help of course, made homemade meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, with green beans and black eyed peas for dinner that evening; and to say that it was delicious would be an understatement. That was the thing I absolutely loved about having two women living in the house with me. While I'd come to love Sara dearly, I was in love with Kate; however, they were both excellent cooks and I never knew from one day to the next what we were going to have for dinner, man, what a delight.


Once we were finished eating and the kitchen was clean, Uncle John got ready to leave. However, right before he walked out the front door, he looked at me and dryly said, "Don't forget about the deal we made, Mark."

"Oh, I haven't forgotten about it," I quickly replied, "You just make sure that you hold up your end of the deal..."


Sara had gone to bed a little earlier than usual, claiming that she wasn't feeling well. Actually, and because of the knowing smile on her face, I think she simply wanted to give Kate and I some time to ourselves after all that had happened over the past days, and she was right, too. And like I just stated only a few moments ago, I loved Sara and this was only one of the many reasons why.


"So, tell me, Mark," Kate smiled, as she cuddled up beside me on the couch, "Would you like to tell me why the Raymers put Kevlar beneath the wood on the front of the house, as well as why they're going to replace the front window with bullet-proof glass?"

"Beats the hell outta me," I stupidly grinned, "But you have to admit that it's a pretty good idea after everything that's happened, yes?"

"Oh, Mark," she began to cry, "You know that I love you more than anything, but are we going to have to live the rest of our lives in hiding like this? I don't want to have to be looking over my shoulder every time we go out anywhere. Please tell me that you understand what I'm talking about."

For reasons that I couldn't explain at the time, I got angry with her, and in doing so, I looked at Kate and frostily told her, "I can't help what's going on right now, but if you feel like you can't, or don't think you can handle it anymore, you can leave anytime you want to, dammit. Besides, you and I both know that this shit didn't start happening until I went to work for your Aunt's husband; whom, if my memory serves me correctly, didn't hire me for my abilities. He hired me to more or less be a stud service for you."

"Go to hell," Kate hatefully replied, slapping me sharply across the face.

"Uh huh," I sarcastically spat, rubbing my cheek where she'd slapped me, "I guess the truth hurts. Doesn't it, Kate?" and then I quickly stood up and stormed out through the back kitchen door into the garage, slamming it behind me. Then after walking around to the driver's side door of my car, I got in, pushing the remote control, opening the garage door while I stuck the key in the ignition switch and started my car's engine.

Right as I pulled out of the garage, as well as unbeknownst to me, Kate came into the garage in an attempt to dissuade me from leaving. However, I pulled out of the driveway and was gone before I even knew she was there.

"I'm so sorry, baby," she softly cried, as I drove off, "Please forgive me, Mark. I love you more than anything in the world..."



"Where do you think he might've gone, Kate?" Sara asked, as the two of them drove around in Kate's car looking for me, "He couldn't have gone too far."

"I don't know," Kate tearfully sniffled, "But I've never seen him that angry before...not ever..."


I aimlessly drove around downtown Nashville for what seemed like hours, remembering the argument I'd had Kate. And after giving it some serious thought, I began realize that I'd started the whole thing, and that Kate had only been telling me how she felt. I also realized that the whole thing was my fault, too. I mean, after all, hadn't I told her in the beginning of our relationship that I would do whatever it took to protect her, even laying my life down for her if that's what the situation called for it. I mean, how much more callous could I have been to act to her the way I had when all she did was tell me that she was afraid?

"Dammit, Mark," I chastised myself aloud, "Smooth move, you dumb ass," and knowing that she would more than likely be worried sick about me; I turned and pointed my car toward home, praying that Kate would find it in her heart to forgive me. If she did, I made a promise to God right then that I would spend the rest of my life making it up to her, regardless of the outcome.


"Can you think of anywhere else he might be, Sara?" Kate worriedly asked.

"No, but I'm sure he's alright, sweetie," Sara reassured her, "What you want to bet that he's at home waiting for us...and probably wondering where we are?"

"I sure hope so," Kate sniffled, looking out the passenger window of Sara's car, "It would literally kill me if something happened to him..."


The first thing I noticed when I got home was that Sara's car was gone, making me immediately worry that either Sara, Kate, or both of them had gone out to look for me. And knowing Kate and Sara like I did, I smiled realizing that sounded just like something they would do so; in order to keep myself busy, I began to make some hot chocolate, taking my time in order to have it ready for them to drink the moment they arrived back home...


"MARK," Kate loudly cried, walking through the front door, "MARK, WHERE ARE YOU?"

"I'm in the kitchen," I smiled, standing at the stove. Thank goodness I'd just turned it off, taking the pot off of the burner to let it cool down a bit. Because the moment I turned around, I thought that Kate was going to knock me down, as she launched herself into my arms, slamming against me, knocking me three or four steps backward as she did so.

"I'm so sorry for slapping you, Mark," Kate hysterically cried, kissing me all over my face, "Can you ever forgive me?"

"Please don't cry, Kate," I gently replied, "I should be asking for your forgiveness. Besides, I was the one who started raising hell with you in the first place...I was at fault...not you, okay?"

"I plead nolo contendre," she smiled, immediately calming down as she began wiping her eyes, "It's a legal term that means no contest."

"I know what it means," I chuckled, wrapping my arms tightly around her, "And I love you."

"Mmm," she softly replied, her face buried in my chest, "I love you, too, Mark..."


Not only had it been a long day that day, but because of the disagreement I'd had earlier with Kate, it had made for an even longer night. Still though, it was around 2:00am when Kate and I finally made it to bed; and the moment I felt her naked body against mine, we slowly and tenderly made love; and afterward, I finally relaxed and fell into a gentle, warm slumber, my beautiful Kate lying right next to me in my arms...



I was awakened by the aroma of something wonderful emanating from the kitchen, wafting down the hallway and into my room. Because I opened my eyes to find the place beside me in the bed empty, I could only assume that Kate and Sara were making breakfast. My thoughts were confirmed when I heard both of their voices happily chatting as they worked...


Good Morning, sleepyhead," Kate grinned, handing me a fresh cup of coffee the moment I appeared in the kitchen, "It's about time you got out of the bed."

"Whatever," I teased, "I would've slept a whole lot later if you two hadn't woken me up with all of the noise you were making."

"That's bullshit, Mark and you know it," Sara giggled, "I told Kate that the minute we started cooking, you'd be awake so; don't even try to lie, buster," as she and Kate continued laughing.

"Yeah, yeah," I playfully groaned, "So; what're you two making? Whatever it is, it smells great."

"See there," Sara knowingly smiled, "I told you, didn't I, Katie?"

"Yep," Kate snickered, "You sure did."

"Told her what?" I asked, "What're you two talking about?"

"It's like this, honey," Kate sweetly began, "Sara and I were talking about you this morning, and when I told her that I wished you were up, but I didn't want to wake you; she grinned and told me that if we started breakfast, your stomach would save me the trouble having to wake you up all by itself, and she was right, too," as she and Sara fell into an almost uncontrollable fit of girlish laughter.

"Leave me alone," I chuckled, "What're you two making anyway."

"You'll find out in a minute," Sara teased, "Ya grumpy bastard," as again the girls started laughing.

"I'm glad you two think this is so amusing," I told them, "And just so you know, Miss Sara, "I'm not a grumpy bastard; but I can be one if you'd like me to."

"Uh oh," Kate giggled, "We'd better not push him too hard, Sara. I've seen him when he's being grumpy."

"Yeah, right," I laughed, pulling Kate into my lap, making her delightfully squeal, "I've never once been grumpy to you, and you know it, Kate."

"Oh really," Sara giggled, "Then if you weren't being grumpy, then why didn't you guys get to bed until two o'clock this morning?"

"That's easy," Kate replied, gently kissing my lips, "It's because I was acting like a spoiled brat."

"What else is new?" Sara laughed, "You act like that's something that Mark and I have never seen before," and of course this time, I was the one who fell into an uncontrollable fit of laughter...

~~~~~~ Later that day, around one o'clock, Joey and his father, Joe Sr., both arrived at the house to remove the piece of plywood I'd used to cover what used to be my front window. Imagine my surprise when Angela climbed out of the truck from the back seat, smiling and waving at me.

"Hi, Mark," she grinned, "I hope you don't mind me coming over here with Dad and Joey. I wanted to see you."

"Hi, pretty girl," I smiled, "I don't mind at all. I'll bet Kate and Sara would like to see you, too."

"Good, I would like to talk to Sara," she sweetly giggled, "My brother, Nick, really likes her ya know."

"Is that right?" I knowingly chuckled, taking her by the hand, "Come with me and I'll lead you inside so that you can tell her. I think she might enjoy hearing about that," and then I winked at her father and brother and told them, "I'll be right back, fellas."

"No worries," her father chuckled, "Me and Joey can start taking this piece of plywood off your front window..."


"Hey, Sara," I smiled, as Angela and I walked into the kitchen to find Kate and Sara having some coffee, "I've got someone here that wanted to come to talk to you; especially you, Sara."

"Well, hello there, Miss Angela, "Kate sweetly grinned, standing up to hug her, with Sara following suit, "How're you today, sweetie."

"I'm fine, thank you," Angela smiled, "My brother, Nick, has the biggest crush on you, Sara."

As the girls began to chat, I saw light braking through the front of the living room, meaning that Angela's father and brother had removed the plywood. I used that as my cue to leave and let the girls talk amongst themselves, giving Kate a kiss before I went back outside...


"Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked, as I watched Joe Senior and Joey put the new piece of glass in place of where the old one once was.

"Not really," Joe smiled, while Joey was anchoring the glass in place, sealing it afterward, "I think we've about got it covered, but thanks for asking just the same."

Once the new pieces of outer trim had been nailed in, and painted, I looked at Joe Senior and told him, "I know you guys wanted to do this for no0thing, but I can't let you do that, and there's no way I'm going to let you either."

"I'll tell you what," Joe smiled, patting my shoulder, "If you feel like paying for something, then why don't you make a contribution to Saint Jude's Hospital for Children? Lord knows those folks need all the help they can get, especially these days."

"I agree," Joey smiled, "We've been making contributions to them for a long time now."

"I can do that," I smiled, "Let me get my checkbook..."


After all was said and done, I handed Joe Senior a check for twenty thousand dollars that was made out to the previously mentioned charity. Me, Kate and Sara stood in my driveway smiling as they drove away, thankful for the work they had done.


The Raymers hadn't been gone for more than twenty minutes before Kate's mother, Carolyn showed up with Linda Dodge, her sister and Kate's Aunt in tow.

"Hi, Mom, hi Aunt Linda" Kate grinned, hugging her mother and aunt, "What're you guys doing here?"

"Hi baby," Carolyn smiled, "Mark's Uncle John called and asked Linda to meet him here. I'm her legal counsel."

"Please, tell me that you're not part of this, Aunt Linda," Kate sadly asked, "Please?"

"I don't know what Mark's Uncle told you," she tearfully replied, "But I swear on my life that I'm not, baby girl."

"If you say so then I believe you," Kate said, "Besides, you've never lied to me...not once."

I'd remained silent until Carolyn looked at me and asked, "What about you, Mark, do you think Linda could be guilty of anything where Mike Dodge is concerned?"

"You're an attorney, Carolyn," I said, "It doesn't matter what I think. It only matters what can be proved, but in answer to your question, no; I don't think Linda is guilty of anything. I think Mike Dodge is a manipulative sonofabitch that deserves to hang for what he's done."

"See there," Kate sweetly smiled kissing my cheek, "I told you he was smart, didn't I?"


We'd been visiting with Kate's mother and Aunt for a little bit less than ten minutes when Uncle John rang the doorbell.

"Uncle John," I emotionlessly said, greeting him at the front door, "I was wondering when I was going to hear from you."

"Can I come in?" he asked, "There are some things that we...that I need to talk to you about." "Sure," I cooly replied, opening the front door, allowing him entrance into my house, "Come on in..."


When Uncle John walked into the den where we all had been sitting, the whole room went as silent as a tomb. He waited until I was back beside Kate on the couch before he spoke.

"Let me start this conversation by telling you all how sorry I am that things got to this point," he began, and then addressing Kate's Aunt Kinda, he told her, "You'll be pleased to know, Missus Dodge, that you're cleared and are no longer considered a suspect in this case."

"It's about damn time," she angrily replied, "I tried to tell you that in the first place."

"I understand, and I'm terribly sorry," he said, then he turned and looked at me, "But Madeline Linder is still out there somewhere, Mark, and you folks need to be made aware of it."

"Let the bitch come after me again," I snapped, reaching behind me and withdrawing my Walther PPK, "She shows her face around here again and I'll blow her head off...you can count on it."

"Trust me, Mark," he said, "It won't do you a bit of good to get pissed off."

"You want me to trust you after all the shit I've been through, not to mention worrying Kate to death?" I replied, in a hostile tone of voice, "Besides, I way beyond pissed off at this point so; consider yourself informed. If I so much as catch a glimpse of Madeline Linder, I'm going to shoot first and ask questions later. It's the DEA's fault that all of this shit happened to begin with."

"Look Mark," he told me, "I understand why..."

"NO, you don't understand dick, Uncle John, and that's what pisses me off the most," I disgustedly spat, "Federal Agencies...what a waste of the taxpayer's money."

"I'm really sorry you feel that way, kid," he dejectedly replied, "I'd better go...I hope that one day we can mend the rift between you and me, kid," and then he turned and left, quietly closing the door behind him...


That night as I lay next to Kate, I was awakened by the sound of someone moving through the house. I knew it wasn't Sara, because I would've heard her opening her bedroom door. No, there was definitely someone in my house who wasn't supposed to be there. So, pulling my weapon from beneath my pillow, I slowly got out of bed so as not to wake Kate, and then quietly opened my bedroom door, silently making my way down the hall.

The house was still dark, and when I got to the kitchen; I detected movement in the den. I squatted down so as not to be in the direct line of sight, and then, as silently as the fog, made my way toward the intruder...


"Don't move, asshole," a female voice told me, placing a cocked pistol to the back of my head, "Drop the gun, or I'll kill you where you stand," and then suddenly I felt a sharp pain as I was hit at the base of the skull, making me not only drop my weapon, but also knocking me down onto the floor, but not unconscious.

I decided to act like I was out cold, and that's when I clearly heard Madeline Linder's voice say, "I've got him covered. Go get that bitch girlfriend of his and bring her in here."

"Okay, Aunt Maddie," a voice I recognized as Kara Wilkins' replied, "I'll be right back...


Once Kara was gone, I waited for Madeline to drop her guard, and the moment she did so; I made my move, by quickly reaching up and grabbing her hand that held te weapon she'd used to hit me with, and then I wrenched it free, but not before introducing her temple to the heel of my left foot.

Once she lay on the floor, out cold, I might add...lol...I quietly drug her into the kitchen, where I took a roll of duct tape out of my utility drawer, and then bound her hands together in fro9nt of her.

I could hear a scuffle going on down the hall, but as opposed to taking the risk of getting Kate injured, or, God forbid something worse. I quietly made my way to where my dojo was, retrieving four Shiriken throwing stars, and half a dozen steel darts.

Right before I rounded the corner where Madeline lay out cold in the kitchen, I heard Kara's voice say, "Aunt Maddie, are you alright?"

"OH, NO," she began to loudly wail, "WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU?"

"I hope he killed the bitch," Kate hatefully spat, beginning to laugh.

By this time I was peeping around the corner, still undetected by Kara, as she raised her weapon, pointed it at Kate, and snarled, "Just for that, I'm gonna kill you, you fucking bitch."