Kate Pt. 01


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Kara Wilkins was a blonde haired, green eyed beauty with a great figure. She clearly displayed "spoiled little southern rich girl" mannerisms, regardless of how hard she tried to hide them. And while I made certain that I was extremely polite to her, I also made sure that I was not going to get involved with someone like her for any reason.

"Congratulations, Kara" I politely replied, "I'm sure that your family is very proud of you."

"I was a Kappa Delta like my mother before me," she pointedly, yet snottily informed me; "It's a tradition among the women in my family."

"What about you, Mark," Madeline openly asked me, "Were you in a fraternity in college?"

"No, ma'am," I honestly replied, "I had more important things to do with my life than get drunk every weekend and sexually exploit naïve little college girls."

I heard a shocking gasp emanating from both Madeline and Kara, accompanied by a satisfied giggle coming from Linda.

"I told you he was a nice young man;" Linda triumphantly smiled, "Didn't I?"

"What's the matter, Mark, is it?" Kara condescendingly sneered, "Did you not have the courage to become a fraternity man?"

"Don't you mean a spoiled little frat boy? Besides, a real man makes his own way," I straightforwardly replied, looking directly into her d eyes, "And has neither the need nor desire to have their infantile antics funded by Mommy and Daddy; nor does he live his life by anyone's leave either," and with that said, I rose from my seat, and looking at Linda, I smiled and told her, "I've had a wonderful time this evening, but I've got to go for now. Would you mind giving my most sincere apologies to your husband, as well as Mister Linder, and please let them know that I will see them both bright and early on Monday morning?"

"I most certainly will," she knowingly grinned, and then taking my arm again, she told me, "Please allow me to see you out, sweetie."


"It's a shame you're going to miss dinner," Linda said, once we were out of Madeline's and Kara's range of hearing, "Michael and David will be so disappointed.

And when we finally arrived at the front door, I looked at Linda and truthfully told her, "I apologize for not staying for dinner, but your two lady friends have completely spoiled my appetite; and if I were to stay any longer, I would definitely say something that would more than likely get me fired before I even started working."

"Don't you worry about those two self righteous bitches, Mark," she reassured me smiling, "I'll take care of everything, alright?"

"Thanks, Linda," I told her, relief clearly written across my face, "You're a very nice lady; and it makes me a better man for having had the honor of meeting you this evening."

"You're welcome, handsome," she sweetly grinned, "Get some rest, Mark; because I've got a feeling that you're going to hit the ground running on Monday."

"Yes, ma'am," I smiled, gently shaking her hand, "I look forward to getting the opportunity to see you again sometime soon...I hope you have a wonderful evening," and then I was out of the front door and gone.


Chapter Two

The following Monday morning I showed up at the office ready to go to work. Both Mike and David had the receptionist lead me into the main conference room the moment I arrived.


When I got to the conference room, I saw twenty odd people sitting at the long table there, all of them eating what looked like breakfast. I saw all kinds of food sitting in bowls on the table, each one having its own serving spoon sitting in it.

"Good morning, Mark," Mike smiled, standing up to greet me, "Take the seat here beside me, and have some breakfast. We do this every morning to start the day."

"I've already had breakfast this morning, thank you," I smiled, taking my seat, "But I sure wouldn't mind another cup of coffee, and maybe a glass of orange juice."

"Not a problem," he smiled, "But be sure not to eat anything before you come to work from now on, because, like I just said, we do this every morning."

"I'll remember that," I happily smiled, "Thank you all very much."

As I looked around at all of the people who were seated at the table, most of them were men. However, there were two females, both of whom were nicely dressed, very well groomed, as well as being as attractive as could be. Still though, I was definitely the youngest person there, realizing that the closest person to my age was at least ten, perhaps maybe even twelve years older than me.

However, I was looking forward to getting off to a good start, and before I knew it, David stood up with a smile on his face, and while getting everyone at the table's attention, announced, "Good morning everyone. I'd like to introduce the newest and youngest member of our team, Mister Mark Powers. He will head our new Design department, because Mike and I feel that his ideas are some of the freshest that we've seen yet."

"Surely not," one of the two women said, as she stood glaring at me with poison in her eyes, "You promised me that I was going to head that new department, David. This kid barely looks old enough to be out of diapers."

"I didn't promise you anything, Diane," David curtly replied, "I said that I was considering you, until I saw Mark's designs. He clearly has a better outlook than you do; and besides, we need his genius here."

"Wait a minute," I defensively stated, "I don't want to step on anyone's toes here, David. It's clear that this nice lady has been here longer and has more seniority than I do."

"Maybe so," Mike suddenly interjected, "But this company belongs to David and I, and we're the people who make the decisions around here so; if we tell you that you're going to head our new design department, then that's it, okay?"

"Yes, sir," I replied, "You're the boss."

"That's right," he smiled, and then after looking at the lady who'd spoken earlier, asked, "Are we clear on this, Diane?"

"It looks like I don't have any choice," she defeatedly replied, trying to hide the tears that were beginning to fill her eyes, "I'll have my resignation on your desk this afternoon."

"I really wish you wouldn't do that, Ms. Miles," Mike compassionately told her, "But if you feel that you have to resign because of this, then I guess I'm going to have to accept it," and then she turned and abruptly left the conference room, wiping her eyes on the way out.


After breakfast that morning, Mike took me to my new office, which was a corner office, and then introduced me to my new secretary, a girl who couldn't have been any older than nineteen, or twenty, named Sarah Dawson.

"It's nice to meet you, Mister Powers," she politely smiled, shaking my hand, "Is there anything I can get for you?"

"You can begin by calling me just plain old Mark," I chuckled, "But what I would really like, is for you to show me where Ms. Diane Miles' office is."

"That's easy," she grinned, "She's right next door to us on the right as you walk out."

"Thanks, Sarah," I appreciatively smiled, heading out the door of my office, "I'll be back in a few minutes so; if anyone calls while I'm gone, take a message and tell them that I'll call them right back in a few minutes."


"What do you want," Diane Miles, snorted, once I got past her secretary and walked, unannounced, into her office, "Did you come here to gloat? Because if so, you can shove...."

"I came here to ask you to stay, Ms. Miles," I softly, but politely interrupted her, "...if you will."

"Why should I?" she asked, tears beginning to form in her eyes again, "It was made very clear to me this morning that I was no longer needed."

"That's where you're wrong," I gently replied, "I need you."

"What a load of bullshit," she sadly replied, "You don't even know me."

"I know I don't, and I'm willing to remedy that right now," I objectively told her, "But something tells me that you know this company, as well as this department, better than anyone here; and I would personally be grateful for any help you would be willing to give me."

"Is that right," she skeptically asked, "How grateful?"

"I'll give you my office if that's what it takes," I pleaded with her, "Just don't leave, okay?"

Suddenly a warm smile came across her face, and with a tender tone of voice, she made eye contact with me and softly replied, "You'd really do that, wouldn't you?"

"Jeez, didn't I just say so?" I asked her, "Please don't leave...I really need some help here."

"I'll tell you what," she began to smile again, "Why don't we discuss it over lunch, and then we can talk about how you want me to help you, okay, Mark? Do you mind if I call you Mark?"

"Not at all," I smiled, "Is it okay if I call you Diane?"

"Of course," she giggled, "After all, we're colleagues, aren't we?"

"No," I teased smiling, "We're partners, because I can't do this job without you."

"Get out of here ya bum," she laughed, "I'll stop by right before lunch and pick you up."

I guess now would be a good time to describe Diane Miles. She was a very nice looking woman who most definitely didn't look forty-three years old. Hell, I thought she couldn't have possibly been a day over thirty one or thirty two, at the very most. She stood five feet, eight inches tall and weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred and twenty-five pounds...at least to my estimation. She had blonde hair the same length as mine, and bright hazel-blue eyes. Her makeup looked like it had been applied by a professional, giving her skin a flawless glow; and her measurements were proportionate to her height. She was very soft spoken, and I could tell that she was a kind woman just by the way she acted around me when I went to her office to talk to her.

I spent the rest of that morning simply getting settled into not only my new office, but also my new job. I knew that the bosses were giving me the time to get used to my surroundings that morning, and that afternoon; I would be given the tasks they wanted me to perform.


"Hi, Mark," Diane said, peeking her head into my office, "Are you ready for lunch?"

"I sure am," I smiled, I'm starving. Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," she cryptically grinned, "But it's one I think you'll like."

"I'm ready," I smiled, "If you're waiting on me, then you're backing up."

"I knew it," Diane chuckled, as we headed toward the elevators, "You're a genuine smart ass."


Diane took me to a place not too far from the office called "South Street Pub", off of Twenty-First Avenue, which ran parallel to West End Avenue, the street on which our office building was located. To say that the food was simply good would be a huge understatement. It was the only place in the world where I'd ever had crawfish enchiladas, and man, they were good.

"So tell me about yourself, Mark," Diane kindly smiled, "I want to know who I'm going to be working with," and after giving her a brief overview of my life, she smiled again and warmly replied, "I owe you an apology. I was very wrong about you, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me, especially after the comment I made about you to Mike Dodge this morning at breakfast."

"Oh, that," I laughed, "I'm not offended in the least, and I was taught forgiveness a long time ago when I was little so; you were forgiven before you ever said anything."

"I wish there were more men like you around here," Diane sadly smiled, "Then maybe the world, especially this town, would be a better place."

"Whoa, wait a minute," I humbly replied, "You honor me way too much. I'm just a regular guy, Diane. I'm not the person you seem to think I am."

"And why not?" she asked, as we ate, "I'm a pretty good judge of character, and my heart has never lied to me, Mark."

"Maybe so," I told her, "But like I said, I'm just a regular guy who treats people like I want to be treated."

"That's all well and good, but answer this one question for me if you would," she replied, "You didn't have to come to my office this morning. Tell me...why did you?"

"Because I thought that you were being treated like shit," I said, "And I knew that you were the one person who would be able to help if I ever got in over my head."

"You barely know me," she knowingly grinned, "So; how could you possibly have known that I would be the person to help you out?"

"Like you, I'm also a pretty good judge of character," I smiled, "And also like you, my heart has never lied to me either."

"I believe you, sweetie," she genuinely smiled, gently patting my hand, "And because of you; I'm not going to tender my resignation so; we'd better get back to work, okay?"

"On one condition," I grinned, "You let me pay for lunch today."

"Oh my goodness," she sweetly smiled, "What a gentleman you are; okay, you can buy lunch this time; but next time it's on me, alright?"

"You got it, girlie," I teased, receiving a playful smack on the arm from Diane on the way out the door.


I'd been back from lunch for roughly thirty minutes when Mike appeared at my door with a wide grin on his face.

"Hey, Mike," I smiled, "Is there something I can do for you?"

"You sure can, kid," he grinned, "Come with me."


Mike led me back into the same conference room I was in that morning, where David and two other men whom I didn't recognize stood around the table talking over a set of multi dimensional prints which were intended for a new building that we had apparently been hired to build.

"Gentlemen," David Linder proudly announced as I walked into the room, "Allow me to introduce you to our newest star on the horizon, Mister Mark Powers," and then he turned to me smiling and said, "Mark, let me introduce you to Gaylord Entertainment's Primary stock holders, Mister Robert Hanson, and Mister Jacob "Jake" Anderson."

"It's a pleasure to meet you gentlemen," I sincerely replied, as I greeted the both of them, "How can we help you today?"

"We're tearing down the world famous Opryland Theme Park," Mr. Anderson replied, "And in its place, we're building an outlet mall. The only thing we're lacking is a name for it, and David and Mike both agree that you're the man for the job."

"I'll do my very best, gentlemen," I told them. Then I turned to Mike and told him, "I have a couple of requirements that are rather imperative for this particular project, but we can discuss them at a later date."

"No, problem, Mark," Mike knowingly grinned, "Whatever you need, consider it done. How soon can you come up with a design?"

"I'm going to need all the information I can get," I told them, "Plus, I'll need to go out to Opryland to take a look at the land that it sits on, and I'd like at least two weeks to do that."

"Done," David chuckled, "What else do you need?"

"From what I understand, Opryland is a pretty big place," I replied, "Is this proposed mall the only thing they want to build on the property?"

"I told you guys he was smart," Mike laughed, "Didn't I?"

"As a matter of fact, the mall is not the only thing we want to build," Mister Hanson said, "We also want to build the new Opryhouse out there because the The Grand Ole Opry has outgrown the Ryman Auditorium on fifth avenue downtown. Plus the people with Bass Pro Shops® want to open a store that adjoins the proposed mall."

"So, who's going to build those places?" I asked.

"We haven't decided that yet," Mister Anderson grinned, "Why do you want to know?"

"Well, I'm quite sure that the people with Bass Pro Shop already have a standard design for their store," I told them, "But if you want a design that will clearly stay within the confines of not only country music, but the city of Nashville, Tennessee, then I'm definitely your man for this project."

"There are other firms in town that have a lot more experience than you do, kid," Mister Hanson curtly replied, "Plus, their engineers aren't near as green as you are either."

"Maybe not," I smiled, "But can they guarantee their results, as well as have it done on time?"

"We don't know that," Mister Anderson grinned, "Can you?"

"Yes," I said, looking him in the eye, "And I can give you the quality that they lack."

"How can you possibly say that?" Hanson sarcastically laughed, "I understand that you're not only new to this area, but this is your first day on the job."

At this point, Mike and David hadn't yet said a single word so; in order to make my point stand more firmly, I looked at Mister Anderson, and Mister Hanson, and in no uncertain terms, told them, "When Linder and Dodge's headhunter came looking for me, don't think for a minute, gentlemen, that I didn't do my research on the competition in this city. I found out that Linder and Dodge's reputation stands head and shoulders above the other firms in town, hence the reason I took their offer."

"Oh, really," Hanson snottily quipped, "And what kind of offer did they make you, boy?"

"If I thought it was any of your business, then I would tell you, sir," I firmly replied, "But how much I'm being paid is not what we're here to discuss, gentlemen," Then I looked at Mister Hanson and told him, "I'm a pretty good judge of character, and I can already tell that you don't like me, Mister Hanson. That's neither here nor there. What you're both looking for is someone who can do the job with as little cost to you as possible, correct?"

"He's right, Bobby," Mister Anderson laughed, "You don't like him, do you?"

"No, I don't," Hanson spat, "He's arrogant and cocky."

"Yeah, he is," Anderson chuckled, "Just like you were when you were his age, and that's why I like this kid, and it's also why I think we've found the man who we've been looking all over hell's half acre for."

Then Anderson looked at me, and smiling, told me, "Let me talk to your bosses for a little while, kid. We'll get back to you before we leave here today, okay?"

"Yes, sir," I smiled shaking his hand, "It was nice meeting you...you, too, Mister Hanson," who refused to shake my hand. And after looking at Mike and David, who were both grinning from ear to ear, I smiled and told them, "I'll be in my office."

"Okay, Mark," David grinned, "We'll see you in a little while then," and then I turned around and walked out, but not before Mike patted me on the shoulder and gave me a silent wink, reassuring me that everything was alright.


"Holy shit," I said aloud when I walked back into my office, "I hope I didn't fuck everything up."

"Are you okay, Mister Powers," Sarah asked, concern in her voice.

"I'm alright, Sarah," I smiled, "And what did I tell you about calling me Mister Powers?"

"But, you're my boss," she said, "And I was taught that..."

"Look," I grinned, politely interrupting her, "I'm not that much older than you; and besides, I would really like it if you called me Mark instead, okay?"

"Okay, Mark," she knowingly grinned, "If that's the way you want it to be, then that's what I'll call you so; tell me, Mark, how did you mess up?"

I told her about my meeting with the guys from Gaylord Entertainment, as well as everything that was said. She simply smiled and told me, "I think that they're going to hire our firm because of the way you told them the truth."

"Let's hope so," I said, "I'll know here in a few minutes whether or not I'll still have my job."

"I know something that you don't," she smiled, "Mister Dodge and Mister Linder both told me that I was going to be working for a genius when they hired me, and I believe that those guys from Gaylord Entertainment will be missing out if they don't hire us to do the job...but that's just my opinion, Mark."

"Thanks, Sarah," I gratefully replied, "I hope you're right."

"I'm very sure of it," she confidently giggled, "As a matter of fact, I'm so sure, that I'm willing to bet you a hundred bucks that they hire you, oops, I mean us."