Kari, Tiffany and Mistress Suzy

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Three roommates begin the lifestyle.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/03/2014
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In a small western college town in the desert; in a small white clapboard house three blocks from campus; in a sparsely furnished living room sit three roommates talking. They are about to make a fateful decision that will change the direction of all their lives forever. Cosmo and Teen People litter what passes for a coffee table. "Kari, Suzy and I were thinking about what we talked about last week. We think we can make it work and we're really excited about it and think you will be too," begins Tiffany.

"What's that," Kari, a cute nineteen year old sophomore with golden yellow hair and a dimpled smile asks?

Instead of answering directly, "Here, take a look at what we picked up for you," Suzy, the tall black full-figured junior says while placing the indicated shopping bag on the table.

Encouraged by her friends Kari upends the bag on the table. Shock and disbelief tie her tongue as she surveys the black and silver pile: handcuffs; nylon cuffs; chains; a pair of vibrators, one a massive purple wand and the other a seven inch rubber dildo; an intimidating looking half-mask muzzle gag, a leather collar and more. Kari gapes.

Suzy smiles and asks, "What do you think? Aren't they great? We found all this stuff right here in town and it's all for you. Try the collar on."

"Wha? I'm not putting any of tha...," Kari doesn't get to finish.

Quick as lightning Tiffany, the small brunette sophomore Behavioral Science major, leaps at her friend and slaps Kari hard across the cheek. "Shut the fuck up, Cunt, and do what your Mistress tells you to do," she growls. She'd cupped her hand so the blow stung more than hurt, but the suddenness had thrown Kari to the floor.

When she reaches to cover her cheek Suzy quickly slaps the cuff on her wrist. The bigger girl twists the cuffed arm behind her back and completes the maneuver by closing the manacle around Kari's other wrist. "This is going to be so much fun. I think you're really going to enjoy this," Suzy chats gaily.

Simultaneously Tiffany buckles the gag in place over Kari's mouth while yelling at her, "You will do exactly what you're owner tells you to do, Cunt, without any back talk." She goes on to declare that Kari is already disobedient and in need of behavior training. They haul the weeping and terrified girl to her feet and into her room. They drape the struggling girl sideways over her bed and chain her to the frame. Then while Tiff holds her in place Suzy strips the denim jeans and pastel cotton panties from her kicking legs. Finally, they secure her ankles to the bed legs.

"When you are naughty, dis-obedient, disrespectful or break a rule you must be punished so that you will learn not to repeat the undesired behavior. We have agreed that from this day forward Suzy will be your owner and I will be your trainer. Do you understand this? Nod your head."

Kari shakes her head in negation. Instantly, Suzy levels a stinging blow to her naked ass. Kari wants to scream but can't. Another blow brings fresh tears to her eyes. Quickly she nods her head.

"That's better. You learn very fast. Now, your owner told you to try something on and you refused. That level of dis-obedience cannot be tolerated. Suzy, give her five paddles to her ass this time. Later it will be more if she keeps it up."

Suzy raises her arm and brings it down five times. Each a solid blow to Kris's tender cheeks. "Look at how red her ass is," Suzy observes. Kari cries uncontrollably. "Hey, look at this. Her labia are swollen."

"Yes, there is a correlation between pain and pleasure," Tiff intones. Continuing, "Suzy is your new owner. You will refer to her as Mistress Suzy at all times from now on, do you understand?" When the nod is slow in coming, Tiff motions to Suzy and another blow lands upon her already stinging ass. Again the nod follows quickly.

"Your new name is Cunt. Do you understand?" This time the nod comes unprompted. "Very good, Cunt, I knew you were a fast learner," Tiff praises. "Because Mistress Suzy is your owner and Mistress Suzy values her property and wants it to be the best it can be, she trains and corrects out of kindness to her property. Therefore, you will answer every act of your owner with a 'Thank you, Mistress; may your property have another, please?'

Tiff unbuckled the gag. Kari gulps air. Squatting in front of Kari and looking in her eyes Tiff asks, "Don't you have something to say to your owner, Cunt?"

"FUCK YOU BOTH AND GO TO HELL. When I ge...," the gag closes off her words again.

"That wasn't correct, Cunt. It seems we need more corrective measures. Mistress Suzy, give her ten this time."

Kari thrashes and jerks at her restraints but can't avoid the blows to her sore ass. "Look at that," Suzy observes, "she's juicing up. Are you enjoying your spankings, Cunt?"

Again Tiff removes the gag, "What do you have to say to your owner, Cunt?"

Panting, Kari begs, "Why are you doing this to me?" The gag is replaced and Kari jerks in her bonds.

"You're resisting, Cunt. That will only bring more punishment." The two girls leave their friend chained to the bed. Behind her and out of her sight Kari can hear the scrape of a stool or chair followed by the sound of a power tool. Without being able to see what is happening Kari trembles in fear at what terrible punishment her supposed friends will deliver next. She hears the sound of what she now recognizes as a drill boring into the ceiling above her. The work continues both above and on the floor for some time. With each passing minute her fear grows until she lies fairly insensate.

Dazed, Kari feels herself lifted by gentle hands. The buttons of her blouse are undone followed by her bra. It feels like she is being prepared for bath or bed. It feels nice and comforting. Odd circlets go around her ankles and wrists as she struggles back to awareness. Her mind clears just in time to see Tiff and Suzy close the final lock attaching the chain to the handcuffs. Before she can struggle they pull on the chain and her arms are pulled over her head. Now she sees what they had been doing. In her ceiling is a large eye bolt that the chain runs through. In the beautiful wood floor are two similar eye bolts shoulder width apart that black leather ankle cuffs are locked to. She is pulled to her tippy toes then the chain is secured. And she is naked.

"Now, you don't seem to be grasping the situation very well after all, Cunt," Tiff says reasonably. "So we are going to move to the next level of corrective measures." With that she steps up and presses something against Kris's nipple. When she releases the object Kris tries unsuccessfully to scream as she looks down to see a clothespin clamped on her nipple. Tiff places another one on the other nipple. Speculatively she gives each a thump with her finger before stepping back satisfied.

Suddenly, more blows begin raining on her ass. Tears again fill Kari's eyes. Blurredly, she watches Tiff take a riding crop and begin striking the tops of her breasts. This continues for some minutes. She loses count of the number of blows to her already stinging butt. When it is over she hangs limply from the suspended cuffs.

Tiff removes the gag. Without prompting, "Thank you Mistress, may I...your property have another, please."


Desperately Kari searches her memory, "Yes...no...I...er...your property doesn't know if she...it likes it," she pants.

Tiff flicks the clothes pins, "Do you like that?"

"Unhhh," Kari groans as electricity shoots from her nipples to her pussy. "Yesss, this property likes it, um, Tiff?"

Tiff lashes out again with a slap to the cheek, "You are never to presume to use the names of your betters, Cunt. When in doubt always say Sir or Ma'am."

"Yes, Ma'am, thank you," after a slight pause, "may I have another, please."

"Yes," and Tiff slaps her again.

"Thank you, Ma'am; this cunt would like another, please."


For the next few hours Suzy and Tiff teach Kari what is expected of her and how she is to behave. When she balks they spank her; when she is slow or forgets they spank her until she repeats every instruction to their satisfaction. More clothespins are clamped to the underside of her tits. An uncontrollable itch rises between her legs. By time they are done she is sweating and exhausted.

"Very good, Cunt," Suzy praises her.

Tiff steps in front with a smile, "When you perform your duties correctly there will be rewards." She reaches for a clothespin and twists the nipple it is attached to. Simultaneously Suzy slides the big purple vibrator between her legs and across her clit. Bang! Kari erupts in a powerful orgasm. When she subsides Tiff asks, "Did you enjoy that, Cunt?"

"Oh Yes Ma'am. Thank you, Ma'am; may this Cunt have another, please?"

"Not right now. You must only orgasm when told to do so by your owner."

Kari is released from the ceiling. She can barely lift her arms they are so numb. She doesn't resist as Suzy places the collar around her neck and then chains her to one of the floor bolts. The clips are removed and she is left naked and alone. Silently she cries.

Later, Kari only knows that the sun is setting from the color and slant of sunlight through the blinds; she assumes is that same day Suzy comes back in. She had heard the two talking in the other room but had been unable to make out what was said. Suzy kneels next to Kari, pats her head and sets a bowl of salad in front of her. Suzy goes out and returns with a small padded floor mat. She lengthens the chain so that Kari can move about a bit then leaves; closing the door behind her.

For three days Tiff and Suzy teach Kari what is expected and punish her when she disobeys, or is too slow, or forgets. The punishments become more intense. Kari's body starts to take on the look of one big welt. Each instruction period is followed by supervised practice. Correction of failure is swift and sharp. Soon her jaw is sore from the slaps.

At first, in the morning of the second day after a nights rest she had protested. All that got her was gagged again. By lunch time she knew better and no longer argued and so had been spared the gag. Except for the collar and restraints she was naked the whole time. Always Suzy brought her meals in the same bowl without utensils which she had to eat without hands. During bathroom breaks she was chained to the toilet and cleaned like a baby afterwards. She is crying most of the time now.

Throughout the experience her sex drive becomes overwhelming. Even if the others hadn't tormented her breasts, her nipples would have been hard the whole time. Her pussy feels puffy and hot and she can often feel her juices leaking. Involuntarily her body had frequently jerked to get a hand to accidentally rub against her clit. It was driving Kari crazy with need.

Whenever a set of behaviors had been taught, practiced and learned Kari had been chained back to the ceiling and her pussy tortured with that vibrator until she was pleading for them to make her cum. Inside she feels shame at succumbing to the desire for climax, but she does it anyway. By Saturday night, she supposes it is Saturday, Kari thanks Suzy for the food and when Suzy touches her hair she leans into the touch. Suzy lingers for a moment before leaving.

The following morning Kari is awakened by the sound of furniture moving. She opens her eyes to find two men, one large and beefy and the other black and wiry, moving her furniture out. Suzy stands next to her and Tiff directs the operation. Kari almost hollers for them to stop but catches herself in time. Both Suzy and Tiff watch her closely. The men seem experienced at moving even though they ogle her nakedness all the time they are in the room.

"You have your mat and bowl so you won't need any of this junk anymore, Cunt," Suzy tells her.

"Thank you Mistress," Kari recited without thinking.

After the last piece is gone the four of them stand surrounding Kari. The hungry look on the small guys face frightens Kari a little. "Since it is this Cunt's stuff you moved she's going to pay you, right Cunt," Tiff prods.

"Yes Ma'am." But Kari is at a loss how she can do that. She assumes since Tiff and Suzy have taken her purse and wallet they will just charge it to her account.

"Good. On your knees, Cunt. Open your mouth, you're going to blow both of them and swallow their loads," orders Tiff.

It is too much. The training, newly learned, is not able to overcome Kari's natural revulsion at so gratuitous a sex act. She clamps her mouth closed and shakes her head while trying to move as far away as the chain will allow. She expects to be slapped which won't be as bad as she has gotten used to that over the last four days.

Instead Suzy says, "You're right, Cunt. That is a lot of work and the Big Guy here deserves more." With that Tiff and Suzy quickly reposition and chain Kris until her legs are spread each one locked to an eye bolt and a chain connects her collar to one also, bending her over. Lastly, a strap around her waist is connected to the ceiling chain preventing her from squatting. "Step right up. She's decided to let you fuck her instead."

This is too much, "Nooooo," she wails.

Indicating the smaller guy, "Gag her please," directs Tiff.

Kari clamps her mouth shut again as Skinny Guy opens his pants and fishes out his stiffening cock. It is shiny and dark chocolate with an uncircumcised head. It is already dripping pre-cum. If Kari could back away she would. Unfortunately for her, besides the chains holding her in place there is the other guy standing behind her now. The slight backward lean brings her naked and exposed cunny into contact with what feels like a baton. Suddenly two big paws grab her hips and that baton rams into the tender folds of her labia seeking entrance to her vulnerable vagina. She opens her mouth to scream and Skinny Guy shoves his cock in.

Whispering in her ear Tiff tells Kari, "Keep that mouth open and let him fuck your throat or I'll put a clamp on your nipple so hard it will come off."

Kari believes her after three days, or is it four, of torture and fights to hold her jaws wide. Behind her the Big Guy has found his way into her pussy and he sinks the full length in until their hips meet. Kari sighs and bends her knees to take the force of his thrusts. "Oh yeah, that's fucking nice," he says.

The guy in front grabs ahold of her ears to hold her head steady and rapidly fucks her mouth. "Hey man, she's stroking my dick with her tongue."

Thankfully, the two set up a rhythm so it isn't too rough on her. Still, that cock pumping her snatch is big and he batters at her with it like it is a club. In front it becomes apparent that this guy intends to feed it all the way down her throat. She'd never deep throated before, only lightly licking her high school boyfriend's eighteen year old dick. Breathing becomes difficult and she gags with each incursion. Drool runs from her chin and clings in long strands to his cock when he draws back.

The fucking is having an effect on her. She can feel how slick she's become and his cock glides easily into her body. The four days, or is it three, of torture and pleasure have taken a toll. Kari is out of her mind in need as all of her resistance finally crumbles. All the nipple twisting and clit stimulation just primed her for this. And now she has cock and she is going to have the biggest orgasm of her life.

She pushes back against the Big Guy to meet his thrusts; increasing the power and stimulation she feels. In front, she lines her throat up so he can get more in. The tempo becomes furious. Everyone can see how desperate Kari is to cum.

Tiff whispers in her ear, "Are you getting ready to cum, Cunt?"

Kari is floored. She needs this badly, but with this cock in her mouth she can't ask permission. She clamps her cunt muscles down to thwart the rising climax. "Damn, she's grabbing ahold of my dick with her pussy." That doesn't work it just makes the pussy pounding more intense.

"Hey, I'm getting ready to cum, will she swallow?"

"Yes she will," confirms her owner, "but spray some of that on her face too."

Furiously skinny guy fucks Kari's mouth when suddenly she feels his warm salty semen hit the back of her throat. Her mouth fills with cum as she struggles to swallow. The next spurt strikes her square in the right eye. It stings a little. He strokes his dick flinging the last strands into her hair and onto her cheek. When he pulled free she gagged and a glob of spunk hit the floor as strands dripped from her nose as she chokes down what she can.

"MISTRESS, may I please CUM?"

"Not before he does."

"Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress."

Freed of the competition Big Guy is able to hammer Kari with gusto. Pussy juice smears his cock and mats his pubic hair. He grunts like a gorilla as he stops his own thrusts and resorts to simply moving her on and off his cock with his two beefy hands on her hips.

"OH Fuck that's what I need," each of her words punctuated by the staccato gust of air forced from her with each drive into her cunt. A small part of Kari's mind wonders at how desperately she needs this fucking and how turned on she is by the violation happening to her. The shame only fuels her desire. Issues of contraception and safety are discarded for the overwhelming lust controlling her now. Her body takes over completely. "Yes, yes, yes that's how I like it. OHHH fuck my cunt you bastard."

Big Guy's face, flush from exertion, contorts as his own climax speeds from his balls. "Fuuuuck Yeahh."

"Gimme it; gimme your hot jizz so I can cum," Kari orders. His sperm blasts into her pussy like a fire hose. She feels the pulses as his cock throbs releasing each spurt. Kari is right on the edge of completion but holds there as the stimulation to her sex parts diminishes. Suddenly, Tiff and Suzy each grab a nipple; Suzy twists and Tiff pinches and pulls as hard as they can. With a scream Kari orgasms, "OH MY FUCKING YES, I'm CUMMMMMMING!"

Big Guy falls back pulling his semi-flaccid cock from Kari's steaming cunt. Quickly, the two girls snap shots with their camera phones of Kari's violated pussy. Unprompted Kari moans, "Thank you Sirs; Thank you Mistress, may your cunt have some more, please?"

Tiff and Suzy look at each other and then Suzy laughs, "You heard the Cunt fellas, she'd like some more." Skinny guy has been stroking his dick since unloading and is already hard again. He jumps at the chance to get in that slutty pussy. Without preamble Big Guy walks around to her face and stuffs his sticky dick in her mouth.

Kari doesn't have time to consider that she is now sucking her own pussy juice mixed with cum from this guy's dick. He's bigger around and will be bigger still by the time he has regained his erection. She yelps around his dick when Skinny Guy stabs his long prick into her loose pussy. She has barely come off her climax high and they have her right back to the top. It's a little difficult to concentrate on the action at each end while trying not to cum. She fails once and shudders as a wave of pleasure sweeps through her body making her legs weak. Tiff doesn't miss the failure and slaps her titties with the riding crop a half dozen times.

Both men go at her holes with vigor. She's bouncing between them like a rag doll. Skinny Guy unloads first again, but this time pulls out and shoots his load all over her butt, asshole and pussy. Big Guy can't hold out any longer and as his partner wipes the dribbles on her cheeks he fills her mouth with a rush of semen. She gags, chokes, and swallows what she can while the rest runs down her chin. He keeps his prick in her mouth until she sucks every drop from him and then licks him clean. "Thank you Sirs, thank you Mistress, may your cunt have more, please?"

"I think that's enough for today," Suzy decides. They see the redressed movers away before coming back into the room. Kari is still bent at the waist, chained to the floor with sperm splattered over her face and ass and leaking from her pussy. They take their time and photograph her from every angle. Next they take the same pics with her camera ordering her to smile as they shoot her. Then they Instagram a before and after pic with the caption, "I look like this in class; I look like this right now."