Just a Little Peek

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Sally finds her favorite skirt.
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This story is based in part on a real experience (at least parts that occurred inside the student center). It may not seem believable, but much of it did in fact occur. I hope you enjoy it!

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Sally Andrews had to smile when she saw her little blue plaid skirt. She was digging deep down into her dresser drawer to find something nice to wear to classes that day, and then she found it: her blue plaid skirt that she had worn in junior high. It had been her favorite, at least back then. She didn't really know why, but she had always felt so feminine, so girlish, when she wore it. She smiled fondly as she remembered skipping along the halls of Middleton Junior High, her skirt swinging and dancing as she pranced through the halls.

She hadn't thought about it in years. She in fact never even wore it once through her years in high school. She considered it then to be too childish, or at least she had felt childish wearing it. Her mother had at times laid it out for her. Mother thought it looked cute on her. Sally, however, always put it away, feeling that she had really outgrown it and that this was just her mother, once again, denying the fact that she was becoming a young lady. She eventually even tucked it away deep down within her dresser drawer to discourage her mother from trying again.

But, those days in high school were also now long gone. She was in college now. She was eighteen. She was now in fact, in truth, a young lady.

And, a very pretty one at that. She had long straight blonde hair that she split down the middle, a very engaging and sweet smile, hazel eyes behind large, round spectacles, a perky nose and red cheeks, both sprinkled with freckles, accentuated with very cute little dimples.

As a young lady, she now made her own decisions over what to wear, although she was in fact still living at home. A lot of the students of Templeton College still lived at home. Templeton was a very conservative college, enrolling students from equally conservative and strict families. Sally might be eighteen and could legally live on her own, but her parents preferred that she stay at home, at least until she graduated. And, besides, they did save a lot of money on room and board by having her at home.

Sally pulled the skirt out from the bottom of the drawer. It didn't really look so childish anymore. Instead, it looked kind of cute. And, besides, she didn't have to avoid youngish looking clothing anymore to feel like a grown up. She was, after all, eighteen.

She wondered if it still fit. She giggled as she dropped her flannel pj bottoms and stepped into her memory of those days at Middleton, and she was grinned broadly when she realized that it did, indeed, still fit. It was a bit tight in the waist. A frown replaced her grin with the recognition that she had indeed put on some weight. But, other than that, it was actually quite fine. She considered wearing it to classes today, once she let it out a little bit in the waist. Plaid skirts were in fact part of the dress code of Templeton. It would be fine, if not perfectly appropriate. Although, there might be one problem. She scampered over to her full length mirror to see how it looked.

It was a bit short. She had grown taller since junior high. No, this would be fine, if not even cute. She did feel awfully pretty in it, even a bit sexy.

She turned her back to the mirror and bent over, placing her hands on her knees, and then turned back to look.

Well, she would have to be careful about that. The curves of her lower fanny and the outline of her cunnie pouch were very clearly visible. It was though kind of cute. Not much different, after all, than what a cheerleader might show. But, it was probably shorter than was recommended, or actually required, by Templeton. If she was just careful when picking something up or bending over, or being careful that it doesn't slide up too much when she sat down, it would be fine.

She could feel her face even flush a bit though at the thought of wearing this on campus. You could see quite a bit of her young, white thighs. She spun to see if it would twirl up to reveal anything else.

Yea, she would have to avoid that as well, as her white pantied bottom came into view as the skirt swung up with her twirl. Well, that wouldn't be a problem. She couldn't recall any need to twirl as she attended classes, nor would she likely do that without thinking. And, she was always generally careful to bend at the knees when she had to pick something up.

Yes, she had made her mind up. She was going to wear her little blue plaid skirt, and just the thought of it made her feel all happy and girlish, just like when she was a little girl.

She slipped out of her skirt and ran to the bathroom, actually looking very forward tp going to classes.

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When she arrived on campus, she could tell that it was a good idea. The heads of quite a number of boys were turning as she walked across the commons. She never felt so pretty, so desirable. It was kind of neat!

She decided to go to the Student Center and perhaps hang out in the game room. To do so, she had to cross by the Health Sciences Center, which was an unusually tall building on campus, tucked in between three much smaller buildings. As you walked through the promenade facing the building you would invariably be hit with gusts of wind. Even on days in which there was apparently no wind, the drafts around the Health Sciences Center were nevertheless very active. Nobody liked walking past there in winter. Everyone referred to the spot as "the little Chicago," the severe blasts of bitter cold were so blistering. It was sometimes even hard to get the doors open, the wind could be so rough and hard.

Sally hadn't anticipated this problem. As soon as she entered the promenade a gust of wind swept up her thighs and under her skirt, lifting it up well past her bottom to give a good view of her blue panties and round little tush to anyone who might be walking behind her.

"Oh my!" she squealed as she felt the cool breeze expose her panties. She had decided to wear one of her more sexy panties. It was her compromise between dressing so young yet also dressing her age. White cotton panties were worn by little girls. She wanted to wear her sheer silk light blue hipsters. And, besides, they matched her blue plaid skirt quite well, not that anyone was going to notice, although for a brief second the persons behind her did certainly indeed notice.

She reached behind her with her left hand to hold the back of her skirt down as she made her way past the Health Sciences Building. Her face feeling a little flush, with the cool breezes as well as the embarrassing mishap.

But, another gust blew up the front of her skirt, which was frankly even worse. At least, it seemed much worse to be showing off the front of your panties than the back. These panties were really quite snug and sheer, and you could very clearly see the outline of her young mound. There was even evident camel toe.

"Goodness!" she yipped and shifted her left hand to the front of her skirt, pulling down on it to keep it from lifting up, which it clearly seemed to want to do.

She now wished that she had brought her back pack, as she had to use one of her hands to carry her books, notepad, and purse, yet she needed both hands to keep her skirt down.

"Hey!" she complained as another gust tossed the back of her skirt up once again. She returned her hand to the back of her skirt, looking behind to see if anyone saw.

She could see that a number of boys walking behind her were enjoying the free show. She quickly looked forward, not wanting them to realize how embarrassed she was. That only made it worse. Her face was now getting quite warm, despite the cool breeze.

But, just as she got the back of her skirt to behave, the front was twirling up.

She considered just ignoring the front of her skirt. There seemed to be a lot more boys behind her than in front of her, it didn't seem to be twirling up that badly in front, and those in front were not so continuously entertained, as they would soon walk past her. Those behind her would just naturally follow along, being continually treated to a nice pleasant diversion on the way to class. But, by the looks on the faces of the boys coming toward her, they were perhaps equally, if not more, delighted by the free show. She knew that the sight of her camel toe was probably much more of a spectacle than her panty-clad fanny.

She tried dropping down the books in front of her with her right hand, holding down her skirt in front as she held onto her books and purse. This did help a great deal, but it was a terribly awkward way to walk and her gait itself drew considerable attention to her: scampering across the promenade, one hand pushing down on her skirt in back, the other fumbling with her purse, books and skirt in front, and all the time parts of her skirt flitting up and way, revealing brief glimpses of sheer light blue silk panties.

Her hair was also getting a beating by this breeze, but frankly that would just have to wait until she cleared the Health Sciences Building, which she eventually did. As soon as she rounded the corner and got away from the gusts of wind, she dropped her books, brushed her skirt, and did her best to fix her hair, all the time scowling at the guys who been trailing along behind and now walked past her and looked back, hoping for an additional peek, or at least delighting in her predicament and obvious embarrassment.

But, as she was picking up her books, being careful to bend her knees to squat down rather than bend over, she could not help but smile. Just as she had enjoyed the turning of the heads of the guys prior to her troubles with the skirt, a part of her had also enjoyed her unintended but nevertheless still sexy flirtation. She could feel her heart racing, and there was even a bit of warmth between her legs.

A smile crossed her lips. So what if some boys saw her panties? It was just a bit of harmless fun. She knew she had worn this skirt in part to be flirtatious. The wind just allowed her to take it to an unanticipated level.

As she was stacking up her books she looked up to see guys and girls walking toward her, the eyes of many of whom seemed to be looking at her books, but she quickly realized that they were looking at what was just beyond them. Squatting down was good in keeping her bottom covered by her skirt, but the skirt had fallen back down her thighs and anyone walking toward her was treated to a very nice peek in between her thighs. She looked down and gasped at the sight of the curved pouch of sheer fabric. If she looked closely, she wondered if she could even see a bit through the fabric, the image of her feminine lips behind the sheer fabric. She quickly squeezed her thighs shut, her face once again becoming flushed with embarrassment. She finished gathering her books and rushed to the Student Center, using her left hand to hold her skirt down, just in case.

However, it wasn't too long that she gathered herself as well, slowed the pace of her walking, and let go of her skirt. It had been a little shocking to realize that her pouty little pussy was open for guys to see but, after all, it wasn't really. All they saw was her panties and, besides, in hindsight it was an innocent display. She didn't know them, and they didn't know her, at least she didn't think so. Why not let guys have just a little peek. You let them peek at your brassiere when you're wearing a see-through blouse. Why not let them have an occasional peek at your panties? Tara Conner and Katie Blair had shown off their panties, and they had been Miss Teen USA!

Sally stopped before she got to the Student Center and leaned forward, as if she was looking at her shoe. She knew her skirt was riding up a bit in the back. Based on her testing this morning in front of the mirror, she was probably showing just a couple of inches of her bottom.

Well, it was a bit more than just that. Anyone behind her did see her behind, or at least the beginning soft curves of her lower behind, which were very cute to see indeed, particularly clothed in such snug sexy panties. But, you could also see a nice rear view of her pouch, poking out between her thighs, equally tightly encased in the sheer silk panties.

Sally didn't pose like that for long. After only a few seconds she stood back up straight and turned around to see the effect. She pretended that she was just turning back to look for someone, as if she was entirely unaware of what she had just done. And, she did indeed apparently have quite an effect. A number of boys were quickly turning their heads away, not wanting to be caught sneaking a peek.

This was quite ironic and funny to Sally. They were now the ones who were apparently embarrassed and uncomfortable. She clenched her thighs together and wiggled her bottom back and forth, enjoying the warm feeling that was growing between them as she wondered if perhaps she might do something else, something more. She again rushed to the Student Center, but this time hurrying for a different reason, her heart pounding with anticipation.

When she entered the Starbucks cafe she formulated her strategy, a mischievous grin on her face. She was thinking of being a bit naughty, but that was what made it so much fun, even exciting.

She saw Chris, Bobby, and Ronnie sitting on a couch toward the back. They were close friends, members of the Templeton Chess Club, and the same age as her. They might make for a good audience, or perhaps more accurately, victims. She didn't really want to do this for guys who might be equally bold, perhaps even scary. Chris, Bobby, and Ronnie were far from threatening. They were rather nerdy guys who probably had never even seen under a girl's skirt before. She did hear that Bobby was dating Emma (see "The boys are caught peeping"), but she doubted that Emma would let him look under her skirt. Emma was not that kind of girl. Yes, this would be a tremendous thrill for all of them, including herself. Her heart was fluttering at the thought of what she was about to do.

She smiled with mounting excitement as she purchased a coffee and went over to sit down at a small table that was across from them. 'I can't believe I'm going to do this!' she thought, grinning ear to ear at her private thoughts and naughty plans. She placed the coffee, purse, and books on the table, turned her back to the three boys, and then bent all the way over, keeping her legs as straight as possible, pretending to be redoing the clasps of her Mary Janes.

She knew that she was giving them a very extra special show. Her skirt must be riding at least half way up her bottom, and bent over like this her panties were being pulled very tight along the curves of her fanny, and perhaps even across her cunnie. She wondered if you could get a good camel toe from this angle. She found herself hoping that she was in fact showing the outline of her feminine slit. She blushed profusely, in part because her head was so down low close to the ground, but obviously for a much different reason as well, yet she also grinned with naughty pleasure at her shameless exposure.

The boys were indeed getting a very good, unexpected show. All three mouths opened wide with shock as Sally's bottom came into view, and it was a very pretty little bottom at that. Sally was a petite girl with a cute little elfish fanny, but it didn't look so innocent now, thrust up into the air and encased in tight silk, sexy panties. They were pulled tight across her taught apple; in fact, they rose up so high that the bottom curves of the white, virgin skin of her derriere was being exposed. And, the boys eyes were also treated by the small pouch of her femininity poking out between her thighs. Erections quickly began to form.

Sally did not stay in this position for too long. She wanted to see the reaction she was having. She stood back up, feeling a little light headed with all the blood having rushed to her head, and turned around. "Hi boys," she gayly greeted them.

They nervously coughed and mumbled replies, not being at all sure whether she knew what she had just done, and whether they should acknowledge it.

Sally walked up to Ronald, who was sitting in the middle of the couch. "Do you like my new skirt, Ronnie?" she innocently asked, drawing their attention to it by smoothing the fabric with her hands.

"Uh, yea, sure, Sally," Ronald cautiously replied.

"It's not really new. I used to wear this when I was a little girl. I liked it ever so much. I just had to wear it to classes today." She lifted up the hem on the sides with each of her hands, like she was going to curtsy. "Do you think it looks pretty on me?"

She had not lifted it up so high as to expose her panties, but plenty of white soft curved thigh came into view, and the pose was itself quite provocative. They all nodded affirmatively. "Yea, I think you look really cool in it," Ronald spoke up.

'Really cool' wasn't the way she would describe it, or frankly the boys if they were being honest, but she could tell by their shocked and nervous expressions that she really had them going. "Don't you like the fabric, Ronnie? Here, look at the stitching," she said as dropped the sides and lifted up the front to show him the stitching that was only evident on the underside. She of course knew though that their eyes would not go to the stitching, but would instead be fixed tightly on the front of her panties.

She was smiling broadly, as if she was very happy about her skirt, but she was instead grinning about the fact that she was now standing in front of three innocent boys, showing them her sexy undies, and it was the front part, where her little cunnie mound was. She could feel the excitement coursing through her veins. Her heart was pounding as she looked at their eyes feasting on the sight of her cunnie, or at least all that they could see through her panties, which was frankly quite a bit. Sally's panties were quite sheer, and this close up one could make out a hazy view of what did appear to be feminine lips.

"Ronnie!" she said, in a mock scolding. "I don't think you're looking at the stitching at all, are you."

"Uh, no, yes, I mean, yes, I was."

"Now don't you be a liar as well as a pervie, Ron. You're looking at my panties, aren't you."

Ronald wasn't at all sure what he should say. The natural response would be denial. No boy should really admit to a girl that he was looking at her undies, particularly when she seemed to be so offended by it. On the other hand, Sally was not lowering her skirt. "Well, maybe, just a bit. I mean, they're kind of pretty too."

Sally smiled at the compliment, raised her skirt even higher and looked down at her panties as well. "You really think so, Ronnie? I hadn't really thought about that, although I did think that they would go well with my skirt. They're kind of both the same color, you know."

Bobby shifted in his seat, trying to get a more comfortable position for his hardening cock. He even used his hand to adjust its position in his slacks, figuring that nobody would notice, as it was clear where all eyes were now focused. "Yea, they look really good on you, Sally." Another rather understated compliment, but he didn't want to scare her away saying how so darn hot she looked, showing them her sheer, sexy panties.

Continuing to hold up the skirt with her left hand, she used her right hand to feel, to caress, the fabric of her panties. "It's real silk, you know, Ronnie. It's like so soft and smooth, and everything."

The boys watched with tremendous delight, and envy, as her fingers traced little circles across the silk, slowly making their way to the little blue cup between her thighs.