John: How to Save a Life


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On the weekend I'll sit with John and we can talk about this. I'm not living by some ridiculous written agreement to tell me what I can and cannot do.


Week 6


Andrea did a full-frontal attack on Sunday and refused to sign the relationship agreement that I gave her to look at two weeks ago. We talked about it and I asked her to make whatever changes that she thought were appropriate. I told her that I wanted this to be something that would remind us of our responsibilities in the marriage. Also, if we were going to incorporate others into our lives in an intimate and sexual way that we needed to be very specific about what was allowable and what was not.

Andrea finally figured it out. She realized that having the ability to have sex outside our marriage was a two-way street. If she could do it, so could I.


Week 10


Work and life are slowly killing me. I have very little time for anything for me. I need to get out for a run and blow off some steam. My tension level is slowly going up and I have to do something to get it under control.My home life has, to say the least. My attempt to get Andrea on board with a relationship agreement got off to a slow start. Eventually, after some back-and-forth between us she, grudgingly, came to an agreement. It was dramatically pared-down from the original document that Roy drew-up for me. The agreement said that we would make room within our marriage for each of us to pursue extra-marital relationships as long as they did not interfere with the marriage and our family. There was to be no emotional aspect or romantic involvement. If that were to happen it would signal the end of the marriage and then the real fighting would start.

I quietly went back to Roy and advised him of the new agreement and asked him to put together a contingency plan for me to fight for custody of the girls should the marriage break down. He's in the process of doing that now.


Week 12


My Thursday itch-scratching sessions are still going on and I plan to continue for a while longer. John and I are starting to have sex again. We had a dry spell there for about three months. It was a terrible time. I actually need my husband for more than he thinks. He thinks that I don't love him, but I do. He loves me, I know that. That's why he's gone to all the trouble of visiting a lawyer and marriage counsellor and creating that ridiculous relationship agreement. I suppose he could have tried to force me out of the house, but he knows that it would only serve to harm the girls and create a lot of problems. No, I don't have to worry about that.

What I do have to worry about is making sure that my husband is well aware of how much I do love him and how much I love it when he makes love to me. John is wonderful. He's a great husband and a great father. What more do I need? Besides, my Thursdays are taking up the slack in our sex lives so that for now, my life is going well.

This weekend I'm going to fuck my husband to the point that he will know that I'm his and he's mine. The man will be exhausted after I'm through with him. Yeah, then we can get back to normal.


Week 16


I decided some time ago that I needed to do something recreational for myself. Separate from my family. I used to do a lot of running in university and for a while after and then life and family got in the way. I decided that I wanted to try my hand at kayaking and biking. So, I did some research and found a few local clubs that had meet-ups and had a good database of lakes, rivers and trails.

I invested in a Trek, mountain bike, and a 13-foot-long sit-in kayak. It has both a rudder and a skeg, to give it stability and manoeuvrability. I took two nights of kayaking lessons to get me started and started riding my bike early in the mornings and on the weekends.

Sunday last, we had a family outing day planned to go for a hike and a picnic. Just as we were about to go, Andrea got a call, from a client, that meant she cancelled out at the last minute. The girls and I went without her. We went in my old Subaru Outback and I let Diane sit up front. She's now plenty big enough to sit up front. She is so mature for her age.

We hiked for about three hours to get to the mountain look-off. I broke-out my good Nikon camera and the girls all got a chance to take photos. We ate our lunch and then hiked back to the parking area. There was a rain shower on the way down the hill but we had all packed rain jackets so it was no big deal.

It was after seven o'clock when we got home. Andrea was waiting for us. She had changed into jeans and a blouse and had some dinner started. We had a very nice family meal and the girls proudly displayed their photos on an old laptop that we have for that purpose.

The girls were all tired after a day of fresh air and exercise and so they didn't argue much about having to double-check homework for school, getting washed up and then off to bed. They were all sound asleep by not long after nine o'clock.

Andrea fussed around the house doing some picking up and getting ready for Monday morning. Then she looked at me and said in a very sweet tone of voice, "I need your help with something in the bathroom in a minute, Sweetie."

"I'll be there in a minute."

A couple of minutes later I went to the master bedroom and not seeing Andrea, poked my head into the bathroom. She was there, naked, and turning on the shower faucet. She gave me a come-hither look and stepped into the shower. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Even after carrying three babies, my wife of eleven years was still the woman that got me turned-on instantly. Seeing Andrea naked like that made me stop. I stood still and my face got a bit red thinking about some other man touching my wife, enjoying her body. And the hard part was that she wanted that.

In an instant I knew that I was in a very important competition. A competition to take back my wife from that other man and make her just mine again. If she wanted sex, well, by-fuck, she was going to get sex. And I was going to work like a demon to let her know that I was in this game to win. I also wanted sex. I was increasingly frustrated and even my increasing workouts weren't able to reduce what I wanted. In fact, getting in better physical condition only made it worse. I needed to get fucked. I intended to fuck my wife.

Without saying a word, I stepped into the shower. I looked at Andrea like I was a starving man and she was supper.

The rest of the night was a blur for me. All I remembered the next morning was being incredibly satisfied. I fucked my wife for what seemed like hours. I ate her pussy until she was almost shouting for me to make her come and then just before she did, I stopped and mounted her as quickly and forcefully as I could.

I came in her pussy so many times that I my body couldn't produce any more semen and sperm. My cock was almost raw from the workout it got. I fucked Andrea in every conceivable position and hole that she has. She sucked my cock at least three times and every time I shot my load in her mouth. I took her on her hands and knees, my old favourite, the missionary position, and even with her sitting in my lap with her legs wrapped around my waist. She bounced up and down on my cock until she damned near passed out.

I took her in her ass and then we showered again and then I fucked her on her back once more. At about four in the morning, I woke up and went to the washroom to empty my bladder and then came back to bed. Andrea was still sleeping and naked. She was on her side in the bed. I ran my hand over her hip and my cock was almost instantly hard, again. I slowly lifted her leg and the head of my cock was pushing against her pussy. She started to come around as I slowly entered her from behind. I took my time to slide into and out of her.

I wanted this to be about what I wanted. I held her leg in the air and started to push in and out a bit faster. Andrea was fully awake by then and she was making little noises as I increased my tempo of pushing in and then slowly pulling out. With just the head of my cock still in the entrance folds of her pussy, I pushed back in, as far as I could get in her. It wasn't long before I knew that I was ready to unload inside her. I was ready and with one final big push, I stayed all the way in and shot my load. I was gritting my teeth and my jaw was clenched as I came inside my wife. With that last final push and then exploding inside Andrea, I slowly pulled out of her, wrapped my arm around her middle and then fell off into sleep.

Monday is always a busy day at my work and this one was no different. I got off to a busy start to the day and concentrated on getting my many projects onward. That is, after all, how we make money in this business. A couple of times I thought about calling or texting Andrea, but didn't; I got busy with other things and time marched on.


Week 17


Last week was the hottest sex that I think that I've ever had with John. My God, he was more forceful and demanding than I have ever seen him. Normally, he's very loving and makes sure that sex is love-making. I feel cared-for with him. I'm the centre of his universe. When we make love, its slow and tender. We take our time with each other and at the end we are...well, I know that he loves me and that he knows that I love him. He is my world. He and our three daughters.

This past Thursday, I was actually comparing John to Rob. Rob is slightly taller but certainly no better in the sex department that John. I don't have sex with Rob for love. I have sex with Rob because he is somewhat dominating and I like to be dominated, to a certain extent. I like the urgency of Rob. He wants control. I pretend to give it to him. I'm really in control and that part is what feeds my psyche. I can control Rob so easily to get what I want.

My husband is another deal altogether. He and I are a team. I don't take control from him so much as share it. We both have things that we're good at and so we divvy-up the work of being a family so that we get it all accomplished with a minimum of fuss. For the most part. We're not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination, but we do all the important things that we need to do, first and foremost and then we plan for the fun bits. Sometimes the plain facts of life get in the way and there isn't as much fun as we would like. That includes sex with John. At the end of the day, both of us are usually exhausted and so we end up in bed, with him behind me and his arm around me. That, to me, is really comforting, having my husband tucked up behind me and knowing that this man is mine.

Having a side-thing with Rob scratches the itch that John isn't able to scratch. And by the time that night rolls around during the week, who has the energy. Damn it. So, I need Rob. To fulfill my greedy needs. It makes me happy and a better wife and mother. I come home on Thursdays happy and with a smile on my face as I greet my husband and children. Thursdays give me the boost that I need for the week. Then it's back to the reality of life, family, work and the other things that need to be done.

I can't wait until the weekend and John and I can make love. I want him inside me so much that it's all I can think about all day Saturday. The girls are our priority for most of the weekend, but after they are in bed it's time for John and I to have fun. My nipples are hard just thinking about him.


Week 22


My bike meet-up group is having a weekend ride. It starts from a place about an hour outside the city and is on a series of trails and roads out in the country. I'm planning to go and have signed up. They're having a supper on the Saturday night and a big meet-and-greet kind of thing after. There will likely be a beer or two consumed by most. I've been trying to stay away from all alcohol for the last few months. Both to reduce the excess calories and to make sure that I keep control of my emotions. When you're angry or upset, alcohol is not your friend. So, better to stay away from it and keep my wits about me.

Overall, my fitness level has increased quite a bit. I'm still running almost every day and by adding the biking I've really increased the strength of my legs. I noticed that my pant legs are tighter than they used to be so I got a couple of new pairs to pants that are tailored for a more athletic build.

Just about a hundred people signed up for the weekend ride, so it should be a great time.



John is spending more and more time out of the house riding his mountain bike and kayaking. He gets up at 5 AM and runs for over an hour and then showers and gets ready for work. His breakfast consists of some fruit and yogurt and a cup of coffee. I walk the kids to the school bus stop and then head to work. John will normally be here when the kids get home, or they go to the neighbour's house. We have an arrangement with them so that the girls can go there for the hour, or so, until John or I get home.

This weekend John is heading off to a group ride thing somewhere out of town. He told me that he is leaving on Friday and will be home about 7ish on Sunday. A new bike got delivered here on Wednesday. It was dropped off by a bike shop. I was here when the guy brought it to the front door. It's red. That's about all I know about bikes. When John got home, he dropped everything, got changed into his riding clothes and immediately took it for a ride. An hour later, when he got back, he was smiling and raving about what a great bike it was.



I had a great time this weekend. My new Trek Marlin 6 is a fantastic bike. The pace was very fast and the terrain just about killed me. I was sweating like a dog (do dogs sweat?) and starting to cramp-up a couple of times when I was pushing it hard. I wiped out on a turn but luckily both me and the bike escaped with only minor scratches. I had a flat tire on Sunday morning. The support truck was close by and I got it fixed pretty fast and got back in it.

Saturday supper was a buffet at the hotel where we all stayed and there was a bonfire after. I did have a beer. It was an opportunity to talk to a lot of the people that I see at the weekly rides and share riding stories. I met Jane and her sister Judy. Or Judy and her sister Jane. Either way, they're both in their early 30's and are very good riders.

Judy lives with her boyfriend, who works for a company that makes skateboards and market them to dealers. She revealed that they're actually made in China, painted in a warehouse in some part of the US and then shipped out to retail stores and sold online. Jane indicated that the guy is a bit of a flake. Judy scowled at her sister. Judy is an elementary school teacher.

Jane is a new lawyer working for a firm in the city. She is single, again, since her marriage blew up two years ago. The guy, one day, decided that he wanted other things than Jane. She didn't say that much but if I read between the lines correctly, I figured that she had made a mistake getting married to the guy and a divorce was fixing the mistake. Aren't all divorces about fixing mistakes?

Anyway, I enjoyed the weekend. Particularly meeting Jane and Judy. Especially Jane.


Week 25


It's starting to get cooler at night now that Fall is almost here. The kids are back in school. My work is ramping up with some new projects. I discovered that the law firm that my company uses is the same one that Jane works at. Her full name is Jane Francis. I also found out that she's doing a rotation in contract law. I saw her at a meeting in the building where my office is located. She spotted me passing by the conference room that they were using and waved at me. I caught her out of the corner of my eye and for a second didn't actually recognize her. She looked so different in a light brown business suit with her hair in a bun, as opposed to a biking outfit and her hair in a ponytail. She had some light makeup on her face and immediately I was struck by how gorgeous she is. She cleaned up really well.

I wrote a quick note 'If you have time, I'm in an office on the 4th floor (just ask for me) and I can buy you a delicious lunch of a sandwich and a coffee from the 4-Star coffee shop downstairs.' I also wrote my office phone number on the note.

As quietly as I could I opened the conference room door, walked in, and put the not in front of Jane. She looked over her shoulder at me and then I left without interrupting their meeting. An hour, or so later, I heard a knock on my open door and she was standing there. "So, I hear that through a reliable source (she was waving the note) that a girl can get a sandwich and something to wash it down with, close by."

I stood up and grabbed my jacket, smiling I said, "The tuna sandwich is especially great and if you don't like tuna, they have an egg-salad that is top-notch."

On the way to the Deli, I complemented Jane on her different look from the biking clothing that I normally see her in. Mind you, the biking shorts that she wears are spandex and hug her ass like a second skin, so I know just how great her bum looks. The skirt she was wearing now was quite modest by comparison.

Lunch was just talk between two biking acquaintances. A couple of the people that I work with came in to get food and I could see that they were looking over at us to see if they could see something going on. I was sorry to disappoint them.


Week 27

The biking club had its final event for the year. It was a 100-mile single-day event. It was mostly on road but with about 15 miles off-road. Most of the actual roads were dirt and so with those conditions and the off-road part you were guaranteed to finish with a few pounds of mud stuck to you and your bike. I wiped out four times, so along with the mud I had a few scrapes and scratches to contend with. Nothing like mud to disinfect your open wounds.

The bike performed really well without so much as a flat tire. I made a mental note to look at a more competitive bike for next year. Lighter possibly, but lighter was also more expensive and I wasn't prepared to spend the price of a small car on a mountain bike; just yet.

At the finish point, they had a crew with water hoses to wash off the bikes, and the riders, so I managed to shed most of the dirt. Jane finished just after me and we shared our stories of a challenging ride. She had wiped out a few times and had her share of scrapes. Her sister, Judy, finished ahead of us and she was already celebrating her top 20 placing. It was already cold and we all had foil blankets wrapped around us to keep warm.

There were a number of RVs there (there were quite a few racers who owned RVs and knowing what to expect from this event, they brought them to get cleaned up in afterward before the drive home) and Jane pulled my hand towards one of the bigger RVs.

"Did you bring a change of clothes?"

"Ah, yeah." I looked towards my car as a reaction.

"Well, go get your things."

I walked my bike to my car, got my bag out, and put my bike on the rack. I didn't even bother to lock it since it was one of the cheaper bikes that were here and it was unlikely that anyone would take it. I'd realized over the last few months that the true biking fanatics spent thousands of dollars on high-end bikes without so much a blinking an eye. Some of these folks would rather go without food than not have a top-end bike.

They were about the same age as us and told us to go inside their RV and get washed up. They told us that the water tank was almost full, so go ahead and shower off. It was warm as we stepped inside. We peeled off our shoes and socks and I looked around thinking that this was really nice. Jane walked to the back of the RV and opened the door to the bathroom.
