Jim's Legacy Pt. 1 Mina 01

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Off to College.
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Part 1 of the 15 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 11/03/2013
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Note: The characters and events in this story and any subsequent chapters are purely fictitious, any similarities to a real person is coincidental and unintended. Any and all sex in this story is between characters over the age of 18. No actual vampires were abused at any time. This story is part Fantasy, Polyamory, Romance, Violence, Betrayal etc... There is some rough sex and dirty talk in here but nothing approaching true BDSM or non-reluctance. As usual for those who read my stories there is a wide variety of sex going on between the different chapters including Romance, Group sex, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Anal, DP, Lesbian, Non-Human, Submission etc... All chapters will just be in the scifi category. I go into a deeper examination of polyamory than Jim's story and pretty much made it up from whole cloth as the main character sees it, don't bother correcting me because it is her point of view and has nothing to do with me at all. ;)

You certainly don't need to read 'Jim sees dead people!' first, but a lot of the supporting and a few main characters are introduced in that story. I still did character introduction but I tried to keep it to a minimum since some of you will be already familiar. You will also find my chapters are a bit longer than usual here.

Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1 -- Off to college.

I sighed softly in frustration as my sister Ariel barged into my room, you would think after 19 years she would figure out how to knock on a door. I was 21 this year and about to head off to my third year of college. Yes I was finally escaping this mad house of repression and insanity.

"What?" I snapped.

Ariel made a face and muttered, "Sorry Mina, but..."

My sister's voice faltered under my glare so I looked into her lovely sea green eyes and picked out what the problem was. It was a trick I learned when I was 5, before then I had to listen to everyone's mind within a 100 yards all the time, it's a miracle I am not crazy.... Okay, crazier. This way I can still use my gift, but not have to lower my shield and listen to everyone, only the person I want to hear.

"On my dresser, honestly, how many brushes can one person lose? Make sure you bring it back."

As I lost hold of the annoyance I couldn't hold back my giggle, as my younger sisters normally beautiful long red hair looked like a rats nest. She glared at me as she grabbed the brush and stomped out. She was the total opposite of her mother Stephanie who had endless patience and a calm personality. She truly lived up to her fiery hair color.

It wasn't like I didn't love my family, but heck, there were so many of them. I think polyamory is really cool, but when you have 5 mothers and... 24 Aunt's and 4 Uncles at the last count, privacy can be a hard thing to come by. I say 5 mothers because those are the ones with my Father, Jim. The Aunts and uncles are all the hot vampire chicks and the few men they lure here with their charms, except for Sam, he has always been here with Aunt Gabby.

What is even stranger is all of my Aunts look younger than me now, as they haven't aged a day since I was born. Point being, privacy is impossible. I'd have run away in my teens while pulling my hair out if I hadn't been able to feel how much they love me. As it is they are way overprotective, my first two years of college right here in our home town.

Luckily I am escaping in a week. The prospect of a full dorm and sharing a room sounds like privacy to me compared to this family.

I am not a virgin, but it is so hard to bring a date home to this house. Forget finding intimate alone time, it is so embarrassing when your date drools over all your Aunt's, or even worse one or more of my mothers. So I have a policy it's his place or no place.

I look in the mirror and think not bad, it's just hard to compete in this house. Although I don't think it's really a competition, I think it's just the men I brought home were so amazed and shocked at the 20 plus gorgeous young woman that live here they couldn't stop staring. I always made it a point not to read a guy at that point, not because I didn't want to know, because it was wasted effort. I already did know what they were thinking.

I am mixed Asian and Caucasian. Eurasian. I think it mixed pretty well together if the actions of the boys I went to school with are any sort of measure. Not to mention their thoughts. I have my mother's exotic look but it is softened, my facial features less sharp. I also have my mother's Raven black hair that flows straight down my back, not a curl in sight and Blue Green eyes, slightly darker than Ariel's sea green. The only thing I didn't get was the C breasts. Mine are a perky B size with large areolas.

Oh, at least the guys could only stare at some of my mothers, because they wouldn't have been able to see three of them. My aunt, my blood aunt Pia who I consider one of my five mothers, is the spitting image of my birth mother. Except she stopped aging at 25, you see she is a ghost.

So is Marie, she was dead as an infant, actually grew up with my dad and they fell in love as they grew up. When I was little I used to swoon at the story, it's really romantic actually.

My third invisible mom, at least to those outside the family, is my brother's natural mother and she is an angel.

So when I was conceived, there was something going on with energy, so that's where I got the power to read minds and see energy. I do not have a conduit to the afterlife like dad does, since of course, I haven't ever died. I can just naturally see it. The one other thing I can do though is work with the energy, but I have to access it through someone else to do so, and I am not limited to Light or Dark, like my brother and sister are. I can pretty much manipulate both. Even steal it against the will of the holder.

I once accidentally unanimated one of my aunt's by taking her dark energy, once they coaxed me to give the energy back to her I was sent to my room for a week...

I can see why they were mad now, but at 4 I didn't understand at all. I had stolen Ariel's before that when she was just 2, and my little sister always just filled back up over a few hours. I couldn't figure out why my aunt didn't do that as well, of course now I know. Vampires can't regenerate the energy unless they drink blood. I know it sounds gross, but I hear the orgasms are awesome, like ruin normal sex awesome.

I absolutely can't wait to get to California and get out of this crazy freaking house with no privacy smack dab in the middle of cow country. I know I will love the freedom.


By the time the plane landed in Southern California I was already missing my family, privacy was so overrated. Of course I could go home whenever I felt like it, there was no shortage of Guardian angels, and they were all over the place. It wasn't too hard to find one willing to part with enough energy for me to teleport home. That thought made me feel better so I headed on down to the campus.

It was a beautiful day, about 78 degrees and the sun was shining. I loved it already. I found my dorm and dropped off my stuff then went back out to register for classes. I was in my third year and was going for medical science. I wanted to be a researcher into medications and illnesses.

I liked people, but I don't think I could be a hospital or general practitioner MD. Telling someone they were going to die, or that their baby died... I would not be able to handle it. So I was going into research, where hopefully I could save a lot of people, but indirectly, where I would not have to see the people that were dying if I failed at something.

That makes me sound cowardly, and I am really quite brave in some respects, just not that one. It had more to do with my ability to read minds, and I was highly emphatic and compassionate, I got extra somehow. I would just break down when those around me did. When you naturally care about people and can feel their pain... Well it can be debilitating.

I signed up for third year Biology, Chemistry and some other classes I needed. After leaving the sign up I passed by a really cute guy. I heard in my head when he stopped and looked in my eyes.

My god she is hot, I would fuck the shit out of her till she couldn't walk.

I ignored that and waited, I had learned long ago that men, from the moment they hit puberty, judge a girl on first contact. F-able or not F-able, if f-able how f-able, and how they would fuck me the first time or some variation. The first thought was meaningless on if he was a good guy or not, because they all thought something like that. On some rare occasions I would get a racist remark, but a lot less than you would think.

It was the second thought that really counted. If I heard something like, I bet I could hit that and my girlfriend would never find out. Or I should ask her out and slip a drug in her drink, or my personal favorite, I wonder how long I could string her along for hot monkey sex, or some variation that screamed player.

I guess I was sort of cheating, but I didn't really have an advantage on if it would work out, or for how long it would last, or even if I would like him at all. My only advantage was I could shoot down all the creeps from moment one, on the second thought, which admittedly is a good head start but far from the whole game.

He said, "Hi, I'm Rick, first day here?" God she is beautiful, I hope she isn't stuck up.

Ding! We have a winner, players don't care if girls are stuck up, cause all they care about is fucking and running, or stringing along.

I said, "Hi Rick, I'm Mina. And yes, I'm a Junior but also a fresh transfer, first day here. Just signed up for all my classes."

Rick smiled, "Want to grab a coffee? I can show you around, unless you already memorized the maps?" Good one Rick, nice joke, god I'm such a spaz sometimes.

I smiled back at him and closed my radar off, people should be granted their thoughts in private. Well once I figure out they aren't a creep anyway. For the most part, consistency is a sign of a weak mind, plus sometimes I am just a nosy bitch.

I said, "Coffee sounds great, and my map studying isn't scheduled until tonight so you can save me some time and effort." I winked. "Lead the way."

He had short blond hair and grey eyes, about 6' tall and had on some nice clothes. He was toned, in shape, but not grossly muscular. I wasn't panting but my body was definitely interested.

I asked, "So how about you?"

He replied, "Senior, although I have a few more to go, lawyer etc..."

She grinned and said, "Yeah, I thought about that route, but I'm going doctor since I can't stand the sight of blood."

He was kind enough to chuckle at my old cheesy joke, but that wasn't nearly as bad as my vampire humor.

I really couldn't help the follow up joke, even though I knew it was horribly cheesy, "But don't worry, if I was afraid of the sight of lawyers I wouldn't be studying to be a doctor."

There was a coffee kiosk right outside the college cafeteria. He looked surprised when I ordered a normal straight black coffee, none of those girly coffee creations for this chick. I had inherited my father's silly sense of humor, but at least I was able to keep those thoughts shut up in my head... Mostly. Except for those two jokes in the last minute that proves I can't.

We had a really good time as he showed me around, realizing he had a goofy sense of humor too made me wonder if that's why he was growing more attractive to me as the afternoon wore on. I refused to follow that thought to its logical conclusion however.

He was dropping me off at my dorm around 5 and started to look awkward, so I stuck to my guns and.... I am such a liar. I totally opened my mind to be receptive to his.

He smiled at me. Should I ask her out? If she says yes should I kiss her?

Aaah, should have known, standard guy fear of rejection crap. All of them do that, even the ones that swagger and look so confident that makes you believe they must think the whole world will swoon at their feet. Nope, total fakers. The sad part is it works. People love confident people, even the fake ones, because they are all fake, so there is no way to tell the difference.

Oh there are confident people about most other stuff. Like sports or their job. I am just talking about the interpersonal fear of rejection when opening up intimately to a fellow human being. Or in my family's case, a fellow being period. Not necessarily human.

This guy was so adorable. I stepped up and kissed him on the cheek with a smile on my face. I knew he could take this one of two ways, either he would think I just gave him the friendship brush off kiss, or the physical contact would enable him to get around to asking me on that date sometime tonight.

I was surprised how nervous I was at the setting sun. My father had told me that most vampires are sadistic and borderline evil, that our town was kind of a sanctuary for the good ones and any slaves that escaped. So my first night away from home, and away from the protection of my family, not a big deal for most people, who aren't related to things that go bump in the night.

I am different. I know better, there are monsters down the hall, under the bed and in the closet. Granted in my case it was usually a relative, but not anymore.

Of course I was being silly, I could stop a vampire with a thought, really the only danger I could get into would be the human kind. Unless I was caught by surprise of course, then I'd be unconscious or dead before I could even recognize the threat. All this ran through my mind in moments until he finally asked me.

"You doing anything tomorrow night? There is a park concert nearby here," he trailed off at that point.

I smiled at him and said, "Love to."

He stepped into me and pulled me in his arms and totally went for the hot kiss. I guess he got over.... My thoughts scrambled. Mmmm, this is a really good kiss...

I lightly moaned into his mouth, my nipples grew taut and my large areolas puffy and sensitive as they started to tingle. I moaned again as I pushed my body up against his, grazing my sensitive nipples against his chest. He finally broke the kiss and had a good smile going, I could feel his hard manhood pushed up against me, at least until he stepped back.

"Goodnight Mina, see you tomorrow, oh, wait, what's your number."

We exchanged numbers and said goodnight. I knew that it was too early to take him back to my dorm room. Hell I haven't even met my roommate yet. My clit however was a stubborn bitch, she was whining up a storm about letting the dick, I mean the guy, get away from us... I mean me.

God I was so almost a slut, in my head I was, but I always seemed to do the right thing. The accepted thing. I didn't want to be used or anything, hence my rejection of all those players. But I wouldn't mind some slutty sex in between the respect parts... Respect me, love me, screw my brains out. My mother Nikki would understand that, but then Angels were total sluts and absolutely addicted to sex. I read her mind once and wow, it was hot but very disturbing.

I headed into my dorm, my clit finally quiet, or at least, not yelling anymore. I went up to my dorm room and walked in, eager to meet my roommate. She looked up when I walked in. She had long curly brown hair, a cute face and hazel eyes. She wasn't fat, but she did sport some love handles. She also had a very nice set of D tits, bitch.

As she took me in I heard in my head. BITCH. That made me smile and introduce myself. You see, translated that means she thinks I'm hotter than she is. Because woman like men do the judgment at first glance too, a little differently of course, but they still do. I've had some great friends that started out with that as their first thought of me. Oh, I guess my bitch thought was about my jealousy of her tits. I was always annoyed my mother and sister sported those nice size C's and there I was without. Really, the genes so did not come through for me.

"Hi, I'm Mina," I say with a big smile. oh crap, I sound like a pod person, I better tone it down, maybe bitch a little, "I'm exhausted, been a long first day."

She smiled back at that last part and said, "Tell me about it, I'm Tracy, Medical student."

I smiled and said, "Cool, me too, maybe we are in some of the same classes?"

Her smile faltered for a second and then came back, I understood that meant she lost her edge, figured she could at least beat out the cute short Eurasian bimbo with her major. I thought she was being too judgmental with herself, she really was cute, and the word for her body was voluptuous.

She had it going on in my opinion. I liked my petite body but always wished I was a little taller with bigger tits, but I had to admit I had a positive effect on most men so I couldn't complain. My B cups looked nice and perky, and not small since they were proportional with my body. I can't imagine they would sneeze at Tracy's nice D size breasts either.

I started to unpack my suitcase as we chatted about classes, of which we shared two, third year bio and chem. She was looking through her stuff when I started to change, not even thinking about it I was shortly standing naked in front of Tracy looking through my just packed closet for something to wear for sleep. Suddenly I heard a gasp which made me jump around and look around wondering what was wrong.

Then I noticed Tracy was staring at me, intently, her eyes wide.

I said, "Oops, is there a protocol for this, at home I had a nosy younger sister and a bunch of aunts, just kind of got used to being naked and changing in front of females. Was I supposed to warn you or something?"

Tracy just stared, letting me babble on awkwardly so I just kind of trailed off and turned back around. I had a feeling Tracy was attracted to me but I really didn't want to know, I was hot from earlier still and Tracy was attractive to me.... My nipples tightened when I had noticed her intense warm hazel eyes drinking in my body. Maybe I could just peek in her mind a little bit...

I was afraid if I heard naughty thoughts out of her I would just jump her, right now, while naked.

While that sounded intriguing for the future, my first hour with my new dorm mate seemed like a bad place to start, what if she is nuts or something and I couldn't get a transfer out of here? I quickly found an old pair of comfy sweats and threw them on. I didn't even bother with panties or a bra, just getting it done quickly so she could stop staring.

Here less than a day and I already wanted to mount a cock and I was planning the safest route to a lesbian tryst with my roommate. What the hell has come over me? Maybe the freedom of no family barging in let me relax more? Or something to that effect? Maybe I was just a little slut. Although no, if I just wanted cock I could play all the players, after all with my abilities I had the clear advantage. I wanted respect and cock... And maybe some pussy too. With love maybe in the future.

I smiled and looked her up and down and said, "My turn for a show." Damn, stupid nervous humor, I could usually suppress the stupid shit my brain came up with most of the time but right now I was flustered by her stare, and more horny than I wanted to admit to myself.

I blushed, "Sorry, bad joke. Although I do think you are attractive. It's a nerves thing, sometimes silly inappropriate crap falls from my tongue. Especially when I am nervous and embarrassed."

Tracy tilted her head in disbelief, "You're nervous?"

I nodded, "New school, first day, brand new roommate I know nothing about. I thoughtlessly, through habit of sharing space with other females, stripped in front of you. How about nervous wreck?"