Jim's Genie Ch. 01

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I wish my wife would fuck the genie.
5.1k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/13/2017
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** This is loosely cuckold themed, and will get more intense as the story progresses. There is also magic, which will again become more pivotal the longer the story goes. Let me know if you have any suggestions **

Jim sloshed through the puddles outside of the building where he worked as an accountant. The sun was getting low and the rain was coming down harder than ever. He had correctly filed all the accounts for the week, but since he didn't 'play ball' like the boss wanted he was in limbo. As he crossed the street next to the parking garage a wall of water came at him. The bus honked and kept going. He was soaked in a mixture of water, dirt, and motor oil.

"A horrible end to a horrible week." Jim thought.

A shopkeeper that saw him get nailed by the wave called out to him, "Hey you, want to come dry off and have a hot tea?"

Jim nodded and sloshed towards the shopkeeper. He didn't want to ruin his car by sitting in it soaked in dirty water. He could at least salvage what was left of his dignity.

The shopkeeper was middle eastern descent, and his shop had all sorts of random items. It reminded Jim of the back section to a Ross, JC Penny, or Marshalls. Long rows of interesting objects filled the shop. The shopkeeper emerged from one row with a set of towels and gave them to Jim.

"Dry yourself off with these, and don't worry about paying."

"I appreciate the offer, but I can pay, we need new towels anyway." Jim replied, knowing they didn't need the towels. Jim always tried to be nice to people, especially if they were nice to him.

"Ok, I'll go grab you some tea from the back office, take a look around once you've stopped dripping."

Jim towelled off really quickly and wrapped a towel around his waist to control any further drips. He wandered through the shop stopping to look at anything that caught his eye. There were some interesting clocks, a few wooden boxes, what looked to be mass produced paintings, a kitchen section, and a few knick knacks. Jim stopped in the knick knack section and found what looked like a single flower vase, but with a stopper on top.

He took it down and turned it over in his hands. The workmanship was fantastic, the gold leaf on blue background was mesmerizing. A motif of stars, a moon, the sun, and a set of detailed eyes. He felt the eyes were looking directly at him.

"I see you have good taste, that is one of the few actual antiques we have for sale here." The shopkeeper said as he appeared at the end of the aisle.

"It is gorgeous, I think I'll buy this with the towel as well, I noticed it doesn't have a price tag." Jim replied as he accepted the teacup.

"Don't worry about the price on that one, it is meant to be freely passed to those who notice it, but the towels will be $50, since you offered." The shopkeeper said.

Jim paid and the shopkeeper wrapped the vase in the towels and put it in a bag.

"Thanks for the help, it just hasn't been my day." Jim said.

"No problem, I expect your luck will soon change for the better." Replied the shopkeeper, as Jim walked out the door.

Once home, Jim took the towels out and threw them in the dirty clothes bin. He set the lamp on the counter and looked at his watch.

"About 3 hours until Liz finishes at the lab." He thought. He pulled out his phone and texted her "Love you! I'll have dinner ready when you get home, your favorite!"

Liz was Jim's wife of 25 years. She was 5 feet tall, and a little over 150 lbs. She was very loving to her family of three kids and Jim, but she had lost pretty much all of her sex drive after the third kid was born, with lots of nerve issues caused by the birth. Jim wasn't a looker either, with his 5'7" frame holding up a 200lb body, with little of it being muscle. Their children had inherited the same physique.

Jim noticed that some of the dirt from the dirty towels had rubbed off on the vase he had bought, he grabbed a clean cloth and started rubbing the vase.

Jim looked up at the counter.

He didn't remember falling.

And what was all this blue smoke?

He was very confused.

As his senses returned and the smoke cleared he saw a woman standing in front of him wearing a mostly see through dress. She looked Latina with a well toned body, the slightest hint of abs beneath her flat stomach, perky D cup breasts, and a fantastic ass. She was the ideal female form for Jim. She exuded a feeling of power and command. Her muscles were well defined, and she was as tall as he was. She looked down at him on the floor, and smiled.

"Hello master" The woman said. "I am your genie."

Jim just stared at the woman, not able to process what was going on fully.

"Hello" she said again. "I am your genie, here to grant your wishes."

"What?" Jim said eloquently. She reached down and easily pulled him to his feet, brushing his hair out of his face, and setting his glasses back on straight. She grabbed his shoulders and looked into his eyes.

"I will grant as many wishes as you want, with a day to complete the bonding. For the wishes there are the standard restrictions; no death, granting life, granting of magical powers, time travel, or interfering with other genies work. Care to give it a try?"

"Um, ok?"

"Wish for anything your heart desires."

Jim looked down at her perfect D cup breasts. They glistened under the fabric, and her belly button was adorable. She belonged on the justfitnessgirls reddit page. "That wouldn't be appropriate, I'm happily married."

"We can get into the bonding ritual part later. But seriously, I can tell you won't believe me until you wish for something, that always seems to get things started a lot more easily than me just explaining myself more. So please, make a wish, any wish."

Jim thought for a few seconds. "I wish I were in better shape."

Jim looked down to see his toes, something he hadn't seen in years. He was still the same height, still had his beard and weak chin, but his fat was gone and muscles were more toned.

"Wow, that worked!" Jim thought.

"Of course it worked, And you'll notice I took care of the clothes and everyone else's memories as well." The genie thought to him. "I'll try to catch all the context of the wishes you make, but I might miss a thing or two."

"Whoa." Jim said. "You can read my mind?"

"Since you are the one who released me, yes. I'm mentally keyed to you. If you think at me from anywhere in the world, I'll be able to hear and respond."

"What's your name?"

"Whatever you want it to be."

"I'll call you Susan then."

"Like your crush in college, who I can tell this body is loosely based on?"

"Yes" Jim blushed and looked down.

"No need to be embarrassed, I would never judge you. I am here to serve you. And now that you believe me shall we do some more wishes?"

"I wish you were wearing normal clothes." Jim said.

Susan was now in loose jeans and a t-shirt, hiding the amazing body underneath.

"I know it is odd, but I really don't want to cheat on my wife, and you are way too tempting."

Jim relaxed as the urge to take Susan subsided, a little.

"I'm glad we can be relaxed around each other. You have no idea how many masters couldn't think properly with me around. They were all such horndogs, fucking me controlling any woman that struck their fancy. They really wasted the power they had."

"What would you recommend I wish for, then?"

"I'm strictly forbidden from influencing you in the wish making, at least directly."

"Oh, ok. How about... I wish for the ability to see what Liz is doing at any time."

"I can't grant you powers, sorry, but I did make an app on your phone that can view any person through magical hidden cameras."

"That works great!" Jim said as he pulled out his phone. He checked on Liz, and saw that she was still at her lab bench.

"I would bring Liz here right now, but she gets a lot of her meaning from life from her job as a researcher. I wouldn't want to take anything like that away from her."

"I've rarely had a married master, or at least one that loves his partner this much. It is very refreshing, but don't let it be a hinderance. We will need to do the bonding."

"What does the bonding entail?"

"We must have sex."

"Oh, can it wait until Liz gets home? I want to make sure she is ok with it."

"Absolutely, but it must happen in the first 24 hours, or I will no longer be able to grant your wishes."

"Will you disappear if I don't' bond you?"

"Well no, that takes longer, you just won't get any more wishes until we bond."

"Ah, ok. In that case let's get some of the obvious wishes done. I wish for Liz to have the body she has always wanted."

Jim checked his phone to see what appeared to be a 20 year old 5'4" half asian with the most adorable freckles. She had a tight, petite body, with A cup breasts. Her curly, perpetually unkempt hair was replaced with a shorter fairy hair cut. He couldn't make out much more of her body beneath the lab coat. The glasses she always wore were gone, and in their place were standard safety glasses.

"Wow, that isn't exactly what I expected."

"I love your wording of the wish. It really shows how much you love your wife. I didn't change her age, just appearance. And again I fixed all her clothes and the memory of those who know her."

"Wow, she is so pretty."

"Ya, she is a woman of good taste, and practical it seems based on her choice of bust size."

"She had lovely breasts twenty years ago, but she knows how much they can sag from time and children."

"These beauties won't sag." Susan said, squeezing her breasts. "And neither will Liz's, since I've given them the magic treatment."

Jim couldn't help but stare at Susan as she played with her breasts. "I need to keep my mind occupied, or I'll be too tempted." Jim thought.

"Then make some more wishes, silly." Susan thought back.

Jim went to his list of todo items. And slowly walked around the house, wishing for things to be better, or the way that Liz would want them. The TV went from a 15 inch CRT to a 56 inch OLED. All the other furniture got upgraded, and he built out the shower to easily fit multiple people, with multiple shower heads. Time flew as Jim described exactly how he wanted the house to be.

Jim looked up as someone came into the house. He didn't recognize Liz at first, but then remembered how much she had changed. The view through his phone did not do her justice. She was gorgeous. She no longer needed a bra, with the small perky breasts. He could almost make out her nipples through the white dress shirt she had on. Her black pants accentuated her butt, as it stuck out above her long, slender legs. She had a tiny waist and hips. Soaking wet she might be 95lbs.

"Hi honey! Who is this?" Liz said.

"Oh shit" Jim thought, "I didn't give you a backstory. I wish for you to come up with a backstory that she would believe."

"Hi Liz, I used to work with Jim, and he was a great mentor to me before I moved away. I just got a job at the same place he is working now, so he invited me over." Susan said, pushing lots of made up memories into the heads of everyone that would need to back up that story.

"Oh nice!" Liz said. "What neighborhood are you living in now?"

"I haven't found a place yet, still just living in some temp housing my company found for me."

"Have you had dinner yet?"

"I haven't"

"Then you'll have to stay."

Jim thought, "Damn it, I also forgot to make dinner. I wish Liz's favorite dinner was prepared."

Susan said, "Great! Jim and I worked on dinner together, I hope you like it."

"That is my favorite! Susan said as she saw the spread."

The three of them chatted together as they ate. Susan making up backstory as they went along, and making it into being. She had lived in South America for some time, as well as Europe. She grew up in Central America, but came to the states for College. She'd done a little modelling, but stopped when the photographers started creeping on her.

Over the course of the conversation and Jim thought to Susan about some wishes.

"Do you think she's attracted to you?"

"She seems to like me, but I don't have any special powers of mind reading except for you."

"I don't want to intrude, but how about this. I wish you knew what Susan wants, what she likes, and what she wouldn't like."

"Oh my, well in that case I can say that she likes me, and thinks I am attractive, but isn't attracted to me sexually. It isn't for any particular reason, just that she isn't attracted to anyone sexually anymore."

"Why not?"

"I think it is more physiological than a choice, I can tell she wouldn't mind being sexually active again. It has been several months since you two last did it, and she didn't particularly enjoy that, but not because of you, just because she isn't interested anymore. From what I can tell she got more messed up down there after your third child than she ever let on."

"Well then, I wish Liz was fixed up from whatever happened after having children. And I wish for Liz to have a stronger sex drive, and for her to be especially sexually attracted to you." The results were immediately apparent, with Liz's behavior being much more flirty towards Susan.

"I also wish for you to be sexually attracted to Liz." Jim thought.

"Oh my, that is a new one." Susan thought.

As dinner wound down Susan started to touch Liz with her hand gestures as she told about her time living in Brazil. Susan mentioned a game they would play to see how well you knew the other people, two truths and a lie.

"So the game is played simply by one person saying two things that are true, and one lie. The others have to guess which is the lie." Susan said.

"That sounds like fun, should we play now?" Liz asked.

"I'm in" Jim replied, thinking "I wish you would hit on Liz more overtly."

"OK naughty boy" Susan thought back.

"I'll show you how, and I'll start." Susan said. "One, I'm an excellent dancer." Susan struck a pose, and gave a slight shimmy. "Two, I have five piercings in my body." She touched her earrings, her nipples, and then gestured downward. "Three, I want to kiss you." she said, looking at Liz.

Liz turned a bit red, and Jim spoke up "I'm guessing you don't have piercings."

"Oh, um, I'm going to guess you don't actually want to kiss me." Liz said, refusing to meet Susan's gaze.

"Jim's right, these earrings are just clip ons, no piercings. Your turn Liz." Susan looked away and pretended like nothing much was different.

"I wish my wife were more bold about wanting to be with you." Jim thought.

Liz's said, "Ok, let me think." After ten seconds with another blush she stated. "One, I messed around with women in college. Two, I named my dildo Jimmy. Three, I'd like to kiss you, too." Liz said, looking at Susan then quickly looking away.

Susan jumped in, "I don't think you've been with a woman before." Liz's blush deepened.

Jim said, "I don't think you even have a dildo."

Liz blushed again, "Susan is right. I thought about it but never did anything." She looked over at Jim. "The dildo's been in a box in the attic for over 20 years."

Jim raised an eyebrow, looking at Liz. "I guess it is my turn then. One, my first kiss was my freshman year in high school. Two, Liz was the third woman I had sex with. Three, I'm offended that you two want to kiss each other."

"Three." Susan said, with Liz echoing it softly.

"Both right, I think it would be hot if you two kissed." There was a pause, with Liz looking at her plate. Jim noticed Liz's nipples were perking up. "I wish you would get on with it." He said.

Susan reached over and caressed Liz's cheek, cupping her chin in her hand. Liz's eyes locked on Susan's as Susan leaned in. They were both breathing quickly, and their bodies were slowly leaning inward. Liz quickly pecked Susan on the lips and pulled back. Susan shook her head, then grabbed Liz by the back of the neck and pulled her in for a much longer kiss. Susans hands curled through Liz's hair, then drifted down across her cheek and down to Liz's neck. Their lips pressed against each other, but didn't part. After a few seconds Susan let go and Liz pulled back, obviously flustered. They both were staring into each other's eyes, and breathing heavily. Jim leaned forward, startling his wife out of her trance.

"I'm going to put the dishes up." Liz said and quickly stood up and grabbed the plates.

Susan thought to Jim, "She is still deciding if she liked that or not, but it is pretty obvious deep down she did."

"I got an idea, to give this more of a chance." Jim thought, then said "How about I put on a movie, if you'd like to stay for a bit? Is that ok Liz?"

"I can stay" Susan said.

"I suppose that'd be fine," Liz said.

"How about Black Swan? I've been meaning to see that." Susan suggested.

"Works for me, how about you honey?" Jim said.

"Sure." Liz said simply.

Jim and Susan went into the living room and Jim pulled up Black Swan on netflix.

"Good choice." Jim thought. "Some nice lesbian scenes in there."

"That's the idea. I can tell she does want to kiss me more, but the thought of you being there watching is a little strange for her. Plus she kind of feels like it is cheating. She is super vanilla when it comes to anything about sex." Susan thought.

"I wish she didn't mind me watching the two of you. And I wish she had no reservations about anything with you." Jim thought.

"Done. This should be a lot of fun."

Jim heard the dishwasher start, and Liz came in. Her nipples were visible through the shirt she was wearing, and it was clear that she was excited. Jim was on one end of the couch with Susan on the other, saving Susan the seat in the middle. Liz turned the lights off and joined them on the couch. Liz cuddled up to Jim, leaving a space between her and Susan. The movie started and Jim was noticing that nothing much was happening, despite the woman and the genie swapping looks constantly. It was almost halfway through the movie and nothing much had happened.

Jim thought, "What is up? Doesn't she want to kiss you?"

Susan thought to Jim "She wants to do something, but doesn't know how to start, not that it is complicated."

"I wish she would figure it out." Jim thought.

Liz asked, "Anyone want something to drink?"

"I'd love a beer." Jim said.

"Do you have any wine?" Susan asked.

"Red or white?" Liz replied.

"Red for sure." Susan said.

Liz got up and went to the kitchen coming back with a bottle of beer, and handed it to Jim. She went back and came out with two glasses of wine.

She sat down and handed one glass to Susan.

"To new friends she said." as she held up her glass. Jim clicked it with his bottle, and Susan did with her glass, then drank. The put the glasses down to continue watching the movie when Liz said. "Oh, I think you have a drop of wine on your chin."

Liz leaned over and lightly licked Susan's chin, where no drop of wine was. The movie was getting to the hot lesbian scene.

"Well I think you have some on your lips." Susan said, giving Liz a full kiss. This kiss didn't stop at a few seconds, but kept going. Slowly Susan opened her lips and let her tongue wander along Liz's lips. Liz accepted the invitation and their tongues met and intertwined. Jim was enjoying the show, and started touching himself. It was amazing watching his wife in her new body, kissing the Latina goddess that was his genie. He watched the make out session for a good half hour before he felt ready for a change. That plus he couldn't resist playing director of the encounter.

"I wish Liz would start feeling you up." Susan grabbed Liz's hand and moved it to her breast. Liz started massaging the much larger breasts. She was tentative at first, but with more coaxing from Susan she started to really get into it. She was using both hands and leaning into Susan, trying to feel the nipples through the tshirt and bra.