Jill and I Ch. 01

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Young man meets hottie at work.
7.1k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 10/28/2012
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This story is loosely based on a true story provided me by a Lit reader. He told me to do with the information what I wanted and to write a story about it. It's a romance and I will provide it in five parts.

Main Cast

Dennis, 25 years old, 5' 11", 175 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes.

Jill, 30 years old, 5' 7", 120 pounds, brown hair, blue eyes.

Gina, 30 years old, 5'6", 140 pounds, auburn hair, green eyes, Jill's best friend.

Denise, 25 years old, 5'1", 105 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, Dennis' friend and works with Dennis.

Mike, 27 years old, 5'10", 190 pounds, black hair, brown eyes, Denise's boyfriend.

Jeff, 33 years old, 6', 190 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, Dennis' brother.

Chapter 1. Infatuation

September 16th, 2011

I had been working at Robert Trask, Inc. for about 3 years. It was my first job out of college and I liked working there. I had graduated with a degree in Computer Science in 2008 and had been hired into a junior database engineer position. They trained me to be a database administrator and then a PL/SQL Programmer, which means writing code to update data, views, and tables received and used by several databases.

I worked in a nice, but small cubicle. The cubicles were about 8 foot square, which was pretty generous in the world of saving overhead for companies. There were about 60 cubes and 10 offices on my floor and this meant that there were about 5 small projects belonging to two different divisions in my company. My company had several floors of this office building and I was on the 5th floor.

In the cube next to me was a woman named Denise. She was on the same project and we got jokes about being Dennis and Denise right next to each other and sometimes our neighbors delighted in switching our interoffice mail. Denise and I had become very good friends. She was living with her boyfriend in an apartment not far from me and I got together with them to watch sports that we both liked. I knew her and her boyfriend, Mike, pretty well. But Denise and I talked about everything. She had become my best friend even though she was a woman, which was a first for me.

One of the projects at the other end of the building had a manager, Jill, who was 30. She was fairly pretty and slim, about 5'7", with just enough curves to be attractive. I had been in a couple of meetings where the different projects shared their lessons learned and discussed ways to improve. I had come away impressed with Jill. When asked to present something she was always extremely professional, very knowledgeable, and completely prepared.

This Friday evening, we had a very large group that had gathered at a local watering hole for the "obligatory" monthly gathering and happy hour. At least all the single people felt it was an obligatory affair. If you didn't show up, drink, and have fun, you could end up the butt of several jokes over the next few weeks. Of course, that was only if someone didn't make a bigger fool of themselves at the bar. I, of course, never, ever did so -- I swear!

We were gathered around laughing and drinking, some people flirting with others when Jill showed up. She had only shown up once before that I could remember and that had been about a year before. As a manager, I think she tried to maintain a little separation from the rest of us and I had not had a chance to talk to her that previous time. We had a large gathering of tables scrambled together and the drinks were flowing. When she showed up she took the only vacant chair that was on the very end of the formed line of tables, right next to me. The later you showed up the more likely it was that you wouldn't get a place to sit and have to congregate behind people or sit on the end, kind of out of the mainstream of the merriment. I was at the end of the table near where she sat down in that last empty chair, having shown up late myself. I was on my fourth beer already and knew I would have to get something to eat before driving home.

I turned to her when she sat down and put my hand out. "Hi, I'm Dennis Watson."

She smiled and took my hand to shake it. Hers was warm. She gave me a friendly smile. "Jill -- Jill Mathewson." She looked toward the center of the table at the pitchers of beer. "Can you reach the pitchers and empty mugs?"

"Sure." I reached over and was able to get a fresh mug and a pitcher and brought it down to our end. I poured her a beer.

She took it and picked it up. "Thanks, and cheers." I reciprocated and we each took a long drink. She leaned back. "Wow! After this week, I definitely needed that."

"Tough week?"

She was taking another large drink as I asked that. She finished drinking and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, trying to avoid doing it in a vulgar manner, but still not self conscious about it. "Oh yes." She took another quick drink and I liked the way she did it. She was not trying to be little miss manners, she was just drinking and showing that she was relaxed and having fun. "You know, we were introduced a long time ago not long after you started."

"Yeah? Do you remember that?" I wondered if she remembered me. She had made a good impression and I could remember everything about her from our first introduction, including the face that she was attractive. I remembered that she was in the middle of something very important for her team and seemed a little rushed when I was brought into her office to meet her. Her office was professional with little personal effects except for a diploma. I didn't have time to look at it because she immediately went into her spiel. She was also professional and courteous and took her time to look me in the eyes and talk to me for a couple of minutes. She didn't look at her computer, she didn't act fidgety, and she was calm and composed. Not something I saw in all the managers. She had been dressed in a woman's business suit with a nice jacket and skirt, all in grey with a peach blouse. I remember it because I saw her leave immediately after our meeting to gather her team. She had not shouted, just been very direct and courteous to them as well. She made an impression and I was reminded of it during the meetings we held. I just had never had a chance to talk to her.

"You were probably introduced to a lot of people when you were first starting, so maybe you don't remember."

"Well, ummm, I mean, yes, I remember and I know who you are." I realized that she was watching me carefully and smirking. "Okay, I admit that I remember the meeting and it's because I think you are very good at your job, you were very professional and courteous in our meeting, and well, you are also a good looking woman."

She arched her eyebrows. "You're saying that you remember me because I was professional and good at my job when we first met? Or is that last part the only reason you remember me? You noticed me for just my looks at first, didn't you?" She was grinning and I thought that she was teasing me.

"Well, you were dressed in a grey suit and peach blouse, but I mostly remember that you took the time to talk to me, not to your computer, not to the guy who brought me in, and you didn't act distracted. You were direct and nice, and I liked that."

She studied me for a minute with a small smile. "That's one of my favorite suits. I can't believe you remember that. Most people don't remember my outfits." She then studied my clothes and looks closely. I knew what she was doing and I grinned as she looked up at me and realized I was smirking. "What?"

"Are you studying me to see if I'm gay because the cliché is that a gay man would remember your clothes better than a straight man?"

Her eyes went wide and she stared at me for a second. "Oh! Sorry. I didn't mean anything and I definitely wasn't passing any judgments."

I held up my hand to stop her. "Hey, no problem. I wasn't saying you were prejudiced or biased or anything like that. I was just guessing and kidding you."

She looked at me seriously for a little while longer until she suddenly seemed to decide that that was fine. "Okay, let's have another beer." She had finished hers and held up her mug. I retrieved the nearest pitcher and refilled her glass but not mine. She looked at my mug and back up at me. "Aren't you going to join me?"

"No, I don't think so. I just finished my fifth and I think I'm going to the Indian restaurant next door to get something to eat before I drive home. I don't have anything going on tonight and I just want to relax and take my time having dinner and sobering up."

"Oh, yeah. Indian sounds good. Mind if I join you?" She blurted that out and then quickly looked up at me to see my reaction. "It's not a date or an offer or anything. I just mean getting something to eat at the same time, you know?"

I smiled at her. She was actually very cute when seeming to backtrack or apologize and this was her second in a few minutes. "Hey, not a problem. I wasn't taking it that way. Let's just go have something to eat at the same time."

We decided to settle up with the group by dropping some cash in the middle. She made me do it first and go to the restaurant to get a table. She waited a couple of minutes and talked to some other people so that there would be no office gossip. I knew that as a manager and a woman she had to be careful of that.

When she arrived I had already made sure to order and get a mixed bread basket. I loved all the Indian breads, especially the garlic and potato filled ones. Jill came in and sat across from me. She smiled. "Sorry that took so long. I had to at least converse with some of my project folks."

"No problem. I got us some bread, but only asked for water to drink. If you want something else, we can call the waiter over."

She looked around. "Well, I didn't guzzle as much alcohol as you." She grinned as she teased me. "I think I'll have one of those large Flying Horse beers." She finally got the waiter's attention and ordered the beer. Then she looked back at me. "So -- you've been here for a few years. How do you like Trask?"

"I enjoy the work environment and my manager. There's not that much pressure. As long as we work on our assigned job and meet the estimates we provided, we seem to just perk along nicely. How is it being a manager?"

"Well, I'm still just a project manager of a small project. I want to be a Director and then a VP if I can. I like the company and want to stay and move up in it. I think it's a great company and right now I can't see myself leaving."

We continued to discuss a few people and funny incidents that had occurred and I found her to be an excellent conversationalist. I really enjoyed her company and then I realized that I was attracted to her -- as a woman. I found that she was really good at talking about work and everything, but she never said anything about herself. When I asked her about where she grew up and college, she effortlessly changed the subject by making a cool segue. I had never thought about her this way before. She had just been a near-30 year old woman who worked in the same company and that I thought was good at her job. Now I was thinking of her as a "prospect", someone to ask out on a date.

The dinner was relaxed and fun. I was trying to stay detached, but I found myself completely enthralled by this intelligent and somewhat mysterious woman. I was hoping it wouldn't show through since she was talking away about work and oblivious to my staring at her and watching her every move. I found myself memorizing the way one side of her mouth curled up higher when she was saying something she thought was funny. I smiled at the way she kept tucking the loose strand of hair on her right side back behind her ear. It would continue to come down and then she would absentmindedly tuck it back again and again. She seemed completely at ease in this environment and I was determined to learn more about her. Hell, I wanted to ask her out.

By the time dinner was over, she had finished the Flying Horse and had decided to have a post dinner cocktail. She ordered and drank it and I watched her talk. I interjected a few things, but she was on a roll and loved to talk about work and other interests. The one thing she never mentioned was herself. I found it completely endearing.

When dinner was over we split the bill and went our separate ways. I really wanted to ask her out or even see if she wanted to do something else for the rest of the night; go to a movie, a bar, have sex -- I was after all a horny 25 year old. But it was not to be and she quickly departed, leaving me to enjoy another quiet evening at home. I almost never had the energy to go out on Friday if I made an early happy hour and got a little drunk. I went home and relaxed and thought about how attracted I was to her. She was everything I always found attractive in women. She was strong, but feminine, successful, pretty, and spoke her mind, not afraid to voice her opinions. I was smitten and I knew I wanted to pursue her. The question was how.

When I saw Jill at work the next week, she acted like we still barely knew each other. I was a little put off by that, but figured she was just protecting herself.

One day, a couple of weeks later, at the small café on the first floor of our building, I just walked up and sat down next to her at lunch.

"Hello, Ms. Mathewson. May I sit down?" I asked this as I was already sitting.

Jill laughed. "Well, it doesn't seem like I can deter you from it. And why the formal greeting? Jill isn't good enough for you?"

"I've always been told to respect my elders." I smirked.

She gave me a glare, but with the hint of mischief in her eyes. "Hey, careful!"

"So -- Jill, how are you?"

"Fine. Just busy."

"I wanted to stop by and talk to you a few times after the happy hour, but you always seemed busy or were out of the office when I was there."

She looked at me closely. "I've been very busy, true, but I also don't want you coming in and spending too much time hanging around. That would just be too much fodder for the gossipmongers."

"Oh." I understood where she was coming from, but our conversation had gone so well that night in the restaurant that I was hoping she'd consider me a friend -- or more. Besides, we were not in the same division and were consenting adults. So what if we dated? Or maybe she was put off because I was younger than her. "So if I asked you to go out to dinner with me that would be too forward?" I tried to smirk and let her take it seriously or as a joke.

She watched me closely for a moment, and her face closed up, showing me no emotion whatsoever. "I think not, right now." She couldn't have looked more uncomfortable the way she squirmed, but her face was still stone. "I'm not really ready for that. Bad memories and all that."

"Oh, okay." I felt a little better thinking that she was just coming out of some kind of bad relationship and there was still hope for the future. "Maybe some time in the future."

Her face changed back to her normal one. "Maybe." The way she said it, however, it sounded like a no.

I got up and left, feeling shut down and out of place sitting with her after that. I went back to work.

September 23rd, 2011

The next week the group decided to have another happy hour. I got there late and the only chair at our congregation of tables was at the end, right next to Jill. I decided to act a little put out by her.

"Hello, Jill." I sat down.

She looked at me and gave me a wan smile. "Hello."

"Can you pass me a mug and the pitcher?"

She got the attention of the guy next to her and he passed them down. I took them and filled up my mug. I took a good strong drink and tried to look relaxed and satisfied. I looked up at one of the large TV screens that were showing something, but I was not really paying it any attention. I was trying to just gaze in the distance and see if I could catch her looking at me out of the corner of my eyes while I ignored her. She was. Finally, she leaned over and touched me on the forearm.


I turned to look at her, trying to keep a disinterested look on my face. "Yes?"

She looked down at her hands and she was fidgeting with them. Nervousness from Jill? Interesting! "I'm sorry I've been avoiding you. I knew you wanted to ask me out before you did and then when you did, I just didn't know what to say."

I spoke to her coldly and in a matter of fact voice. "You told me why. You weren't ready. That's okay. We're both adults. Maybe you just don't like me or want to date. Whatever it is, hey, it's fine. I understand." I looked back up at the TV like I wasn't interested, but she knew the cold shoulder when she got it.

She stared at me for a moment and then set her jaw. I could see her getting angry even from the corner of my eyes. Good. I wasn't in a good mood anyway.

"Dennis, this is not a good place for this. Can we go outside for a moment to talk?"

"Sure." I acted nonchalant and stood up to head outside. I went out the front door around to where the outside patio was since it was closed. One minute later Jill followed.

Jill stood in front of me and I could tell she was mad. "Look, I'm trying to apologize, okay? I avoided you and didn't want to have anything to do with you. Sorry. It's not easy being a woman and a manager where so many people are just waiting for you to fail or make a mistake. I just promised myself that I wouldn't get involved with anyone at work. It's just bad to fish in that little pond. And don't act like I took away your favorite toy just because I said no to a date." She glared at me.

I softened a little. "Okay, look, I'm sorry for the cold shoulder act. I understand what you are saying about work and everything. It's just that I thought we were friends and you wouldn't even acknowledge me as that. That made me mad. Being friends shouldn't threaten you like that."

Jill looked up at me. She spoke firmly. "I avoided you not because I didn't want to go out with you, but because I was definitely attracted to you and really did want to go out with you. You were a good listener at dinner last week and I was tempted to go out with you." I stared at her as she continued. "I can't afford any entanglements right now and you really don't know a thing about me. I need to concentrate on work."

I moved closer to her. "Jill, that's what dating is all about. I would find out more about you and get to know you while you did the same with me. I don't like the way you said entanglement either. You make that sound like a major problem. We can date without it being an 'entanglement'." I highlighted entanglement by quoting with my hands, even though I normally detested people who did that.

She looked up at me and I could see her entire body relax and her shoulders slump, like she had lost the argument. "Okay."

Huh? "Okay, what?"

"I'll go out with you."

I tried not to look too overjoyed or smug. I looked over toward the Indian restaurant. "Feel like Indian food tonight?"

She smiled meekly. "Yeah, that sounds good."

We walked over to the restaurant to have dinner. After another beer and dinner, she started perking up again and was back to her old gregarious self. She beat around the bush about her education, but finally told me that she got her degree after two years at a junior college and then a transfer to Southern Illinois University. She had graduated in 2005. That's all I got from her about that. I queried her about her family.

"What about your mother and father?"

She stared at the table, the smile running away from her face, and I could tell this was not good. "My mother died about 10 years ago." She paused.

"I'm sorry, Jill."

She looked up at me. "My father I never really knew. I grew up with just my mother." She didn't elaborate about her father.

She finally looked up at me and put on a plastic smile. "So what about your family?" She always changed the subject as soon as we got to the uncomfortable parts.