Jedi Stowaway Ch. 03

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The Consequences of Immortality.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/19/2011
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A special thanks to JonB1969 for his editing. Hope you all enjoy my story and remember to vote and comment, it's what encourages me to keep writing.

This Story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright (c) 2015 by Yshomatsu

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Jedi Stowaway: The Consequences of Immortality


It had been a whole standard year since young Achilles had fought for his life against a mighty Sith Lord on the Wookie home world of Kashyyyk. With the aid of the Republic troopers, led by one Omaj. The crew of the Arcadian Fist quickly found the newly formed Grey Jedi Order.

Impressed with what they found, Anubys and Nicholas Fury signed on to do some smuggling runs between the New Order and Old Republic.

Omaj and his men went off to do the work they had come to do. Achilles wasn't sure what exactly that work might have been; but quickly let such thoughts fade to the back of his mind. The young Jedi had much more pressing matters to attend to after he approached Ian Mount. The man he was searching for, from his visions, had been at a clinic healing his wounds.

The boy was accepted into the Order; and had been given a Master who had knowledge of Datacrons. Such a Master would be able to not only train the young boy but also understand what he went through after finding his first Datacron. He had unleashed its power against the Sith Lord, a feat in itself that set the boy apart from others his age.

The pair set off to train right away. All the while reports had come to them. Detailing that the Sith Lord had been desperately searching for Achilles. The two Jedi would have to go into hiding, lest be discovered. As a result the two traveled the galaxy. Achilles thought of it as an adventure; rather than dwelling on the fact they were on the run.

Regardless of where they went the Sith Lord always seemed to be closing in. Perhaps the Lord could sense his presence; due to intense hatred caused by the disfiguring of his face. Either that or he had some well-placed spies within the Grey Jedi Order's ranks.

Achilles believed in the former rather than the latter. Because there were other beings that always knew how to find him. The young Devon was proof that one could follow a Jedi by sensing them. The two had always wandered off into their own little adventures, causing mischief or getting into trouble.

It usually always started with Achilles's curiosity and thirst for knowledge. He had got a taste of it on Kashyyyk and would always go off in search for any rumored Datacron locations near his travels. That was all but one, the one that frightened him -- the location of a secret Sith base the stunning, yet terrifying Sith woman had spoken of. Before Lord Montagu had burst forth from the crashed ship's debris.

In all of his side adventures he had yet to find another Datacron. Each time it brought the thought of the Sith's back to the forefront of his mind. He would push it back; yet each time it lingered slightly longer.

After a standard year away, Achilles and his Master were on their way back to Vosh. Devon was on another world, and so Achilles didn't look forward to the trip. Ian Mount had been impressed with the young boy's progress and had requested to witness a sparring match. Obviously, his Master couldn't refuse such an honor, and the pair set off towards Vosh.

Little did Achilles know he was about to spar with someone much older than himself; an apprentice who was about to undertake their Jedi Knight trials. Nor did he know Ian Mount believed Achilles to be ready for his own as well. The Order needed its own Historian. Ian Mount had set his eyes on the young yet promising Achilles.

Since the two trained on the run they didn't have their own ship. For as much as it would have been handy; it also would have been much easier to track. It became necessary to search for the right ship to either purchase passage, or stowaway on.

Achilles walked through the spaceport, blending in with the diverse crowd. His task; to procure their traveling arrangements to Vosh.

His Master stood off to the side and watched her padawan, but not in the usual sense. She was a Miraluka. A being similar to humans in every way except that they were born without eyes. They used the Force to see, as if they had eyes.

Her padawan moved slowly yet effortlessly through the crowd. She could feel him reaching out with the Force.

Achilles had been a unique apprentice. He was a fast learner, and strong in the Force. However he was always distracted, going off on wild goose chases whenever he heard a Datacron may be nearby. The one he had discovered on Kashyyyk bestowed a lot of information on his mind. It had also created a black hole, an endless need for new knowledge.

The upside was that he had the strength to use that knowledge, even before his mind could process it. During the Sith Lord's onslaught he had used the power to stop Sith lightning and absorb it into pure energy to strike back with. Although he didn't succeed in completing it. He had succeeded in saving the life of Devon as well as his own.

She had let her mind wander until Achilles had reached out to her with the Force, alerting her of danger. She opened herself up immediately to the Force, until she herself felt the disturbance. Achilles's sudden panic confirmed her worst fear -- he had found them. Lord Montagu's ferrous nature felt thick in the air, closing in fast upon them.

She raced to her apprentice's side before the two of them hurried through the unaware crowd going about their business. Anyone caught in the Sith's path would be crushed. They didn't get far before they heard his entrance.

"Jedi," He screamed into the spaceport.

Everyone froze in place. The spaceport had been peaceful, busy yet peaceful, before the Sith had entered. Now hundreds of beings began to scream as the panic began to fill the area. No one wanted to be anywhere near a Sith, especially one pissed off and calling out at a Jedi.

The brief moment when the crowd had froze had been all Montagu had needed to spot his foe off in the distance. For the young Jedi and his Master were the only ones still moving. He charged forward within seconds, into an all-out sprint.

The screaming crowd did all they could to avoid his path. A few had no chance and were quickly cut down by the charging behemoth's crimson blade. His anger tainted the air and left all those in his wake trembling in sheer terror.

Achilles's Master pushed him forward, "Take that ship and get off world padawan."

She ignited her green Lightsaber and turned to face the juggernaut vastly approaching them. Her hood slipped from her covered face, revealing her sensual female features. The raised blade added a green tint to her as she entered a defensive stance.

"No, Master, I won't leave your side. You're no match for him alone." Even though they had only been Master and apprentice for a short time a bond still formed and a strong one at that.

"Do not defy me, my young apprentice, at least not this time. Now go."

Achilles let out a sigh and ran off toward the ship his Master had pointed at before pausing. He had not wished for a Master for so long; just to run away at the first sign of danger. He turned in place and witnessed his Master intercept the Sith Lord.

He removed his outer robes and let them glide to the ground. His hands closed in on his sabers, one on each hip. Taking a deep breath, he waited patiently for the opportune moment. The last thing he wanted would be to rush in and disrupt his Master's concentration. Rather, he would wait for the Sith to make a mistake and cash in on it.

His Master's green blade clashed with the Lord's bright red time and time again. It appeared clear; his Master wasn't used to sparring with an opponent so passionate with their anger. The Sith's strikes were filled with all his strength and rage. Each one violently vibrated up her arms and into her spine.

And then he saw it, the opportunity he was waiting for. Montagu's arrogance flared when he believed the fight to be in his favor. For his opponent wavered with each downward strike.

Achilles wanted nothing more than to prove him wrong. The fight was not in the Sith's favor. The young Jedi sprang into action as his hands gripped tightly onto the sabers strapped to his belt. He ignited both and flung one up high into the air; while he slid into the fight in one continuous motion.

Lord Montagu felt the sudden surge in the Force created by the young boy. And so did the boy's Master; who deep down thanked the boy for not leaving her to her death even though he was disobeying an order. The Sith proved much more powerful than she had anticipated. The Lord prepared himself with another powerful downward strike, only to feign and pull back, throwing the Master off balance. He added a raised knee to her gut, and brought the blade back down for a killing blow.

At the last possible second an orange blade intercepted his blow. Exactly as the Lord had planned. However what he didn't foresee was the second blade. Which soared in a downward spiral heading directly to the back of his head. The small grin upon Achilles's face gave away the slight tremor in the Force that the Lord would never have noticed otherwise.

Montagu opened his eyes wide in surprise and attempted to dodge the blade with a side step. The Sith's massive form moved with lightning speed to the side; yet the blade still sliced through flesh. Instead of the back of his head however; the blade burnt into his shoulder blade before returning to the young boy's open and waiting hand. With his crimson blade still interlocked it exposed his wounded side for the new blade to strike at him.

The boy had grown bold since their last encounter, as did his skill, all of which fueled the Pure Blood's rage. In the next few seconds the Sith Lord expertly deflected the blows from all three Lightsabers of the Jedi's. He had only to wait a few more moments for an entire platoon of his emperor's men to arrive. He detested waiting. Waiting was a virtue of the weak Jedi, not a Lord of the Sith.

"You won't escape this time, boy." His voice had a slight robotic tone to it due to the chin guard and breathing mask he wore over his disfigured face.

Achilles discreetly motioned to his Master that their ride was about to leave. The ship she told him to board had just ignited its engines. His Master's hope soared. She had truly thought her end was upon her. And she now had greater respect for her padawan. Having fought a Sith Lord and lived was no small feat for any Jedi, but this Lord was extremely powerful.

She reached out with the Force and opened the ship's ramp via its controls within the craft's loading bay, hoping the action went unnoticed. To her relief it did, the Sith focused all of his frustration on her young apprentice.

They danced the warriors dance for a few more minutes, blocking each of the Sith's attacks in a display of beautiful lights, orange and green blurs clashing with his red. Each of the three moved quicker than any normal being; made possible as the Force flowed through each one of them.

Lord Montagu had been waiting for this day for a long time and his preparations showed. He had yet to break a sweat. Master and padawan nodded to each other as they agreed that it was time. Montagu inwardly laughed at them, knowing full well that whatever they were about to do would be countered by the soldiers he felt approaching.

The old freighter lifted off the ground an inch and stopped. No doubt the computer system blared an alarm. Warning its crew of their open hatch. They would only have a small amount of time before that crew realized their system wasn't lying.

Both Jedi lunged forward, three sabers descended towards Lord Montagu's pure blooded face. The Sith prepared to block and quickly counter. The moment their blades would have impacted, the lord blinked, yet they never connected. He blinked a few more times with a confused look on his face. He had opened himself up to the Force during the attack and relied on it to counter their attacks, yet the Force remained calm at that moment.

Only a few milliseconds had passed before his eyes focused and realized his opponents had faked him out and were making a break for it.

"Now!" He screamed in heated frustration to the soldiers he knew were entering the spaceport, "Attack! No one leaves this planet!"

Blaster bolts filled the air, only to be effortlessly deflected back at them. A few soldiers fell to the ground, dead.

Lord Montagu wasted no time before he followed in hot pursuit. Rage fueled his body onward. Achilles's Master leapt onto the ramp before disappearing within. The Sith closed the gap, with every intent to slice the boy in two as he leapt up into the air.

Achilles felt the disturbance in the Force, as if someone called out a warning.

With no time to act, he did the only thing that came to mind. He focused on his outer cloak that laid upon the ground. Achilles tucked into his stomach forcing his body to flip forward. At the same moment he flung his cloak at the Sith Lord's face.

In response to the flying object coming towards him, Montagu made an instant decision and lowered his blade. The crimson Lightsaber slashed through the garment; sending it floating to the ground in two pieces.

Lord Montagu focused his gaze back to the boy. In the brief time it had taken to slice the cloak; the boy had vanished into the spacecraft. The ramp slowly closed before him. Lightning launched from his fingers; only to clash harmlessly as the shields activated. Moments later the hovering craft rose into the night sky; along with dozens of blaster bolts. None of which had any more luck than the Lord's lightning.

A comlink activated. "Track that ship! I want to know its destination long before they reach it."


Lord Montagu towered over the crew on the bridge of his star destroyer; desperate to hear any news on the young boy's location.

With hands on his hips; he stared down at the obviously nervous men and women working the consoles. In his presence, no one dared speak a word. As a result the room was in an awkward silence; with eyes darting between their work and the Massive Sith Pure Blood.

One of the ship's officers approached silently from behind the Lord. Only to be startled when the Lord spun around to face him. The Officer jumped out of his skin. Sweat began to form on his brow as his body slightly shook, nervously.

"What is it?" The temperature in the room felt like it dropped as his anger sent chills to everyone's spines.

With a quick salute the officer replied, "My Lord, Darth Sparrowshock is on the holo awaiting your response. He doesn't sound pleased."

"His time for ordering me around will soon come to an end."

The officer grasped at his throat and began to choke, before falling to his knees, desperate for air. Lord Montagu strode arrogantly out of the room, his long midnight cape flowing behind him. As he approached the sliding door a loud snap echoed throughout the room. Followed closely by the first grin upon the Lord's face in many days, albeit an evil grin.

He slowly made his way off the bridge and down to his private chambers, while reminiscing about past encounters. He remembered breaking free from the crash wreckage to quickly slay the whelp giving away Sith secrets. At first glance, he underestimated the boy Jedi; all Montagu saw was another small whelp. To his surprise, the boy not only survived his attacks but also managed to disfigure his face.

Montagu recalled the following chase into the Kashyyyk forest where his injuries had been the first disaster in a domino effect. Lord Montagu had sworn to have his revenge when the boy escaped. Yet he focused so much on that vengeance that his second encounter with the boy yielded the same result -- failure.

A few moments later, the Lord stood in a dark room before the blue tinted hologram of his Master on the Dark Council, his face covered by his unique hood. The material of the hood came together into a point down to his nose, rather than the normal rounded hood.

The hood came down to an equally unique cloak that came up over his shoulders. Rather than one piece of material, the cloak split off into three parts, one large part descended his back. Two separate pieces came down from his shoulders along his arms.

At a quick glance you would never guess his Master's age. Powerful in the dark arts, Sparrowshock had mastered martial arts, combining his attacks with lightning. His face showed signs of decay and dark side corruption. Yet his body remained slim and fit. He stood at 6'2" and only weighed 146 lbs, with 58 years working his dark schemes. The man preferred to use his two handed Lightsaber, but always had a chain wrapped around his arms. He practiced daily with the chain, perfecting his lightning charged attacks.

Sparrowshock's stance and face gave away nothing. The silent stare down felt like an eternity to Lord Montagu as he tried to gauge his Master's expression, yet only lasted a fraction of a second.

Sparrowhawk finally broke the tense silence. "Lord Montague."

"Yes, Master."

"You neglected to tell me of your important plans when I had ordered you to the planet Hoth..."

"My agents went in my stead. I learned of the location of the boy that left my face disfigured, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity... my Lord."

Montagu gave a slight bow, his anger building slowly from within.

"And yet my agents tell me you let him escape once again. Is that a sign that you're losing your edge, my arrogant young apprentice?" Darth Sparrowshock attempted to hide his obvious grin.

Montagu slammed his fist into a side panel on the wall, sparks flew, and the room's lights flickered. "He caught me off guard is all! It won't happen again, I can assure you of that." His voice cracked and eyes glared with anger and hate.

"It better not, or I'll be forced to search for your replacement."

Montagu screamed out in rage and kicked his foot into the Holo Projector, abruptly cutting the meeting off. Pieces of the projector flew in every direction.

"You make everything so frustrating!" He screamed out at the empty void. Ideas flashed into his head about putting an end to his Master's reign on the Dark Council ahead of schedule.

His favorite of the images was orchestrating a confrontation between his Master and the young boy. As the two weakened each other he would swoop in and finish them both. It would be the ultimate victory. Montagu suddenly remembered the conversation the young boy had with the Sith whelp. She spoke of the hidden base Darth Sparrowshock resided. His idea would happen anyways if the boy took the bait.

The thought lifted his mood slightly before he used his comlink to order maintenance to fix the Holo Projector. He had much planning to do before his spies located the boy. Planning never was his strong point. He preferred to let his emotions flow and go with the moment. Anger and hate were his fuel. The fear it caused in others just an added bonus to his rush.

Montagu spun around, causing his cape to flow out behind him as he strode out of the room. The flashing strobe lights quickly faded from memory.


The cargo hold of the medium sized freighter called Star Chaser was dark and cold. Between crates of unknown goods two Jedi hid, exhausted and weary. The younger of the two leaned against the older. The young Jedi attempted to keep his heavy eyes open.
