Jasmine Patel

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Female doctor gets revenge on her misogynistic cousin.
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The idea for this story came from a reader, Affinajoseph. She asked me to write a story for her and helped with the basic idea, imagining herself as the main character and wanted me to 'tantalize' her with a plot. This is the result.

I do not usually preface my stories much, but based on comments from some of my recent stories I feel the need to add a few warnings. This is a NONCONSENT story that contains elements of incest and outright sadism even among family. There is spanking, brutality and forced feminization. The characters are not nice so don't complain later they are not 'likable'.


Dr. Jasmine Patel Reynolds stood just outside of customs at LaGuardia airport in New York City. She was waiting for her cousin to clear entry into the US.

Jasmine's emotions were mixed. Part of her regretted letting her mother and aunt play on her sense of devotion to family and browbeat her into 'volunteering' to sponsor her older male cousin's immigration to America.

On the other hand, she was delighted that the man had lost his whole life and had to leave his native country. Now he had to accept the help of his closest relatives. Jasmine would love to see the man grovel.

Milan Patel Rao was the sole son of her mother's elder sister. It was an understatement to say he had always been a bit of an ass to her growing up. Jasmine had to deal with his subtle and not so subtle bullying for most of her life.

Jasmine's mother had married an American businessman and emigrated herself almost thirty years earlier, but she felt such a sense of pride in her Indian heritage she insisted her daughter bear the family name of Patel, albeit as a middle name. To connect with her ancestral home, from the age of seven Jasmine spent her summer vacations from school with her aunt in their family home in Chennai, India. As a result, Jasmine was well versed in both the language and culture of her mother's native country.

Part of that culture grated on Jasmine's sensibilities. As a female in a patriarchal society she felt demeaned. In the US, 'girl power' was her motto. While in India she was expected to be more subtle and assume a slightly subservient or at least separate role. She was a skilled soccer player but could not play with the boys in India like she could back home. She suspected Milan could have helped her efforts to be accepted but he was not at all supportive of his half-American female cousin.

Indeed, he was one of her worst detractors. He constantly told her she was a mere girl fit only to work in a household. When Jasmine later announced she intended to go to medical school, Milan had scoffed and suggested she was better suited to be a nurse as that befit a woman. When she succeeded with her schooling, he asked if she was going to practice gynecology. Although she originally wanted to be a surgeon, she told Milan in front of family and friends she was going to be a proctologist because she was used to dealing with assholes like him. The insult did not sit well.

But now he needed Jasmine's help and both her mother and auntie expected her to step up. Jasmine was not told the entire story behind Milan's quick exodus. She suspected her mother did not know all the details but apparently Milan had run afoul an influential 'businessman'. She read that to be a semi gangster. Milan's mother had paid his debt but he was 'encouraged' to leave the country for his continued health.

"Mom! Milan's an ass. He treated me like crap whenever I'd visit. He'd either ignore me or make me to do his chores, especially what he called women's work. He'd ridicule me whenever I dared argue back and continually picked on me. How can you and Auntie seriously expect me to let him move in with me?" Jasmine had complained.

"Yes. Milan has embraced the stereotypical Indian man's role and attitudes. And while he may be a bit of an ass by our standards here, his thinking is not all that different from others there. That society simply defines roles differently. But Milan is family and he needs our help." her mother had said. "I cannot be actively involved since I am seeking re-election. I do not have the time and it might not present well with the voters." Affina Patel Reynolds was a second term Congress-woman from South Carolina. "You have finished with your residency and as his only other family here, it falls to you to step forward and help him."

"I'll do it for you and Auntie, but I'm gonna warn you, Mom." Jasmine gritted. "If that boy tries to mess with me, I'm gonna boot him in the balls."

Affina Reynolds laughed at Jasmine's reference to Milan as a 'boy' as he was three years senior to Jasmine at the age of thirty. She shrugged at her daughter's threat to boot Milan's balls, knowing her daughter had grown into a tough, self-assured woman and might just carry out her threat if provoked.

Privately, Jasmine considered kicking her asshole cousin in the goolies an arousing proposition. She almost hoped he would live up to her expectations and display his former attitudes. She'd teach him a lesson he'd never forget. As she imagined the possibilities, she realized her nipples were erect and her vagina was moistening. That evening in bed Jasmine fingered herself to orgasm imagining the scene where Milan writhed on the ground holding his balls begging her not to hurt him any more.

Milan stepped through the gate carrying a backpack and pulling a larger wheeled suitcase. "Hello, cousin." he greeted Jasmine. "I want to thank you in advance for your support. I should not need too much help nor for too long. I am sure I can establish myself quickly." added the overly confident man.

Jasmine reached for the backpack. "It might be a little heavy for you." Milan offered salaciously. "Perhaps pulling the suitcase on rollers will be easier for a woman to handle." Jasmine squinted at the slight and slung the backpack over one shoulder. She grinned at the surprise on Milan's face when he realized she was a very strong woman.

"I took the week off to drive up here for a little mini-vacation." Jasmine explained. "I have not been to New York for a few years. I have a hotel room reserved. I can park my car there and we can take the subway into the city. I want to look around. You might enjoy seeing a bit of the city. It is much different from where I live in South Carolina."

Milan was a bit shocked when he saw the two queen sized beds and realized Jasmine intended they share a room. A bathroom and small sitting area off to one side completed their accommodations. "Why are we sharing a room? Do you think it is proper?" he asked.

Jasmine laughed at Milan's discomfort. "I'm a doctor. You have nothing that I have not seen and examined many times. You can change clothes in the bathroom if you want. Rooms are very expensive and I'm not about to waste money just for your modesty. We'll stay here tonight and tomorrow so we can do a little sightseeing before we get on the road home. Like I said, you can dress in the bathroom if it bothers you."

An hour later, they were in the city proper. Milan was surprised by the number of poor and obviously homeless among the seemingly very affluent. "I thought America had no castes, everyone got a good education, and jobs were plentiful! Are these people lazy?"

"Not at all. Homelessness is a problem in most cities to some degree and has many causes. It rarely starts out as just the person's fault. Mental illness, drug or alcohol abuse is of course common and plays a part but often the person just gets caught up in a loop. Especially here where housing and food is very expensive. Even if you are intelligent and want to work, you often cannot get a job that pays enough without a residence. And you cannot afford a residence without a decent income. It would even cost more than many of these people can afford to travel to another place. But then they'd face the same thing there. It is very difficult to get started without help of some sort. Many of these people simply lack the support it takes to get a foothold." Jasmine looked at Milan and decided to poke his sensibility a bit. "Which is why I was asked to help you get established."

Milan blushed a little. He suspected he might be more dependent on his cousin than he'd thought. He did not want to admit he might have to depend on somebody else and a female at that. After all, he was an adult male. A grown man, who should be the one offering support to family and be given accolades for his generosity.

Jasmine made sure to take Milan to see the Statue of Liberty. She explained it was one place every immigrant should see and appreciate. "Our people came in by airplane but many immigrants entered by way of Ellis Island which is just over there. We won't have time to visit on the ferry." Mid-afternoon they stopped by a street vendor for a hot dog so Milan could experience America's version of street food. Milan pulled out a wallet, flashing a thick wad of cash. He pulled out a fifty dollar bill to pay for their twenty dollar's worth of food. "Damnit, put that away!" Jasmine gritted. "You don't flash cash on the street unless you want to risk somebody taking it from you. At least there are not many people around. Did you not notice, I am not carrying a purse? Nor am I wearing any jewelry like my gold necklace grandmother passed down to me? You don't make yourself a target. Never!" Milan bristled at being chastised like a child but allowed Jasmine to pull a few bills out of her jeans pocket to pay for their food.

They continued their sight seeing, even going to the top of a few of New York's high rise buildings. Milan was a still chafing from Jasmine's earlier reproach which Jasmine observed but ignored. As they got close to their hotel she pointed out a small restaurant a block away and asked him if he was hungry. "Inside a place like that, you can pull out your wallet, display a little money and not get robbed by a bystander watching." Milan said he was not hungry. It was beginning to get dark and Jasmine did not want to be out. She explained that to Milan who scoffed at her apprehension, but accompanied her back to the hotel.

Milan had apparently been more bothered by Jasmine's rebuke than he let on. The thought had festered and he let loose on her when they returned to the privacy of their hotel room. "How dare you embarrass me in front of a street vendor like you did? I am a man. It is not seemly for a woman to admonish a man in public!" Jasmine scowled at him.

"It was stupid of you to flash money and make yourself a target. How much money are you carrying anyway?" Jasmine asked, not about to back down. "I told you to put all but a small amount in the room safe with your passport! Why did you not pay attention?"

"I have five hundred American dollars in cash. Mother says she will transfer more money to a bank account when I get established in this South Carolina place where you live." Milan stated.

"Well, if you are lucky, five hundred will get you a room like this for two nights and maybe a couple small meals in this city." Jasmine growled. "You sure as hell do not want to give it away and risk getting knifed or beaten in the process. Be smart, not an idiot."

"Do not call me an idiot!"

"I will call you whatever I like. " Jasmine gritted. "If you don't have the brains to pay attention to your circumstances, then you ARE an idiot."

"Remember when you dared ridicule me in front of my friends on one of your visits?" Milan growled. "I took a switch to you and taught you who the man was!" Jasmine remembered that incident all too well. Milan had whipped her panty covered butt in front of his friends all the while telling her he was in charge and she would show him proper respect. He had repeated the humiliating punishment several times over the years and she remembered and resented each time.

That treatment had fueled many a fantasy later only with her paying him back in spades for the spankings. "I'm not that little girl anymore, BOY." she growled.

Milan made the fatal mistake of raising his hand to slap her. He barely got his hand up and back when her instep crashed into his exposed groin. His eyes almost bugged out of his head. All thoughts of slapping his cousin left his mind as he grabbed his crotch with both hands and fell to his knees on the floor. He fell forward, almost crashing to the floor, but caught his fall with his right hand. He did not notice the woman step behind him. As he sagged, he removed his left hand from his groin to keep from collapsing altogether. That gave Jasmine the opportunity she was looking for. This time her target was even more exposed and she wasted no time smashing his balls into his pelvis for the second time. With a strangled cry he fell to one side, crying, moaning and retching.

Jasmine sat quietly watching him try to regain his composure. She was glad he did not vomit on the floor. She did not want to have to pay the extra cleaning fee that she knew would be levied. Her credit card was on file for 'incidentals' and she knew extraordinary cleaning would fall into that category. She did not care one bit that her cousin was hurting terribly. In her opinion he not only deserved it for raising a hand to her today, but it was long overdue. She smiled and without him seeing, rubbed her own crotch in pleasure as she watched the thirty year old man writhe miserably trying to catch his breath and control the pain.

"Okay." she ordered after several minutes. "Get up and go wash your face. Come back and we will talk." She smiled as she watched him rise shakily to his feet and make his way to the bathroom. She was pleased with how things worked out. This was her fantasy come true. She'd long imagined how she'd treat him if she ever got the upper hand.

She quickly set her cell phone to record a video and placed it on a table to one side. She pulled the small ottoman foot stool over in front of her chair. When she heard him emerge from the bathroom she touched the icon to start the recording.

"Sit!" she directed, pointing at the ottoman. He sat. She handed him an icepack she had made from ice in the bucket. "Now what do you have to say for yourself?" she asked.

"I'm sorry, Jasmine." Milan offered reluctantly. He knew she was his lifeline but hated the idea of admitting his dependence. "I should not have tried to strike you."

"That's a good start."Jasmine admitted. "So you agree you deserve to be punished for your behavior. Let's get to it. What do you think you deserve? Another kick to the balls or your ass spanked?"

"WHAT?!" Milan all but screamed. "You just punished me! You smashed my balls!"

"No, I simply stopped you from slapping me. You assaulted me after reminding me of the times you whipped my butt with a switch when we were younger. I simply countered your attack and dropped you. NOW you get punished." To Milan's horror, Jasmine continued. "I want you to admit you were wrong, deserve to be punished and offer to submit yourself to me. In fact I want you to suggest the punishment you deserve."

"No way!" Milan gasped. "I am a man! I cannot do that! I WON"T do that!"

"Sure you will." Jasmine stated flatly. "You do not want to face the alternative. I suggest you get it over with. The longer you wait, the worse your punishment will be. The longer you procrastinate, the more you will have to offer to appease me."

"NO!" Milan said, red-faced. "You can't ask me to demean myself like that. I am a man. I have my pride!"

"Not for long." Jasmine thought to herself. "Unless you change your ways VERY quickly."

"I'm not asking." Jasmine stated in a very reasonable tone out loud. "I am demanding. You will apologize and offer yourself to my mercy for punishment. I'll give you some suggestions. I can kick you in the crotch again, or I can use your belt and whip your butt. The longer you take to comply, the more kicks or more welts you will suffer. Wait too long and it will be both."

"Fuck that!" Milan declared. "I'm not going to do either!"

"Fine with me." Jasmine said. "Then you can get out of here. I explained to you earlier that your money will not last long. Not in this city. You might find a room available this late in the evening, and take a taxi to get there. Or you might take a taxi to the bus terminal and pay for a ride somewhere. You sure can't take a chance on the city streets. You won't last a few hours after dark before you are mugged, your cash and belongings stolen. You'll be just one more joining the masses of destitute homeless we saw this afternoon. Go take your chances."

When Milan just stared at his younger cousin, Jasmine continued. "Make a decision. You have three choices. Ask me to kick you in the crotch again. Ask me to whip your butt or get out and take your chances. Since you are taking too long to choose, I will decide for you. You will get both kicked and spanked. Or you can take your chances on the street."

"But Mom and Auntie! You promised them you would help me!" Milan cried plaintively. Jasmine shrugged and said she'd explain what happened to the two older women. She was sure that while they might not be happy, they would understand.

"Fuck you!" Milan seethed. "I am a man! You are just a woman! Whether in India or America, those things remain the same. The man is the leader, the head of the family. I will not submit to a woman. I'll take my chances." Milan gathered up his backpack and his suitcase and left. Jasmine reached over and turned off her phone.

Milan did not make it past the hotel lobby. He'd hoped to get a room there for the night but the hotel was fully booked. He talked to the concierge who, after making a few phone calls to area hotels, told Milan the cheapest he could find was three hundred fifty dollars for the night.

Milan briefly considered going to the bus terminal until he asked the concierge his opinion. "I wouldn't hang around down there in that area myself. Now you might catch a ride out tonight. Where are you headed?" Milan had no clue. Jasmine had been his lifeline. He reluctantly headed back upstairs.

"What do you want?" Jasmine asked through the closed door. Milan's answer, he wanted to talk, did not satisfy her. "We talked. I told you what I wanted and you refused. You have to accept my terms or forget it. Your choice."

"I surrender." Milan moaned pitifully.

Jasmine never thought he would surrender so quickly. She honestly thought she would not hear from him until sometime the next day after he had exhausted every other option. She had amused herself by practicing with her cell phone camera for the best angle to capture video of his inevitable defeat.

"I will accept." Milan offered softy when Jasmine did not reply. Accept what? Jasmine asked. "I will accept your terms. I will submit to your demands. Please, can we talk inside the room, in private?" he pleaded. "I do not want others to overhear." Jasmine told him to wait a minute. Milan stood fidgeting. His emotions ran rampant. He was angry, fearful, and humiliated to have to back down.

Jasmine quickly set the cell phone back in place and turned it on before opening the door. She sat back down in her chair and waited impatiently as Milan pulled his suitcase back into the room.

"Stop. Leave your suitcase and backpack by the door." Jasmine ordered. "If I am not satisfied with what you say, you will not be staying."

He stood for a few seconds until she pointed to a spot in front of her. He thought she meant the ottoman and began to sit. "No. You will kneel, not sit." Shuddering with barely controlled anger tinged with fear, he began to kneel when she said. "What are you doing? You do not kneel before me fully dressed. I expect you to be bare. Strip." At his shocked look she quickly added. "I warned you several times that waiting has consequences. That the longer you waited to comply the worse the punishment. You will apologize and ask me to punish you while you are completely nude."