It's Good to be Strong

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A strong woman has her way.
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Wendy lay back on the beach. The contrast of the cool breeze washing over her naked body while the warmth of the Carolina sun tanned her smooth glowing skin felt amazing. She felt fulfilled. How good it was to have your cake and eat it too!

She could see Henry down the beach. What an amazing man he was. Tall, lanky, so beautifully trim. You'd never know from looking at him on the beach how sweet he was, he took such care to make her world beautiful You'd also never guess how old he was. His short cropped hair hadn't lost its color, and with his passion for working out and playing tennis, his body looked young. To look at him on the beach, you'd also never suspect how rich he was. He'd spent the adult part of his 52 years learning the ins and outs of investments, and had long ago retired from his investment counseling firm to manage his own portfolios as a full time job.

There were perks to being Henry's wife. There was the ski house in Steamboat, the cottage in Napa, the apartment overlooking Central Park, the horses at their house in Connecticut, and her favorite, this house on the remote beach in North Carolina. She had no money worries, no pressing responsibilities, no cares. Could it get any better?

Well, Henry did have his flaw. He wasn't very well endowed, and his sex drive was equally small. But he knew she needed more than he could give and knew she had other men in her life. She loved Henry, but she needed lovers, and as long as she was discreet, as long as nothing was flaunted in Henry's face, and as long as she loved him when he did feel the urge, they had a happy life together.

Wendy did occasionally long for children, which she and Henry had decided would not be part of their life. However, the thought that her motherly instincts might make her feel obliged to give up her secret sluttiness always ended that urge. If she had wanted the white picket fence, the kids and the mini-van, she would have stayed with Gerald.

Oh Gerald. She hadn't thought about Gerald since last Christmas, when she sent him her annual card and read his cute little personal letter in the card he always included in the card he sent her. Gerald had been her chance at the white picket fence, and for a long time, it looked as if he and that fence would be right for her, and could hold her life. Of course that had been before Rodney.

She still smiled every time she thought of Rodney. Gerald had captured her heart back in college, Henry had her head now, but Ronald was the man who had captured her libido while she was married to Gerald. Oh it was lusciously confusing how she did it, but she was living proof that you can have it all!

Wendy met Gerald in college. She was a little sassy freshman, who knew just how to flip her raven hair and flash her stunning blue eyes at a boy to get him to carry her books, open a door, or help her with her studies. As well as she flirted, she wasn't sexually active. She wasn't afraid of sex, she just had no interest in all the trappings of maintaining a relationship, and had no respect for one night stands. The guys flocked to her, though she held them at bay maintaining the reputation of a proper young woman that her grandmother would be proud of. Still she was proud that she had a cute little bubble butt and on her tiny frame her breasts appeared huge, and kept the boys' attention on her.

The Gerald came along. Gerald was slim and cute. Not too tall at 5' 10", but he towered over Wendy. His receding hairline was so distinguished and made him look mature, and even worldly. Wendy was smitten with Gerald as soon as she met him. She had elected a drama class to fill a lit requirement, and wound up in a study group reading Cyrano together. She read Roxanne to Gerald's Cyrano, and his delivery of those beautiful lines and sentiments felt too real to her. Gerald must have felt the same, because he would go out of his way to walk with her on campus.

He was a strong confident personality around everyone he met, except Wendy. Around her he couldn't always find the right word, and her direct eye to eye contact could leave him stammering like a blithering idiot. He always knew what to say, and had a reputation for being quick and clever. He could hold his own in just about any argument, and was exceptionally well read. The few people who ever tried to insult him found his wit to be a formidable challenge. But Wendy could disarm him with a smile.

Wendy and Gerald became inseparable, but never connected romantically. Gerald was too shy to actually ask for a date, didn't dance, and never made an advance even so bold as holding her hand. Wendy accepted her role as such a good friend, and went on dates with other guys. This made Gerald even more shy about asking Wendy out, and every time he did build up the courage to ask her somewhere, she told him about a new cute flame in her life.

They spent a year and a half as best friends, nearly missing intimacy more times than either cared to count. Finally, one day during Wendy's sophomore year, Gerald walked into one of the college coffee shops to see Wendy sitting at a booth with her roommate. He slid next to her, and without even thinking twice, leaned over and kissed her hello.

It wasn't a long passionate kiss, but he had never kissed her before. It was as if they had been married for years, and he had just dropped by to join them for lunch. Time stopped for Wendy. Her roommate froze as well. Wendy had long talked about how she liked Gerald but he never seemed interested. Wendy just looked at Gerald until he looked up at her.

Once he did, he realized he had opened a door. Wendy leaned in and kissed him back. Only she had no interest in withholding any passion, and poured all the love she had saved the past year into her kiss.

"It's about time," her roommate beamed. "I'll see you two later."

They had always been in love. It was a comfortable kind of love, one where they craved each other's presence, needed each other's support, had to talk to each other every da. They had shared everything with each other, except sexual intimacy. When Gerald sat beside Wendy, and kissed her innocently, as a husband would kiss his wife of thirty years hello after coming home from a round of golf with his friends. But beneath that innocence and within that comfortable nature, they had pent up passions that all came flooding to the surface with that first physical admission of love, that one kiss.

It didn't take long for them to realize they had to leave the coffee shop. Once they did, it didn't take long for them to cover the couple of hundred yards between the popular student lunch spot and his apartment. Once there it didn't take long for their arms to wrap around each other, locking their bodies in a passionate embrace. From their it didn't take long for them to shed their clothes and find their way into Gerald's bed.

Gerald had been with a girl in high school, and another in his freshman year, the year before he had met Wendy. Wendy too, had been with a couple of guys, though neither experience had rocked her world. Today was different for both of them. They both wanted each other so badly, their skin felt electric to the touch. Wendy was surprised at the feel of Gerald's cock in her hand. He was so hard, much more hard than her other lovers. Like wise, Gerald was amazed at how ready Wendy was to receive him. Her pussy felt hot and steamy in his hands. They both knew it was time to couple. Gerald rolled up over her, and lowered his body down as Wendy guided him cock into her. He held it there and kissed her, letting his tongue probe her mouth just as his cock probed her pussy. He began to move both in concert, holding his kiss as long as he could.

Wendy was lost in her love by this time, and began to moan her expressions of pleasure deep into Gerald's kiss. They were whirled up in the newness of making love for thie first time. They began to move their hips together, each thrust of Gerald's cock gently pressing into Wendy like gentle waves lapping at the shore of a lake. Wendy needed more than a lake though, and she met each subsequent thrust with greater intensity, whisper in Gerald's ear, spurring him onto harder and faster thrusts until the waves were like those of an ocean, crashing onto a rocky coast. She grabbed at his back as she came, her fingernails digging into the soft skin of his back, while his hips wildly pistoned back and forth driving him to his own ecstatic orgasm. She gasped as he pumped his seed deep inside her. Neither had ever experienced sex without condoms before, and the feeling overtook both of them.

That night was filled with repeat performances, their young, hungry bodies rebounding again and again and coming back to each other for more. The next day, was a Saturday, and they spent it lying in bed, cuddling and kissing each other gently.

Gerald got up at noon, making breakfast for the glowing couple. Wendy showered as he cooked, and came out fresh and smiling. She sat at the table, thinking to herself how nice it would be to have breakfast like this every day. Gerald was thinking something along the same lines.

"Wendy, you know something?"

She just looked up at him for his answer.

"I love you."

She smiled over her mug of steaming coffee.

"Marry me."

She coughed on her coffee.

"Gerald, this is so sudden! Last night was amazing, but marriage!?"

"It wasn't just last night. I've been falling for you since Cyrano. I can't be away from you for a minute without thinking about you, wondering what you're doing, and wondering if you're thinking about me at all. I feel so at ease around you, and unsettled when you're gone. I always thought we were just best friends though, I always thought you were out of my league to date. But yesterday when I kissed you, it became so clear. I want you in my life, always."

Wendy was speechless. She wasn't speechless because Gerald had moved too quickly, or for any other reason than the fact that he had just voiced her exact feelings. She stared incredulously as he bent to one knee, took her hand and asked her again to be his wife.

Wendy thought back on that moment. It was the first time she had a man eating out of the palm of her hand after sex. It wouldn't be that last. Gerald graduated the following year, and was accepted into the business school at the university. They married that summer, and she spent her senior year of college not only studying, but loving her husband and making a home. They decided to put off children until after she had graduated and they had both had a chance to establish themselves professionally.

Gerald found business school to be a breeze, which was fortnate, as he began to spend every waking moment working for a local candidate running for Senate. Wendy was too busy in her senior year to notice how little Gerald doted on her as he used to. She did notice the routine nature their sex life had taken. However, she knew he ws just working to get the best career he could, and then be the best provider he could be. She knew Gerald dreamed the American dream, right down to the white picket fence and the minivan. It wasn't a bad dream after all, to have a good life as a wife and mother, so she pursued her studies with vigor rather than dwell on Gerald's shortcomings.

Wendy graduated with honors, and Gerald's boss won his bid, becoming a senator late that spring. They moved to Washington where Gerald took a job on the Senator's staff, and Wendy went to work as an interior designer. Within a year, Gerald was one of his boss's most valued staffers, and Wendy was in demand by homeowners and architects alike.

"I'm running for state senator."

Gerald had this way of dropping bombshells. There had been no discussion of this career move. Wendy didn't see this as her young family's best option. They were just starting off, and really had little money. They rented a tiny apartment, owned one beat up old car between the two of them, and they scrimped and saved at every turn in the hopes of being able to buy a house and have children. Where would he find the time and energy to raise money for a campaign? When would he find time for ther.

Wendy lost the discussion and Gerald plunged headfirst into his campaign. It turned out he would have no problem raising the money, his boss the senator was eager to see his young protégé take the seat covering the suburban district where he had once started his career. Although that relieved Wendy of one worry, it made the problem of being apart even more pronounced. With money in a "war chest," Gerald was able to spend entire weeks away from home.

Wendy wasn't worried about Gerald having an affair. He wasn't a smooth operator when it came to women. After all, it had taken him over a year and a half to kiss her! He was running on a platform that was similar to his mentor's, one of honesty, family values and loyalty. An affair would have been hypocritical, and while true of any affair, this was Gerald's pet peeve. Besides, sex with Wendy had become so infrequent before his campaign, she couldn't imagine him having energy for someone else.

As Wendy pondered this possibility she began to look for tell-tale signs, but they just didn't surface. Gerald was always available for her, and would drop everything when she called his cell. There were no strange recurring calls, or clicks on the end of a disconnected phone line. Every hotel bill he charged to the campaign credit card checked out as a legitimate stop on the campaign, and he crammed so many appearances into a day there wasn't unexplainable downtime. She had her spies on his staff too, just in case. Two of his staffers were friends of hers from college, and kept her abreast of what he was doing. Wendy's random stops to headquarters, like her phone calls, always found a hard working Gerald present, but never so busy he didn't drop everything to smile, drop what he was doing and come to give her a kiss.

Wendy, however, was still feeling out of his inner circle. Even if he wasn't getting laid by anyone around him, they had is ears and eyes all day, every day, and many nights. She got him to herself only once every week or two. She was feeling lonely, and frankly, kind of horny.

"Perhaps," she thought to herself on many occasions "Gerald should be the one suspicious about their spouse having an affair."

That little nagging thought grew larger as the election grew closer. Gerald had a commanding lead in the race, but was hoping a landslide would give him some national recognition, and maybe afford him what little clout a newbie in the state senate could wield. His opponent was an attractive woman, but older. She didn't project the strong energetic image that Gerald could pull off, and though very intelligent and sensitive to her constituents, seemed to slide behind Gerald in the polls. Gerald's astute ability to handle a question, and to turn situations to his favor did attract that national attention. During the last debate with his opponent, noticed several leaders of his national party in the house, sizing him up as a future star.

Wendy had been particularly lonely, as Gerald had been either away or spending time into the wee hours at headquarters. She was hoping beyond all hopes Gerald's night would end with the debate, and he would come home with her and celebrate his performance and impending victory, with a performance of another kind. As he debated, she sat in a seat in the wing of the stage, picturing him taking her into his arms, and sweeping her onto bed. She pictured his soft hands sliding down her side and back, taking her dress with them. She could see him disrobing slowly in front of her and then dropping to the bed, entering her in one deft move. By now she could feel his hard penis sliding in and out slowly, his arms pulling her close, her breasts pressed against his smooth chest. No actually, everything was Gerald except the penis! Oh damn was this dream cock huge! She moaned in pleasure...

"Oh damn! Wendy thought, did I really moan or was I just imagining that!?"

"Are you okay?"

A gentle deep bass voice murmured near her ear. She looked up into the dark eyes of an extremely handsome gentleman. He might as well have had "Italian Stud" tattooed on his forehead. He had the chiseled facial features that showed "maturity" but not "old," and she guessed him to be in his late thirties. He had that deep olive skin that makes those of Mediterranean descent look perennially tanned. His deep brown eyes showed a genuinely concern for her.

"Ah...yes, I'm fine." She stammered her response. "My mind was just somewhere else."

Wendy was flushed, and unconsciously fanning herself, although the room was quite comfortable.

"I know that feeling," he smiled back at her. "I know it too well! Would you like a glass of water or a breath of fresh air?"

"Oh thank you, water would be nice. I'd better decline the offer for air, my husband would be upset if I wasn't here for all of his big debate."

The man retrieved a cup of water from a cooler back stage.

"So your husband is Gerald Owens?" he asked upon his return.

"Yes he is." she smiled with her response. "I'm Wendy Owens."

"Oscar Moore." He gently took the hand she offered.

"Oh Moore, just like Gerald's opponent, Ellen."

Her jaw dropped open with the realization that she was consorting with the enemy here, and it dropped open even further when she realized he had heard her sex daydream inspired moan.

"I know," he said "I shouldn't be too friendly with the other side either. But I do know where you were coming from a moment ago. It is lonely living with a campaigning candidate! Good luck!"

He walked away just as Gerald was making his final statement. They shared one more awkward moment as they joined their spouses onstage during post-debate applause and received their official introduction. She worked hard to keep from looking at him too much, but couldn't keep her eyes away for very long. As one party big wig after another came to greet them, she lost track of who she had met. Her mind was a whirl, and all she really wanted to do was take Gerald home and make love.

"Honey, I have to go out tonight, these guys want to talk a bit longer, and the theatre is closing. Will you be ok getting home?"

"I'll be fine."

"Honey, I know we haven't been together much, but this all ends in a month with the election. I promise I'll make it up to you then."

He strolled off with his new found politico friends, and she made her way to their car in the garage next door. As she paid the fee pulled out of the parking garage, she noticed Oscar Moore standing curbside. She hesitated for a second, then pulled up alongside him and rolled down the passenger side widow.

"Abandoned again?"

"'Fraid so."

"She take the car?"

He sighed and nodded.

"You know, you can never get a cab around here at this time of night, think a deserted spouse can give her abandoned counterpart a lift without it causing scandal?"

He smiled at her, and climbed in the car.

"Thanks. We left my car at the hotel, and her entire campaign decided to head down south right away. They're hoping to make an appearance at the end of the football game at State, and then she'll meet me at home tomorrow."

He told her where he was staying, and she pulled off in that direction. On the way to the hotel, they discussed the campaign. They shared histories, and began to find that they really enjoyed each other's company. At the hotel, he asked if it would be out of line to invite her in to a drink at the bar.

"I just am not ready to either stop talking with you, or to be alone for the rest of the night."

"I'm not either, but I really can't be seen at a bar alone with another man, and a married man to boot. It would really blow my husband's family values platform out of the water. Can you see the headlines in the tabloids tomorrow. "Candidates spouse continue hotel bar.'"