It's a Dead Man's World Ch. 02


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"Yes," Eliza responded tiredly.

"You want to get that other toy? The one that makes you my man?"

Eliza smiled and dug through a drawer in the nightstand. She pulled out a strap-on harness and dildo. She slide the contraption down her legs, lifting her hips so it could slide the rest of the way. When she looked over at her lover, Veronica had gotten up on all fours.

"Ruff!" the blonde woman said, then wiggled her ass. Eliza got up on her knees and positioned the toy at the head of Veronica's vaginal opening. But Veronica had a surprise for her. "Not there," she said. Veronica placed her head on the bed, reached back and spread her own ass cheeks. "There."

Eliza took a deep breath. This was new. She had liked the response she had gotten just sticking a finger in that wonderful tushie. She tried to imagine what kind of reaction this seven-inch toy would have.

"Don't move," she instructed, then rushed into the bathroom and grabbed some cream. She smeared a generous amount on the toy and rushed back to Veronica's upturned ass. "Have . . . have you ever done this before?"

"Nope," Veronica returned contentedly. "I wanted you to be the first."

"Let me know if it gets to be too much."

"Hush," the blonde woman whispered. "Just go slow."

Eliza leaned in and licked the other woman's pink little rosebud for a minute, trying to get it to relax. She and Pamela had watched some lesbian porn where one girl did this to the other, and Eliza hoped it would work for Veronica. As the human woman began moaning like a bitch in heat, Eliza was pretty sure it was working. Then she pushed both her thumbs in and began stretch her lover's virgin backside.

"Do it," Veronica moaned. "Do it now!"

Eliza found that her earlier attentions had helped, as the toy slid in with less discomfort on Veronica's part than she anticipated. She inched the device in until it was buried all the way up to the rubber balls. Then she waited.

Veronica's expression was one of pleasant surprise. She had wanted to try something new with Eliza when she got back, and this had seemed like a good idea. Now, it was a GREAT idea. Just Eliza's build-up to the actual anal penetration had been worth it. This was icing on the cake. She felt the ridges of the toy rubbing against the walls of her sphincter as Eliza began to move again, humping against the human woman and making her gasp with pleasure. Eliza wrapped her arms around Veronica, fondling her breasts through the silky brassiere. She was humping with her hips, holding breasts and kissing her lover's back.

Then, Veronica flipped her hair over the side, and Eliza got a good look at that perfect neck. Like that first night in the observation tower, she could almost see the woman's lifeblood moving just under the surface of the skin. Every tiny little hair seemed to stand out in her mind, and the muscles of the neck were deliciously stretched. And Veronica was flaunting it! She knew what that did to Eliza, who began humping like mad, burying the seven-inch strap-on balls-deep into Veronica's ass every time. Her grip on the human woman's bosoms intensified. Then Veronica dipped her head just a little bit, making her neck muscles move again.

"I . . . I want it again," Veronica said with longing in her eyes. "I want you to sink those fangs in and taste me!"

Eliza froze for a moment. "We can't . . . I mean, we still don't know what it meant that one time! I'm afraid . . ."

"I'm NOT afraid," Veronica returned with certainty. "It may not have been normal, but it felt so right! And it's you doing it, which makes it perfect. I need to feel what it's like to be part of you again!" She pushed up with her arms and arched her back, making her neck completely available to the vampire.

Eliza couldn't deny the rush she had felt that first time. Her lips instinctively homed in on the same spot she had bitten last time. The skin had healed, but her soul knew where to guide her teeth. 'Maybe all the magic isn't gone from this world,' she thought. She willed her incisors to grow and felt them sink into warm, willing flesh.

"Oh . . ." started Eliza.

" . . . my . . . " continued Veronica.

" . . . God!" they said together.

Once again, the perceptions of both women altered. Veronica's world slowed down while Eliza's sped up. This time, Eliza felt what Veronica was experiencing. She felt the anal penetration of the toy and the feel of her own teeth as if they were being driven into Eliza's own body. She felt both sides of Veronica's sweat, and felt Eliza's own weight on her back. Then she saw glimpses of things her lover had seen on her recent trip, but couldn't make out the sounds. And she felt something else . . . something even less tangible. It was . . . love. Somehow, in the last two months, the angelic blonde woman beneath her fangs had fallen in love with the vampire. As Eliza tried to wrap her thoughts around that concept, she felt Veronica's orgasm building as if it were her own, and she heard her lover's heart begin to sing.

Veronica's senses were almost literally on fire. Not only had the world once again seemingly stopped moving around her, but all of her senses were operating at double-time. The pleasure that Eliza was giving to her, the feel of those lips and teeth at her neck and the delicate touch of the two women's skin meeting on her back . . . all of these felt extraordinary. And there were things she hadn't felt the first time that they had coupled like this. Not only did she as the vampire saw, but she felt herself become as strong as Eliza . . . as fast as Eliza. For a moment, she thought she could fight a dragon with one hand tied behind her back and still win. For a moment, she thought she could fly. Then her vision seemed to blur, but she heard things. She actually started "hearing" some of Eliza's recent memories. She heard Eliza talking to Allyson that morning, including how Eliza grew restless when Veronica wasn't around, and she heard Eliza's confession of how she felt about the human woman. She even heard bits and pieces of Eliza's conversation with Valar. And she understood it! Even the parts that were spoken in the vampire's native dialect! Then she heard the beautiful vampire goddess mumbling to herself as she tried to pick out a sexy outfit to wear just in case Veronica came home. That made Veronica smile. She thought back to how Eliza said that she had never felt about anyone the way she felt about Veronica, and the blonde woman's heart began to sing.

Once again, the two women climaxed simultaneously. Every muscle in both women's bodies was tight as piano wire, and both women had incredibly wet orgasms. They felt the bed shake and almost collapse beneath them. Ripples of ecstasy swept through both their bodies. Finally, both women collapsed.

Veronica was exhausted. She remembered the first time that she and Eliza had done this. It had felt like an eternity but had lasted only a minute. She looked at the clock. 'Half an hour?' she thought, scarcely believing her own eyes. But she couldn't deny it. Based on the last time she had check, she and Eliza had been attached for almost half an hour, though it had felt like only a few minutes. Then she felt her lover cleaning the little bit of blood up from around the bite-marks. 'How much did she take?'

Eliza felt physically and psychologically satiated. It was true that she was exhausted, but it was a wonderful exhaustion. She withdrew her fangs and pulled the sex toy out of her lover's bum, pulled it off and tossed it aside. She went to hold her lover again, but noticed that Veronica was unusually pale. She turned the woman over onto her back. "What have I done?" she asked and went to listen to the woman's heartbeat. She heard it, strong and steady. She chastised herself. If she had tried to consume enough of the woman's lifeblood to kill her, the sheets would have been stained red.

"You've made me feel more alive than I ever imagined possible," came a contented whisper from Veronica.

"I thought I'd killed you," Eliza muttered, almost desperately.

"I don't think you could kill me if you wanted to," Veronica said, pulling Eliza's head close and kissing her strong and deep. "I heard what you said," she muttered into her lover's ear. "I know how you feel."

Eliza's heart almost exploded. She felt cheated somehow, because it was something she had wanted to try and say on her own. But in the end, it didn't matter. "I know how you feel to. I don't know how or why, but I know that you love me. And I think I love you too."

"Though you never thought you could," Veronica said, tears in her eyes. "I know you loved Pamela, but you knew you couldn't have her. But you love me, and I promise that I'm yours to keep. If you'll have me."

The only answer Veronica received was a kiss, and it was the only answer she needed.

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A few days later . . .

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"Where the hell are they?" Eliza asked irritably. "They should have been here by now. Are we sure they haven't been waylaid?"

"I'm sure," Veronica said absently. She was too busy staring at her lover's face to pay much attention to what she was saying. The two had talked at great length about what had happened that night. While their relationship was solid, Eliza was still nervous about how long she had been biting Veronica, and swore she wouldn't do it again until she had a chance to figure out what was going on. Despite the closeness she felt with the vampire during their two "nibbling" sessions, Veronica realized they actually had to stick to their guns this time. But it didn't mean that deep down inside that she didn't desire to feel that close to Eliza again.

"What?" Eliza said when she noticed she was being watched. She actually even blushed a little. "What are you staring at? Do I have something in my teeth?"

Veronica took a small amount of pleasure in making her woman squirm in other places in than the bedroom. The vampire was still unused to being in a one-on-one relationship, much less a public relationship. They had agreed to keep in reasonably professional form while in public, but at the same time, they weren't going to hide their relationship.

"Are you still surprised that I like to look at you?" Veronica asked.

Allyson and Dennis were nearby, trying hard not to snicker as their leader blushed some more. Eliza had wanted something like this, but she didn't know how to handle it now that she had it.

|| INCOMING! || Thug shouted from the hangar door.

Suddenly, the entire crew was all business. Even Veronica checked to make sure the safety on her weapon was off. Eliza smiled at that. Her companion was beautiful, but she still knew her business.

Outside, a substantial convoy of heavily armed and armored hover-vehicles and military jeeps pulled up. Eliza had already put the base's anti-aircraft batteries on alert, and every available man and woman on the ground had been scrambled. A transport craft pulled up and set down, and about twenty armed men got out of the cargo area in the back. Then two additional men got out, carrying a wooden crate.

"Put that over on the pedestal," she said to the men. Once they had done as she commanded, she ordered all personnel not normally stationed at the base out of the hangar. She only wanted people around she were sure weren't Purity spies. "I guess we'd better get that thing open. Captain, would you do the honors?"

Captain Corbin grabbed a crowbar and pried the top off the box. They looked inside. Sitting in the shadows of the box was a huge sapphire. The gem had been called the Ocean's Heart by the team of deep-sea explorers that had uncovered it in a sunken vessel in the Caribbean. Eliza stared into the depths of the Ocean's Heart. She had never been on a cruise or even so far out to see on a boat that she couldn't see land, but suddenly she knew what it must be like. She felt herself somewhat surrounded by a sense of tranquility. A quick look around showed that she wasn't alone in the feeling.

"Wow," said the Captain.

"'Wow' is right," Eliza responded. "Well, we'd better get this thing into its cage." She and the Captain reached in and grabbed the jewel on either side and began hoisting it out of its container. As soon as the Heart came over the lip of the box, two things happened. First, both the Ocean's Heart and the Dead Man's World began to glow. Secondly, both gems began to scream. At least, 'scream' was the best word Eliza could think of to describe it. It was high pitched, varied periodically in pitch and was very sharp. She and Captain Corbin quickly place the Ocean's Heart back in its box. Although the noise stopped, Eliza got the almost overwhelming feeling that the sapphire was . . . grumbling. It knew the Dead Man's World was there. It couldn't "see" the other gem any more, but it knew it was there.

Eliza took another look around. Everyone in the room had looks of incredulity of some form or another clearly displayed on their faces. "Someone get Valar!" Eliza said between gritted teeth.

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A few minutes later . . .

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"Incredible," Valar said, actually using English. With Veronica there, he had to be on his best behavior. He may have been contemptuous of the woman and her relationship with Eliza, but the U.S. envoy was still the one truly in charge. Even Eliza had to answer to Veronica to some degree. "Living gems? I've never heard of such a thing! The ramifications of this are enormous!"

Eliza wasn't happy about this development. "I do NOT like this at all," she said.

Valar smiled contemptuously. "Maybe you don't see the big picture. We have been so concerned with trying to find a source of magic so that we could utilize the powers of the gems, but now it seems the gems themselves may have their OWN power. I find it likely that these jewels are self-contained magical systems."

"And they don't seem to like each other!" Eliza pointed out. "The reaction we got when they 'saw' each other seemed distinctly negative!"

"But it seems to be based on 'line of sight,' so to speak," countered Valar. "It is true that there might me some additional precautions to be taken, but the knowledge that we don't need an exterior magic source . . ."

"Is a two-edged sword," Eliza interrupted. "Think about it. If word gets out about this, we have more problems. First, the Purity will step up their attacks and plans to acquire the jewels, either the ones we have or the ones we're still looking for. They won't have time to sit back and wait anymore, which will make them desperate. And desperate people are dangerous. Secondly, if the enemy gets a hold of one of the gems before we do, that means they might be able to actually use it against us. What's bad for the goose is bad for the gander. In other words, we just took an incredibly complex conflict and made it worse!"

Even Valar was sobered by some of what Eliza had said. The members of the female vampire's security team were all glancing at one another with some concern, and Captain Corbin seemed deep in thought. Finally, Veronica spoke.

"Then we need to make sure this information doesn't get out," she said quietly. But that didn't comfort anyone. Sooner or later, the Purity would find this information out. "I'll head back to Washington right away and consult my superiors. By the time I get back, I want a detailed list of all the jewels we're looking for and," she added, looking at Valar, "your best estimate or estimates of what they do. If Eliza's right, we might have more than subterfuge and gunships to defend against."

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Back at the house . . .

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Veronica was throwing her toiletries together in anticipation of her upcoming departure. She heard the door open behind her and glanced over her shoulder to see Eliza walk in.

"Still nervous?" the envoy asked.

Eliza was almost growling. "This situation sucks. Just when I think I've got everything figure out . . ."

"Something happens to throw everything off track," Veronica said with a smile.

"Or someone," Eliza corrected, wrapping her arms around the human woman. "I wish you didn't have to go."

Veronica ran her hands up her lover's back. Then she kissed the white-haired vampire. "I don't want to go. It's funny, you know? Troubled times keep us apart, but if it weren't for these troubled times, we wouldn't be together." She sighed, then the two women kissed again. "I'll probably be gone longer this time too. This is a big development." The two separated so Veronica could finish packing.

"Listen, I don't know if this is something you could do, but I've got a favor to ask," Eliza said nervously.


"There's a Terran ambassador named Kelik Vonahme. He's sort of an old friend of the family. I haven't heard from him since the dimensional crack closed, and most Terrans have gone into hiding. I'd really like to talk him, and he might even be of some help with understanding the spells associated with the jewels."

"I'll see if I can locate him and bring him on board," Veronica said, grabbing her luggage and heading for the door. Eliza escorted her to her transport and kissed her one more time. Then the human woman was gone.

Eliza felt a little guilty. She hadn't told her lover the main reason she wanted to talk to Kelik. Along with being an ambassador and a liberal, particularly by vampire standards, he was also something of an expert on vampire psychology. And being an old friend of the family gave Eliza hope that he might help her understand what was happening between Eliza and Veronica. As she watched Veronica's transport disappear past the gate, she blew the woman one more kiss, then went to meet with team.

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A week later . . .

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As soon as Veronica got back off the truck, Eliza knew something was wrong. The blonde woman's beautiful face was flushed with anger, and she could barely meet Eliza's gaze. She told Captain Corbin and Valar to meet her in the hangar in fifteen minutes. Eliza was wondering why she and her team weren't being told to report there. Then Veronica pulled Eliza aside and explained.

The envoy almost had tears in her eyes when she started to speak. Eliza hadn't seen her lover so angry before. "Before I even start, I want you to know I completely disagree with what the government and the World Council decided to do." Eliza felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, and Veronica was about to make it worse. "The word is already out about what happened at the hangar last week. We don't know how, but someone leaked the information. My bosses are pissed off about it, and their pulling in the reigns on runaway information. That means fewer people having access to the jewels."

Eliza furrowed her eyebrows. "This had better not be going where I think it's going."

Veronica looked at her shoes. "Except for Valar, this has just become exclusively a military operation." Veronica met Eliza's gaze. "Which means that the United States Government and the World Council, while appreciative of your efforts thus far, will no longer be requiring the services of you or your team." Veronica's voice started to break. "The agreed on price for your services has already been transferred to your bank account, and . . ."

Eliza's ears turned off as she tried wrapping her brain around what had just happened. She and her team had protected the Heaven's Eye, then the government had lost it. She and her team had protected the Dead Man's World, as well as the Ocean's Heart. Now, they were being fired. She turned and started walking back to the house before Veronica got in front of her.

"Eliza . . . sweetie, look at me!" Veronica grabbed both sides of Eliza's head and forced the vampire to meet her eyes. "This is stupid. You've done a better job at staying a step ahead of the Purity than anyone else could, and now you're getting shafted. My superiors are idiots! Maybe they're being influenced by the Purity somehow, but there's nothing I could do!" She wrapped her arms around the vampire's muscular frame, but Eliza didn't hug her back.