It Started with a Kiss

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Jen moves in with her Uncle and it's trouble from the start.
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It Started With A Kiss:

SUMMARY: Jen and her brother move in with her Aunt and Uncle and its trouble from the start!

©Sethp 2020 all rights reserved.

Jen sat on the curb and cried. It was all so unfair. Why couldn't her life be normal like everyone else's? She hadn't been able to go to college, and she hadn't celebrated her twenty-first birthday at all. She hadn't done much of anything after high school, except gotten a string of minimum wage jobs.

Jen wiped away the tears. She knew that she had to be strong for her little brother, Tony. They were sitting on the curb with all of their possession boxed and bagged up, waiting for Uncle John to pick them up. The eviction was in effect today. Jen had always known that she wouldn't be able to keep up with the mortgage and other bills after her parents had been sentenced to prison for ten years each on drug offenses. She had tried to make ends meet for a couple of months, but Jen knew that this was the best thing for her and her brother. Leaving this awful house full of awful memories and moving in with Uncle John. She could save up her money for a real place for her and Tony and maybe even figure out how to take some college courses.

Uncle John's big, red truck pulled up in front of Jen and Tony. He hopped out and started loading it up with all of their meager possessions..

"You don't know how much I appreciate this, Uncle John," Jen said, throwing a bag in the back.

"You're family, Jen, that's what we do."

"I can't believe Aunt Barb let us...

John cut her off. "Let me handle Barb okay. She's just worried that we're getting caught up in more criminal drama from side of the family. She'll come around. You have to do your part too."

Jen nodded, as she hoisted another bag into the back of Uncle John's truck. Aunt Barb had always been a bitch to Jen, but with all of her family's drug and criminal issues, who could blame her. Jen's parents had always seemed to drag other family members into their chaos. Jen could see why Aunt Barb wanted to keep her distance. "It's only for a couple of months," Jen mumbled to herself. "I can do this."

"That's it!" Uncle John bellowed, after throwing the last bag in the back. "Let's go. We'll grab some Taco Bell on the way."

"Yay!" Tony screamed, jumping in.

John was always so jovial and kind. He was a large man...not fat, just large and big boned...he was a man's man. He was way more of a man than Jen's father ever had been. She really admired him.

They stopped and ate so many burritos that Jen and Tony felt like they were going to explode. Jen couldn't remember the last time she hadn't eaten this much food. Half an hour later they were unloading all of Jen and Tony's stuff off at Uncle John's house. Uncle John had two spare bedrooms and a full bathroom in his basement. There was also an entry door down there so that Jen and Tony could come and go as they pleased without bothering Uncle John or Aunt Barb. It was an ideal set up.

After Jen and Tony had settled in, Uncle John called them up in the evening. He had gone out and bought a couple of pizzas for them.

"Thanks, Uncle John," Jen said, grabbing some cheese pizza.

"Did you pay for that?" Came a snotty, raspy, bitchy voice.

Jen ignored the obvious baiting. Aunt Barb was ready to start shit without even giving Jen a chance to prove herself. Aunt Barb was always up for a fight, not caring if Jen and Tony were emotionally devastated and dead broke. She probably wouldn't care if we were dead, Jen thought.

Aunt Barb was, short and fat with big, saggy boobs. She never wore a bra and never wore a smile. Jen couldn't even see why Uncle John stayed with her. They didn't have any kids. She must be good in bed, Jen thought. Her and Tony escaped to the basement and left her to fume at nothing.


Jen and Tony soon settled into a routine though. Jen would take him to school and then go to work and pick Tony up from school on the way home. John had set up a mini fridge in Jen's room and they barely needed to even see Barb except for Laundry and dishes. In fact it was an entire week before Jen ran into her nasty aunt again.

"You going to rinse them this time?" she said to Jen in the bitchiest tone ever.

"I always do. Are you ever going to take a shower and quit freeloading from Uncle John?" Jen replied with as much acid as she could muster.

"John loves me, which is more than I can say about anyone in your shameless family. You walk around all la-di-da like you're better than everyone else. Well you are not! Your whole family is trash and you and Tony haven't fallen far from the tree." She spat out at Jen, leaning against the counter and draining the last of a whisky and coke.

Jen didn't even know how to respond. Was her Aunt really jealous of her? Is that what it was?

It was then, that Uncle John came in the back door, just home from work. He sensed the tension in the air, paused a beat, and then gave his wife a peck on the cheek and a quick hug. She didn't reciprocate. He handed her a fresh liter bottle of Coke. "How was everyone's day?" he asked, desperately trying to clear the tension with some small talk.

"Fine," Barb said, sounding like the nasty bitch that she was.

Jen was still so angry that she could have burst. Instead, she walked up to Uncle John and kissed him on the lips; something that his wife should have done, Jen thought. "It was great John. How was your day?"

Uncle John stammered. " was great," he finally managed.

Jen turned and retreated to her basement room, but not before catching a glimpse of the death glare she was getting from Aunt Barb. It wasn't the most sexual kiss, but it sure did get to Aunt Barb, and by the way he was stuttering and stammering, it had really gotten to Uncle John too. Jen made a mental note to do the same thing the next day when Uncle John got home.


The next day played out almost the same way. Jen had it timed to the exact minute when her Uncle was getting home and made a big show of giving him a kiss on the lips again, only this time squeezing him in a tight hug. "Glad you had a great day," she said, before heading downstairs to her bedroom.

The next day was Saturday, and Jen slept in. She thought she heard Aunt Barb's car leaving, and figured that they had left to do their weekly grocery shopping together. Jen slinked out of her pajamas, wrapped herself in a towel and opened the door to head for her morning shower. She bumped right into Uncle John. He must have been standing right in front of the door for some reason.

"Oops!" Jen said, nearly dropping her towel, but clutching it tightly.

Uncle John jumped back, clearly embarrassed. "I didn't," he started, taking in Jen's exposed legs. "I..." He leaned in for a kiss.

Jen moved back. "What are you doing?"

"I thought...well...I'm sorry...kissing you was so nice yesterday. I'd like to start my day with one...please?"

"Uncle John," Jen protested. Her uncle moved closer. Jen had clearly been mistaken in that nobody had left the house...she could hear her Aunt moving around upstairs and sounding like she was getting ready to come down to the basement. As much as she wanted to fuck with her, she didn't need the drama this early in the day. "Okay," she whispered, in an effort to get John away from her.

Uncle John moved against her and kissed his niece hard on the lips. He wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. Jen could feel his cock hardening in his pants as they kissed. Jen hadn't planned on this kiss lasting more than a second but she found herself responding to her Uncles kiss with an unexpected passion. She pushed him away when she heard her aunt at the top of the steps, and felt her uncle's hands wandering down towards her ass.

Jen's towel slipped as she backed away, giving her uncle a view of one exposed breast for a second, before Jen clutched the towel again. They starred at each other for a second and then Jen ran into the bathroom, shutting the door hard behind her. "Fuck," Jen muttered. "What have I started?"

Jen avoided her uncle the entire week, except for when he came home for work. Despite what had transpired before her shower, she was still determined to piss off Aunt Barb, and she knew this was the best way to do it. She made a point of asking her Uncle how his day was and giving him a quick peck on the lips every single day after work. She thoroughly enjoyed the Icey looks that she got from her Aunt every time.

The next Saturday arrived and Jen was sorting through some of her family's papers in her room, when her uncle knocked and entered.

"Hi Jen,"

"Hey Uncle John," Jen replied, regretting the decision to forgo her bra this morning. Her uncle's eyes were glued to her chest. Jen's nipples had hardened and were poking out against her shirt, betraying how much she actually enjoyed her uncle's attention. That was all she wanted though, a little attention and an angry aunt.

"You look great," he said, tearing his gaze away.

"Uh...thanks, but it's just sweats and an old shirt. I didn't even put make up on this morning."

"Oh Jen. You don't need any makeup. You're gorgeous. Hey can I...?" he looked down at the floor.

"What, Uncle John? I'm kinda busy," Jen said, holding up a handful of papers.

"I I really like having you and Tony here. Barb is gonna be Barb, but I like it and its kinda nice coming home to you every night. It makes me feel good you know. Like someone actually cares."

Jen smiled. "You're welcome. I do care. I'm so grateful for everything you have done for us, I wish there was something more I could do for you."

"Oh...well...okay," John stammered. "There is...can I..."

Jen really was busy and although grateful she needed John to go. "Spit it out Uncle John. I'll do anything you ask."

"Please don't hate me but...can I see your boobs?"

Jen stared at him dumbfounded for a few minutes and then decided that, what the hell. It wouldn't hurt anything and she really needed Uncle John to let them stay there for a few more weeks and she knew that Aunt Barb was doing everything in her power to make John kick them out. It might have seemed sick to anyone else, but Jen liked the idea that her Uncle thought that she was hot. It made her feel wanted and like she wasn't ugly for the first time in a long time.

"Okay," Jen said, standing up and pulling her shirt up over her head. Her boobs sprang into view.

"Oh wow! You're even better than I imagined." John moved over and placed a big strong hand on each of her boobs. He gently kneaded them, letting Jen's nipples rub against his palms.

Jen let him. She closed her eyes and willingly gave her tits to her Uncle. He was gentle, and Jen had to admit that it felt amazing. It felt like years since she had gotten any attention. Had it really been years? If possible her nipples got even harder, and Jen felt the beginnings of an itch between her legs. She stepped back then. "Okay...happy? You have to go." Jen turned away and pulled her shirt on. Not watching her uncle leave, but hearing the door close behind her. Yes, she was embarrassed and it felt awkward, but it also felt incredibly hot.

"Fuck, what have I started," she muttered to herself. "That's as far as it goes." She shook her head to clear it, and went back to sorting paperwork with a smile on her face.

Jen and Tony left the house early the next morning, running errands and looking at apartments, trying to get a feel for how much money they would need to move out. Jen calculated that she needed another month at least. Monday came and Jen didn't greet her uncle after work. She was too exhausted to fuck with Aunt Barb, who had been ignoring her anyway. Maybe she was done fucking with her aunt? It was time to just save her money and get everything done.

After helping Tony with homework and eating, Jen was about to turn in for the night. She had her pajamas on and it was getting late. She was just about to reach over and turn off her light when she heard a soft knock on her door. "Yes?" she called out.

Uncle John opened the door and closed it behind him. He didn't look happy.

"Oh no. What is it?" Jen asked, sitting up.

"Look, I did all I could, but Barb...." He couldn't look Jen in the eye.

"Uncle John...what?" This was the moment she'd been dreading.

"Barb want's you gone in the morning and I...I have to....she was very convincing Jen. I'll help you pack up and drop you off wherever you want."

Jen was on the verge of tears. "Uncle John! You can't...we'll be homeless."

"I'm sorry Jen, I really am..." he said quietly. He was standing right next to the bed, looking guilty and ready to turn and leave.

Jen made an instant decision. She had to convince him to let her stay. She reached out and rubbed her uncle's cock through his work pants.

He gasped. Clearly, he wasn't expecting this.

It was hardening against her palm and Jen squeezed it. "Are you sure we have to go?"

He was starting to sweat now. "I..." he stammered.

Jen squeezed his cock again. He was really hard now. It had to be painful; confined as it was. She rubbed her hand against the bulge in his pants. "If we leave, I won't be able to do this." She unsnapped the button on his pants.

"But..." he stammered.

Jen pulled his zipper down slowly. "Are you sure we have to leave?" she gave him her best lost puppy dog eyes. John stopped breathing for a moment.

Jen used both hands to pull Uncle John's pants down to just above his knees. His cock was straining against his briefs, and there was a spot of precum on the front. Jen was impressed. He was packing a whopper in there.

Uncle John started to regain his senses and his will power. He pulled back slightly. "Jen, you still have to leave or..."

Jen didn't let him finish. She yanked his underwear down, letting his big cock, spring into view, and before he could escape, she grabbed it firmly.

"Oh Jen..." he gasped.

Jen stroked his cock. He was really thick, and despite how sick this situation was, Jen couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to have this monster plowing into her.

John was standing rigid with his eyes closed, breathing heavily. His cock twitched in her hand and Jen stopped. John moaned. "Please Jen, I was so close. You don't know how long it's been."

"Then we can stay?"

"Yes...just please."

"Okay," Jen said, and resumed stroking his cock.

John's breathing got heavier and he started to buck his hips against Jen's hand as she stroked him faster. "Oh fuck!" he croaked and then shot a rope of sperm across Jen's pajama top. Clearly, Jen hadn't thought this through! A second rope hit her right on the chin and neck, the rest were less powerful, dribbling out onto her wrist and hand.

"Oh my god Jen" he gasped when he was spend. He stumbled back out of Jen's grasp.

"You made a mess, Uncle John," Jen giggled, wiping her pajama sleeve across her chin. " promised we could stay."

"Yes,' he said pulling up his pants. "I'll work it out." He left quickly, leaving Jen to grab a towel and wipe off her wrist and hand.

Jen was relieved. She wasn't sure how she felt about having just given her Uncle a hand job. It wasn't the worst thing in the world, even if she had to do it again. They had a place to stay for now. Next time, she would take her top off first.

As Jen and Tony were leaving the next day, they could hear her Aunt and Uncle having a vicious argument. It was good that Uncle John was finally standing up to that bitch, Barb. She hoped he had the balls to stand his ground, anyway. She supposed she would find out when she got home.

That evening, when Jen got home, Barb was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she was passed out. There was a half empty bottle of vodka on the counter. After settling in, she went upstairs to make her and Tony some sandwiches. Uncle John came in, looking grim, but he gave her a weak smile.

"How was work?" Jen asked.

"Work was fine," he said. "No kiss?" he asked quietly.

"Are we still living here?" Jen asked him, afraid of what answer he was going to give her.

"Yes," he said meekly.

"Okay then," Jen said happily. She ran over and gave Uncle John a big hug and a kiss on the lips.

When she pulled away Uncle John said," You owe me Jen. It was a rough night and morning."

"Okay," Jen answered.

"I've got to go check on Barb," he said, simply and walked away.

That night, Jen was about to turn in when there was another soft knock on the door.

"Come in," Jen said.

Uncle John came in and shut the door, just like he had the night before. "Can you do it again? It's been...It's been rough and I really need some stress relief Jen. Please?" He gave her a sad defeated look and Jen knew she would do whatever he needed her to. He deserved it, didn't he?

"Yes" Jen said. She hadn't intended for this to be an every night occurrence, but it was worth it to have a place to live.

Uncle John moved beside the bed and pulled his sweatpants down to his ankles. Jen reached out and grabbed her Uncles throbbing cock, and then started to stroke it, just like she had the night before.

"Can I?" he asked already reaching for her breasts.

"Yes," Jen said, scooting closer to him so that he could reach them more easily. He started to paw them over her pajama top.

"You're tits are so nice, Jen," he moaned, obviously enjoying Jen's hand job.

"They're too small, Uncle John," Jen protested.

"No," he corrected her. "They're perfect. So soft, firm. I love them."

Jen smiled as she stroked her uncle's cock. He was already leaking precum. She let out a soft moan of pleasure, because her Uncles hands felt so got on her tits, even on top of her pajamas. Jen stroked him faster. She knew from last night that he wasn't going to last much longer, and truthfully she couldn't wait here him to grunt in pleasure and know that she was the source of that pleasure.

"Oh shit, I'm gonna cum," he croaked.

Just then there was a knock on the door. "Jen. Let me in!" It was Aunt Barb. Thankfully Uncle John had locked the door when he came in. His cock pulsed in her hand. Uncle John could hide in the closet, but how would she explain cum all over everything to Aunt Barb?

"Fuck!" he grunted softly and Jen did the only thing she could think to do. She sucked his thick cock into her mouth just as he erupted. He shot rope after rope of his salty load into Jen's mouth. She swallowed it all. And then sucked him hard to make sure he was empty.

Aunt Barb kept rapping on the door.

"Get in the closet," Jen hissed, licking her lips.

"Jen! I know you're in there!" Aunt Barb yelled angrily as Uncle John slid the closet door shut quietly.

"Hold onto your fucking tits, I'm putting on a shirt,"

Jen unlocked and opened the door, and Aunt Barb stormed into the room, nearly knocking Jen over. She looked around angrily, staggering as she did. She was drunk. "He better not be in here, you slut."

Jen felt like a slut. She could still taste her uncle's load on her tongue. She licked her lips again.. "Why the fuck would uncle John be in here? You're drunk!"

"Fuck you! You're a fucking freeloader. You're just lucky to be here. Piece of shit, just like your mother!" Barb spat at her.

Jen was so angry that she felt like her head was going to explode. "Get out!" she screamed, hoping she hadn't woken up Tony.

Barb left mumbling under her breath, and Jen could hear her stumble up the stairs. Uncle John slid out of the closet. "Sorry, I thought she was passed out. I better run out the back and pretend I was in the shop," He kissed Jen on the cheek and quickly left.

Jen lay back down on her bed. "That was fucking crazy," she said aloud. She thought about brushing her teeth, but she kind of liked the taster of her Uncle so decided not to. She knew one thing. She was going to make Barb regret every fucking word she said tonight.