Islands in the Stream


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She looked at me dreamily and said with deep conviction, "That will never happen. I am bonded to you in ways that I never expected. And ironically, that is in light of the fact that I had already decided that you were husband material before I even met you. I am yours and I will always be yours."

I said, will you feel the same way when you are in your sixties and I'm drooling on my shoes?" She whacked me on the arm, her broad breasts jiggled like a couple of puddings, and she said, "Wilson women mate for life. And I will be your wife, lover, mother of your children and your loving caregiver at every stage of it. We are ageless in our souls, you and me. So the chronological difference is meaningless. I will be with you for better or worse and I am always yours."

As I looked at the superb naked beauty lying next to me I believed her, and I trusted her and I knew that thanks to her I was about to be reborn, a new man without regrets.


We spent a couple of weeks enjoying the peace and quiet that sheer wealth and luxury can bring. The sex was wild; more like an affair than married life. We made love like a couple of kids. Of course Chelsea really WAS a kid, energetic, spirited, giving and insatiable. Me? Not so much.

We both accepted that there was an unavoidable difference in age. She had to get used to the fact that I was 47 years old. And I had to get used to the uninhibited freedom from hang-ups that her generation enjoys. I benefited from her enthusiasm but I was also clearly not as young as I used to be.

That didn't matter in the slightest to Chelsea. She took greedily, but she gave as good as she got. And it was abundantly clear that the sex was simply her means of expressing her love in physical terms, not an absolute end in itself. So if I couldn't get out to the starting line for the fourth lap, she would simply lay there hugging me with the most ecstatically contented look on her face.

The fact was that Chelsea was a different person than Heather. Much deeper emotionally, and simply more intelligent. Most significantly, although the sex was superb it was secondary. It was just a byproduct of our incredibly powerful sense of identification with, and attraction to, each other. And in many respects we were both remade as a couple by our joining.

That reconstruction was literal in my case. Records are kept on computers and somebody with Chelsea's skills can make you into anything she wants; sometimes whether you like it or not. My new incarnation was interesting. I was a millionaire, venture capitalist who invested in a lot of humanitarian projects. My extensive social media profile was a masterpiece of deception; as was the necessary record trail.

The Red Dragon painted the picture as she saw me, simple, loving, decent and honorable. But not even my ex-wife would recognize the active, sophisticated bon-vivant Chelsea created; with a little help from Photoshop. My pictures required some alterations because of my past life. I was always faceless to the hacker community. But everybody who knew me in my past life would still remember what I looked like. So, a purportedly dead man who was continuing to show-up on Facebook might raise some questions.

I had disappeared at sea. At least, that's what the investigative records that Chelsea had planted said had happened. I had gotten into a little fishing boat and motored out several miles into the Gulf to do some fishing, never to be seen again. So Thomas Miller Meissner was declared dead in due course. I had decent life insurance and between, the proceeds from my 401k and the sale of the trailer both kids did all-right. It wasn't their fault that their mother lost her mind. I still follow them on social media.

We decided to marry in a small ceremony at the compound. Since I was a fictional construct and her large extended family would never understand, we decided to keep that event just between the two of us. The Justice of the Peace and a couple of paid witnesses, one of whom was the ubiquitous Jean-Claude, were the only participants.

Because my personal history was a product of creative writing, not an actuality, we needed to put a little time and space between my arriving fully fledged on this earth, phony history and all, and the "meet the parents" event. Chelsea was part of a loving family group and she was its crown jewel. Her sudden and unexpected marriage would raise concerns. Those were issues that neither of us wanted to deal with; especially the question about who the dirty old man was. Hence, for the time being we agreed to keep our marriage as clandestine as the Red Dragon.

The wedding night was no more spectacular than any other night. That was because it was impossible to improve on perfection. I came out of the bathroom to find my wife lying there naked and waiting in all of her exquisite glory. It caused a momentary psychic wrench. It was hard for me to believe that I could be so fucking lucky. Heather had left me for dead and this wonderful woman had resurrected me into a lifetime of peace, tranquility and love.

It seems like impossible odds when you tote-up the many factors that conspired against our getting together. I was nineteen years older than she was. I had been through the wringer in my first marriage and the last thing I wanted to do was to trust one of those deceitful creatures again. While in her real life, Chelsea was the original fairy tale princess; the preppie debutante with the stunning looks, awesome mind and the Scarlett O'Hara lifestyle. And of course a lot more disturbingly, she was also a sinister global figure, feared by every CEO of every avaricious corporation in the world.

There was no conceivable way that we SHOULD have been able to fit together. But we did. And we did it at a level of consonance that was so deep and binding that I just KNEW that we would never be apart in this lifetime. The reason was simple. We both wanted the same thing; to spend our lives with one other totally like minded person and we were both dedicated to THAT proposition.

Chelsea had seen and understood our compatibility while she was turning my life inside-out. She was astute far beyond her years. And her decision to be mine took place well before she actually met me. I felt the same sense of accord, almost right away. It came even as she was maneuvering me out of the clutches of the Dark Web. So I couldn't acknowledge it yet. But, at least I was smart enough to realize that Chelsea was not Heather and so I was able to put all of my preconceived notions about women aside and begin to make the commitment in my own mind.

I knew I would never regret it. That is because It is the soul, not the package. I had missed that piece of important insight the first time around. But my new wife's loving and deeply nurturing spirit just spoke to me. As she slid the covers back she said, "Welcome to your life my love." Then she pressed her superb little body against mine. I said with utter gratitude, "And thank you for giving it to me my love."


Chelsea was sitting at the workstation in our den. My wife might be shopping on-line, or she might be dropping a global corporation to its knees. Given her particular set of skills, you can never tell what might be happening when Chelsea Newhouse is in front of a computer. Little Brookie was sitting there; giggling. Brookie is only five. But I got the impression that her mother is already introducing her to a brave new world.

I have never had any trouble accepting the fact that my pretty little wife can rain utter hell-fire and damnation on anything, or anybody, she chooses. I knew going into the marriage what her capabilities were. But I also knew that Chelsea had the moral integrity of an Archangel; in her own special way. It was just that her views on what constituted a proper reckoning might be a tad Old Testament. She hates bullies or people, who take advantage of the helpless. So once in a while she has to let the Red Dragon level the playing field.

It's nothing more than a hobby for her. But it's also like the story of my life. Some people have wives who win cooking contests. Mine is a shadowy global super-heroine. She is a passionate woman and I understand her desire to right truly egregious wrongs. I feel the same way. But while regular husbands might hear about injustice and think, "I wish I could do something about that", my wife is one of the few people on earth who can actually get a little payback; even if she might topple the occasional third world regime in the process.

More important, it's not just Chelsea's decision to release the Red Dragon. We carefully think through the justifications and consequences and consider the benefits together. It might be vigilante justice, but we always act together. That is also one more example of how close we are to each other. And I have to tell you that I get a lot of personal satisfaction watching my stunningly beautiful wife cleave the ungodly with the sure, swift sword of digital reckoning.

All, in all, I am a happy and contented man and Chelsea is the perfect wife, even while she is saving the world. We decided to permanently settle on St. Lucia. So we bought our own compound closer to Donkey Beach. I am not going to get into the details of how that got paid for. Suffice it to say that we shared the cost through some numbered accounts; you believe that - right?

Enough time had passed that we decided to hold the "meet the parents" event. It had to happen sooner or later. But that timeline was accelerated radically by the fact that Chelsea was already three months pregnant. I was extremely nervous. It was obvious that I had robbed the cradle. And standing next to my tiny, already clearly expecting wife I felt like the world's most debauched geezer. Especially given the fact that her mother was only two years older than me.

Her mom was perhaps the hottest GILF in the universe, completely different from her daughter. Chelsea is maybe five-one, small boned and exquisite. Chelsea's mother is only five-two. But she has a body that is every teenage boy's sweatiest wet dream. She has Chelsea's hourglass figure. It is just so much more exaggerated, wide hips, incredibly tiny waist and huge tits. Also, her mother radiates sensuality, where Chelsea comes off cool and intellectual. Nevertheless, they both share the same boundless intelligence and strength of spirit. And I also know that they have the same inner fire.

Hughes and I had never actually met. So I wasn't concerned that he would recognize me. But at the same time it was eerie encountering somebody from your old life. Both parents were remarkably understanding. It almost seemed like they had been through the exact same experience; meeting and marrying somebody who was not a likely partner. We had a story prepared that Chelsea had backfilled with a lot of circumstantial evidence. It was a fairy tale worthy of Cinderella; involving charity balls and whirlwind romances in Boston. It would stand up to scrutiny. But of course it was total bullshit.

It didn't matter anyway. All Chelsea and her mother, whose name was Maddie, could think about was the impending birth of our little girl; who we had decided to name Brooklyn. Maddie clearly loved children, so much so that she would have probably been satisfied if my wife had been knocked up by a turkey baster. The result was that she and Hughes promptly moved into the Cap Estates compound in order to stay closer to the grandchild. I got the impression that Hughes didn't really have much of a say in the matter.

The birth was a life-altering event, which in my estimation paid me back for all of the suffering that I had gone through at Heather's hands. And I loved that precious little bundle far beyond human logic. She had a full head of auburn hair and all of the Wilson beauty. More importantly, she was my own special angel. My life would be dedicated to making HER life happy.

Looking at the two of them laughing together, my wife and my child, I was overwhelmed by my usual neurotic devils. It was just TOO MUCH good fortune!! I said to myself, "Things like this don't happen to people like me!!" Then my rational mind kicked in and I thought with some irony, "Every normal person's life is a lot longer than they realize. And all things are redeemable in the end. So, if you stay in the game, make the right decisions and act on them with resolve, you can turn anything around. The fact was that; all my hopes and expectations didn't vanish when Heather betrayed me. Instead, I found better ones.

Admittedly it took a lot of dumb luck. But I knew what I wanted as soon as Chelsea showed up in my life. More importantly I acted on that knowledge with single-minded purpose. So if there is any moral to my tale it is this, "Your life is shaped by the choices you make and you aren't out of options until you are dead. So, when the right opportunity presents itself, you need to grab it and hang on for dear life." That simple little piece of wisdom was the REAL foundation of my bright and beautiful new world.

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AnotherChapterAnotherChapter3 months ago

The inconsistencies were a stumbling block. He’s a soft, white, office drone, no, he’s in great shape, kayaking on the river. The divorce is going to probably put him into bankruptcy, but turn the page and he is making a bundle, and from having maybe $30K left over in no time he’s making mid six figures, then a year later he’s put away millions! Two distinct MC profiles that don’t mesh. Chelsea’s a super ninja hacker who becomes totally devoted to this middle aged guy she never met… What were you smoking when you wrote this? Or, what was I smoking when I read it?

LegacybadLegacybad3 months ago

I lost interest halfway. It started good, but then the holes begun to show. Somehow he lost his friends and their son and daughter. he came up with a weird scheeme that risked his company and their clients but made millions in less than two years. His wife had always been a bit chubby but then she used to be this fit athlete in better shape than 99.5% of the human race. He was an out of shape middle aged guy and then he was in great shape kayaking up stream. It just stopped making sense to me. Ive liked several of your stories, just not this one. The plot is good, but I didnt liked the way it got done.

Country_MouseCountry_Mouse4 months ago

First chapter was just too predictable.

Lets get down to business, I had a twenty year old girlfriend when I was forty. My recollection of trying to keep up with a young girl when I was young was a bit fuzzy...and exhausting! The reality of matching stamina when you're twice her age is humbling. I was a Marine, I kept myself in shape, don't fool yourself. Father time is undefeated!

Answering the bell for round four ain't shit, a twenty year old hottie can go all night. Every night!

The age difference and weird blind devotion thing got gooey. Good writing though.

bigbob2406bigbob24064 months ago

That was a great story, thank you very much.

bobareenobobareeno5 months ago

Fun story, but no real reason this female goddess would become infatuated with the MC.

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