Ice Heart Ch. 02


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"But, but," Zack sputtered.

That black son of a bitch wasn't going to just let Zack slide on 'I tried, but Nicole's dad wouldn't hire me.' His teeth were loose from the punch the man had given him.

"So, here's your chance, son. Convince me I'm wrong, convince me I hire you, you'll be here after you get your first pay check," Cris said.

His cell phone rang and he rolled his eyes.

"Lucky break son, you got a couple of minutes to think about what you're going to say," he smiled. "That's my girlfriend; she doesn't know the meaning of 'Honey, I'm in a meeting, make it quick.'"

Zack's mind whirled as he tried to think of what he could say. Telling the man that he was being threatened didn't seem like the best idea. - Telling the man he needed the money to pay child support to a bitch he wasn't even fucking any more, especially when the bitch was the man's daughter also didn't seem like a good idea.

"No, no, Nickie, Honey, I'm right in the middle of something," Cris said. "Fine, fine, see you at seven, okay, okay, love you too, bye."

"Sorry about that," Cris smiled. "Now, what were you going to say?"

Finally Cris shook his head.

"Son, my guess is that you have great aspirations of mediocrity. You lack the skills and the motivation to work for PPEDI," Cris said and got to his feet. "Might I suggest McDonald's or Taco Bell?"

"Aw fuck you," the boy snapped.

"No, son, Life, life will be giving you the fucking you got coming to you," Cris said lightly and shoved the boy out of his office.

"That was Nicole's boyfriend?" Sandra asked as she entered Crisp's office, carrying the obligatory cup of coffee.

"Uh huh," Cris said and sent the e-mail he was working on.

"Going to hire him?" Sandra asked.

"Mind your own business, Sandra," Cris said.

"But, Cris, he's Nicole's boyfriend, the father of your grandchild!" Sandra said, dismayed.

"And he's nothing but a God damned loser," Cris said and took the cup of coffee.

"But," Sandra sputtered.

"Sandra, Nicole hasn't come to me and asked me to help him, Nicole has not come to me and asked me to help her," Cris said coldly. "And even if she did, I am not sure I would."

"Nickie know what a cold son of a bitch you are?" Sandra asked icily.

"Don't know, ask her yourself," Cris said easily and looked at the response Norman James had sent to his previous e-mail.


The work was hard; there was nothing easy about being a waitress. The hours dragged by and she was bone tired by the time she got off of work. The pay was also a pittance of what the service demanded, but the tips were generous. Most of the old coots liked her and made sure to sit at her tables. Harriet did not begrudge her that just shook her head in a, amusement as Ann Marie tended to her regulars.

"It's because you have that rack," Harriet said as Ann Marie checked that the buttons on her uniform were not unbuttoned past the level of decency.

"Hey, if you got it, put it to work," Ann Marie smiled and thrust her chest out a little.

"Amen, sister," Harriet laughed.

Mr. Trapani had called a few times. He was never stupid enough to leave any messages when Ann Marie let it go to voice mail; she was hoping he would. Then she could go to Mrs. Trapani with the evidence, or blackmail Mr. Trapani with the threat of going to his wife. Finally, the man gave up and quit calling.

"Mm mm mm," an old man said, shaking his head as Ann Marie bent over to refill his cup of coffee. "Honey, what would it take for this old man to warm your bed tonight?"

"Nothing doing," Ann Marie smiled and tapped his wedding band. "I don't mess around with married men."

"Means nothing to me," the old man hastened to assure her, tugging to remove the ring.

"Means something to me," Ann Marie said, losing her smile. "I had me one of those once, and I let it, I threw it away. Stupidest thing I ever done."


Nicole praised Sophia as the girl tried her best to pull herself up and stand.

"Aw, you fall down?" Nicole soothed as Sophia did indeed, fall down. "It's okay; let's try that again, okay?"

She hated to admit it, but raising a baby was a lot of work, a lot harder than she had thought. But it was also a labor of love and she found out she really did love it. She loved Sophia to the point of anger when Mom reminded her that Sophia was not her baby, was her sister.

Her own belly was beginning to bulge, a small sign of what was to come. She shook her head; how could she have ever thought she loved Zack Wright?

She had seen him the other day, working at Taco Bell. She watched as he did the barest minimum possible to the point where the customer in line ahead of her asked that anyone but the red head kid be the one to prepare their meal.

"Hey, Wright, think you could like pick up the pace a bit?" the manager shouted at the insolent kid.

When he responded, Nicole almost giggled, he was missing a tooth now, making him look ridiculous, unkempt, low-class.

"Yeah, make sure he washes his hands before he touches anything I'm going to eat," Nicole smiled at the manager and he couldn't help but smile back.

"Yes, ma'am, and can I take your order?" he asked.

The manager went out to the dining area to collect the trays from the garbage bin and smiled at her.

"Everything okay, ma'am?" he asked.

"Yummy," she said, smiling.

"Good, good, hope we see you again," he said, his meaning obvious.

But Zack was now sending her seventy five dollars a week. Her first instinct had been to blow it on some new clothes, but common sense prevailed. She and Mom had gone down to the bank and opened a checking account with the money, plus some other money Nicole still had from her birthday money and Mom threw in a few bucks from her tips. Every bit she had went into her account and she kept careful notes of each check Zack sent as well as every bill she incurred.

The manager was there as she lugged Sophia in and she smiled at the man.

"Don't tell me this little cutie pie is your daughter?" the man asked and smiled and waved to Sophia.

"Nope, baby sister," Nicole smiled proudly.

Zack wanted to spit in that bitch's burrito. Standing there, smiling and laughing and flirting with that ass hole manager of his.

"Wright, customer would like to eat TODAY," Fred said loudly and Zack scowled darkly as she tittered, laughed at him.

"I'm Nicole, Nicole Dumas," Nicole said as he slid the tray across the counter to her.

"No kidding?" he smiled. "I'm Fred. Fred Dumas."

"No way!" Nicole laughed. "Who's your daddy?"

They chatted for a moment, found out that they may be very, very distant relations, but weren't really sure. Then a throng of teenagers came in and Fred had his hands full with them.

"Bye, Sophia," Fred called out and Nicole smiled.

"Say 'Bye, Mr. Fred," Nicole encouraged, but Sophia did not respond.


He put the icing in between the two layers, liberally. Nicole liked a lot of icing. Then it stirred in a teaspoon of granulated sugar and whisked it into the frosting. This he applied to the outside of the cake.

Nickie had a voracious appetite, despite her claim that she 'was trying to lose weight.' There was very little chance she would ever lose a single pound; she did no exercise and ate whatever she could get her hands on. To her, a meal without dessert was an incomplete meal, so he made sure to have a dessert for her.

She brought bounciness and vitality and laughter into his life. He had heard Harold's statement that his daughter did not live in the real world and found that Harold was not being unkind in this declaration. But Nickie made him happy. He indulged her fantasy world as much as possible, and made one of her fantasies a reality when he bought her a nine hundred dollar engagement ring.

He put the cake into the freezer and flipped the chicken breasts that were cooking in the frying pan. Almost on cue, Nickie's fluttering knock sounded on the door.

"It's open," he called out and stirred in the onion and bell pepper.

"Hey," she bounced happily into the room.

"Hey," he agreed, looking over her shoulder at the dark haired pudgy but attractive woman that entered the apartment, looking around with uncertainty.

"Oh, hey, Cris, this is Michelle; everybody calls her Mickie, get it? Nickie and Mickie? Anyway, she's my manager on the drive through and she was saying she was sick and tired of eating McDonald's and I said 'my fiancé' is the best cook ever' and so she's all 'no he's not,' and so I brought her here, 'cause I know you are and what you cooking, oh, did you get that wine I was telling you about, it goes sooo good with chicken and that smells great and Mickie say hi to Cris, I got to go pee," Nickie said then dashed to the bathroom, leaving an amused Cris and a nervous Mickie standing there.

"Hi, close the door, okay?" Cris said and rapidly added the fajita sauce to the frying pan.

"Um, hope you don't mind; I tried not to, but she insisted," Mickie mumbled.

She was an attractive woman, if her hair wasn't hanging in her face. She was not as heavy set as Nickie, but still sported a few extra pounds. Her breasts were not as large as Nickie's, nor were her hips as wide. She brushed her hair back and smiled shyly at Cris.

Nickie came back into the kitchen, and then kissed Cris warmly.

"You two getting along?" she asked, and then went to look in the refrigerator.

"Mickie, you want something to drink?" she asked. "Crisp's got beer, and ooh, you DID get that wine, and oh, he's also got a fifth of gin in the freezer and a thing of tequila; we're having Mexican tonight and..."

"Um, I like tequila," Mickie admitted.

"Margaritas already mixed up in the pitcher, Nickie," Cris called out as he pulled the tortillas from the oven.

"Oh, goody!" Nickie whooped and poured herself and Mickie sizable drinks.

"Damn, Nickie, want to get me drunk or what?" Mickie asked and took a healthy gulp of the drink.

Cris smiled as he put the two plates on the small coffee table in front of the love seat; he only had two dining room chairs.

"Just because it's in your glass doesn't mean you have to drink the whole thing," he reminded Mickie and playfully patted Nickie's ample backside. "Dinner's on the coffee table.

He fixed his own plate and sat in the small brown leather recliner.

"This real leather?" Mickie asked as she wiggled on the loveseat.

"Yep," Cris said

"I just LOVE the way leather feels against my skin," Mickie confessed to them. "Umm, this is good!"

"Um, you want to feel my couch against your skin, go right ahead," Cris joked.

"Cris!" Nickie shrilled and slapped him on his arm. "You just want to see her naked! Bad boy!"

"Oh I didn't say I was going to look," Cris smiled.

"Did say you wasn't, either! I ain't stupid," Nickie laughed. "You right, Mickie, this is good, but everything Cris cooks is good; he's like this major chef you know."

They were looking through his cd collection, laughing at his 'old school' country music selections while he poured the raspberry syrup over the slices of chocolate cake. Finally both Nickie and Mickie found something that didn't cause them to shriek in hoots of derision and put it into his bookshelf system. He threw the empty bottle into the trash and put the two plates on the coffee table.

"Ooh, dessert too?" Mickie said as Garth Brooks came pouring out of the speakers.

"Uh huh, he's like the best," Nickie slurred and leaned heavily against Cris.

She grabbed him in a fierce hug and jammed her tongue into his mouth. She rubbed her body against him then kissed him again.

"I love you, Baby," she said.

"Love you to," he said and mashed one of her breasts.

"So what now?" Mickie asked as she dug her fork into the cake.

"What you mean?" Nickie asked.

"I mean what y'all do after y'all eat; y'all play cards, or anything or...?" Mickie asked.

"No, we just usually fuck after we eat," Nickie said, then laughed uproariously.

"What you want to do?" Cris asked Mickie, sitting on the small recliner.

"I don't know," Mickie answered, in a tone that suggested she did know what she wanted to do.

"I do have a deck of cards somewhere around here," Cris said. "We could play a couple of hands of strip poker; that way you'd get to feel what the couch feels like; you said you like leather."

"Takes too long," Mickie said and got to her feet.

She dug the empty wine bottle from the trash and actually giggled as she brought it back into the living room.

"Spin the bottle; with a twist," she laughed, blushing hotly. "Spin it, you got to kiss the person it lands on, and you both have to take off one piece of your clothes, okay?"

Cris looked at Nickie and shrugged his shoulders. In true Nickie form, she gripped the bottle and gave it a healthy spin, taking charge. The bottle wobbled and finally stopped on Nickie.

"What, now I got to kiss myself?" she huffed.

"No, you just got to take something off," Mickie laughed. "But you get another spin."

"Maybe don't spin it so hard," Cris smiled as Nickie kicked off a shoe.

The two girls looked at each other; the bottle had pointed to Mickie. Nickie leaned over and pressed her lips to Mickie's, then sucked in a sharp breath as Mickie's tongue touched her lips.

Nickie removed her other shoe and Mickie kicked off one sneaker. Then she gave a healthy spin to the bottle. Both girls shrieked when the bottle pointed to Nickie.

"Give me a real kiss this time," Mickie demanded.

After they'd kissed for a few seconds, Mickie kicked off the other sneaker while Nickie went for a sock.

Cris smiled; the game had progressed quite nicely for him; he was still in jeans and boxers while both Nickie and Mickie were down to their panties. Either way the bottle landed, he was going to see Mickie's pussy in the next moment; it was her turn to spin.

Both girls' nipples were quite puckered and sticking out, even though it was slightly warm in the room. Cris's jeans were severely tented in front and he was in slight discomfort from the snug jeans pressing his erection down.

He admired Mickie's breasts; they were not as large as Nickie's, but the nipples were twice as large. Her belly did not paunch out like Nickie's did, but her hips were generous, like Nickie's.

She smiled, and then gave the bottle a weak spin. It landed on him and he leaned over and gave her a heated kiss, then shrugged out of his jeans. She hesitated for a second, and then shimmied out of her full cotton briefs, exposing a hairless slit. She sat down and smiled widely.

"I LOVE the way leather feels," she announced.

Cris spun the bottle and it landed on Mickie. Again, they kissed and he slid his boxers off, exposing his throbbing erection to their gaze.

"I win!" Nickie whooped. "I'm the only one with any clothes on!"

"Uh huh, you win," Cris said and kissed her, leaning over the coffee table...

"Hey, no kissing unless the bottle lands on her," Mickie demanded.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Cris smiled and turned the bottle to face Nickie, then kissed her again.

"Now let's see it," Mickie demanded and tugged at Nickie's waistband.

"Oh wow, you ARE a natural blonde huh?" Mickie said.

"Okay, who wants some coffee?" Cris said, seeing that it was already ten o'clock.

Nickie gasped, and then giggled as Mickie whispered something to her.

"Hey, Cris, Mickie wants to know if you come a lot when you come," she called out and burst into gales of giggles as Mickie gasped and slapped her arm. "She says you got nice sized balls."

"Don't know, never measured," Cris smiled as he hit the switch for the coffee pot.

"Let's see," Nickie said as she wobbled into the kitchen.

She rooted around in a drawer and found the measuring cups. She pulled Cris by his manhood into the seating area and pushed him into his seat.

"Come on, you're the one who wanted to know," she demanded and Mickie got to her feet.

"Come on, hold the cup for me," Nickie giggled as she wrapped her small hand around the base of his cock.

"Uh uh, let's get it like..." Mickie said and wrapped her full lips around the head of Cris's cock.

He gasped as she slurped noisily at his cock, and then pulled her mouth off with a loud 'pop.' She looked at Nickie for assurance, then again took Cris into her mouth. Her hand cupped one of Nickie's breasts and she mashed the breast in, and then toyed with Nickie's nipple.

Nickie reached over and played with one of Mickie's breast while her other hand lovingly cupped and fondled Cris's balls. Mickie grabbed Nickie's hand from her breast and slid it down to her hairless mound. Nickie giggled and rubbed up and down Mickie's slit.

"Aw, shit, here it comes," Cris said through clenched teeth.

"Quick quick, give me the cup!" Mickie shouted, and then shrieked as Cris's first blast caught her on her cheek.

Nickie collapsed in laughter as Cris's second and third jet joined the first, then the fourth and fifth one landed on Mickie's breast and the valley between her breasts. The last dribbles landed on Cris's thigh.

"Shut up," Mickie giggled back at Nickie.

"Here, let me help you," Nickie gasped and knelt and began to lick Cris's semen from Mickie's breast and cleavage.

She licked and sucked her lover's semen from her friend, then gave her friend an open mouthed kiss. The two girls kissed and embraced, mashing their large breasts together. Mickie grabbed onto Nickie's arm and worked her hand back down to her mound.

"Finish what you started," she reminded Nickie.

"Uh huh, me too," Nickie demanded and thrust one of Mickie's hands between her own legs.

Cris's cock did not lose its hardness as he watched his fiancé' making love with another woman.

"Here, I love the feeling of leather on my skin," Mickie gasped and pulled Nickie over to the loveseat.

She lay down, pulling Nickie on top of her. The two pudgy girls continued to kiss and fondle each other as they writhed on the small couch.

"You ever, you ever do this before?" Mickie gasped after a small orgasm made her shiver.

"Uh huh," Nickie giggled, then wormed her bulk around so that her blonde curls were just above Mickie's gasping mouth and her own pink lips were approaching Mickie's bald slit.

"Oh fuck!" Mickie groaned as a powerful orgasm racked her to her bones.

"Ah! Oh God, that's, oh!" Nickie howled as Mickie used her thumbs to pry Nickie's fleshy lips apart and thrust her tongue in, searching after Nickie's clitoris.

"No, no, we're leaving poor Cris all alone," Nickie wheezed and clambered off of Mickie. "Come on, Baby, put a condom on."

Nickie slithered onto the bed and waited for her lover.

"Me too," Mickie demanded and joined Nickie on the bed.

Cris smiled as he drove his cock into Mickie's tight pussy. Nickie knelt over Mickie's thrashing tongue and leaned forward for another kiss from Cris. He could taste Mickie's pussy still on Nickie's lips and tongue as they kissed. He cupped both of Nickie's full breasts and mashed them firmly against her chest.

"Mm, mmm," she whined into his mouth as Mickie's tongue brought her to another orgasm.


"Hey, what are you doing here?" Fred smiled as Nicole honked her horn at him.

"You said your car was in the shop," she smiled. "Can't have you walking home in the dark. Not safe out there."

"You didn't have to do this," he smiled as he got into the passenger seat of Ann Marie's Cadillac.

"I didn't?" Nicole asked then stopped short. "Oh, okay, get out."

"Shut up," he laughed and took off his uniform's cap.

She smiled at his receding hairline.

"What?" he asked her.

"Um, where am I going?" Nicole asked.

"Oh, that's right, you've never been to, just go down to Ambassador Caffery and make a right; I got a condo just off there," Fred said.

Zack smirked as he got into his car and turned up Iron Maiden 'Number of the Beast,' some old school metal for the ride home. Fred thought he was such hot shit, getting a ride home with that dumb cunt, Nicole. Just wait until he found out Nicole expected head every time she gave head.