I Will Love You Forever Pt. 2 Ch. 20


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After the main meal, Isadora offered to get dessert for them. When Saul offered, she waved him away. He couldn't help it, he watched her as she walked away. He watched the gentle sway of her hips as she walked to the dessert table and couldn't wait for the day that he would be able to put his hands on them and hold her close to him.

"She's a looker isn't she?" Maeve asked with amusement.

"What? I..."

"Give it up, you like her," Maeve said. "It's written all over your face, in fact; you more than like her. Look, I don't know you; but I like you. I think that you're honest so I'm going to be honest with you. Isadora is like a sister to me and I will hurt anyone one who messes with her. If you like her than fine, but so help me; if you..."

"Wait," Saul said holding his hands up. "I don't know what..."

"Don't be stupid and ruin my impression of you," Maeve interrupted. "You're in love with her. Any idiot can see that. I just had to give you my best friend speech. Now- something happened to her. I don't know what, but I have my suspicions and no I'm not going to share them. You're the first man that I've seen her get dressed up for so that says something. I'm telling you this so you'll know that you have to be careful with her."

Saul nodded. He had been right- something had happened. The first thing that came to his mind was the unthinkable. He tried to discount the thought, but it wouldn't go away. Deep in his heart, just as he knew that he was going to marry her, he knew that someone had hurt her.

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind."

"So when are you going to ask her out?" Maeve asked.

"I thought..."

"I said to be careful, not wait for the second coming," Maeve said cutting him off. "So?"

"I don't know," Saul confessed.

"Alright," Maeve said in a rushed whisper, "here's the plan- there's a gathering at school next week. I'll get Isadora there and you meet us there. It's at six by the library- can you make it?"

"I... I'll be there," Saul replied deciding not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Good- it's Friday night at six."

Isadora came back with the desserts and gave Maeve a suspicious look.

"Ohhh apple pie!" Maeve exclaimed and took a plate out of Isadora's hand. "Oh by the way, I invited Saul to the social next week. I thought that it might be a good idea for him to meet some of the other students. I already got a ticket for you. I'll pick one up for him on Monday."

Isadora looked from Maeve to Saul and then back at Maeve. "He can have my ticket..."

"Oh no you don't," Maeve cut in, "you promised and if you don't go, Saul will feel like a third wheel- Ernie's going too."

Saul sat back and watched. He wasn't about to let an opportunity to spend an evening with Isadora pass even if it was a set up and they were with other people. He watched as a look of resignation crossed Isadora's face.

"Fine, but I won't stay for the whole thing; I've got studying to do."

"Fine," Maeve said claiming the small victory.

Saul felt as if he was floating on air. They weren't going out on what he would call an official date, but it was close enough. He barely tasted the pie that he was eating; his mind was on the next week. Isadora gave him a quick glance and looked away. He was handsome she thought- there was no denying that and she liked his gentle spirit, but... he was white, he was male and she couldn't and wouldn't be distracted from her goals.

Saul openly watched her. He could see the uncertainty and then resolve in her face. He was in for a fight, but he didn't mind. Anything worth having was worth fighting for and Miss. Isadora Hughes was more than worth it. When she looked at him, he smiled reassuringly and said something that he hoped would relax her.

"Maybe we can take a tour of the school- I don't know where anything is."

"That's a great idea!" Maeve chimed in. "Let's meet at five instead of six. Isadora, I'll pick you up at quarter till five."

Once again Saul intervened. "Is that a good time for you?" he asked Isadora.

"That's fine," she replied quietly, she couldn't wait to get Maeve alone. She had a few things to say to her.


Mai sat on her bed staring at the wall. Was this really happening? Was her father really going to force her to marry his business partner? The answer to both questions was yes. In less than forty-eight hours, she would be married to a man that she didn't know unless she could stop it. But how? What could she do to make herself less desirable to the older man picked out for her? She thought about what she knew about him which wasn't much. Appearances mattered to him- maybe she could use that. Slowly a plan began to form. She undressed and got into bed. She needed to be rested if she was going to follow through with her plan.

A light tap on her door woke her early the next morning. She ignored it and turned over. When the door opened, she sat up. Ani stood in the doorway holding a tray with tea on it. "We must talk."

"I have nothing to say to you," Mai said coldly.

"Mai- I didn't know about the marriage! I thought..."

"And if you had known?" Mai asked icily, "what would you have done? Nothing is what! You would have continued to be the perfect, dutiful daughter. Ani- get out."

Instead of leaving, Ani stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. She sat the tray on the dresser and walked toward Mai. Mai blinked at the anger she saw in Ani's usually soft eyes.

"This is your doing!" Ani hissed. "Shotaro finding another is your doing! How dare you make this my fault! I will not accept the blame for your mistakes and impulsiveness! I will not accept the blame for what is happening because you were too afraid to walk away. You gambled and you lost! All you had to do was marry Shotaro- what arrangements you made between you would have been between you- do you understand what I am saying? He was your way out of this life that you claim to hate so much! You could have married and then after a period of time parted ways. Here is my suggestion- do as father wishes. Ito san seems to be a reasonable man. Perhaps you will come to love him. Don't make the same mistake that you made with Shotaro."

"Get out," Mai said as she turned her back on her sister.

Ani didn't move right away. She didn't tell Mai that she had tried to talk to their father against the wishes of Jiro- she knew what she would say; it was too little too late. She was right Ani realized. Still, she had tried and she had warned Mai several times. In her mind she had done all that she could without getting into trouble herself.

"Ito San is coming for lunch- be ready," Ani said as she stood up and walked out leaving the tea behind.

Mai lay on the bed rethinking her plan. It could backfire and she could make things much worse. On the other hand, what was the worst that could happen to her? Her father would disown her; she would never see her niece or nephew and she would be penniless except for what she had in the bank and in her purse. Was her freedom worth the consequences? Yes she decided, it was. Ani, she decided was right- she had been too afraid to leave.

She left the room, went to the bathroom and took a shower. Afterwards she went back to her room and drank the now cold tea. By this evening, if all went well; she would be a free woman. Poor, but free. When it was time to dress for lunch, she put on her western clothes knowing that she was expected to dress in a kimono. Her heart hammered when her father tapped on the door before unlocking it. If he came in, it was over. He would make her change while he stood watch.

"Come out," he said gruffly and walked away.

Mai took a deep breath to steady her nerves and left the room. All conversation stopped when she walked into the living room. She almost turned around when she saw the look of rage on her father's face. Tamayo Ito looked at her impassively but said nothing. He wanted to see what was going to happen next.

"You will go change," her father said quietly, but the anger was evident in his voice.


Ani gasped in shock, Jiro's mouth fell open and her father was so angry that he couldn't speak. Mai's behavior was beyond disrespect- it was open defiance. Of the three of them, only Tamoya understood what was happening and he rather liked it. He was going to enjoy teaching Mai what her role as his wife was going to be.

"Come, sit with me," he said gently.

Mai looked at him. Even though his tone was gentle, it held a firmness that dared her to defy him. Instead of taking the offered seat, Mai sat across from him. She saw a flicker of anger in his eyes although the smile remained on his face.

"Mai..." her father said.

"No matter," Ito said still looking at Mai. "We will have plenty of time to become acquainted with each other."

A chill ran through Mai when she heard those words. This man who appeared to be kind and soft spoken was anything but. If she married him, she was doomed. The life that she wanted would be forever out of her reach. She also knew that she would be watched like a hawk. The reality of her situation was beginning to sink in. She wished that she had made the effort to get to know Shotaro. She wished that she had never laid eyes on Kenjiro Takeda. Her list of regrets grew, but the worst regret was that she hadn't listened to Ani. If she had, she would have done things differently.

Lunch was a long tortuous affair. Ito was looking at her with lust in his eyes and more of his true personality was emerging. If Mai thought that her father was cold and unbending-Ito was worse. He too believed in the old ways and that a woman's place was at home serving her husband and giving him strong children; especially sons. With every word that he spoke, Mai saw her medical career and life slip away.

Ito left shortly after lunch but would be returning for dinner. The wedding was scheduled for the next day and if she was going to do anything to stop it; it had to be now. As soon as Ito was gone, Mai dropped to her knees at her father's feet.

"Father-please don't make me do this! I am sorry for everything that I have done. Release me from this marriage and I swear to be the dutiful daughter that I have never been."

Her father looked down at her and backed away. "It is much too late for that," he replied. "You have defied me for the last time."

Mai crawled to him and wrapped her arms around his legs. "Papa-please! Forgive me! I will do whatever you want and without complaint, but don't make me marry him!"

"It is done," he replied as he firmly removed her arms from around his legs and walked away leaving her on the floor with tears streaming down her face.

"I hate you!" She screamed after him. "I hate all of you!"

She angrily shrugged Ani's hand off of her shoulder and got to her feet. She ran to her room with Ani close on her heels. Ani slipped into her room just before the door closed.

"Get out!" Mai screamed. "Get the hell out of my room!"

Ani was shocked. She had never heard Mai curse in anger, but that didn't change the fact that she was told to stay with her.

"I am to stay with you," she replied softly. "We fear for your mental state."

"Now you are concerned?" Mai asked while laughing bitterly. "Do you know what you can do with your concern?"

"Mai- it will be alright, just do as you are told..."

"Do you understand what is happening here?" Mai asked. "Father has gotten rid of his problem child. That man- Ito san will take away my career and the life that I want. He plans to bend me until I am the perfect wife! He plans to keep a child growing in my belly until am too old to carry them. This is what you helped father do so keep your concern."

Ani didn't know what to say. To some degree what Mai said was true, but the majority of what was happening lay on Mai's shoulders. She suspected that Mai knew this and a good part of her anger was because of that knowledge.

Ani stayed with Mai until it was time for dinner. Their father had arranged for someone to come make the evening meal. Mai was going to dress in western clothes again, but Ani managed to talk sense to her.

"Do as you are told," she urged. "Maybe father will change his mind."

Mai put on the kimono with tears in her eyes. Her father wasn't going to change his mind. There was too much involved with money being the least of them. When they went to the dining room where the men were waiting, Mai noticed that her father visibly relaxed. Ito had a look of satisfaction on his face, but didn't speak. Like before, she didn't speak unless spoken to and answered the questions in short sentences. After dinner the men retired to Jiro's office to talk business leaving Ani and Mai alone.

It was during a conversation with Ani that Mai thought that she had another way to save herself.

"The first time that he enters you will be painful. Try to relax and it will get better. After that it will become pleasurable."

Mai stared at Ani wondering why she hadn't thought of it herself. She practically ran from the dining room and into Jiro's office without knocking. The men looked at her and then at each other.

"Ito san, I must confess something to you," Mai said breathlessly. She could almost taste her pending freedom.

"I am listening," he said his tone cool. He didn't like interruptions especially when they were rude.

"I cannot lie to you- I... I have been compromised. I do not come to you untouched."

"Jiro," Mai's father said, "you will please excuse us."

Jiro left albeit reluctantly. He wanted to see how this played out.

"Explain yourself," Mai's father demanded.

"There is nothing to explain," Mai said. "I am no longer pure."

"Were you forced?" Ito asked.

Mai thought about her answer. If she said yes, then he might overlook the fact that she wasn't a virgin. He would also demand a name from her. If she said no, he would consider her a slut and back out on his agreement to marry her.

"No, I gave myself willingly."

Mai couldn't look at her father nor was she prepared for the unexpected feeling of shame that she felt. She winced when the word "slut" flew from her father's mouth. Ito, however; seemed unaffected by her revelation. He knew exactly what she was up to and had to admire her drive. He also knew that her father was waiting for him to refuse to marry her and so was she. She was hoping for it. When her father started to speak, Ito silenced him by holding up his hand.

"I see," he mused. "How long ago was this indiscretion?"

"Not long ago," Mai lied.

"How long ago was this indiscretion?" Ito asked again his tone daring her to lie.

"Last week," Mai lied.

"I see... who was the man?"

"I.... just someone that I met at the hospital..."

"You are lying," Ito said coldly. "You may be telling the truth about the indiscretion, but you are lying as to when it happened. There is one thing that you will learn about me- I do not suffer liars. I will still marry you although you are not as your father said. I do this as a personal favor to him because of our friendship. Leave us and prepare for our wedding."

Mai couldn't believe it. He was still going to marry her! She knew what her mistake was- she had taken too long to answer the questions and she hadn't thought it through. She should have taken the time to think about the questions that he would ask. She had come across as desperate and panicked and Ito had seen through it. She passed Jiro as she went to her room where Ani was already waiting for her.


"Shut up Ani," Mai said as she undressed and put on her nightgown. "I have nothing to say to you."

Monday morning came too quickly as far as Mai was concerned. The smell of cooking food nauseated her. In a matter of hours, she would be married and if Ito had anything to do with it, she would be pregnant by the end of the honeymoon. Her one hope was that he wouldn't be as virile as he looked or that his seed was dead. The thought of him touching her made the nausea turn into a bout of vomiting. Ani sat by and watched her not saying anything.

Mai stumbled from the bed, to the hallway and into the bathroom. As she washed her face and rinsed her mouth, she saw the straight razor on the shelf. It belonged to her father. Ironically it was a gift that she and Ani had given him for one of his birthdays. She picked it up and looked at the blade. As always, it was honed to its maximum sharpness. She made a cut in her thumb and watched the blood flow from it. She turned toward the bathroom door, was about to lock it when Ani stepped in.

"What are you doing?" Ani asked and then she saw the razor.

Mai began to cry as Ani took her last means of escape from her hands. Ani was conflicted. For Mai to consider harming herself proved how truly distraught she was. She thought about helping Mai and almost gave in when she saw the look of misery on Mai's face, but once again, the part of her that was the dutiful daughter won out.

"Take a shower and pull yourself together," Ani said not realizing how much like their father she sounded.

"Ani- please- help me," Mai begged. "Don't let him do this to me! Help me escape!"

"I can't, now get into the shower and I won't say anything about what you were going to do."

Mai's eyes hardened and her body stiffened as she stared at her sister.

"This will be the last time that we speak," she said her tone low and intense. "You are no longer my sister."


Mai turned her back to Ani, stripped and got into the shower without saying another word. She didn't speak when she got out of the shower or when she went back to her room. As far as she was concerned, she had no family.

Two hours before the wedding, Mai was being carefully painted white from head to toe. Her father had decided that the wedding would performed in the Shinto fashion. He was trying to make a point- Mai hadn't missed it. The headpiece that he chose was also to make a point. Instead of the wataboshi, a white hood; he chose the tsunokakushi. Its purpose was to hide the bride-to-be's horns of jealousy and to symbolize her intention to be an obedient and gentle bride. The Kimono had been worn by her mother and Ani but instead of the tsunokakushi; they had worn the wataboshi.

She had envisioned herself getting married, but not like this. Kenji came to mind and she pushed him away. He was partly why she was in this mess. No-he wasn't she amended. She was in this mess because she put herself there, but that didn't mean that she deserved what was happening to her. She stood still as Ani painted her and then helped her dress. Her father, Tamayo and Jiro were already at the Shinto shrine waiting for them. The driver that her father had hired was waiting patiently by the car. Mai entertained thoughts of trying to get him to take her elsewhere, but reality set in. If Ani wasn't with her, there was a slight chance she might have succeeded.

Ani stood back and surveyed her work. Mai was a beautiful bride. She would be even more beautiful if she would at least pretend to be happy. Ani sighed and made no comment. Mai wouldn't have responded. She ushered Mai to the living room, picked up their bags and helped her into the car. Mai's face had a stony expression on it as she stared straight ahead of her.

The car parked in front of the Shrine- a ride that seemed far too short for Mai. The driver got out, opened the back door and assisted Ani who then assisted Mai. Mai tried to bolt, but Ani had too firm of a grip on her arm and the driver was behind her blocking her path of escape. She wouldn't have gotten far anyway, but she had to try.

Less than an hour later, Mai was married to Tamayo Ito. She spoke to no one until it was time to leave. Tamayo had informed her during the reception that they would not be returning to Jiro's home- they would be leaving immediately for their honeymoon and then to Boston. She started to object, but bit her tongue when she saw the look in his eyes.
