I Host my Niece's Pool Party Pt. 02

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Here we go again, with adults this time.
8.6k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/29/2018
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Everyone having sex is at least 18. This is fiction, I made it all up. Warning: this is a self-edited story. I do use Grammarly to help reduce my ability to murder the English language. Special thanks to goducks1 for his help.


Chapter 7 -- Divorce

Word quickly spread that clothes are now mandatory, and breakfast includes coffee. Several mothers took up a collection to buy eggs, bread, ham, bacon, milk, potatoes, and fresh ground coffee. They made Denver omelets, fried and scrambled eggs, French toast, pancakes, country potatoes, toast, ham, and bacon. With forty people, that is a mountain of food. I have four large grills. Six moms are cooking which made things go fast.

Malissa, Linda, Carrie, and I take a shower and are last to show up. Malissa has a goofy smile on her face that won't go away. When she shows up, the girls mob her in hugs and kisses then applaud her. She turns beet red, her grin never wavers.

A girl yells out, "We may have to beat her to remove that smile."

Another girl yells, "With that look, she won't be doing anything for a week." There is a pause. "Her dad will know what she did and will ground her for a week."

They all giggle hard at Malissa's expense. I hug her, and she looks at me with doe eyes, I almost cry. A mom saves me by handing me a plate. Linda was elected, 'Team Mom.'

Linda makes an announcement, "I don't know about all of you, but this has probably been one of the best twenty-four hours of my life. Our host has been a true gentleman. He spent a lot of money on YOUR party. He paid people to clean the house, so you could sit on a clean toilet! He is paying for your books in college. All FOUR years. If you need to go, go. However, I am going to stay and clean this house. He doesn't need to pay more people to clean up our mess. That just wouldn't be right."

Carrie continues, "Eat first, enjoy breakfast. Then we have coolers, garbage, towels, washrooms, and bedrooms. Malissa gets her towel from the bedroom. A bloody memento from last night ... if she wants it. Anything else?"

Vickie yells out, "Thank you uncle Phil for an amazing experience. One that will stay forever unspoken other than to us within this group." Then she runs at me and jumps into my arms and kisses me. She has tears running down her face. The group shouts out, "Agreed."

With so many mothers and daughters experiencing each other, it never dawned on me at how taboo the weekend was. Yup, duplicating this day will never happen.

With forty cleaners, it only took an hour before we finish cleaning. As each pair leaves, I get a kiss from both mother and daughter, along with a statement of thanks and willingness to come back on their own or as a group any time.


A week later, a Saturday morning, I get a phone call from Stacy, she is hysterical, "Dad is going to kill mom!" The phone goes dead.

In a flash I am in my truck on my way there. I dial 911 as I am pulling up and leave my phone running. Phone in hand, I open the door and run inside. The place has been torn apart. Carrie and John are on opposite sides of a table. Carrie is staying away but yelling at her husband to calm down. Stacy is on the ground, unconscious and with a black eye. Carrie has several bruises on her naked body. She is also crying.

I announce my presence, "John, you need to calm down. The police are on the way." I show him my cell phone.

He turns calm, "You have no idea what I am capable of."

He pulls out a gun and shoots Stacy and then Carrie. As soon as I see the gun I am running full speed at the man. He puts the gun to his head as I hit him full force, my shoulder to his body, crumbling him as he fires his weapon. My momentum takes us both into the wall where I hear a crunch and then we fall to the ground. I manage to say "help", "quick" and "4 ambulances" before I pass out.


I wake up in the ER with Linda in my face. She is an ER doctor.

I try to talk but nothing comes out. Too many tubes in me.

Linda excitedly says, "NO! Don't move. You took a bullet in the shoulder. A fragment got your lung and it collapsed. You are in critical condition right now, we are prepping you for surgery. Stacy took a beating and a shot in the arm, luckily it was just a scratch. Carrie took a beating and was shot in the leg, she will be fine as well. You are critical because of your injuries. You are a healthy young man, I would bet anything you will recover quickly. I am not concerned at all about your health. Stacy will be discharged soon. I will get you and Carrie a room together. You will need rest, I am going to tell the team and the moms they can't come here, although they all will want to right away."

She tells me, "Good night sweet prince," gives me a shot, and I immediately fall asleep.


I wake up from my surgery. No tubes down my throat. I am tired. Stacy is at my side. She has a sling on and some facial bruising. Her eyes are bloodshot, she has been crying a lot.

I can only whisper, "I am fine, your mother needs you. Go." She sits stunned. "Don't make me get up and tan your ass. Go."

Stacy smiles for the first time. She looks at me like she wants to hug me, too many things on me. She gives up and walks out.


Next time I wake up I am in a patient room and in the next bed is Carrie. She too has been crying. Stacy is between us in a chair. There is an argument in the hallway.

Voice says, "I am filing a formal complaint against you and the hospital though the nurse's union. This is bull shit, this is an all-woman wing. We don't do men!"

I recognize Linda's voice, "Good luck! Do you not watch the news? That man saved his sister and niece from a dishonorably discharged soldier that never saw combat because he was a coward. He shot all three of them. Niece took a bullet that will kill her softball career and her college scholarship because it disturbed too much muscle. His sister will be fine. The brother took one in the shoulder and a fragment tore and collapsed a lung. The hospital CEO approved this pairing due to publicity. Good luck with your complaint."

Linda comes storming into the room with a smile on her face like nothing just happened.

Linda tells Carrie, "I am releasing you tomorrow. You will have an army of helpers to clean up and cook for you when you arrive home. You will not be alone for long. Stacy needs her sleep to help recovery so there will be a procession of mothers and daughters to keep Phil here with a friendly face. It will be hard to breath and talk so they will do the talking. Sorry Phil!

"Dee and Vicki are here, waiting to take Stacy home with them. They will bring her back in the morning. All the families have offered you a place to stay so you can avoid your home. Stacy, when you leave, send Malissa in, we are taking the first shift."

Stacy hugs Linda and walks out of the room. I fall asleep before Malissa gets back.


Two days later, they release Carrie, she stays at my place unless she is at the hospital with me. During this time the lawyers have been out, the police have been out, and the investigation reveals that John was a bad man and linked to several more crimes. He will be in jail a long time. She is selling the house and everything inside. The best she can do is take half. The law doesn't care that he is a scumbag. It's ok, Stacy will inherit it someday. Carrie has plenty of money to pay for college now, I make a good living, we will be fine.

Two more days and I go home. I get to take it easy for a while, and no pushing the cardio. Basically washroom, sleep, and watch TV. Limited work for another week. In my business, I meet people to make money. Not doing anything is killing me financially. Carrie applies for her Real Estate license to help me out. By applying for a license, Carrie can now legally get the key from a realtor's box. She can be my assistant now.

I talk to the buyer in my office, we all drive out to the property, then Stacy and/or Carrie take them for the tour. They come out and I try to seal the deal. My new problem is that they are 100% honest. It takes more effort to sell a house sometimes and others it's easier because they see the house different than I do. Either way, my satisfaction surveys are going through the roof.

They ambush me at dinner, tag teaming me.

Carrie gives me her serious look, "We need to talk. I have really enjoyed helping you these last two weeks. I don't want this to end. I enjoy working with you more than any other boss. You don't scream at me when I cost you a sale like the Mays. Several other families didn't buy right away but did buy from us because we were honest with them when we saw something."

Stacy asks, "Have you ever thought about owning your own agency? I could see me and mom working for you and under you." She giggles. "Then you inside of us."

I ask even though I already know my answer, "Do I really have a say in this or have you already made up your mind?"

Stacy says with a straight face, "It depends on your answer."

I look at her and she doesn't break into a smile.

I smile, "Kid, you are good. I think I can make something of you. It's been fun working with you two. You learn the business and I will let you do a few on your own. Until then we tag team people. Eventually, when you two get licenses, we will start our own company. That stays between us for now."

They both stand up and do a happy dance. It was pathetic.

Stacy is still getting a degree, but she can do real estate on the side and during the summer.

When there is a good-looking single man or a frisky female giving the girls attention, the sex that night is off the charts. I stay in the car in those situations and the showing takes a lot more time than normal.

They come back to the car as if nothing happened. I feel bad about it. I have checked their purses and find condoms in both.

Part of me is happy that they are using condoms. Part of me is unhappy that they need to use condoms. Are they using sex to get sales? Are my numbers up because we work well as a team or they are sweetening the deal with sex? How do I bring this up with Pam? Should I bring this up with Pam? I still see Pam weekly to help with my issues. This sure has gotten complicated. OK, they are single. We have no commitment to each other. We enjoy sex together. I want Stacy to find a boyfriend. I prefer she find someone at school, not an older guy. Are they doing this to me to force me to commit to them? How do I test them? I need to date other people. That means they need to sleep elsewhere. That might cause a stir. This conversation with me has helped though.


Thursday night, we are all eating dinner in the kitchen together. Let the games begin! I hope I don't get crushed.

I announce, "For a while now I have put my life on hold. I hosted a wild party. I assisted with a messy divorce. I have helped you start in the real estate business. I think it would be safe to say that you two are thriving, right?"

Stacy doesn't see the train coming, happily she says, "Yes. I love my work, looking forward to starting school, and glad to see dad in the rear-view mirror. Life is so awesome right now. Why, is a storm coming?"

Carrie is uneasy as she asks me, "Why are you asking these questions?"

I carry on, "I am ready to make some life changes. However, I can't move on and start my life again, unless I am sure you two are set in life and happy. I believe you are. Looking at your numbers, your ability to close deals, you both will do fine on your own. You really don't need me anymore. You know I will always be here for you but maybe it's time I step aside and let you live your own life ... with me as a safety net."

Carrie is very cautious, "What kind of changes do you want to make?"

I reply, "Remember Pam talking about Gina. Our view of sex was related to our views of each other. I want a relationship with a woman that is so into me that I am all she wants."

Carrie asks, "How did you find out?"

The cat is out of the hat, she is on to me. However, I can't say yes, it bothers me that you fuck every male client. I want to but now way that works out. I must be coy.

I am defensive, "If I answer that question it means there is a problem with you. You are doing nothing wrong. You are a young attractive woman that is now free and living life. Do you think that makes me unhappy? You better not. No, this is about me and what I want. There are some team moms that I have an interest in. If nothing works out, then I will move on from there."

Stacy has caught on, "What do you want from us?"

I try to sound confident and normal, I am anything but confident right now, "I think it is time each of you picks out a bedroom and starts sleeping there."

Now the fireworks will begin. I hope they don't break anything. They both are looking at me like I tore their hearts out. Uggg, this hurts.

I continue, "Can you see it now? Ah Linda, um yeah, wait a minute while Carrie trims her muff. Then I can screw you. That would be just a bit awkward. By doing this I am not cramping your lifestyle or fun and I can try to piece together my life that I stopped living when Gina passed."

That damn scene plays out in my head again, I have tears rolling down my face. Some guy I am.

Carrie gets up and leaves the table. She is heading towards the bedroom.

Stacy asks, "How long have you known?"

I reply honestly, "Almost immediately. Good looking guy, twice as long to show a place if not longer, smile on your face, great sex at night. You might as well put on a neon light, 'I had sex with a client.' Like I said though, I am happy for you. I just don't want to feel like I'm being with Gina again, so I am stopping it now before it does become an issue. I expect and hope you will have fun in college. College is a great for finding the man you want to marry."

Stacy questions me, "What if you are that man?"

I am stern, "I have always placed your needs before mine. The best thing you can do is find a man your age. In four years you will meet some amazing people, one will treat you right and I will be a distant memory. Besides, you are way too good looking for an old guy like me."

Stacy is serious, "You are right. Lots of young horny men. They will lust for me and one will amuse me, and I will snare him for my personal use."

I advise her, "You will know he is right when you don't want other men and he doesn't want other women."

I ask, "Can you help with your mother? Based on her reaction I think she wants me and other men. I just can't be in that type of relationship again. It nearly destroyed my life."

Stacy smiles, "You are forcing her to deal with her own life and she doesn't want to. I suspected this would happen, but I expected her to try to keep you. She surprised me today. That's not good, I will talk to her. Let's go play pool, mom needs some space."

I am all smiles, "I like you're thinking."

Chapter 8 -- Adult Party

It's October now. Stacy is off to college and having a blast.

Life at home has been quite chilly. Carrie now fucks most men under 50 who are healthy. We have quit having sex. She pretends to be happy. I have yet to get around to dating, work has been exceptionally busy.

At dinner Carrie stiffens up and says, "I would like to host an adult party in your playroom like we had talked about at one time. Softball moms and their husbands or boyfriends. I get a lot of requests from the ladies. A problem that I see is that they have no experience with the equipment. I don't want another Gina situation."

Trying to encourage her, "As you have seen, I spent a lot of money on sex toys and furniture. I know people that own the sex stores and they do demonstrations. Would you mind assisting and being used?"

Without hesitation, "Yes, that sounds like fun. Halloween?"

I cautiously reply, "I will inquire and see if they are free."


A week later we are again having a quiet (non-talking) dinner.

I broach the subject, "I got confirmation today that both guys can attend your party. I asked for two hoping to get one and they both accepted. Seems they are eager to get more business from me again."

Carrie tests me, "You just said MY party. Isn't this something you want to do as well?"

I am defensive, "I don't mind helping. This will help a lot of couples. I don't have a date and I am not going to stand around perving on all the others. I will assist with the demos and then go out and watch a movie or something."

Carrie counters with, "You didn't mind watching the mothers and daughters together. What's different?"

I try to answer, "Because in the demo ... oh never mind."

Carrie is confused, "What? What about the demo? It would be good for you to be there, to watch over people."

I look at Carrie with deep concern in my eyes, "I just can't. Ok? I just can't. I am not good enough."

Instantly I regretted using those last two words.

Carrie has no clue, she isn't following my train of thought, "I don't understand a thing you just said."

I sigh and then continue, "Don't worry about it. You will have a blast, your friends will be happy, and the party will be a smash. That's what really matters."

Carrie senses that she missed something but can't figure it out and that bothers her to no end. She lets it go. Neither of us are thrilled with the result of the conversation but don't know how to move forward.


The next evening at dinner, Carrie starts the conversation.

Carrie asks, "Does your decision to not attend the party have anything to do with me?"

I carefully craft my answer, "It has more to do with me, my issues, and my insecurities than you. You have done nothing wrong."

Carrie probes deeper, "That's an evasive answer."

I am now annoyed at this line of questioning, I reply with an attitude, "What do you want from me? I gave you a place to live. I took a bullet for you. I set you up in a career. I hosted a party for your daughter and the softball team. I am willing to allow a second party here. What else do you want?"

Carrie seems sad now, "I don't know. I know I was happier before when I was a part of your life. I feel tossed aside. I live here with you but it's different."

I am sad now, "I wish Gina was here, you two could have compared notes."

She has infuriated me. I get up from the table, put my dishes in the dishwasher, and go to my room. I have said enough. No, I have said too much. I close my door, turn off the light, and lay down on my bed. After several minutes, I strip to my boxers, get under the comforter, and turn the TV on.


10:30 PM the same night. I turn off my TV. I roll over and go to sleep. There is a knock on my door and then Carrie comes barging in. She sits on my bed. I never said she could come in.

Carrie looks deep into my eyes and asks, "What did you mean when you compared me to Gina?"

I have anger in my eyes, "I know you fuck half of my customers."

Carrie's eyes go wide with surprise. Yup, I said it and spelled it out for her. No more beating around the bushes.

I go on to explain, "I choose not to share my bed with those men. I don't fault you, it must be a hell of a run. It's just not what I want. With being in a repressed relationship, I thought it was healthy for you. After my time with Gina, well, I am sure you understand. I told you, I am flawed and not good enough. Now go to bed. Nothing is going to change tonight. You have a lot of planning to do. Give me a list of supplies you need and I will get them. Close the door on your way out."

Yes, I was angry and dismissive. I think she understands now. She turned off my light, closed the door, and walked to her bedroom. I did not sleep well. Tomorrow is Monday, I get to sleep in. I sleep until 10:00 AM. I feel great.

Breakfast, coffee, and Carrie are waiting for me.