I am Yours


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"Was it all you'd hoped for?" She knowingly asked.

"It was way beyond that" he added, "quite frankly the best I've ever had."

As she smiled at his reply, the timer sounded on her cellphone and she giggled. "Looks like we made the best use of every minute." She chuckled.

"I don't mind saying that I had the time of my life. I must admit that you more than delivered on your part, honey, so now it is time for me to do the same." He sat up on the side of the bed and picked up his phone. "Yes, this is Gabe Weston confirming that I'd like you to go ahead and implement the immediate shift changes that we discussed earlier. Yes, the changes are to be permanent. I understand. Right. I'll sign the paperwork first thing Monday morning and make it all legal. Thank you and have a nice night."

"Angie tonight is the last night Wayne will be working the late shift. From this moment forward it's all daytime for him and he has you to thank for it. I hope it makes things even better for the both of you and that you'll be happier with him being there every night with you from now on."

"Thank you Gabe. I.... we really appreciate it. I better get my shower now and head home so I can appear to be asleep when he gives me the good news. She brazenly rose from the bed, leaned over and gave him a tender kiss on the lips as a non-verbal thank you.

"Want some company in the shower?" He playfully inquired.

"If we did that, I'd be late getting home so I best get my butt in gear."

"And a beautiful butt it is too!" He professed as she sashayed into the bathroom.

Shortly after the call was made, Wayne was called into Harold's office, his line supervisor. When he walked in, he saw Conrad, another of his coworkers already seated.

"Hey, Connie." Conrad just nodded as Wayne continued, "Is there a problem boss?"

"Quite the opposite Wayne" explained Harold. "Apparently you and Conrad have both impressed someone upstairs. The order handed to me just a few minutes ago is unsigned, but my boss says it's authentic so that's good enough for me. After the both of you complete your shift tonight, starting Monday, you will both be switched to permanent daytime schedules unless either of you prefer to remain on swing shifts."

Conrad and Wayne just looked at each other with big grins and high-fived each other. Wayne had a quick thought wondering if this had anything to do with Gabe and Angie, but quickly dismissed the idea because Conrad was receiving the same benefit and he isn't even married. Plus the shift change request didn't have Gabe's name on it, so he quickly divested himself of any quid-pro-quo thoughts.

When Wayne arrived home he was excited to share his good news. But retaining just a bit of suspicion, he wanted to see if Angie was already waiting up for him in anticipation of his unannounced shift change. He entered their home very quietly so as not to make her aware of his presence. He removed his shoes upon entering and tiptoed to their bedroom. The bedroom door was fully open and the only light was emanating from a night light they utilized in the connecting master bathroom. He couldn't tell if she was truly asleep or not, so he sneaked over next to her and softly touched his lips to hers as he had done many times before when he was frisky from the night shift. She slowly came to and responded by sleepily wrapping her arms around her husband, pulling him into her. He was convinced that she had indeed been asleep. Of course she feigned great surprise at his announcement, sharing his enthusiasm and, since neither of them had to be at work in the morning, being Saturday, they consummated their love once again into the wee hours of the morning. All was right with the world.

Gabe was getting very good at playing the long game seduction. He found Angie irresistible and seemingly malleable to his will. He just HAD to think of a way to have unrestricted sex with this vixen and experience her passion in every way. However, he was no fool. He exercised extreme caution when it came to her. It appeared that neither of them had aroused the suspicions of either of their spouses and they both were very happy about that. Gabe decided to cool his jets for a good while and adjust his timing for the greatest opportunity for success. He avoided communicating with his target, hoping that her fantasies were being fueled just as strongly as were his subsequent to their encounter.

When Angie mentioned the upcoming Henderson's Christmas party to Wayne, she offered to arrange another tux for him, realizing that blindsiding him like last time would be the wrong thing to do. He declined her offer and when pressed, he said that if she insisted, that she could go by herself and that there were many other things he could do that evening. She immediately dropped it but handed him an appointment card she'd made with her hair stylist for him. He smiled when he accepted the card but elected to forgo an argument. He later discreetly disposed of the appointment card, completely ignoring her suggestion and went, instead, directly to his own barber for yet another trim, not even bothering to cancel the appointment she had made for him. When someone at the party asked him about his work, which many folks in such situations are wont to do, his curt reply was, "It would be best for you to ask Angie. She explains it much better than I do." The sting of his remark reminded her that even a year later, he had not forgotten what she had done.

At the Hyatt Engineering Christmas party later that year, Gabe only engaged in polite small talk with Wayne and Angie and then moved on to interacting with other couples so as to avoid attracting any unwanted attention from either spouse. Both Andrea and Wayne seemed very relaxed without anything to set off their radars. Gabe did ask Angie for a dance but only after he had danced with many of the other wives. To completely avoid Angie could be interpreted as an obvious deflection. The dance was a fast one and to Angie's relief, he was the perfect gentleman, making no reference to their previous encounters not even by innuendo. But even so, she still couldn't help but melt inside, in reaction to his sexy deep resonant voice and his overpowering good looks, but she managed to maintain her composure for the remainder of the evening. But she did nearly fuck Wayne to death when they reached home afterwards.

Life proceeded normally for the next six months for both the Vanstorys and the Westons. Angie immensely enjoyed having her husband at home every evening like clockwork. In her mind, her delicious little sacrifice was definitely worth it and she carried no pangs of guilt.

It was midweek, the second week of July when Angie received a call from an outside line on her work phone.

"Angela Vanstory, how may I help you?"

"Hello Angie; you have no idea how good it is to hear your voice."

Her insides melted as she instantly recognized that rich bass voice. It always got to her nether regions. "Hi yourself, Gabe. It's been a while. How are things?" She inquired.

"That's what I'd like to talk with you about Angie. What are you doing for lunch today?"

"Oh nothing special. I was thinking about going to the little bistro across the street and getting one of their salads. Why?"

"There's a shopping center about 2 blocks down from Henderson's isn't there?"

"Well yes there is. Crosspark Plaza. Why do you ask?"

"Can you meet me there at 11:30 for lunch? We'll drop your car off there and I'll drive you across town to a great new steakhouse that has recently opened called Dutton's Ranch. I have something I'd like to discuss with you and treat your taste buds to a wonderful experience at the same time if you're game." Gabe added.

"I suppose I could take an extended lunch today. I was swamped yesterday, but today you're in luck."

"Awesome! Look, I won't tie up your phone now. I know your car. I'll see you at 11:30 sharp, then and I'll explain everything over lunch. Sound like a plan?"

"Yes it does" she giggled. See you then. Bye."

Angie spruced herself up a bit before leaving for lunch. For some reason, she wanted to look as good as she could with what she had on. That familiar tingle was returning to her loins.

* * * * * * *

Gabe grinned and whistled as she glided into his front seat. "Mmmm...mmmmmm. Do you take beauty pills or something every day? Girl I declare you are even more beautiful than the last time I saw you. I don't know what your secret is but keep it up!"

"Oh don't be silly you dirty old man. I wasn't expecting to meet with anyone today but I appreciate the compliment just the same." She said smiling as she blushed. She wondered if she would leave a wet spot on his leather seat. But somehow she didn't think he would be overly concerned if she did. They engaged in small talk catching up on each other's lives until after they had finished their main meal and were waiting on dessert.

"You're right Gabe. My filet mignon was cooked to perfection and wow, the taste just exploded in my mouth. I'm gonna have to try to persuade Wayne to bring us here the next time we have to celebrate."

"That's exactly what I wanted to speak with you about Angie. Something to give you and Wayne something worth celebrating."

"I knew you had something up your sleeve. You wouldn't have risked being seen with me in public if there wasn't a good reason. What's on your mind? Come on, spill it." She smiled.

"You know me too well, girl." As he said that, the waitress dropped off two homemade peach cobblers with ice cream.

"Well Angie, I've been thinking. Actually I've been going crazy wanting to meet with you again. You're all I think about, day and night. You have no idea how much seed I have privately spilled reliving our sixty-nine session. But I'm not here to rehash the past. Instead, I have an eye to the future."

"Whose future Gabe? Wayne's? Yours? Or mine?"

"In reality, all three sweetheart. I have given quite a lot of thought, I mean a LOT of thought about being with you again. But our past bargains are sealed deals and I, for one, will never break mine and ask any more of you for past accomplishments."

"Damn this is good cobbler. I don't know what they put in it, but it's addictive. Anyway, like I was saying, I wracked my brain trying to come up with something that you and I both could find truly valuable and worthy of consideration."

"You're right. It is addictive, but please go on."

"Of course. I remember you telling me a good while back, when we had some alone time together, that you'd like to see Wayne scale the ladder of success at our fine company. And to be honest with you, I'd like to make that happen for you two. I believe he has a fine head for business on his shoulders and even more importantly, has the respect of all of his coworkers. Respect is a valuable commodity in business leadership. Some people go about getting it the wrong way, by stepping on others. Wayne earns respect by building up others. His integrity has already been proven and he would be a great candidate for....."

"For what Gabe? What are you trying to say?" He could see the anxiousness in her pleading eyes. He knew he definitely had her full attention.

"Elliot Hensley, Harold's boss and your husband's boss's boss, will be retiring in two weeks. He's currently the shift manager for the entire daytime shift. I just found out today that he has inoperable cancer and he just wants to spend what time he has left with his family and I don't blame him. I'd do the same were I in his shoes."

"Oh that's terrible. I've met Elliot and his lovely wife Regina at the Christmas parties. It's such a shame and he's not that old either."

"You're right about it being a shame. Elliot has been a good worker and friend and I wish nothing but the happiest memories for his family during his last days. At the same time, that sad note brings us to a new opportunity."

"US? What do you mean, US Gabe? What are you talking about?"

"As unfortunate as the circumstances are, business must go on, even in Elliot's absence. Old man Hyatt has tasked me with interviewing and recommending Elliot's replacement. I know what you're thinking, why not move Harold up to Elliot's position and then fill Harold's slot with someone else? And as logical as that may seem, Harold is no spring chicken. As a matter of fact, he has told me that he is considering taking early retirement within the next five years or so. That being the case, it would be inept of me to advise Harold as the replacement. Now old man Hyatt also prefers that I promote someone from within the ranks because of their close familiarity with our services, procedures and policies. So that eliminates bringing in someone from outside the firm." Gabe paused, giving everything he'd said thus far time to sink in.

"What? Does that.... does that mean that you are considering recommending moving someone younger into that position?" She said with baited breath.

"Well, whoever it is that I recommend to old man Hyatt, is pretty much a shoe-in for the job. I'm sure he'll just rubber stamp my recommendation considering my position and longevity with the company, no matter who it is."

With that, Gabe pulled out a piece of paper from his coat pocket and handed it to her. As she unfolded it, he began again, "As you can see, there are six names on the list. In actuality, the names are in order of my valuation of each one as Elliot's replacement. Yes, Wayne is number six on the list, but he is at least on the list. I have complete confidence that any of the six men could competently perform well in that position once they were taken under my tutelage for a short while to get them up to speed."

I don't know what to say, Gabe. It looks like your mind is already made up. So why are you showing this to me?"

"But that's exactly my point Angie. Those were just my first gut instinct thoughts on paper, and no one besides you and I have seen that list, no one. That being the case, Hyatt has no idea who I may recommend for promotion and is waiting for my answer."

"So you're saying there is a CHANCE for Wayne to be promoted to Elliot's position? To move two rungs up the ladder in one go?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. If I were to put Wayne's name up to Hyatt, then he would make two big pay jumps in a single bound. As a matter of fact, he would become a salaried employee at that level, just like me but his annual salary would be somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty-five percent greater than your present income, if what you've mentioned to me before is true."

Angie's excitement lit up her face at the prospect. This would be a dream come true for them both! Wayne would have the prestige of being in a serious management position with the firm and his salary would far surpass hers, elevating his status in her eyes because everyone else would also view him in this new and different light. She couldn't be more pleased at the prospect. But then it suddenly hit her. This was a biggie. And she knew that Gabe would want something just as serious in return.

"Okay Gabe, suffice it to say that you've definitely got my attention. So yes, I'm asking. What would it take for you to move Wayne's name from number six, to the number one position? That's why we're here after all right now isn't it?" She said with trepidation.

"I just KNEW we were on the same page, girl. Believe me, I want this to happen just as much as you do, but I have no idea whether or not you're prepared to undertake what I would consider sufficient motivation for me to stick my neck out for your husband like I would, in all reality, be doing.

With palpable determination in her voice, she rejoined, "Bottom line Gabe. I read you loud and clear. I just need to know precisely what you would want in return for your guaranteed recommendation so I can think it over."

"Always the clever girl, you are and right to the crux of the matter. I have always loved that about you Angie and appreciate your candor. Okay. For me to stick my neck out for your husband and guarantee his double promotion and significant raise in salary, this would be for all the marbles. We both know that after the terms of this 'agreement' were met by both of us, you and I, we would never have any further opportunity to come to any more such agreements in the future. That being the case, this one last agreement between us would be our very last, never to be repeated again and there would never be anything else I could offer you down the road. Wayne would receive my very best tutelage ensuring his success but that would require only about two weeks of my time training him. I feel certain that he will quickly glean from me what he needs to become proficient and then go from there."

Angie looked down at the table as he spoke, realizing that this was far and away exceeding anything else he had ever done for them before. She knew what was coming.

"Angie, if you can bring yourself to work with me on this, together, as a team then yes, I would have substantial expectations of your involvement. Here's my thinking. Sometime in the next two weeks, I would expect you to spend a full three day weekend with me, just you and me. The three days will likely begin at 6:00 am on a Friday morning and continue, non-stop until 6 pm Sunday evening. During that time, you would be my anything-goes-sex-slave who will deny me nothing. I realize that you have emphatically stated before that you would not sleep with me. But if you could see your way clear to give me my little three day mini-vacation with you, then you and your husband could realize a lifetime of luxury as a result. I've given this quite a lot of thought and because of the circumstances and how much I would be sticking my neck out for you both, I won't accept anything less than what I'm proposing. If you can't bring yourself to accommodate my request, I will completely understand and never bother you ever again, nor ever bring up our wonderful intimate history, but I want you to know that I will treasure the time we have spent together for the rest of my life."

"So it's all or nothing, huh? No middle ground? No way to avoid full intercourse?"

"I understand your reluctance, Angie, believe me I do. And if you say no, there will be no vindictive fallout with Wayne. He will just have to rise up the ranks much more slowly over the years taking the path he is now on. I expect good things from the man. But to give you a direct response, yes, it's all or nothing. Honey, you must realize, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for him. You'll never get another chance to help him like this ever again."

"When will I have to give you an answer? I'm going to be honest with you Gabe. Right this moment, I'm inclined to pass on your proposal. No disrespect to you, you are a gorgeous hunk of a man and you definitely turn me on. But intentionally choosing to cheat on Wayne, even for his own good, is an impossible choice for me to make right now. I hope you understand."

"Of course, of course I understand. I had no expectations of an immediate answer. But there is an urgency time wise. Let's see, today is Wednesday. I will have to have your answer by Sunday at the latest, because we would need to make plans to make it happen very soon. The sooner you can let me know, either way, the better. I will be interviewing those six names on that list over the next week and make my announcement soon thereafter. So time is of the essence."

"I must say, Gabe. You've given me a LOT to consider. And I promise not to simply dismiss your proposal out of hand. I will give it very serious consideration and let you know something just as soon as I possibly can. I can't thank you enough for at least considering Wayne as an option for this promotion. That alone means a lot to me." As they stood, she gave him a peck on the cheek and he returned her to her car in silence. She was lost in her deep thoughts.
