Husband Kicks Cheating Wife Out


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Monday morning I was up and left my office before Andrea got up. I had a lot of work to do on my plan if things went according to Andrea's intentions. I was not going to tolerate her cheating on me. Since she appeared to have made up her mind to end our marriage then I had to get to work. I was hurt by the fact that she thought she could have sex outside out marriage and that I was stupid enough to stand by, let her do it, and then pretend it was all good if, and when, she came home. And what if she comes home with some disease, or pregnant, or both. Nope, not gonna happen.

Step one was a call to my lawyer. My lawyer was a friend of mine that handled the more mundane business that we needed a lawyer to handle, real estate, wills, that sort of thing I didn't figure that he would handle the divorce work but would be able to refer me to a lawyer that does. He did, there was a good divorce attorney at the firm and my meeting with her was scheduled for that afternoon.

It was a difficult meeting, but my new lawyer was a skilled litigator and fully aware of the laws in our state. I didn't want to make this a difficult divorce; in fact I was very happy with a 50/50 division of all our assets. Neither one of us had much when we got married and we both had been working full-time to build on our ability to live comfortably and have a family; until now. So I was happy to split things down the middle. I'm not a completely heartless prick.

The paperwork would be drawn up and then held until I had proof that my wife was indeed fucking other men. Until then this was just a preliminary move on my part.

The week was slow to go by. I made a point of spending as little time as possible at home and went out every evening, mostly to the gym to burn off stress. I noticed that Andrea was spending a lot of time with Jessica and she announced on the Thursday that she would be staying with her for a couple of weeks until she could find another more suitable place. I knew it would be a convenient place where she could fuck her boyfriends and not have to worry about being interrupted by me. Jessica would likely be entertaining her boyfriends at the same time so it would be a real party. Jesus, this was fucked up!

On Saturday my wife of five years and one week confirmed for me her decision to have sex outside of our marriage by packing her things in her car and leaving.

She stopped just before she left, "Honey, I don't want to go, are you sure we can't work something out so I can stay. I love you a lot and I really want our marriage to be better."

My God, "Andrea, if you loved me at all, and wanted our marriage to be better, you would not go through with this. Yes, I want you to stay here at home with me, but I will not allow you to fuck other men while you are my wife. I love you but I'm just not going to stand for that. Please come with me to marriage counselling to try to sort out what the problems are. But if you won't do that then I don't know what I can say. So, go."

As she was loading her things in her car I got in my car and went off to the hardware store to go get new locks for the house. I changed three locks on the house and changed the security code on the garage door opener.

Saturday night and all of Sunday I sat at home staring at the four walls hoping that Andrea would come to her senses and come home. The next week was brutally hard on me. I went to the gym every day that week and took up running again to try and reduce my stress level. By times I was terribly depressed and wanted to go to her and beg her to come home. Intellectually I was still having difficulty fathoming the idea that my wife was leaving me to have sex with other men, while we stayed married. I felt like giant failure. Was I that useless that my wife was willing to rub her infidelity in my face? I guess so.

I went on the internet to research the psychology of cheating and why spouses cheat on each other. I was amazed to learn that about 40% of all married people cheat on their spouse. I was also amazed to learn that of that group almost 90% stay in the marriage. Cheating by one or both spouses is most often quietly tolerated by the other partner.

Often there are children to be considered and it is easier for the other spouse to just accept the infidelity, if it is discreet, and continue as if it were not happening. Wives who cheat, for the most part, say that they love their husbands and families but are looking for excitement outside the marriage. Excitement that they are not getting at home.

A lot of the women who have affairs say that home is a lot of work where the day-to-day grind of keeping a family afloat with all the activities that kids are involved in and the mundane work that occupies their daily lives makes sex and intimacy with their husbands boring. Women want to feel excitement with their lover who is concentrating on them alone and not talking about kids or errands right after sex. Maybe the key to marriage success was to treat your wife like a cheating spouse but without the divorce part. Just enjoy the sex. Maybe I should go and try to pick up my wife at the club that she and Jessica will go to?

People cheat on their spouses for a lot of reasons: lack of sex in the relationship, no passion, no connection between the wife and husband anymore and revenge for the other partner having cheated. Some women have said that they cheat on their husbands to save their marriages, I'm not sure about that one, but that's what they have said to researchers who have studied marital cheating. Marriage is complex and relationships take work.

Open marriages, where it is known by both spouses that they will have other relationships, and sex partners, seldom ever survive in the long term. Emotional bonds are formed, and feelings get hurt eventually, and most will divorce. Polyamorous marriages are equally fraught and complex. This is especially so if there are children to be considered. There is always the problem of an STD being introduced into the relationship, so that is a constant threat. My own belief was that monogamy was best in a marriage and if both partners did not agree with that then they should not be married. They should look for a different person to be married to, or to be in relationship with.

Did I ignore my wife and drive her away? Did I forget to pay enough attention to her while I was doing what I thought I needed to do to build a life for us. Was I wrong? I don't know. I do know that I was unhappy that my wife had left our home to go have sex with other men. She was looking for the things that I supposedly didn't give her. I didn't see her strategy as leading to an improvement in our marriage.

And so the next week went by slowly again. I did not call my wife once and Andrea only texted me once to ask me to forward her mail to her there. She had nothing to say to me that gave any indication that she wanted to stay married; it was all business. Clearly, she was getting on with her plan to find a boyfriend, or two, to have fun with.

I thought about following her from the apartment to wherever she and Jessica went, to see who she was meeting. I drove by the apartment several times but didn't stop and decided that I couldn't do that to myself. I had to let her make the decision otherwise she would never be my wife again. The longer that this went on the less chance there was that she was ever coming home to me. The other part of that equation was that the longer she took to come back the less likely it was that I was going to want her.

A month went by, and with little communication between us, Andrea showed up unannounced at the house. When her key didn't work, she rang the doorbell and knocked on the door. I went to the door.

"Andrea, what brings you here today?"

"Honey, my key doesn't seem to work in the lock, what is going on with that?"

"That's because I changed all the locks." I said the words with a deadpan expression on my face.

Andrea started to come in the house, but I stood in the way to block her. "What do you want Andrea?"

"I came to get a few of my things that I forgot when I moved in with Jess."

Again, she didn't come here to see me, it was about her stuff and purely business. She didn't really care about me or what she was doing to me. The hurt that I might have been experiencing was not even a consideration for her. I was clearly just getting in her way. Was she that foolish or delusional to think that I wouldn't care about her sexual activities with other men and eventually take her back?

"There are some boxes in the garage with things that are yours that I collected up around the house."

"Why did you do that Honey, I'm coming home in a few months so there is no need to pack all of my things."

I let her in the house, it was after-all still half hers. We went to the garage and she could see that there was a dozen or more boxes of things ready for her to take.

"How long are you going to live with Jessica?"

"She has been really great. I'm going to stay with her for a while. I'm sure that this will only be for a few more months and then I will be back and I'll be an even better wife to you Honey. Then we can make a baby or two and be a family."

I rolled my eyes at that comment and did an internal grimace. Yeah, right. I wan't sure just how her fucking other men would make her a better wife and prepare her to be a mother. But somewhere in her twisted logic, probably implanted by that bitch Jessica, that is what she wanted to believe. Surely, she knew that what she said was bullshit. I had other ideas on the whole business.

"So, have you found a boyfriend yet?"

Andrea blushed red at my question. I knew the answer immediately. "Jess and I have been out on some dates with guys from the club that we go to but that's all."

"How is the sex with your new boyfriends?"

Her face was still red, and she busied herself looking through the boxes for the stuff that she wanted. I knew the answer to that question, so I left the garage and went back to the kitchen to have my coffee and read the newspaper. A few minutes later she came out with a big bag of things and looked around the kitchen.

I suppose she was expecting the house to look like a mess with her gone. It was just the opposite. I had hired a maid service to come in three times a week to clean the place and so it looked spotless. She was noticeably disappointed by the lack of clutter. No giant stack of dirty dishes, no pile of empty beer bottles, no mountain of dirty laundry. No, the house was doing just fine, and I was working at keeping myself together so that I didn't lose my mind as I fester on the idea that my wife had left me to go fuck other men.

"Is there anything else you need Andrea?"

I could tell that she wanted to find out what was going on here without her. "So Honey, have you been OK since I began staying with Jess?"

"I'm fine. I've been busy with work. I'm on the road a lot."

"Honey are you getting out at all or just staying home here by yourself?"

There it was. The great question that I expected eventually. What did I say earlier, 'what is good for the goose is good for the gander.' Time for me to drop a small grenade in her basket and see how she handles it.

"I've been trying to keep busy. I joined a cycling group that meets twice a week for organized rides. We meet at a start point and ride as a group for 40 to 60 miles. It's a lot of fun. I've been meeting lots of new people there. They're a great bunch. We usually go to someplace after for a beer and a burger. Riding that far works up your hunger."

Between exercising and the stress that she was causing me I had dropped fifteen pounds in the last few weeks. Getting lots of exercise was probably the only thing that saved me from a mental breakdown. I made point of staying away from too much alcohol, that would not help me at all.

"That's nice." She said it with a tone that might suggest she was more interested in what I was doing than her response suggested. My takeaway from that was that she wanted to know if I was meeting other women.

I figured that as Andrea drove away from the house, she began to think that her plan wasn't working out quite as she had figured. Maybe her loyal husband might just meet another woman and decide that he didn't need to stay married to her. Maybe her plan to find a boyfriend to give her the attention that her husband had not been might have bigger consequences than she thought.

I found out that Andrea had been dating two guys from the club that she and Jessica went to and had sex with both of them a few times but so far they were not interested in her to the point that they wanted to spend quality time with her after a few hours between her legs. Both the guys were happy to take off from Jessica's apartment after they had fucked her. Once they got a blowjob and a fuck both would tell her that they had to go. Both were married and were just out looking for a good time. Andrea was that good time.

At the two month point I knew that my marriage was done, and I had to start with the next phase of my plan.

Andrea had not contacted me for weeks, so I knew that she wasn't thinking about me or our marriage at all. She was doing whatever it was that she wanted and hadn't expressed any interest or intent to come home. If she did there would be a whole bunch of conditions attached, and even then, I wasn't sure that I was going to take her. And for a good reason beyond what she was doing. I found out that she and one of her boyfriends had taken a vacation to Dominican Republic during the school break. They had a little getaway to the sun and sand to work on their suntans and other things. So, if that was her idea of making our marriage stronger through infidelity, well...

The crap that Jessica had been selling to Andrea about what a bad husband I had been and how I had ignored my wife had resonated with Andrea before she decided to abandon our marriage. Now she was sharing a two-bedroom apartment with her disgruntled divorcée friend and her reputation amongst the other teachers and her family was going downhill. When Andrea's mother learned that she had gone off to the Caribbean with another man she called me asking why we had separated; she probably figured that we had been fighting. When I told her that her daughter had left me to go and have sex with other men she was stunned and didn't believe me. I told her to talk to Andrea herself and find out the truth.

Her mother called her, "Andrea, why did you move out from your home? What is going on with you and Robert? Is he hurting you?"

"No Mum, he isn't harming me, but he doesn't give me the excitement that I need from a man right now. Rob doesn't make me feel desirable, I need that feeling, I need to feel wanted, I don't feel attractive to him, so I need to feel that from someone else right now. I want to have a bit of fun before Rob and I start a family. I need to do this right now then in a few months I'll go back to him when he will appreciate me more and it will all be good, you'll see."

Andrea's mother was floored by what she said. "Dear, if you have sex with other men Robert is not going to want you as a wife. Cheating on him is the best way to end your marriage; don't you understand that?"

"I know that Rob loves me Mom, he understands that I need to do this. I'll go back home in a few months, maybe a year at the most, and then we will have babies.'

"Andrea, Dear, you need to wake up and go home now or there won't be a marriage or a husband to go home to. And there certainly won't be any babies with him, do you understand me?"

"Mum, I know that Rob loves me, I know what I'm doing."

Even her mother couldn't talk some sense into her. So in that 'good for the goose -- good for the gander' way of thinking, I had decided that I was going to see if I was ready for a life. It was now about three months since Andrea left and it was time that I got on with my life.

I got up the courage to ask one of the women that I cycled with for a date. I just wanted some female companionship and a change from the routine that I had been enduring. Since my wife had moved out my daily routine was work, the gym, cycling and sleep; repeat tomorrow, wait for the nonsense to end. That was it.

A part of me wished that Andrea would come to her senses, stop this nonsense and come home; but that wan't happening. I had to face the facts; she was not likely coming back; at least not the wife that I had married or the woman that I thought I knew. I guess she was enjoying her new freedom and finding the excitement and validation as a woman that was missing from our marriage. The things that the psychologists say is the motivation for married women to cheat on their husbands.

So, I tried to get a date without making it look like I was super needy and was just hitting on someone. That might be too weird, I know. I wanted to get to know the people in my cycling group and have them get to know me before inviting one of the women for a date. I wanted this to not be a pity date. My cycling friends pretty much knew that I was separated from my wife and I'm sure that some might have even known that Andrea was actively dating other men. This was not that big a city and people know other people and the juicy gossip gets around eventually.

When I asked a woman named Diane out for drink and bite to eat, I was surprised when she accepted my invitation. I wanted to go out on Saturday night to a nice place that would be casual and relaxed and not read too much into it. Before we would eat, I had planned for us to go kayaking on the lake near the city. I had kayaked quite a bit a few years ago so knew how to do things. I asked Diane if she had kayaked, and while she had not before, I told her that it's a lot of fun. She said that she would really like to try it. So, it was a date. The food and a drink would come after the activity.

It turned out to be a great time. Diane enjoyed the kayaking; we only went about 10 miles on the water taking about three hours. Then it was off to a nice restaurant for a good plate of food and a drink. I like beer so had a steak wth some french fries and a good local craft beer. Diane likes white wine and ate a pasta dish. Low-key, informal, and no pressure. After we finished up, we got some ice cream at a stand on the waterfront boardwalk. I drove her home and told her that I had a great time. I was going to give her a kiss on the cheek, but she leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips. It was great and unexpected.

I didn't want to appear too eager so waited until I saw her at the regular Tuesday cycle meet-up to arrange another date. She surprised me a bit when she said that when I didn't call her that she thought that I didn't have a good time. I was quick to tell Diane that it was just the opposite, I had a great time and really enjoyed what we did and especially being with her. We made a date for Saturday. This time to play golf.

I saw on the internet that if you want to have someone be interested in you there is a fine line about too much texting and calling. Men who text and call women all the time are thought to be too needy so women will shy away from them when they see that kind of behaviour. So, I sent Diane a text on Friday saying that I was looking forward to playing golf with her on Saturday and what time I would pick her up if she liked. That gave her the option of meeting me at the golf club if she preferred. She told me to please pick her up, so we set the time for the early afternoon.

We had a great time on the golf course. Neither one of us will ever be a pro-golfer but we had lots of fun. That night we ate dinner at my place; we barbecued and had a bottle of wine. After dinner and when it was late, I got ready to drive her home, but she took the car keys from my hand and put them on the kitchen counter and asked to see the bedroom.