How My Sister Took Over Ch. 02

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John realizes he is in serious trouble.
11.6k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/08/2021
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This is an adaption of one of my earlier works for a role reversal site. I had to adapt a few things to fit this site's standards. All of my characters having sex are over 18.

This story contains aspects of domination, femdom, and incest. Of course it is fiction and admittedly pushes the bounds of credibility.


I got the girls home and they were sober, just a little buzzed. No chance of any information out either of them tonight. But I resolved to conduct a little investigation. My cock was hard from just the thought of Stacie and my sister doing a little lesbian action while I watched. And then I thought how I wanted Stacie for myself. As I brushed my teeth before going to bed I laughed at myself for being such a pervert, wanting to watch a little lesbian action despite it being Stacie, the girl I wanted for myself and Evelyn, my twin sister. But when everybody got up mid morning Sunday, nothing seemed out of place. The night before could have been a dream.

Monday and Tuesday were administrative days at school. We all had to turn in our textbooks, clear the school library and all the other bullshit you go through. Evelyn wanted to "make damn sure I had my gown picked up and all my duckies in a row to graduate"....(Mom's orders to her privately.) When I heard that I almost laughed.

I had done all that on my own. I think Evelyn was a little disappointed I had not messed up so she would have an excuse to spank me again. She just found out our parents would be back earlier than planned..

Dad sent me on a errand to buy some supplies he wanted. He gave me a short list. Mom, Evelyn and Stacie were off on a mission of their own. Mom wanted to have a little discussion with Stacies' mother about her being okay with the three of us living in a townhouse or apartment. Both moms knew Stacie had been staying with us lately more than at her own home.

Unsupervised time was just what I needed. I now could do a little shopping trip on my own. I wanted buy an electronic bug and recorder. I knew it was wrong but I was not thinking with the brain that had a conscience. Dave had given me the idea a few months ago when we were gaming at Roger's. Both knew Stacie stayed overnight with Evelyn often. "I would like to be a fly on the wall in that bedroom." Roger said. "Those girls are hot! Maybe they get naked and lez out with each other."

"DUDE!!!! That IS my sister you are talking about!" I hollered.

"Yeah?" Dave laughed. "And you wouldn't want to see Stacie nude?"

Neither knew I already had and they wouldn't. I still had hopes for more opportunities, and both these guys had big mouths with no filters. "I WOULD like to know what is going on in there," I admitted. Roger told me I ought to get a nanny cam. Dave shut that idea down as they had no audio and the picture would be grainy at best. I said I would just like to hear what they were saying. Dave was into all this tech stuff and told me how tiny wireless bugs were pretty cheap. He told me about this nearby shop that sells all that kind of stuff. Lately, I often thought about that conversation.

I stopped at the electronics shop on the way home. I was amazed at all the spy stuff they sold. The guy running the place knew Dave of course and said if Dave had decided to stay around town this summer instead of heading off to electronics tech school, he would have hired him as a sales clerk. He asked my budget then showed me the perfect device. He never asked who I was going to spy on only concerned about range from bug to recorder etc. He warned me that listening and recording conversations without consent of one party could get me in serious trouble. 'You have no idea." I thought.

He pulled out what looked like a cell phone. That served as both recorder and charger for the bug itself. The bug was a thin square about the size of my index finger nail and slid into a little port on the recorder to charge. "You just power the whole thing like you do a cell phone, and the bug and recorder are charged and synced," he explained. " Pull out the button and hide it where you want. You get about 12 hours of actual recording. The beauty is, it is voice activated, so nothing is recorded if no sound. And the range from bug to recorder was 100 feet." He even showed me how to plant the bug using a "bugger dot" adhesive to stick it on the back or underside of a piece of furniture.

Everybody was still gone so I had no problem getting inside with my new purchase. The bug was charged so I decided to hide it right away. When I played back the recording, I found the thing worked perfectly. Voices were clear as a bell. Unfortunately, neither girl said anything remotely interesting that I did not know already. I would have to wait.

The next day was Saturday, That afternoon was commencement, so afterwards we all went out to dinner. Stacie and her Mom went along and of course the conversation turned to us all living together. Ms Hodges seemed interested but reserved at the same time. Dad said liked the idea to save money and he already had a couple places to look over. He had an agent looking for places since the idea first came up. This was news to us teens. Dad said once the decision that the two of us actually wanted to live together, he wanted to get the ball rolling. He did not have a lot of free time. I could not resist offering my comment..."GET 'ER DONE!!!!" They all laughed. Evelyn nodded her approval at my enthusiasm.

I suspected she wanted to keep me close now that she was in charge. I would have too much free time if I lived in a dorm. I was sure she would not have relinquished her control no matter where I stayed. I imagined the horror of a roommate walking in and finding me over her knee getting spanked. That would be devastating.

The recording that night was the first time the conversation in Evelyn's room got interesting. Evelyn was excited as hell. She gushed about how the news we could all live together made her day. What got my attention was when the conversation turned to the subject of Stacie moving in. I found out Stacie's Mom knew we had had sex but were not in an active relationship. She liked me and had no qualms about the whole thing and actually was a little happy about it as it freed her to have her own male friends around. My little recorder had proved its value already.

After we all had breakfast Sunday morning Mom set the girls to cleaning up. Stacie was busy with Evelyn so I had the opportunity to retrieve my bug for recharging. Dad had gone into his old office to tie up a few loose ends as he put it. Dad announced he had narrowed his search to two places and he and Mom were going to make the final selection today. Evelyn and Stacie wanted to go along. Dad asked me if I wanted to go as well. I shook my head saying if the girls liked it, that would be good enough. And added it would be crowded with five of us in the car.

After they left, I replaced my bug behind Evelyn's nightstand and headed over to visit Roger and Dave for a while. Dad had given me permission as Dave would be leaving for tech school soon and Roger's family were already having the movers pack their furniture for their move. They had waited until Roger graduated to make the actual move.

I had not had the opportunity to tell either of my friends about Evelyn and I getting an apartment. They were envious when I explained it all. Of course both made some pretty crude and inappropriate comments when they heard about Stacie moving in as well. I grinned like a fool watching their reaction.

Mid-afternoon, I got a text from Evelyn. "Why R U still at Rogers?" I was puzzled at first then remembered she had put a tracking app on my phone. "Dad said I could. They R leaving town."

"U R supposed to ask ME. Maybe we need a little talk later." "come home" she texted. Fuck her....but I did not text that. Instead, I texted."Be home in a while." "Almost done"

I was getting a little tired of her rules. I had done nothing to give her an excuse to beat my butt for a few weeks and I thought I had redeemed myself. I just was not feeling like giving her all that power over me, not anymore. The fantasy of having her spank my ass had worn thin.

When I got home she met me outside. She had been thinking about my last texts and was furious although she did not raise her voice. She told me to think about how bad my butt was going to hurt after she used that rod on it tonight, I said simply, "no".

"You are the one who hinted I be in charge so you would have the discipline to do well. And it worked. You did the best you ever have in school." she said, frowning. I told her I did not like getting spanked. "Of course you don't like it." she huffed. "That's why they call it punishment. It is an integral part of discipline. You suggested it."

"Well I am UN-suggesting it." I said firmly.

She was flabbergasted that I might stand up for myself and asked if I wanted her to show Mom and Dad our contract and the lines I had written that first day weeks ago. "Only if you want to lose the apartment and live in the dorm instead." I replied, calmly. She sputtered and looked like she might cry. She was so angry. "I am fully on board with sharing a place with you and Stacie, but on my terms or at least a compromise." I said. I walked away before she could answer.

My next step was obvious. I had to delete that damn punishment file off my computer. I could deal with my folks knowing I looked at porn. Dad had even cracked jokes about it and teased me about wasting too much time. I stopped short. I remembered that first day when Evelyn put those child privacy settings on both my phone and computer. Could she have really blocked me from deleting that file? Then I remembered I might not do it with a couple key strokes, but I knew I could edit the content as I had done that several times already. I might just have to edit the thing into oblivion.

Dad caught me before I could get inside. He wanted to show me some stuff in the garden shed. It was an excuse to talk. He asked if I really wanted to share an apartment with my sister. I grinned and told him I would rather share one with just Stacie and he started laughing. "No shit, I KNEW that." He told me how this whole deal would save a lot of money in the long run especially since Evelyn wanted to go to the same university. Nor did he want to be rushed to find a large enough place for all four of us for the summer. He just wanted to hear me say I was willing to take on the responsibility of sort of looking out for my sister without the pressure of sitting in front of Mom and Evelyn. He then told me he had an earlier talk with Evelyn asking her if she really thought she could stand to put up with me in the same household without a parent figure as referee. She was over the top and assured him she had thought it all out and "knew we could get along without too much conflict." Dad laughed and stated he figured she would say she would live in a room full of snakes as long as she could stay in town for the summer.

I knew what she had in mind, but I also knew I was going stop it.

We walked inside and found Stacie and Mom were preparing supper. I headed to my room and wasted no time getting on my computer. Sure enough, I could not delete files all in one fell swoop. So I pulled up each sub file in the folder and edited it. I left a couple periods in each, then went to the next. I did this systematically going from oldest file to current. Then I did a file search of the folder to make sure there was no file larger than minimum, not even the folder name which was now named dot dot.

As we ate supper, Evelyn did not glare at me like I might have expected. She was cordial and upbeat, particularly when Dad announced he had made the call for the agent to submit his bid for the townhouse he had selected. He explained that he had considered waiting until talking to Evelyn and me, but the price was already good enough, he could turn a profit even if we later decided not to share a place. He and Mom described the townhouse and then he even assigned bedrooms.

There were 2 large rooms upstairs and bathroom. Downstairs was a smaller bedroom with a bath plus a combination dining and living room. The kitchen was not all that big, but he was sure it would serve us well. He expected me to live downstairs in the smaller bedroom and leave the upstairs to the girls. His reasoning had some thought behind it and he would explain as he went along. The main reason was the upstairs would give the girls privacy and being on the main floor would almost force me to be 'close to the action' as he put it. Totally unlike our current situation where anyone could enter the house and I would be totally unaware unless I happened to come out of my 'cave' as it was the furthest from the front door. His narrative had everyone else laughing. I did not care and figured he was probably right. I know he was thinking of guys coming into the house without my knowing even if he did not say it outright.

Dad then said the living room would serve as a communal study area as he had checked specifically that it had adequate electrical outlets and room to situate three large computer/office desks. Then he cracked another joke that he was going to exert some parental control and make very sure the apartment was not going to be configured for partying. Mom announced that as soon as she heard the contract was accepted she was going to order drapes. She had already taken measurements. I commented on how they were "on this like an army at war" and she laughed and said she did not have time to fool around and that thinking ahead of the game was crucial in life. Evelyn grinned and said, "Oh yeah, gotta anticipate problems and get a firm grip on things."

All in all, we had a very relaxed evening. Dad announced that if he did not hear about the contract by the next day, he and Mom were going to head back north to the condo, but within the hour he received the call that his offer had been accepted. He said we could actually begin to move in immediately so the next day he would call the office supply store to deliver the desks he had picked out. He told us to begin packing up the small things in our rooms we would need except for clothes. Everything else would go into storage. A lot of our private things we could move in our cars as we went along. He was just going to hire out moving the big stuff. We were all pretty happy when we went to our respective rooms that evening.

I was until Evelyn came into my room while I was packing and told me she was seriously pissed at me 'because of my attitude.' She told me to strip nude and bend over my bed for 10 stripes. She added that if I thought I might make too much noise, she could stuff my underwear into my mouth so nobody else in the house would hear me. I would get double the stripes if I did not comply. I told her to get out. I barely restrained myself to not add a group of expletives.

I was stationed in the townhouse to receive the desk delivery the next afternoon. Stacie and Evelyn had come over to look the place over and to bring a few of their things. The desks arrived but would have to be assembled. I had the delivery guys place them against one wall until I could begin to put them together. Dad and I had discussed this and we agreed I wait until we had all the furniture from our rooms moved in. That reminded me of the bug on the back of Evelyn's nightstand.

Evelyn and Stacie had come and gone a couple times bringing small bags of stuff. Dad had me call a couple friends from school to see if they would be interested in a little day labor helping us move. Dave and one other guy jumped at the chance.

The next morning we decided to start with Evelyn's room. I reached behind the nightstand when nobody was looking and pocketed the bug. We loaded all the furniture from that room then my own into the U haul truck. We had transported all the furniture and reassembled the beds by early afternoon. The four of us made short work of arranging the furniture. Dad paid the guys a hundred dollars each, and bought lunch. The guys were stoked. I was grateful for the help. I followed Dad to return the truck and drove us home to drop him off and pick up another load of my clothes and bags of small items.

Mom, Evelyn and Stacie had spent the night before and today purchasing a set of dishes and pots and pans. Nothing fancy but enough stuff to get by. As Mom put it, we had no use for every gadget she had in her own kitchen, only the things we had got used to using as we cooked for the past few weeks. We even had a new dining table with four chairs in the dining area. A small stack of dishes and implements waited their turn for the dishwasher. Stacie pointed at the pile of boxes and packing material on the floor and asked me to take it out to the dumpster. I bowed and said "Yes Ma'am" loudly which got a laugh out of Mom. They were finishing putting the food in the fridge when I came back.

Evelyn offered to help me carry some clothes to my new room. "Oh, by the way, " she began, I figured you might need to use your computer before you got around to building the desks, so I set it up on your nightstand. Take a look."

The monitor was turned to face the wall. Puzzled, I began to turn it around. I froze. There on the screen was the picture of me bent over in the bathroom during that first party, cock and balls on full display with a striped ass. My stomach fell. "Do you feel more inclined to have that talk now?" Evelyn asked.

Tears were forming as I softly pleaded, "please...." "I told you that you were in for an attitude adjustment, and that if you put it off, it would only get worse. Drop the jeans and briefs." She said quietly. Without looking at me she pulled one of my shirts off a wire coat hanger. Tossing the shirt onto the floor of my closet, she grabbed the bottom of the hanger and pulled it making a long narrow loop. I stood frozen as she stepped to the bedroom door and locked it. Stepping back to me she told me softly she better see my pants off immediately. Tears rolled down my cheeks in humiliation as I very reluctantly complied. "A coat hanger can do a lot of damage so you better hold still so I do it right" she warned.

Reaching down, Evelyn picked up my briefs, folded them then stuffed them into my mouth. "Lets keep this between us and not alert everybody shall we?" With that she blasted my butt with five rapid fire strokes. I jumped forward, my hands shooting to cover my ass. "You better keep your hands out of my way," she said softly. "Now for the next set, bend over and grab your ankles." There was no way I could hold still so she made me lay across my unmade bed. "Five strokes for not holding still." The next five blasts were slightly slower covering my lower butt and sit spot. I would have screamed if not for the gag. "I warned you last night I would double it. " and then five more going down my thighs. "Last set". She started back at the top and spread the last five from top to bottom.

Evelyn took my shoulder and pulled me up. "I hope the twenty five I gave you will teach you to not refuse me. That's enough for this session. We will talk again a little later. Maybe your attitude will have improved." When she asked for my phone, I handed it to her, knowing what was next. Full body shots front and back. "The underpants in the mouth adds a nice touch to the crying," she commented. Another couple showing my ass and thighs and she handed the phone back. Then she pulled the the briefs from my mouth and using a dry part, wiped at my tears. "Stand there until you compose yourself, then you can get dressed. Wear these damp undies." When I started to reach down for my shorts she stopped me and told me I would stand nude facing her until I stopped crying. Another wave of humiliation as my cock twitched under her stare. Then she unlocked my door and walked out leaving me standing in the middle of my room. I hustled to the bathroom.