How It Started, How It's Going Pt. 06

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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 01/30/2024
Created 01/27/2024
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How It Started How It's Going. Pt 6.

The Epilogue.

Tags. Interracial. Sex. Open Marriage.

Bill hand was raised about to knock on room 2501 but it was wasn't moving. A question was running through his mind. Why am I here? He let his hand drop back down to his side and he was about to go back to the elevator when the door opened.

"Having second thoughts?" Keisha queried him.

"Yes," Bill answered truthfully.

"And why is that?" Keisha lent against door jam. She had changed into a short silk robe. "Are you worried I'm too much for you?"

"Partly, mostly I'm just not sure what I'm doing here."

"Why not come in. We can talk. We have a lot in common."

"Like what?"

"Our spouses both like, well in my case liked, to fuck other people... including each other."

"Is that enough of a reason?"

"Come on, I won't bite." Keisha pushed the door open wider. "Not unless you ask me too."

Bill shrugged and went inside. He walked down a short entrance corridor that opened out into a larger room. It had a lounge, an armchair and coffee table. There was a large TV mounted on the wall. Along the back wall was timber cabinetry. Two glass sliding doors opened onto a balcony which also had a couple of outdoor chairs.

"Would you like a drink?" Keisha had opened one of the cabinet doors to reveal a refrigerator.


"Sorry unless you want to go to the tap in the bathroom there's only wine or beer or spirits."

"Beer then."

She bought him one then picked up a half full wine glass from the coffee table.

"Cheers," she held her glass out towards Bill but he just lifted his bottle a little to acknowledge her toast rather than click it against hers. "You really are prickly tonight aren't you."

"Why did you invited me up here tonight?"

"I told you, to talk." Keisha pointed to the chairs out on the balcony then led the way out there before she continued. "I've got some questions about what happened all those years ago with JT."

"I'm not sure it's any of your business." Bill countered. He stood looking out over the flashing lights of Vegas while Keisha sat down. "What did he tell you?"

"He said it was just a casual thing that happened a couple of times. That doesn't gel with him taking your wife to the cabin."

Bill was quiet for a minute. Inside he debated what he wanted to say. What the ramifications could be if he told the truth. He didn't owe this woman anything. There was another voice that wanted to tell her everything. Get everything that he's kept suppressed out.

"This stays between you and me?"

"Of course."

Bill sat down in the other chair. He gave a bare bones account of the encounter with the security guard when they were young and the resulting roleplay that developed. Then moved onto the expansion of it when their two boys went to college. Keisha didn't interrupt or show a sign of any emotion she might have had.

"Anyway um, we were playing around outside near the pool and JT came through the garden gate and joined in."

"Playing around?"

"We were fucking, I'd finished and JT had a turn like the security guard did." Bill stopped and had a drink.

"So that was the first time. What happened after that?"

"A lot of soul searching."

"So why go back?"

"In the end what happened only amplified our fantasy."

"How? This is what I don't understand. For your wife sure, she's getting fucked, but you, why is it your fantasy?"

"Obviously I've had a lot of time to think about this. I'm still not quite sure I have an answer that I can put into words. First thing to understand is I was having sex as well, at first anyway. Sometimes one after the other. Other times we would be going together with me and JT at either end. That wasn't all of it. There was something about watching Casey lose control and become almost a different person. Sexually confident, brazen in the way she initiated some of the sexual acts."

"Okay, maybe I can see where you're coming from. I don't completely understand it but... how many times where there? JT would just say a couple. That doesn't gel with how hard he took it."

"Took what?" It was Bill's turn to ask a question and Keisha took some time to respond like she'd said more than she wanted to.

"Um, just the way he acted when he came back home. He was happy to be there, with me and the kids but every now and then, in a quiet moment, I could tell something was different. Then when Tank died and the inheritance stuff blew up he got quite upset. That's why I want to know how many times, a couple doesn't add up to that sort of anxiety."

"Seven maybe eight, it's a while ago. That doesn't include the cabin trip. I didn't know about it when it occurred and I'm not much wiser now. How did you find out about it?"

"An old girlfriend who worked at diner they stopped at on their way home. She rang me. Told me he had been there with a white lady and they looked like a couple."

"One thing Casey did tell me was you told him to leave after the birthday party. So after you find out he's back cheating again you take him back... why? I mean wasn't that the deal breaker?"

"Yes it was," Keisha stood up, went to the safety barrier and lent on it looking out into the night. "You're a man, you wouldn't understand."

"So you're not a cuckold?"

"I was a young mother of three under five whose husband already had one ex-wife. I'd seen the way he reacted to her phone calls, the relationship he had with her children. I didn't want to be his second ex."

"So you chose security."

"Yes, like I said you wouldn't understand. It's different for a man with a job and assets in his name."

"Maybe. Maybe I understand more than you think."

A helicopter came towards her hotel. They both watched as it got closer. The noise got quite loud as it hovered above the building before it landed.

"So, how about you? Why did you take her back? You'd been publicly humiliated, she had another man's child..."


"What's that mean?"

"When a woman is penniless, homeless and looking at spending a night on the streets with her four week old son am I supposed to turn her away?"

"Plenty of men would, nowadays some would gloat on social media claiming justice has been done."

"I guess I'm not one of them."

Keisha returned to her seat and lent forward to close the gap between them further.

"Okay I'll give you compassion. But how do you go from compassion to happy hallmark family."

"Time, lots of time."

"How long before you shared a bed?"

"A few years. Look you've got to understand, I still loved Casey, even though I hated her. When I saw her that first night so looked so frail and vulnerable and it wasn't just her welfare to consider. I bought them a ticket to come back to Washington with me. I was in a one room apartment so Casey and the baby got the bedroom. I was on a foldout lounge bed."

"You upended your life for her."

Bill shrugged, "I seriously thought it was about life and death. She wasn't eating, wouldn't leave the apartment. It took her a long time to heal. And I guess we both did in the end. The house sold and I got a raise. I was looking for a house you buy. Casey got a job and said she was moving out. I sort of flipped out. We hadn't been intimate but I don't know, I just couldn't see my life going forward without her."

"And the baby?"

"He wasn't mine biologically but I'd been his father for two years. For part of the time when Casey was unwell his father and his mother. I didn't want to part with him either."

"How long before she wanted to fuck other guys?"

"How long did JT stay faithful?"

"Six months, a year, I don't know for sure. Now answer my question."

"Michael was in middle school so eleven, twelve, something like that."

"So you have taken her back, got her life back on track and she says okay I'm going back to fucking black guys."

"It wasn't like that," Bill did a poor job of hiding his irritation.

"What was it like then?"

"Casey had changed jobs. Moved into a not for profit practice that did a lot of work with wounded veterans. I was helping them out with some IT stuff and I noticed the way she interacted with one particular colleague. Flirting and stuff and she would sometimes be talking to him on the phone at home. I asked her what was going on. She said nothing."

"She lied."

"That's what thought. We had a pretty big fight about it. During that discussion she told me he had asked her to go on a date with him but she had declined."

"Did she ask for permission?"

"No. After things had cooled down between us we talked again. I asked if she was attracted to him. She said yes. I asked if she wanted to take it further. She talked all around it but I could tell she did. I told her it was her decision. If she wanted to she could."

"After only just climbing out of shit up to your eyebrows you offered to jump back into it again?"

"No, it's different this time. I'm not involved at all. We have an understanding, no rules, an open relationship. Ethical non monogamy. The only important thing is truth, with each other and ourselves." Bill paused and Keisha wondered if he was trying to convince himself as well as her. "And like you there's the security thing although I get that it's a little different. I loved her, I'll always love her. Having her sneak around like she did with Tank. That was more of a danger to my future with her than having an occasional lover."

"That's fucking weird. Do you have girlfriends?" Keisha shook her head in disbelief.

"I've had a couple of relationships but not recently."

"And Casey?"

"She's had several. The first one lasted for a year. They probably went on a date once a month. He wanted more she said no. They stopped see each other and she had to change jobs. That was he last workplace lover. Since then she's always had at least one friend with benefits."

"Do your children know?"

"We don't invite lovers for Christmas dinner. Obviously they all know the history from Michael's dad and the court cases but we don't flaunt what we do."

"It's still fucking weird."

Before there was any more conversation Bills message alert chimed. He pulled it out of his pocket as Keisha stood up.

"Do you want another drink."

"I'll just check this, it's from Casey." Bill opened his message app then looked back up at Keisha. "Yeah I'll have one more."

While Keisha was inside Bill tapped out a reply. When Keisha handed him his drink his phone chimed again. He checked it then typed again.

"Everything okay?"

"Yes, she's back at our room. Wanted to know where I was."

"What did you tell her?"

"That I was having a drink with a friend."

"So we're friends now? Did she ask who the friend was?"

"No, she wanted to know if I was at a bar or if it was a private drink. I said the latter."

"Will you be in trouble when you get back?"


"What about if you stayed here all night?"

"I haven't ever done that but I don't think it would be a problem. That's why there's no rules apart from truth. No angry recriminations when boundaries are broken."

"You don't think it would be a problem?" Keisha repeated Bill's word putting emphasis on think. Bill nodded. "But you don't know for sure."

"Ninety nine point nine nine percent."

"That's not one hundred. Careful Bill, jealous women are unpredictable."

Bill's mind went back to the gangbang at JT's bucks night but he didn't comment further. He was thinking it was probably time to call it a night and regretted getting the extra beer.

"On to you. How do you react if Casey goes out on a date night and she not back the next morning."

"I send her a text, make sure she's okay but that's it."

"What if she replies saying she going to be spending a few days with the guy?"

"Same rules apply, if she's okay, I'm okay."

"Bullshit! How can you possibly say that?"

"Because it's true. Look we've been doing this for eight or nine years now. Yeah there have been some issues, yes sometimes I feel jealous. The thing is every time one of her friends starts to get possessive Casey ends it."

"But one day she won't."

"I don't think it will happen."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because they can't offer what I give her..."

"Then why is she stepping out on you."

"You don't understand. If her lover gets possessive he wants to keep her for himself. To put her in a cage. With me she gets love and security and freedom."

Keisha finished her glass of wine and then looked back at Bill. He could see she was trying to process what he'd said.

"I sort of get it..." She put her glass down on the concrete floor. "But it's still fucking weird."

"Okay, I'm heading back down to my room. Thanks for the drinks and conversation."

Keisha stood up too. She closed the gap between them and held out her arms to embrace him. Bill lent into it expecting an air kiss but she pulled him closer so they had full body contact.

"Why don't you stay the night?" She said in his ear.

"I know you don't mean that." Bill replied as he disengaged.

"You're scared."

"No I'm not."

"Scared of what Casey will say tomorrow."

"That's ridiculous."

"Then stay, prove me wrong."

"This is juvenile." Bill started moving inside the room.

"Chicken shit."

"But you don't want to sleep with me."

"It's a big bed. We can pick sides."

"This is so childish."

"Come on Mr relationship nirvana. Put your bullshit to the test."

"Alright, alright."

"Ohh goodie. I can't wait to hear about the fireworks tomorrow." Keisha clapped her hands together to emphasis her glee.

"Are you doing this just to get back at Casey for sleeping with JT?"

"Oh come on Bill, would I be that petty?"

"You said something before about not underestimating a jealous woman."

Keisha laughed and took Bill's hand. She led him to the bathroom and handed him a toothbrush.

"They came complimentary with the suite."

From there it was on to the bedroom. It was indeed a big bed. Bill could see Keisha had various oddments on the table closest to the window so he went to the other side. He sat down and kicked off his shoes and socks. Then he had his first crisis. How many clothes did he leave on. He decided to get the shirt off but leave the pants. When he stood up and turned around to pulled the covers back he saw Keisha.

The bathrobe was gone. She had a lacy milk chocolate coloured baby doll nightie on. It barely covered the curve of her ass. Her nipples were clearly visible through the see top part. The thin spaghetti straps that held it up looked to be stretched by the hefty breasts that were straining the fabric below. Bill tore his eyes away her body and he caught the mischievous glint in Keisha's eyes. She was teasing him so he turned the tables by dropping his eye line and returned to staring at her breasts.

"Alright you win," she said as she jumped into bed and pulled the covers up.

Bill got in his side. He flicked the light off and lay down so his back was facing Keisha. She turned her light out and Bill heard her shift her body onto a comfortable position then the light came back on again.

"Hang on, what's to stop you sneaking out while I'm asleep?"

"My honour?"

"Nah, not buying that. Shuffle your skinny white butt back here." Bill moved back a bit. "Further, keep coming."

He was close to the centre of the bed when Keisha let him stop. She had moved closer as well. Their bodies weren't touching but Keisha stretched her arm out so her hand rested on his shoulder while the toes of one of her feet rested against his calf muscle. They exchanged good nights and Bill was surprised how quickly he drifted off. Sometime during what was left of the night Keisha got up and went to the bathroom. When she returned she got Bill to change positions so he was facing her back. They were still some distance apart, with his hand on her shoulder and hers over his to ensure he hadn't escaped.

They went to sleep again. Next time Bill woke up the early morning sun was starting to lighten the room. The next thing he noticed was their body positions had changed. He wasn't sure whether he'd moved forward or Keisha had moved back but the upshot was his rock hard morning wood was tenting against his pants so the tip was wedged in the crease of his bed mates butt. Being careful not to disturb her he tried easing himself back. But as he did this Keisha's body seemed to follow his movement.

The steady breathing in front of him suggested she was still asleep. However when he made a more decisive movement to back off Keisha's arm swung back and her hand gripped his thigh. Then she pressed back harder with her butt so Bill's covered cock was surrounded by her satin cocoon. He had to stifle a groan as she started slowly working her hips. At the same time she sort out his arm and pulled it around her body. Bill's hand settled on the soft curve of her breast. As he explored her chest Keisha kept grinding against him until she had to have more.

"Get your cock out." She ordered and she lent forward to give Bill room.

He undid his pants and pushed them off. Keisha hiked up her nightie, lifted her leg slightly and opened her ass cheeks.

"Stick it in my pussy."

Bill shuffled into position and slid his dick up inside. He got in two thrusts before Keisha stopped him and closed her legs.

"I'll tell you when, until then just enjoy the ride."

She went back to working her hips. Squeezing Bill's cock at the same time her cunt stroked it. Bill groaned and grabbed at her fleshy ass.

"Don't you cum, don't you cum until I tell you..." Keisha warned.

Bill was trying. It was like delicious torture. The feeling was exquisite and he wanted desperately to let go but somehow he held it together until he got permission.

"Now Bill, fuck me, squeeze my tits and fuck me."

Keisha subtly changed her pose allowing Bill easier access to her treasures. The room had brightened further so when he looked down he could see his white shaft disappearing between the ebony globes.

"Arr, arr fuck, I'm gonna cum Keisha... fuck yeah here it comes..." Bill thought he was in danger of another rebuke.

"Yes Bill do it... fucking fill me up, like that, I can feel it..."

Keisha clamped her legs together again as she continued grinding against Bill dragging every last drop out of his balls. For his part Bill was experiencing another exquisite torture as his trapped member was squeezed dry. When Keisha relented and released his deflated cock he rolled onto his back breathing heavily. He watched as she sat up and lifted her nightie over her head then rolled back to lay down naked beside him. She reached for a sheet to cover their bodies then pulled Bill closer so his head was close to her breasts the way a mother might do for an infant.

"I think you've been lying to me William." Keisha had adopted the tone of a school mistress.

"Why?" Bill tilted his head up so he could look at her face.

"You said you'd fucked two other women. I call bullshit on that."

Bill opened his mouth to refute her claim then closed it. He dropped his head so he was staring at the two bare breasts in front of him.

"I said I"d had a relationship with two girls."

"You implied..."

Bill interrupted before Keisha could finish.

"No, I didn't you jumped to conclusions."

"I'm sorry Mr pedantic. So let me get this straight, you are in an open relationship but you don't fuck other women?"

"Until this evening yes."

"Did the other two you spoke about exist?"

"Yes we were friends. We'd go to movies, dinner. It was mostly when Casey was having a date night so it was a distraction."

"Did they ever offer more?"

"One did but um yeah, it didn't happen."

"So I'm the only other woman you've ever been with. That's nice, and I must say you were a quite bit better at it than I expected. With a bit of training you could be quite good."