Honeysuckle Cottage

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Two squabbling sisters become more than close.
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Seeing her sister's battered old Land Rover pull up outside through the window, Kamile sighed and picked up her bags; she had not been looking forward to this trip, firstly because she didn't really get on with Myra, at 32 the buxom redhead was almost 6 years older than her so they didn't really have that much in common and secondly she hated staying at Honeysuckle Cottage, the place had always given her the creeps when she was a child. It had belonged to their great aunt Dora and every summer during the school holidays their mother had always sent them both there for a couple of weeks.

Then, a few weeks ago Dora had passed away, leaving the two siblings the cottage in her will, so their mother had suggested that her and Myra should go up there and spend a couple of days sorting the place out, getting it ready to sell; plus she had said it would give them both chance to talk. Reluctantly she had agreed to it and now there was Myra beeping her horn impatiently outside.

"Alright alright, I'm coming!" the younger sibling snapped, checking herself in the mirror one last time; standing at around 5' 4" and sharing the same vibrant red hair colour as her sister, she pulled it into two pigtails and slipped on her sunglasses. She then picked up her bags once more, stepped outside and locked the front door.

"Ohh very practical!" Myra yelled over, smiling and shaking her head at the very short denim shorts and tight white t-shirt, "we're supposed to be working, remember?"

"It's called style sis, you wouldn't understand."

"Yeh whatever Kammy, come on get in."

Dumping her bags in the back, Kamile settled into the passenger seat and pulled on her seatbelt.

"Still got the old rust bucket then?" she smirked.

"There's nothing wrong with this old Landie," Myra chirped proudly as they pulled away, "it's nearly 40 years old and I bet it will outlive your crappy little Clio by a good long way."

"Well at least my car's not covered in mud," the younger sibling scoffed.

"I live on a smallholding, what do you expect?"

"Hmm yeh well, you could still try cleaning it every now and then."

"I simply don't have the time," Myra shrugged.

Tutting and rolling her eyes, Kamile cast her eyes over her sister; as per usual she was wearing her wax jacket, jeans and boots, her hair scraped back into its usual straggly ponytail. Even when she was younger, Myra had always been a practical outdoors type, by the time she was 21 she had moved out and bought the smallholding with the money their late father had left her, growing a few crops and keeping a small amount of livestock, just enough to turn a small profit. Although the years of hard work had left her looking slightly older than her 32 years, it had given her a very powerful looking physique, with a bulky upper torso and thick chunky thighs. Kamile couldn't remember the last time she had seen her dressed in anything remotely girly or seen her with a boyfriend, although she could vaguely remember someone when she was still living at home, but it didn't last long, she just seemed to be the sort of person who enjoyed her own company.

"How's Mark then?" Myra asked as she turned down the lane for Willvington.

"We've split up."

"Bloody hell! Not again?" the older sibling laughed, "What over this time?"

"Nothing," Kamile scowled, "he can just be so immature that's all."

"Oh dear, did he hide your favourite Barbie doll again?" Myra smirked as they drove through the centre of the village.

"Oh ha ha, piss off Myra!"

"Oh come on Kammy, get a grip; you know damn well you can be just as bad as him," Myra giggled, "you're like a pair of kids; it's about time you both bloody grew up."

"Look, I don't want to discuss it, just drive," Kamile huffed, folding her arms.

"Alright alright, calm down."

Sighing, Kamile looked out of the window; she'd never liked Willvington, she thought the people were either weird, creepy backward yokels or snotty nosed bastards who looked down on anyone who had a pound less than them. Driving past the church and The Swinging Witch pub, Myra turned into Honeysuckle Lane.

"Well, here we are then," she smiled as they pulled up outside the cottage.

"Thank God for that; my back's killing after being in this old heap for nearly an hour," her younger sister groaned.

"Oh stop moaning you mard arse, come on," chirped Myra.

"Alright, I'm coming," Kamile sighed, grabbing her bags and following her sister.

Turning the key, a reminiscent smile spread across Myra's face as the door opened with its familiar creak; picking up the pile of junk mail, the pair made their way into the kitchen at the back.

"Yep, there it is, that same old horrible smell," said Kamile, pulling her face, "boiled cabbage."

"Hmm yeah," smiled Myra, making her way back towards the sitting room; she had just stepped through door when a loud scream came from the kitchen. Rushing back through she found her sister standing on a chair near the back door.

"Kammy?...What's up?"

"Mouse!...it's a fuckin' mouse!"


"There! Are you fuckin' blind?" Kamile shrieked, pointing at something by the fridge; stepping over, Myra picked it up and burst out laughing.

"You daft cow! It's just the end of an old dish mop, here catch," she giggled, tossing it at her younger sibling.


"Come on, let's get started," smiled Myra, shaking her head.

"Alright, what do you want me to do?" Kamile sighed as she got down off the chair.

"Well, you can start packing up the stuff we want to keep in the living room and I'll sort out the kitchen."

"Okay, what time are the house clearance people coming on Monday?"

"About ten, I think," replied Myra as she rooted through the cupboards.

"Oh right."

The pair spent the rest of the morning packing away Aunt Dora's belongings and throwing out the rubbish, hardly uttering a word to each other.

"Right, I'm just nipping out for a ciggie," said Kamile, coming into the kitchen.

"Still smoking then?" Myra tutted, shaking her head.


Stepping out through the back door, she took a cigarette out of the packet and lit it. Looking down to the bottom of the garden a chill went down her spine as her gaze fell on the old dead ash tree, it's gnarled twisted branches giving it a somewhat sinister appearance. Nobody knew why Aunt Dora hadn't had it cut down, it had been dead for as long as anyone could remember; even when Kamile was a child she refused to sleep in the back bedroom because it was overlooked by it. Taking one last drag, she stubbed out the cigarette and went back inside.

"What are we doing for dinner?"

"Dunno," Myra shrugged, "fancy going the Witch?"

"Not really, but I suppose it'll have to do," Kamile sighed, "come on then."


Shrugging off her wax jacket to reveal a navy blue t-shirt and stepping out through the front door, Myra walked off down the driveway and out along the lane, her younger sister tagging behind.

"Aren't we going in the Landie?" she asked.

"No we're not, it's only down the bloody lane; God you're a lazy little git," Myra laughed.

"Huh, more like you didn't take it so you can get pissed," Kamile sniped back.

"Oh shut up and stop dawdling."

About ten minutes later they arrived outside The Swinging Witch; stepping inside, they found the usual clientele of what Kamile referred to as 'country bumpkins' dotted around the bar, who had stopped talking and were now staring straight at the two women, probably more at Kamile than Myra because of what she was wearing.

"Arf' noon ladies, what can I get you?" asked the bushy bearded landlord, finally breaking the silence.

"Erm...can I have two pints of Foster's please?" asked Myra.

"Aye love, that'll be four eighty please," he smiled as Kamile stood closer to her sister while a man dressed in tweeds sat in the corner huddled over his pint of bitter studying her intently.

"Do you do food?"

"We've got some ham and cheese baguettes left, do you want them?"

"Erm okay, we'll have two and two bags of cheese and onion crisps please," said Myra.

"That's another four ninety please love," he said in his gruff tone.


Picking the food and drinks up off the bar, the pair went outside into the beer garden.

"Thank God for that," said Kamile as they sat down at table and lighting another cigarette, "did you see him gawping at me?"


"That old fart in the corner, the one that was dressed like a ploughman's lunch; dirty old bastard!" she huffed, taking a swig from her pint.

"Well what do you expect?" laughed Myra, "your arse cheeks are hanging out of the bottom of those shorts you're wearing."

"I knew we shouldn't have come in here, it's full of ooh aarrs and weirdos."

"Ooh aarrs?" asked Myra, a bemused smile on her face.

"Yeah you know, farmers, country bumpkins, like you," her younger sister giggled.

"You cheeky little git," smiled Myra, giving Kamile a tap on her thigh.

"Oww! that hurt."

"Oh bollocks you mard arse, come on, get that down you."

After eating their lunch and having a few more drinks, they decided to make their way back to the cottage, both slightly worse for wear. It was a beautiful July day and the sun was beating down, there was hardly a cloud in the sky.

"Shall we go the shop and get some more cans?" asked Myra as they wobbled away from the pub.

"I thought we were supposed to be working," Kamile giggled drunkenly.

"Oh sod it, we can finish it off tomorrow, let's go and sunbathe in the back garden for a bit."

"Hmm, go on then, piss head," Kamile smiled, putting her arm round her sister.

After getting some more beers from the village shop, they went back to the cottage and laid out some towels on the lawn. Kamile then watched in astonishment as Myra stripped down to her underwear.

"What the hell are you doing?" she asked, wide eyed.

"Why, what's the problem? Nobody can see us," Myra replied, "got any sun block?"

"Erm...yeah I think I've got some in my bag, love the undies by the way," Kamile teased, looking at her sister in her big pink knickers and chunky white bra.

"Yeah yeah alright, just get the sun block gobby."

"Alright alright, don't get your big granny pants in a twist."

Going back inside and getting the sun block, she tossed it over to her sister.

"There you go," she smiled, grabbing a can of lager and cracking it open.

"Thanks," replied Myra, smearing it down her legs and over her arms and upper body, "do my back please Kammy," she said, lying on her front.

"Oh alright," she sighed, "do you want me to undo your bra?"

"Yeah okay."

"Have you got a tin opener?" Kamile giggled.

"Oh very funny, just do it smart arse."

Kneeling down by her sister, Kamile unhooked the bra and gently rubbed the sun block into her back.

"Mmmm, thank you," she swooned, a smile spreading across her face.

"Don't get too comfortable there, you can do me in a minute," said Kamile, slipping out of her shorts and t-shirt to reveal a skimpy white thong and bra.

"Oh sod it," the younger woman shrugged, taking off the bra and smearing the sun block all over her pert breasts and upper body. Taking a swig from her can of lager before rubbing some more sun block on her legs, she lay down on her front and turned to her sister.

"Come on then Myra, do my back."

"Oh alright," she sighed.

Getting back up, Myra poured some of the sun block onto Kamile's back and gently massaged it in. Although the thought of it made her feel more than a little uncomfortable, the touch of her older sibling's hands gliding over her skin was actually turning her on; she could feel her nipples starting to stiffen. Unable to stop herself, she gave out a satisfied moan as Myra began to rub a little harder.

"You okay sis?"

"Erm...yeah I'm fine, you can stop now," Kamile replied nervously, feeling her face going red as she tried to ignore the tingling sensation between her legs.

"Okay." Myra shrugged, lying back down on her towel, "what will you spend your share of the money on when they sell this place?"

Relieved she had a question to take her mind off what had just happened, Kamile sat up and thought for a moment.

"Oooh probably a holiday and a new car; what about you? A few bags of fertilizer and a new pair of wellies I suppose," she smirked, finishing her can.

"Oh very droll," smiled Myra, "but you're right, I'll probably spend most of it on the smallholding; what about Mark? Will you be taking him on holiday with you?"

"No I fuckin' won't; can you get me another beer?"

"Get it yourself you lazy little cow, what did your last slave die of?"

"Fine," Kamile huffed, getting back up and heading towards the kitchen, "I suppose you want another bringing out."

"Is the Pope catholic?"

Getting two more cans from the fridge, Kamile came back out, handed one to her sister and lay back down on her towel.

"Hmmm, this is nice isn't it?" Myra purred, "I've always loved this garden."

"Hmmm, it's alright I suppose; apart from that tree," Kamile muttered, "I always hated that bloody thing, it gives me the shits."

"Oh, why's that?" asked her older sibling, smiling to herself.

"You know damn well why, because of what you did to me when were kids."

"What? I don't remember," Myra giggled, the wicked smile on her face getting wider.

"Yes you do, you bitch!" Kamile snapped, "You tied me to it and then danced around, drenching me with the hosepipe!"

"Ohhh yeah I remember now, sorry about that."

"No you're not, you were always horrible to me, you knew how scared I was of that tree."

"Oh for God's sake Kammy it was years ago," sighed Myra, "I'm sorry, honest."

"Hmmm, yeah okay." the younger sibling muttered, lying back down.

The pair then spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening more or less in silence, only exchanging the odd bit of small talk or asking each other if they wanted another drink. Eventually the sun disappeared behind the dark thickening clouds.

"Well, that looks like it for the sun," said Myra, getting back up and putting her jeans and t-shirt back on.

"Yep, what time is it?"

"Ten past eight, any beers left?"


"Shit, fancy goin' the shop again?" asked Myra.

"Go on then, you'll have to pay though, I've only got enough for some more ciggies," said Kamile awkwardly looking down at the floor.

"Oh surprise bloody surprise, come on then let's go."

Once Kamile had got dressed, the pair made their way back through the village to the shop; despite the dark heavy cloud cover it was still very warm.

"Hmm, that doesn't look too good," said Myra, nodding skywards.

"Hmm, no," replied Kamile anxiously, she had never liked thunderstorms. Getting some more beers and something to eat, they returned to the cottage.

"Right, I'm going to have a shower and get into my jimjams," chirped Myra as her sister tried to get the TV to work.

"Okay, oh brilliant, the telly's knackered."

"Oh well," the older sibling shrugged, "we'll have to find something else to entertain us."

"Like what?"

"Erm...I think there's an old chess set in that cupboard over there."

"Oh great," Kamile groaned, "okay then, as long as you don't cheat."

"Hah! I don't have to cheat to beat you."...

A short while later after both of them had showered and changed, they set up the chess set and sat across from each other.

"Right go on then, white moves first."

"Yeah alright, I know," said Kamile sarkily as she rolled her eyes and moved the pawn.

Making her move, Myra then looked up and smiled at her younger sibling.


"Nothing, I was just thinking we've had a pretty nice day today, haven't we?"

"Yeah, not bad I suppose," Kamile shrugged, moving another piece, "I'll still be glad to get out of here though, I just don't like this place.


"I just didn't enjoy being here as much when I was a kid as you did, I thought it was boring, I couldn't wait to get back home."

"Oh right."

Turning their attention back to the game, the pair played the next few moves in silence, trying to concentrate.

"Check," Myra beamed confidently.



"Oh bollocks," Kamile muttered, moving her king to safety.

"So when was the last time you saw Mum?" asked Myra, making her move.

"Last Tuesday, she mentioned she hadn't seen you for a while," Kamile replied, raising her eyebrows at her older sibling.

"I know, but I've been really busy at the moment, I'll pop round and see her when we've finished here, check."

"Fuck sake," said Kamile irritably, moving her king once more, "well make sure you do."

"I will, for God sake Kammy, my job isn't nine to five like yours, in fact it's not a job, it's my livelihood."

"Well that's not Mum's fault, you chose to spend your life up to your neck in shit."

"Alright alright, I told you I'll go and see her when we've finished here, checkmate."


"Checkmate," smiled Myra, nodding at the board.

Seeing that her king was trapped, Kamile flicked the piece across the board.

"Stupid bloody game!" she hissed, getting up and slumping down on the sofa.

"Hah! and you say Mark's immature, you wanna grow up a bit girl." Myra laughed.

"Piss off Myra!"

"Don't sulk."

"I'm not."

"Yes you are; you always were a sore loser."

"No I'm not a sore loser; I didn't even want to play bloody chess."

Just then, the lamps flickered followed by a long low rumble of thunder.

"Oh no," Kamile winced, swallowing hard.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I'm just not that keen on thunderstorms that's all."

"Oh give over, it won't harm you; do you want another can?"

"Yeah go on then," Kamile replied nervously, folding her arms.

Suddenly there was a loud crack of thunder and the room was plunged into darkness.

"AAAAAAGGHH!...Oh God no!" Kamile screamed, "what's happened?"

"What do you thinks' happened dummy?" groaned Myra, "the storm has knocked out the power lines that's all."

"Wh...Where are you?"

"I'm in the kitchen, trying to find the bloody candles."

"Well for God's sake hurry up."

"Awww poor Kammy; are you fwightened?" Myra giggled in the darkness.

"Fuck off!"


"Fuck off Myra, you're not funny, just find the fuckin' candles."

"Alright alright, I've got them, pass me your lighter."

Just as Kamile threw over the lighter, a bright flash of lightning lit up the room, followed by an explosive clap of thunder which made the window panes rattle.

"Oh Jesus!"

Lighting two candles and putting them in holders, Myra brought them in to the sitting room where she found her younger sister curled up on the sofa; placing the candles on the table, she sat down next to Kamile and cuddled into her.

"Shhh, come on it's alright," she whispered, softly kissing her on the top of the head.

"I...I don't like it," Kamile sobbed, wincing as another flash of lightning lit up the room followed by a loud crack; seconds later, the rain began lashing the windows.

"Shhh it's okay, I've got you," said Myra, gently nuzzling her sister's neck as the storm raged outside. Feeling her younger sister cuddling into her, she gently stroked her face.

"Shall we go upstairs?" she asked softly, wiping the tears from Kamile's eyes.

Nodding, she grabbed Myra's hand and followed her up the steep staircase and into the back bedroom, the only light coming from the dim glow of the candles they had brought with them and the occasional flash of lightning.

"Do we have to sleep in this room?" asked Kamile anxiously.

"Yes, this one's got a double bed, why?"

Just then, another flash cast the eerie silhouette of the ash tree on to the window. Looking over at her younger sibling, Myra smiled reassuringly.

"Come on, don't be silly, get into bed."

Smiling nervously, Kamile kicked off her slippers and lay on the bed, it was too warm to get under the duvet; she then felt Myra cuddle up behind her and gently kiss the back of her neck.