His Futa Auntie Pt. 05 Ch. 02

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Sheila pursues her twink nephew to bible camp, with friends.
3.6k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 03/10/2024
Created 06/10/2021
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James hoped after the morning debacle that perhaps the rest of the day might be different.

'Maybe I just need to adjust...'

The rest of the day was what most other kids (or people in their early twenties) would describe as an enjoyable day of Kayaking, games and reading bible passages. For James, it was nothing short of torture.

He fell into the water so many times whilst kayaking that by the end he looked like a drowned rat as he was pulled out of the water for the umpteenth time, eventually forced to ride with Tucker, who didn't give him the time of day. The games quickly devolved into him getting relentlessly bullied whilst he learnt the rules (the young blond girl in particular seemed to have a very specific eye for finding the quickest way to bring him down a peg or two... including a well-targeted dodgeball right between his legs which nearly made him cry). He also realised that the sandy-haired guy and the guy with glasses at morning prayers were also his bunkmates in the cabin... and they paired their greeting with well-aimed dodgeballs to the face, which would have been excellent shots were they not on the same team as him.

Now, as they made their way to dinner, James knew he would be sitting alone as he had for lunch. Lunch had consisted of a huge vat of bolognaise with questionable meat in it, eaten on benches in a pretty clearing. James ate alone, watching all of the other tables as they ignored, or worse, laughed at the new kid.

As he grabbed the new food off the rather buxom female chef with ginger curls and a stern demeanour, he saw his other roommate, the small girl seated down on a bench in the corner of the clearing.

'No.. the boy...'

The boy had his hood down, so James was able to see a black top-knot on top of his head, already munching his dinner. James sped up, mincing so his cheeks wouldn't clap so much, ignoring the giggles behind him as he furiously made a bee-line for the boy sitting on his own.

The boy looked up, and immediately his eyes widened in alarm shaking his head furiously.

James paused, but then puffed his weak chest out, and firmly placed his tray down.

"H... hi...."

"No, no no, don't," the boy pleaded, but then he glanced over at all the girls whispering eagerly to each other, groaned, and then exploded.

"... Ohhhh.... IDIOT!!!!..."

"Wh.. what," James managed. "You were.. sitting alone."

"Yes, and no-one was LOOKING at me... It took ages for them to forget about me! Now you've pulled me back into the warzone!"

He glanced over again at the girls and blanched.

"Ohhhh now you've done it... of course you get the worst freaking girl in the camp on your back, and led her straight back to me," he said wearily.

"W-What's... Wh..who....?"

"W-whats?!?!? Wh-whw-hwhoo!?" He parroted bitterly, "that's Mary.... Edith's daughter."

James looked over and saw the blond was eyeing them up with a cruel smile.

"Edith lets her get away with anything," the boy muttered, "as long as she doesn't have sex or take drugs or anything, Edith is happy."

"Wh.. why-"

"I dunno. I heard she fucked anything that moved back when she was living at home maybe, and from what I heard she got into drugs too... she also liked black guys specifically, which I think Mommy didn't like..."

He shivered, and glanced again, this time with longing at the girls as they leaned forwards; Mary and one of her friend's asses filled out their pants peachily on the benches.

James puffed his chest and stuck his hand out.

"I-I'm James."

The kid looked up and sighed.


William took it, and groaned as the hand he got was limp.


"I-I'm sorry... I'm not strong..."

The boy scrunched his eyes.

"Ugh... Look, sorry, I know we're roommates, but we can't be seen together after this.."

He spooned the rest of his meal down, and then got up.


"H.. hey! Wait..."

William paused, already walking away, and turned with a sorrowful expression.

"Look.. I'm sure you're... fine. But.. y'know..," he said, gesturing awkwardly to the ass pouffing out beneath him, as if the 'y'know' was self-explanatory... then he began to strut away, but it turned out to be more of a mince, James following the boy's ass like a hypnotist's watch. His ass-cheeks had an incredible curve and allure that elevated his walk to Madonna-level sass, and James found himself flustered.

It really did look like a girl's butt.

"Huh...," he murmured, before sitting down to eat. Maybe this could just be the start of something he'd never had before... a friendship?

After avoiding gazes and trying not to draw attention, James managed to place the large morsel of rubbery meat in his mouth, before getting up and heading in the same direction as William, unintentionally mincing like a stripper fishing for tips down one of the many narrow dirt paths.

The trail led away past thick forest, underbrush scraping his legs, and James whimpered as the leaves tickled his fingers, awkwardly brushing away branches which whipped back and slapped him in the face.

"Oof!... Ohh goodness....."

As he was picking his way down the fairly innocuous path, a voice came from behind.



The dodgeball hit him square in the back of the head, painfully knocking him forwards as James dropped.


"Wow, you really do suck at dodgeball don't you?" came the snarky voice of Mary, flanked by her three cronies sporting pony-and-pigtails that accentuated their green schoolgirl-checked skirts, despite clearly being almost twenty years old. "Lucky I grabbed one from the hall just now.. Ya never know when it'll come in handy!"

"S... s-sorry..."

"Sorry, sorry, is that ALL you say? You know, you should stop talking out of your ass... although we've heard it talk already whilst you run like a faggot."

Her teeth gleamed in a large smile as the girls either side of her laughed obediently, and James rubbed the ache on the back of his head and neck, lifting himself up gingerly.

"Maybe that can be your nickname.... Faggot.... It has a ring to it!"

The others sniggered along with her.


"Faggot, hehe.."

One of them, sporting ginger pigtails and glasses, kicked some dirt at him, and he bent his knee in a submissive guard, grimacing at the specks which fell into his shoes.

'Oh NO, I'm going to have to wash them....'

As they poked at him, a voice rang out.

"Hey!... don't be doing that now little missy."

James looked back to see Tucker walking up the path.

"Ugh, why, gonna save the faggot?" she huffed.

The man didn't respond, walking up to the blond... and smiled.

"You need to be a good girl."

He'd not said a word to anyone the whole day until this moment, and James watched in surprise.

"Well, what are you going to do about it?" she said, jutting her chin out.

"Wouldn't you like to know," he smirked, not even acknowledging James's existence.

The two shared a challenging stare with something else lurking underneath, and then a voice cut through.


The man flinched, the smile disappearing.


"What are you doing???!"

Edith marched up, interposing herself between the man and girl.

"Your daughter threw a dodgeball. I was just checking he's okay."

Edith waved the comment away.

"I don't think my girl would do that. He probably tripped... unbalanced by that..... thing on his rear," she muttered, flicking a sardonic look at his ass, which he tried hopelessly to hide behind himself.

"Whatever you say Edith," Tucker said, his tone neutral.

"It's Miss Kelrin to you," she said firmly.

The man said nothing, expressionless, and after a few seconds, Edith blinked, turning instead to her daughter.

"Off with you deary, play nice."

"Okay Moooom," she said in a gushing voice, before staring daggers at James as she gestured to her friends to retreat with her. Edith gestured to James like she was trying to remove a bad smell from the area.

"Get to your cabin. You should do extra prayers for your sins this morning."


"I expect you to memorise the first three chapters of the gospel of Luke by tomorrow morning, where you will recite them in front of the class."

James' eyes bugged out, and Edith's light smirk confirmed that she was enjoying watching him squirm.

"That ought to help you feel closer to God......"

She turned.

"...and I expect it word perfect. If not, you'll stay until you get it right."

With one last triumphant flush, the bushes and undergrowth parted easily for her, ignoring Tucker who watched her go without blinking.

After a few seconds, James turned to the stern man.

"Th... thank you."

Tucker didn't even bother responding, simply walking away.

James's head dropped.

'Everybody hates me.'

Idly, he tweaked a nipple, looking for comfort.

'At least I have.. one friend.. sort of...'


As twilight took hold, the night approaching beneath bruised skies and stunning trails of pink, a large minibus pulled up at the long winding forest road with the sign: 'Camp Loveheart' displayed in front of it. After the brief pause, it revved up and accelerated down the road.

A mile down the road in the welcoming hut, Julie rolled the wad of gum around in her mouth, blowing a bubble which popped over peachy lips. Well-used thumbs scrolled down continuously, flicking lightning-quick from one video to the next.

She liked the late shift. Especially when it reached near the end; when everyone was going to bed, the camp was winding down, and she could spend her remaining hours before bed scrolling through Klock-Klick on her phone.

The videos flashed almost too fast for the human eye to pick up... but Julie's was well trained in the art of wasting time.

*A cat scratching a hot-dog shaped scratcher* Like. *Two firemen rushing a child from a burning building* Skip. *An awkward girl with 'Mondays be like' in bold letters in front of her face* Like.


The sound of an approaching engine made her eyes flick up to see the minibus pulling up to a parking space at the far end of the near-empty car-park.


She waited for someone to emerge, but nobody did.

After a few seconds, she thinned her lips, pulled her scrunchy onto her head, and jumped up.

"You're not gonna sell anything here.....!" she sang.

Almost certainly freeloaders... or anti-religious folk. Or maybe local journalists trying to besmirch the name of the camp people. Julie loved the camp, and she'd be damned if anyone was going to stop the Lord's work from being visited on these poor corrupted young people. The mid-twenties skinny yoga-lover switched the light on her phone, and marched through the car park.

She knew how to deal with people who weren't of the faith.

"Hey! Helllooooooo, I see you there, you can't park here!"

The van remained motionless. The driver's side facing away, making it impossible to make out who was in there.

"EY! I can SEE you... get lost!"

As she marched forwards, the tiny cone of light from her phone leading the way, nothing in her wondered if it was a wise decision to leave the warmth of the welcome hut, too used to helpless kids whom she could bully into activities through relentless enthusiasm (and sometimes less friendly methods).

As she approached the driver's side, she saw a sweet Asian girl with a summer hat, and cats dotting her blue dress.

"HEY.. you... you can't park her ya know."

"Oh sorryyyyyy! Is this Camp Love-heart?!"

Julie wrinkled her nose.

"Uh... Yeah? Whaddyou want?"

"Actually, I'm here for an interview!"


"Yeah! I was interviewing for a position on campus...."

She looked her up and down.

"... But maybe that's not the only kind of position I'm thinking about right now..."

"W-what...?" Julie muttered, non-plussed by this sweet girl smiling at her.

"You're interviewing... w-which position....? I-in the camp!," she added quickly, less sure of herself than she'd felt in a long time.

"Oh you're so pretttyyyy when you're confused... why yours of course!"

Julie's eyes widened, and then the side door of the van was whipped open, and the most brutal stench of BO and cum hit her so hard she almost fell over, grabbing her nose.


She didn't even see the huge hands until they grabbed her, hauling her inside, and a strong-smelling cloth was shoved in her face.

"MMM! MMHHHHHhhhh.. mmphh....."

The world dimmed as huge, eager shapes murmured above her, and then darkness.


James trudged up to the door of his cabin, head low, so slow his ass cheeks didn't make a peep, the back of his head still aching.

This whole situation was exactly what he'd dreaded and feared.




Even the leader hated him too.

Pushing into the dark cabin, he sighed in relief as he saw the other bunkbed empty, and William lying on his top bunk, idly thumbing his phone, the harsh light illuminating the milky prettiness of his face. James blinked. Even now, knowing that William was a boy, it was difficult to wrench the mind away from what his eyes were telling him.

'At least he doesn't HATE-hate me.... Maybe if we get to know each other, we can share cleaning tips!'

"H.. hey..."

The boy glanced up, then looked back at his phone.


"Uh... o-okay if I read the bible... here?"

He shrugged.

"It's your bunk."

His nonchalance was the most kindness James had felt all day.

"Th... thanks...."

"It's not exactly a favour allowing you to read the bible... you seriously gonna chow down on that shit?"

James slunk into the bottom bed, and grabbed the bible he had placed by the side, turning to begin thumbing through pages hopelessly.

"I-I was told by Edith... I need to memorise.... Oh goodness which one was it... Luke... Luke chapter one... or..."

The kid's head appeared upside down, scaring the life out of James.


"HHOoohh!... B-because.... Because I..... Mary... sh-she hit me with a dodgeball....."

William chuckled.

"Woowww dude... you're so frickin' unpopular that you collected ALL the bullies on the first day. Shit you're not even the bottom of the barrel.... You're like.. BENEATH the barrel!"

Tears welled up in James' eyes.

"I-Im'........ I...."

The kid sighed, rolling his eyes, and pulled his head up.

"Oh dude relax, I.. I didn't mean it, just cut it out, will you? It's kinda pathetic."

"S.. sorry....."

"And stop saying sorry!"

"S, sorry."

The boy didn't continue, so James waited meekly until something popped into his head.

"..... How long have you been here?"

A sigh.

"A week or so? Feels longer now that you mention it."


"Because you keep talking."



"A-and... why is everyone else here?"

"UUGHHh......well, if you MUST know we're all people who supposedly engaged in sinful activities..... at least according to our parents or whatever....sex, drugs etc.... saying you don't want to go to University and be a doctor like them.... so if your Mommy or Daddy need a reason to kick their kids to a secure facility short of sending them to prison, then Camp Loveheart is your place."

"But.. we're all adults?..."

"Huh, well that's just the thing. People have loads of sex in these camps.... Kinda unsurprising seeing as they're all sex addicts and whatnot. The higher uppers don't exactly care... just didn't like that there were a lot of old and young people mixing before... bad for the image..... so they split the eighteens and up to Camp Loveheart, and the seventeen-and-unders to Camp Caring-spirit, somewhere across the lake I think. We never see them."

"Hm..... so... you had sex?"

At this, William's tone became sharper.

"Uh... Sure. Why?"

The waver in his voice suggested otherwise, although James didn't catch it.

"Oh... just...."

"Have you?"

James paused.

"Um... sort of...."

"How sort of?!"

"Um... d... does it count if...."

The head poked over the side.

"Plleeeaaase don't tell me you only did anal because it doesn't count or some bible shit.... Lemme guess, prostitute, right? How much did she cost?"

"W-what... no!.... I would never...."

William flung himself down the ladder on the side of the bed and stood with his arms folded, face flushed, in the centre of the room, looking the prone, rear-heavy form of James up and down.

"Never what? Do you expect me to believe a real girl actually let you have anal sex with her? YOU?"

"W-well... s-sort of..."

"Sort of?!..."


He squirmed. It didn't seem like the right thing to mention being fucked by his Auntie in the ass.

".... She...."

"Spit it out."

"... She helped me be a man."

William scrunched his nose.

"So, what you're saying is she let you fuck her in the ass out of pity?"

"Um... well... sh... she sort of...."

He rubbed his arm.

".. She... did me."

At this William's eyes went wide, some colour flushing his cheeks.

"What?... like... a... a dildo? Strap-on dildo?..."

"Um... no... w-with... with a..."

He couldn't get the words out.

"... with not that."

The gears turned on William's face, and then his face began to turn red.


He climbed back up, landing silently on his mattress.

James searched desperately for some way to shift off the awkward silence, staring at the wooden slats above him.

"Have.. have you been... seeing girls?"

Something rustled, making the slats creak.

"Will you stop asking dumb questions! And how am I gonna fuck anyone if you're with me!"

"Oh... s-sorry..."

"STOP apologising!"


James decided it would be a bad idea to pry further on that particular subject, although that it seemed a little unfair that he could be entirely blamed for William not having sex. Despite this, after a whole day of being crushed under multiple heels, having a conversation where he only embarrassed rather than disgusted someone was a relief in itself.

After a few seconds he perked up again.

"Maybe I can b... be your wingman!"

At this, William snorted.

"HA! It's bad enough working with myself..."

"I think you look pretty?"

That statement turned out to be a big mistake.



"STOP APOLOGISING... you know what? Forget it."

Another long, drawn out silence, and James wished he'd brought some form of entertainment, but his Mother had forbid him his phone after the most recent Sheila incident, and there were no books or magazines to speak of beyond the obvious one.... The one he was supposed to be learning. He glanced at the clock at the top of the cabin, and blanched.

'Oh no.... it's Ten O-clock and I've learnt nothing!!'

He scrabbled through the pages and stared.

'Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us...'

His eyelids began to slip lower, and lower.

The slats above him rustled.

He sniffled, lowering the bible, and began lazing a finger over his sensitive left nipple.


"Dude, you're not jerking it down there are you?"

"HHuh?? N-... no..!"

"Jeees man. You're lucky the other guys aren't here... dickwads... probably trying to get down and dirty with Mary and her bitch friends..."

"P... please don't swear..."

"God, could you be more pathetic?"


"Ugh... sorry, just... C'mon man. Don't you realise what they're all going to say about us?!"


James then realised... they were two boys, living in the same hut/shack/cabin, who both had bubble butts and cute faces.

"They... will think we're manly?"