His Futa Auntie Pt. 04

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Muscled Futa Auntie pursues her quarry...
8.5k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 03/10/2024
Created 06/10/2021
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Hi all, the continuation of this story was voted for by my subscribers (with permission given by the original requester to have this narrative expanded upon!)

Please note that this story contains incredibly oversized cocks, asscheeks, and incest between a huge muscled Auntie and her twink Nephew.

Hope you all enjoy! - TSG123x


James stared at the road, his Mother humming and tapping the dashboard in time to the country music. She had seated her son in the front passenger seat to keep an eye on him, apparently not trusting him out of her sight for longer than a few seconds.

"I think Lesley is going to love it... you have got the cake haven't you?"

"Y-yes," he muttered for the fourth time, trying to keep the gloom out of his voice as he held the box squarely on his lap, attention straying to the wing-mirror.

His little sailor shorts and hat were so outrageous that even he had misgivings about the skimpiness of his new outfit, the shirt moulded to his skin, nipples hard under the semi-see-through top. It worried him that his Mother saw him more as a doll than a fully faceted human being recently.

Of course he still enjoyed the textures and snug fit.

His mother continued to tap the wheel with her finger.

"Good... just checking.. wonderful...."

Sometimes James was no longer sure whether she was talking to him or to herself, often repeating things, her eyes nervously darting side-to-side whenever traffic was close. Once or twice whilst driving she had slammed the breaks suddenly over a distant car horn or a nearby engine growl, and proceeded to say things that were quite un-Christian.

"Would you like a snack shnoogums?"

"Mmm... okay...."

She reached into the glove compartment and picked up an oat bar, handing it to him.

"Anything for my beautiful boy," she said, eyes going watery.

James said nothing, managing to wrestle with the wrapper open and carefully consume it, making sure that nothing crumbled out onto his pristine outfit.

The guilty pleasure of being fed delicious oats and honey, as well as his usual three meals a day, was something he was happily accustomed to.... although recently his comfort eating had taken on a gluttonous undertone, and it seemed that most, if not all of the carbs he'd consumed in the last week had gone straight to his ass, currently squeezed into his seat, cinched between the door and the gearstick.

He adjusted his swollen glutes, which at least ached less than they had a week ago, making sure not to draw attention to it due to his mother offering to massage his bottom a few days ago.


James stared out at the real world which felt like a different planet, fixating on a couple crossing the road in front of them, the girl cute and blond, the man tall and handsome.

Suddenly he felt as ghostly as his pale skin suggested. In his current circumstances, something like a simple happy human relationship seemed about as attainable as flying to the moon.

"Well really!" His Mother muttered irritably, staring at the couple as they smiled at each other, walking at an unsatisfactorily less-than-Olympic pace, revving the station wagon's engine.

As the couple passed, a battered car stopped on the street across from them, but quick as a flash it pulled away.

"I detest those who flaunt their lack of Christianity," his Mother said primly, fluffing herself up to the fullest extent. "Why should they have to sully us with their discontented lives.."

"Th-they didn't look sad..... they could be... married," muttered James.

"Oh I doubt it... look at them, It's obvious she'll probably get pregnant too soon, most likely he'll turn out to be a layabout... up and leave her... I know their type!"

Her views had become significantly harsher since 'the incident.' Now everyone who was not in the circle of faith was an enemy, a destroyer of everything good in this world.

"B-but Mom..."

"Hush now.... another oat bar?"

James' silence was enough of a green light for her to reach into the glovebox once more.

"Th-thanks mom," he uttered, already attempting to pull the wrapping open.

"That's Poogums to you," she joked, and James let out a small smile.

She continued her sermons as they turned off onto a side road with large, lush houses similar to theirs, although most of these were extraordinarily large, and James wondered how he would ever find time to clean one of them if they owned such a place, although with money like this, they would probably pay people to do it. He thought it a shame, as it was such fun to keep a pristine house! What would ladies think of a man who did not know how to dust behind the curtains....?

He sighed at the thought, and then hung his head, staring at the huge chocolate cake on his lap. It seemed unlikely many women would be coming to see him anyway, no matter how well he waxed the floors, his Mother now a guard dog, protecting him from potential threats, the outside world, and even himself.

"We're here!"

They stopped at a large white house with the American flag proudly from the roof.

"Now, you stay close to me... here we go!"

He was ushered out of the baby-blue car, carefully guided up each step to the front door, presented like a girl-scout with cookies, his little hat prodded into a perfectly straight-up position.

"Annnd... stay right there, perfect!"

His Mother knocked on the door, and after a few moments, it opened to the sight of a rather large, round woman and her smiling husband.


"Tammy! Come here!!"

They embraced, and began to gabble at each other.

"Oh how are you, you look ravishing... have you met James?"

The woman's eyes turned to him, and he could sense the momentary loss of composure, her wobbly cheeks contorting into something rather ugly at the shorts cinched around his humungous ass, the kiss-me lips and barbie-doll eyebrows before hitching back up into beaming sunshine.

"Oh he's.... lovely!"

The man next to her stepped forwards, all-American smile fixed on his face with perfectly white teeth on show, shaking Mrs Bennet's hand.

"It's been a while Tammy."

"Oh Daniel how wonderful to see you!... It has indeed..... have you met my son, James?"

"Why no! Ah..."

The man stopped like he'd hit a glass pane, his lips creasing downwards, the pearly white teeth disappearing.

With his short shorts tight around his bottom, and an open shirt that was skin-tight, James couldn't have looked less manly if a bow had been placed on top of his head - Perhaps it might have been preferable to the little white and blue sailor's hat residing there instead.

".. Daniel."

He proffered a handshake.

"J.. J..."

James took it, but the shake he gave was so weak that Daniel almost looked like he regretted offering at all.

"Right, well... if you'll all come in...."

The women went first, jabbering at a hundred miles a minute.

"Oh where's Graham?!"

"Couldn't be here, he would have loved it..."

"Absolute darling isn't he!..."

James knew perfectly well his father wouldn't love this, and was probably safely ensconced on the sofa, watching his favourite crime dramas, happy to be given space in his own home from his son and increasingly manic wife.

They were led past the living room into a beautiful open kitchen and dining area, all cream and hardwoods, tasteful and lived-in at the same time. They settled at the head of the dining table on comfortable chairs, able to see through the giant living room with its wall-TV and log fireplace, out onto the road.

Tammy leaned in, already uncorking a wine bottle and pouring.

"So I MUST tell you about the Christian camp we had back in August, oh it was wonderful! All the people coming with their songs and their guitars... why it was quite the thing!"

A bang issued from somewhere in the distance, and James' ears perked up. No-one else had heard it. It almost sounded like a car backfire...

"Oh that sounds wonderful... perhaps James could try it!"

"Oh absolutely, I believe there's a childs one less than a mile away!"

"I'm sorry?"

"For James, it'll be more suitable, no?"

Mrs Bennet primly smiled.

"Actually, ah, he's twenty-three..."

".... Oh I apologise...well...... ahm..... such youthful vigour!" Lesley managed eventually, "..wine?"

She poured into three glasses, before looking over at James with realisation.

"Ah how silly of me. Would you like some-?"

"No," Tammy interrupted quickly, her tone hardening.

"OH I apologise, I didn't want to intrude!"

"No, no... it's just it would upset his stomach."

James tried to perk up.

"I-It... it wouldn-"

"How's your business going Daniel?" she stated at a volume that overpowered whatever her son had been trying to say.

Daniel glanced at James for a moment as the boy quietly shrank back in his seat, before responding.

"Ah it's... it's going well! Just.... moved most of the on-floor stuff to other folks, less salary but as a part owner, well, I pretty much can put my feet up!"

"Oh absolutely, you've earned it!"

James listened as politely as he could, trying his best to keep up, although nothing they said really caught him until Lesley honed in on him.

"And you young man... are you a good Christian?"

"Oh... yes. I s-say my prayers every night.. well.... Almost.. every night..."

'Apart from when I was with Sheila....'

His mother's tone was rosy.

"That's my beautiful boy!"

She pinched his cheek softly, and James let out an embarrassed laugh, struggling not to think about massive dicks clogging his mouth and anus.

Lesley smiled.

"Oh he's one for the Lord, you've raised him right there...."

Daniel raised his eyebrow but said nothing.

"... What do you like to do besides that young man... sports?

This time her husband couldn't hold back a snort.

"Um... I-I don't.... not sports.... I-I-I like... cleaning.

The pair regarded him with the air of people looking into sea-creatures at the aquarium, simultaneously fascinated and disgusted by what lay in front of them.

As James was gazing awkwardly back at Lesley, his attention lengthened to past her shoulder and out of the window.

To a sliver of bleached blond.

He blinked.

Outside was a giant figure leaning against the front porch of the house opposite, sporting a bleach blond buzz-cut.


The table turned to the young man with his eyes wide and alert.

"What... What is it shnoogums? Is everything alright??"

His Mother sniffed the air, locked onto his every movement.

James tried not to make it obvious, making sure it was actually his Auntie he had seen by leaning just to the left, confirmed by swollen, bruising quads pressed through insanely tight gym-shorts, divots and tiny crevasses created between bulging chunks of muscle. Down one leg, an open crotch-bulge was bookended by the tiniest sliver of dark staining.

James' mouth began to water.

It was her.

Aunt Sheila.

The giant figure began to walk out of view.


'How did she find me? Is she coming to..... save me?!?'

"Uh... n-nothing."

His Mother placed a hand on his forehead.

"Are you ill? We can leave."

"Uh...N-NO! Just... Can I g-get.. some...some fresh air...??"

She gave a forcedly polite smile.

"Oh Shnoogums, after some chocolate cake we can all go outside together!"

Outside, the figure in the distance simply stared in, arms folded.

"W-what about just... just me...?"

His Mother's expression hardened.

"The answer is no."

Daniel raised his eyebrows.

"Tam really? He's alright! There's nothing in this neighbourhood that's going to hurt him, you'd be safer out there than in a nuclear bunker under the pentagon!"

Tammy ground her teeth as Lesley giggled.

"Oh Tammy, go on, he'll be fine!"

She looked like she wanted to retort, but then she glanced at her two beaming hosts, and gave a long, lingering look at her son, his eyes hopeful.

"Well.... I suppose it might be alright... but just the garden... no wondering off. Do you hear me?"

"O-of... yes.. yes Poogums," he managed, his heart pounding as he slipped off his chair and waddled away, butt-cheeks clapping their approval as he made his way outside, to the rather stilted laughter of their hosts upon seeing the slutty display.

"Ha- my goodness Tammy... are those ah... real?"

James didn't hear, blood stream fuelled with fear and excitement at seeing his Auntie.

What was she going to do to him when she saw him?

'Help me be a man... stick up to my Mother??....'

He couldn't even imagine a scenario where he said no to his Mother when she was angry.

'I probably shouldn't tell her Sheila is here... it would just upset her....'

James minced to the back of the house and stepped out, before clapping his way all the way round to the side, and peering out over the road.


He gazed around, confused.

All that greeted him were the sprinklers on the front lawn of the house opposite, and the idle cat stretched out on the window.




He nearly jumped out of his skin as something grabbed his face harshly, clamping his jaw shut.


"Shut the fuck up."

The world span around him as his bottom was jammed him up against the house, a crotch digging uncomfortably into his belly, a hulking monster blocking the sun above him.

His mother's voice echoed from inside.

"Shnoogums! Are you alright?"

Auntie Sheila gave him a warning look, lips curling into a snarl, and slowly released his face.

"U-uh... Y-yes! P... Poogums!"

"Need me to come out?"

"I-I'm FINE!!!"

"Oh, I think I'd better go and check, do excuse me.."

Just as he was beginning to panic, other voices spoke out.

"Oh he's fine you worrying wendy!"

"Let 'im run around a little... Some more wine?"

"Oh well... I... Oh go on then, I wouldn't say no to a glass of red...."

Auntie Sheila remained hunched over James until the sounds of nattering began to emanate from the house once more.

"A-Auntie... how a-"

She stood up, and unceremoniously lowered the front of her gym shorts, allowing her huge cock and swollen balls to bounce out, fully erect and ready to engage in ritual combat. The prince albert piercing seemed particularly dull and brutish, like an anchor that had been drawn out after years at sea. One of the veins was literally pulsing on the side like some sort of power cable.

"Suck it."

"Um... Auntie Sheila.. b-before... before we do.... I-I wanted to ask..."

Sheila puffed up and exhaled as a hand shot out and grabbed his neck.


She pulled him to her crotch and aimed her member at his lips.


He did so, placing his hands carefully on her thighs.

Maybe she'd let him control it like she had once or twice before...?

The cock barrelled into his mouth, and James would have whined if he wasn't already full of lady-sausage as her pubic hair flew towards his forehead.


Her hips hit his forehead, the pubes coarse against his skin, tickling his forehead which made him bleat as the cock throbbed in his throat.


"NNHHHhhh... Good ya remembered how to take a dick...."

She began to pump her hips, nasty little shoves that jabbed the cock back and forth, drawing wet spluttering *GLGHH*s from her Nephew, her pubes thrust heartily against his nose.


Her cock was incredibly hard, like a steel rod was jabbing between his lips, and James surmised that Sheila was mightily enjoying their reunion, having to take a few moments to get used to how humungous she was again, feeling tears run down his cheeks as he tried his best to snort through his nose. The heavy sliding of her pungent dick straight down his throat was quite mind-bending, and his eyes quickly slid into a cross-eyed position, his hands sliding up to begin pinching his own nipples.

"Good Nephew. NNhhh now ya see, you're gettin' all manly again!"

"GLHHh bGHlB- BBBughhh Wmmhhuhhhhhh---"

Her face-fucking was hearty and deep, James already able to feel her jizm begin to drool into his mouth and throat as she bristled above him, staring down like he was a prize fish that she had caught, her fleshy spear penetrating him, dragging him towards his own destruction.

She dragged the thing all the way out until only a few inches were in his mouth, and she shoved it sideways in his face. The huge metal tip dug into his cheek as he slobbered on it. Sheila seemed to love humiliating him almost as much as the pleasurable sensations received from his body.

Her superior smile said it all. She was in heaven.

"Suck it like a real man."

He swooned and engaged full cock-hoover mode, slurping like he was gunning for first place at the sperm drinking Olympics, lips tightening so hard around her shaft that not a single drop of liquid could have found its way in.

Sheila threw her head back and choked back a cry, running a hand across her own breasts, pinching the nipples harshly.

"HNNggghh.. fuckin' shit...."

The audible moan of pleasure from his auntie kept James in whore mode, trying to drain her balls as Sheila tried to contain it, breathing deeply to draw her focus away.

She had waited for this... blowing an early load was not on the cards.

"Good boy... Get off."

She grabbed his cheeks and pressed, and he spluttered as he was brought out of dick-sucking la-la land, pushed all the way off of the monster that emerged, wet and throbbing, from his throat.


Cum and spit dribbled down his chin, and he lapped it up as she pulled him to his feet and turned him around quickly.


He unclipped the button on the front, lowering the zipper.

"A-Auntie... don't you want to know how I've b-HNN!?"

She pulled the shorts from the back, ripping a huge hole in them.

His gigantic buttocks were presented to Sheila, who licked her lips as she beheld the sight of her most wicked dreams; two white globes with a pink flower hiding in the crevasse, flirting with her.

"Who gives a fuck how you've been."

Her huge fingers tore his underwear in two like it was made of paper.

The spit lathered cock lined up with his bottom.

"A-auntie Sheila..."


"Urm... W-wwell... um..."

She pressed her cock right up against his entrance.

"OOH... it's ah.... HHUHHHH!"

The feeling of having a bulbous mushroom stuffed between his legs was still so utterly invasive that his entire body clamped up, grabbing onto the wall in front of him, his body being pressed firmly into a bent-over dick-taking position, his knee nudging the garden hose leaking water gently on the grass.

The warm metal ball on the piercing of Sheila's cock sliding against his anal rim as it pushed inside him was spine-tingling.

He made a tiny prayer in his head to the Lord not to look upon him in such a state.

'Please look away... just a small sin... for the chance to be a real, strong man..... of God... I promise...'

The object of his 'small' sin pressed beneath the rubbery rim of his asshole, and he mewled as her cock began its steady, wet journey through his insides, ably assisted by the spit he had applied earlier.


"Shut the fuck up or ya won't be getting this dick ever again, fuckin' understand?"

He looked behind him at the rabid creature fusing their bodies together, seeing her gurning face, drooling, thick monobrow??! Furrowed in concentration, hands tight on his buttocks, jiggling them, slapping them, making him coo.

'Of course she's probably joking... I'm sure she cares about me really?...'

Her cock slid across something wonderful.
