Hidden Acres Ch. 07

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Summer night in HA.
9.8k words

Part 8 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/11/2021
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All characters are over the age of eighteen.

Note: Please forgive some continuity errors as you read this. Chapter 6, which should have been the prelude, set the stage for this series and important information was revealed at the end regarding the character Sandra Wainwright. Sandra learns on her wedding day that the rift between her mother and grandmother was caused by Edna's refusal to participate in incest. This information would have provided a lot of background to Sandra's earlier actions, but what's done is done.

Saturday morning found Sandra Wainwright sipping a cup of coffee, dressed in her robe staring out the kitchen window. In the backyard Dave was reading the news on his phone in the cool morning air as he drank from his own cup. As she watched him she recalled her wedding day and how handsome he had looked in his tuxedo. Out of the blue she remembered her grandmother's words and the gleam in her eye as she said, "Oh yes, the Wainwrights knew the Hidden Acres way."

Sandra wondered why she hadn't thought about that conversation with Grandma Ninny in more than eight years. Could it be that it had burrowed into her mind, planting the idea of incest so deeply that she was unaware and then on the day she walked in on her father that it seemed like a wonderful surprise instead of a moment of horror and shame? She knew that the 'normal' reaction would have been to walk out disgusted, embarrassed, anything other than what she had done.

But she hadn't walked out. Seeing her father pleasuring himself had excited her. The porn he was watching was so explicit that she couldn't help but get aroused. And nothing bad had happened to her. She hadn't been filled with crippling guilt, no lightning had struck her, there wasn't a plague of locusts following her around to herald her sin. The more she thought of it, the more she was convinced that she hadn't done anything wrong. In fact, she was happier now than she'd ever felt.

Not that her life was miserable before, far from it. She had a wonderful marriage and sex life with her husband. Her three year old daughter brought her immense joy. It felt like someone had shown her a whole new wing of her home that she never knew existed. A brand new world to fill with love and experiences that would compliment the rest of her life.

Right now, though, she was concentrating on the implication about David's family. As she drank from her cup she wondered if his mother had opted out, as her own had. If so, were there other branches of the Wainwright family who still practiced the old ways? Nervous excitement built inside of her as she played out various scenarios in her imagination. Her daughter was asleep and would be for some time, so she decided on her course of action.

"Darling, I wondered if you could answer something for me," Sandra said as she stepped out on the patio and took a seat next to him. David put his phone down and looked at her. "I've been hearing a phrase a lot lately and I hoped you could explain it to me."

"Anything. What is it?" He asked, taking another sip of his coffee.

"What is 'The Hidden Acres way'?"

David's hand froze with the cup at his lips. She watched as he swallowed deeply and she detected that his face grew a shade red. A moment later he composed himself and set the cup down on the glass table.

"Well, I think that's just a way of saying we're a little backwoods maybe and that we don't mind it. You see it in a lot of the advertisements for the local businesses, right? Hometown pride, maybe?"

Sandra was relatively sure that her husband had never lied to her about anything important in their marriage, but here he was doing it now. His voice had a slight tremor, his eyes were darting away hurriedly when he looked her in the eye, and his face was definitely redder. Why would he lie to her, she wondered.

"Are you sure that's all?" she asked sweetly.

Dave nodded and lifted his cup for another sip of coffee.

"Huh, because my grandmother gave me the impression it was code for families who practice incest."

Dave spat the hot coffee out, a fine spray shooting from his mouth as he coughed and sputtered. "What?" he cried loudly. "Where on earth did she get that idea?"

"Maybe because she practiced it."

"Oh my god, that's crazy!" Dave seemed shocked, but Sandra felt like it was an act. Something about his reaction didn't seem genuine and now she was determined to find out why.

"What's more, she said your family followed 'The Hidden Acres way' as well."

David's face turned white and she could see the fear in his eyes. This reaction was real, she knew. He set his cup down carefully and took a deep breath. "I'm not sure what your grandmother told you-".

""She told me that she followed the ways of the Jocaline Order, that many families in this area did so as well. Did your mother?"

"Well," David stalled. She could see his lawyer mind racing, trying to find the words that would put him in the best light and to explain why he had never mentioned it to her. She knew his answer already, now it was just a matter of how this played out.

Sandra stood up from her chair and approached him, forcing him to push away from the table to make room for her as she settled on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he cradled her body. His eyes were still a bit wild as he chewed on his bottom lip.

"David," she began softly, a softness in her eyes as she looked at him, "I love you. I love you more than anything. You can tell me anything and I'll still love you."

He let out a ragged breath and though he had gathered his wits, he still looked a bit frightened.

"My mother knew that your mother had rejected The Hidden Acres way. Lots of people knew around town. It was assumed that you had rejected it as well or had never been told. Either way, it was one of the reasons you were excluded from certain things."

"Wait a minute, lots of people knew? Like people were talking about me?" Sandra felt anger rising up. All of the slights and whisperings when she was in high school, they all came back as if they were fresh wounds all over again.

"Not as in the whole town was gossiping about you," he tried to explain. "But, my mom cautioned me against dating you, I'm guessing others did as well."

"Your mother told you not to date me?" Sandra leaned back and gave him a steely glare.

"No, not exactly. She said your family didn't follow the old ways and that if I dated you, that would be something I'd have to take into consideration."

"Ok, hold on, I need to get some things straight. Did you have sex with your mother?" David looked everywhere but at her. "David Wainwright, you answer me right now. Did you sleep with your own mother?"

"It wasn't like what you are trying to make it out to be, okay?" She rolled her eyes and sighed heavily. "Okay! I did! I admit it. She came to me after I turned eighteen and told me that she was going to teach me. She said it had been done this way for generations. I wasn't to speak of it to anyone outside the family and I never did."

Sandra looked into his eyes, so earnest and without guile. She knew he was telling her the truth, as she'd already suspected it.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"Why? Because I was afraid that if you ever found out that you'd dump me, at least while we were dating. And then we got married, when was a good time to bring that up? I gave all that up and never looked back."

"You gave up what?"

"Look, you have to believe me, okay? I've been 100% faithful to you since we started dating okay?" He stared at her intently, waiting for her agreement before he continued. When she nodded, he went on. "Some families only do it the one time, as an initiation. I think that's the actual tradition. Well, somewhere along the line that changed. What was once a one time thing became something that they could share whenever they wanted or needed."

"So you and your mother, you were lovers?" Sandra couldn't help it, but her interest was piqued.

"It wasn't like an affair," he explained. "She came to me, it was never the other way around and it only happened three times."

"Well you do have a brother and two sisters older than you, I'm sure she was a busy lady."

"Sandra!" David bellowed. She could see the hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," she said quickly. "I was making a joke, is all. I wasn't trying to imply anything about your mother."

David stared at her for a long moment and then pulled her in for a bear hug. She could feel the tension leaving his body and she knew he had forgiven her. Making a mental note, she promised to herself she'd never say anything again to impugn his mother's character. At last he let her go and as she leaned back she could see tears in his eyes.

Holding back more tears, he took a deep, ragged breath and gave her a weak smile. "Oh my god, I feel like so much weight has been lifted off of me."

Sandra kissed him tenderly and hugged him tightly once more. As he held her, she realized she'd have to come clean as well. She hoped that he'd be as understanding with her own tale, given that it was still ongoing.

"I have something I need to tell you," she began.


Sandra told him of the conversation she'd had with her grandmother on their wedding day. Explained how in the excitement of the wedding she'd lost track of all that she had said, just so happy to be back on good terms with her. Then she detailed that first afternoon of catching her father.

"I couldn't help myself. I saw the porn, I saw him, I wanted-"

"You wanted to help out?" David said, chuckling.

"Yes, but more than that. I wanted him to see me as a woman, I wanted that validation." She paused and his eyebrow arched, as if he sensed she was holding something back. Biting her lip, she knew her next words were the most damning. "I wanted to stroke his cock. I wanted to jerk him off." The words tumbled out of her mouth as she said aloud the truth and now that she started, she couldn't stop. "I wanted to fuck him. I wanted to take his hard cock inside of me and ride him until he came deep in my pussy."

"Did you?" Dave asked in shock and disbelief.

"No!" Sandra's fingers were digging into his arm as she confessed. "But I wanted it, honey."

"Then what happened?"

"I told him I'd be back the next week and then I drove to your office."

"Oooh!" His eyes lit up as he remembered her unexpected visit. "Oh my god, no wonder you were so wet that day! I swear you came as I slid into you."

"I did," Sandra confirmed. "I needed to be fucked so badly and you were there for me."

"Is that all?"

"No," she whispered. "Yesterday I went back."

"And what happened?" David's voice was deep and she couldn't tell how he was taking all of this. Was he mad? Excited? Not knowing worried her.

"He showed me more videos. I'd asked him to save his favorites and when I entered his study he started showing me the ones he had bookmarked. They were all about oral sex. Women giving blowjobs and men eating their pussies."

"What then?" David asked, his voice hoarse.

"I asked him if he missed going down on mom, but he told me that she never let him do it. So I asked him if he wanted to eat me. He wanted to, but he was afraid, I could tell. So I begged him. I was so horny at the moment, I couldn't help it."

David was mesmerized by her tale. His eyes were now eager as she relayed the details of her father kissing and licking between her legs. Sandra told him of how her father made her come and how she kissed his face clean afterwards. She could feel her husband's hard cock on the back of her thigh where she sat across his lap. Shifting her weight, she reached down to stroke his lump as she told him how she sucked her father's cock and how much he came. When she finished her story the head of David's cock poked out the leg of his loose shorts.

He leered at her with a lascivious look in his eyes, causing her to shiver under his gaze. The steel hard shaft pressed into the back of her thighs was proof of her husband's desire. Sandra's fingertips were slippery as she played with the precum leaking from the tip of his shaft. Seeing him this excited was turning her on just as much, her insides were on fire and she could feel herself becoming prepared for a passionate fuck.

"Fuck me, daddy," she breathed.

Like a racehorse let loose from the gate, David lifted her up and leapt for the door leading into the house. His wild eyes darted as he tried to find the nearest suitable location to place her so he could plant his rampant cock inside of her.

"Couch," Sandra gasped, patting his back furiously and pointing towards the front room of their house. She bounced in his arms as he ran and then she squealed as he tossed her onto the plush, dark cushions of their sofa. The curtains were pulled back in the large picture window, letting the morning sunshine in and allowing anyone who happened by to peer in.

David tore her robe open, his mouth open as he looked down upon her swollen breasts and smooth skin, his gaze drifting lower as she spread her legs for him. He growled at the scent of her arousal. Pulling his shorts to the side he freed his cock, stiff and red, the veins rising up from his shaft. With animal-like ferocity he lunged at her, his thickness filling her in a single stroke. Sandra let out a cry as he drove into her wildly, his grunts loud in her ears as he worked himself inside of her.

They'd had great sex before, but never anything like this. David was crazed with lust or jealousy, she wasn't sure, but this was very different from his usual tender love making. He was truly fucking her, slamming into her with abandon. He leaned back, his eyes ablaze as he altered his pace and gave her long strokes that rubbed all the right places. Sandra was so wet she could hear the obscene sex sounds as he drove in and pulled out of her, his cock slick with flecks of white foam.

She couldn't believe how incredibly hard he was! They'd played with Viagra and other drugs once or twice, but this was a natural reaction to their confessions. Had she freed David as she'd been freed? Had she unleashed something he'd kept pent up for the last ten years since they'd started dating?

While his eyes were open, she couldn't help but wonder if he was truly seeing her. Could he be imagining someone else? Was he thinking of his mother as he fucked her? The thought gave her frissons and she could feel the goosebumps all over her body. Without knowing why, she felt in her gut that was the correct answer. He said he'd given it up and she knew now that must have been painful to do. Could she give up her father now, if David asked? She didn't think so. Sandra prayed he wouldn't.

"Oh baby," she whimpered, her breasts shaking as he continued to plow her. "That's it baby, momma is here for you. Give it to mommy," she pleaded.

David growled and grabbed her by the tops of her legs as she teetered on the edge of the couch. He pulled her against him as he thrust his hips forward, driving himself into her as hard as he could. The slap of skin against skin was loud, the rhythm punctuated by their groans and gasps. Sandra lost count of the ripples that had spun out of control from her slit, but now she was writhing in ecstasy as she felt her channel clamp down on his rod and she flooded him with her release. Another wave of strong scent bloomed in the air and she watched as her husband caught whiff of it, his nostrils flaring wildly.

He kept thrusting into her and then that magic moment happened when she felt him grow impossibly harder, unbelievably bigger inside of her just at the moment of his climax. Knowing that he was going to send hot seed into her body triggered her once more and then she felt the warmth of his orgasm filing her. David shut his eyes tightly as his mouth opened in a silent howl, each rush of seed racing from his heavy sac to coat the walls of her thirsty channel.


"C'mon man! What the hell is wrong with you today?" Kyle ran after the basketball, throwing Jordan an annoyed look. "Your head has been in the clouds all day. What the hell is wrong with you?"

Jordan looked around at the mostly empty park. The summer was rolling in fast and most people went home to avoid the afternoon heat. He and Kyle were the only ones on the court and aside from an older couple sitting in the shade of an oak tree, the place was deserted.

"You remember when I told you about my problem at home?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah," Kyle answered and passed him the ball, putting more force into it than necessary. "You said you thought your mom knew you were jerking off to her panties."

"Dude! You want to shout it louder?"

"Calm down," Kyle laughed, taking the ball from him and shooting a basket. "There's no one here to find out what kind of perv you are. Besides, what do your masturbation habits have to do with why you can't play today?"

"Last night Dorothy wanted to watch me do it."

"Oh yeah?" Kyle turned and faced Jordan, forgetting the basketball. "Did you do it for her?"

"Would you?"

"Oh hell yeah! If Dot wanted to watch me stroke out a load, I'd do it in a heartbeat! I take it you chickened out, huh?"

"No," Jordan answered simply, a smile growing on his face until it was a huge grin.

"You mother fucker!" Kyle laughed. "Well if she ever asks for you to bring a friend over for her, keep in mind I'm the only friend you have in town."

Jordan laughed and ran after the ball.


"Dinner was wonderful," Frank said, cleaning his plate. "You are one hell of a cook, babe."

Kyle had made it home in time to shower up before dinner and had joined his parents at the dining table. His mother had made one of his favorite dishes and it was as spectacular, as usual. Now the table was covered in empty plates as the two men pushed back from the table.

Lydia smiled in genuine appreciation. It had been a long time since Frank had offered an unsolicited compliment. A lot of things had changed in the last couple of days, it was like she was married to a whole new man.

"No, don't you dare!" Frank said as she started to clear the table. "Kyle and I will clean up, you go make yourself comfortable. We'll take care of this and then join you for the movie."

She smiled as her husband shooed her out of the kitchen as her son shot her a look of disbelief, but shrugged and moved to help with the chores. Lydia left them and turned on the television. Surfing the channels, she found a movie on demand and queued it up.

"I'm going to change," she called out to them and then headed down the hall.

In her room she rummaged through her drawers looking for something cooler to wear in the heat. Stripping down she thumbed through some of her newer purchases and settled on a pair of cream colored boy shorts and cotton tank. Pulling them on, she checked herself out in the mirror. It hid more than a bikini would, but the soft material was stretched tight across her chest and her nipples stood out. The boy shorts were snug and as she looked in the mirror she could make out the pubic hair that covered her pussy. She grew excited imagining her son's and husband's reactions.

Lydia headed back to the living room, stopping at the thermostat to set the air conditioning down lower. Plopping down on the couch, she grabbed the remote and hit the play button.

"Better hurry up in there, the movie is going to start soon!" she called out to her men.

"The movie starts whenever we want it to. You could just wait for us, you know?" Kyle shouted back.

"I'm impatient. And lonely."

She laughed as the sounds of the dishes being washed in the sink grew much louder. Frank was urging his son to be quicker all the while there were ominous sounds of pans crashing to the floor. She heard her husband mutter 'fuck' more than once as he worked to push the pots back in the cupboard.