Here Cummeth the Ass-Man

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Mom explains to son that masturbation is normal.
7.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 04/01/2008
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NOTE: All characters in this story are over 18.

Mat's mother, Pam, bent over beside him in his room picking up towels and dirty socks. Feet apart and ass spread wide, Mat visualized his cock sliding in and out her pussy as she moved about the room. Today his mom was wearing her short, cotton grey shorts that deliciously stretched over her fat, round ass. It left little to the imagination as Mat could see every dimple and jiggle as she squatted and walked about. "I don't know why you think the floor's a hamper. The day this floor's clean without my intervention is the day I call the police and tell them you're missing."

Lost in how tan and round her thighs were, Mat awoke from his trance and said, "To change a man you must first change his grandmother," he joked.

Pam laughed. "Don't use that line with me. Your grandmother isn't nearly as messy as this."

"Perhaps the other one, then."

"Heh, your guess is as good as mine," Pam said.

"Gram and Gran are coming over when, exactly?"

"Should get here tomorrow sometime after lunch."

Mat was a senior in high school who lived alone with his mother. Perhaps he was a soon to be budding success, or maybe a soon to be shut-in; no one could tell. He was handsome enough and got decent grades, though. His mother cherished him, and, consequently, probably put up with a little too much from him. His whole life it had always just been him and his mom. To his knowledge, his father wasn't dead, just nonexistent; and, honestly, he was alright with that. He might have some subconscious primal rage in him about being fatherless; but, as of now, it hadn't crept to the surface. All was well. He was just a normal teenage boy lusting over-

His mother, Pam, was not quite so forgettable. She had the build of a housewife; short, a little stocky, with curly, luscious hair that could be fixed up quickly; but the first thing you noticed about her was her magnificently large tits. Mat checked a bra once that was right out the laundry and it read 38EE, which he believed because they were pretty huge. They were all the time jiggling and bouncing as she moved about. When her nipples got hard, which was often, the areola seemed as big as coke cans. They were absolutely great, but her ass, on the other hand, was the real show stopper to Mat- big, smooth and each cheek almost perfectly circular. If you just saw the front half of her, you would never guess she was packing that kind of heat behind her. Almost every friend Mat had ever had admitted to jerking off to her and that big sweet ass of hers. Mat couldn't blame them. He had been jerking off to her since he and his cock had started having late night discussions.

Pam continued picking up dirty laundry and Mat's cock was now at full mast as he sat in his computer chair watching her. She picked up a sock and looked at it quizzically: "This one's all hard and rough in spots. What happened to it?" she asked, feigning seriousness.

Mat got red in the face and said, "I don't know. I guess it got dirty while I was running outside the other day."

"Right. Likely story," she said. She walked out the room and turned around and said, "You don't have any tissues or paper towels in here, do you?" Mat shook his head. "I'll be sure to pick you up some this evening, then. Maybe you can clean up your mess with them instead of your socks." She started to walk away, but turned around again and added, "Because, from the looks of it, you've been making big messes quite often lately." Mat's face got real hot and he looked at his computer screen to avoid her knowing eyes.

After she had put everything in the washing machine and changed into a respectable jean dress and a black turtleneck, she came back in his room and said, "Well, I'm going to the store to pick up some things before your grandparents get here tomorrow. Want anything in particular for dinner?"

Almost fully recovered from the earlier accusation, Mat replied, "Um, I'm in the mood for pizza. Nothing store bought or ordered, though. Let's make it."

"OK. Why don't you get the dough ready in the bread machine while I'm out, and I'll pick up some toppings."

"Awesome," Mat said. His mother then came over and kissed him on the forehead and ruffled his hair. He put up with it like any other boy his age would; yet, unlike other boys, he didn't lose the opportunity to turn his head at the right moment so he would get a nice feel of his mom's tits brushing into his face. Pam noticed this not so subtle movement, and let her tits rest against her son's face for a moment or two. She looked down at his crotch and saw that a sizeable tent had formed. Unconsciously, she pushed his head harder into her bosom, and noticed that she herself was getting aroused. Her nipples were becoming erect, and there was a drop of moisture sliding down into her panties. Pam shivered and left as quickly as she could.

Once Mat heard her car back out of the driveway and switch gears, his shorts were dropped to his ankles and his cock brought out. He ignored a computer with a cable connection as he had all the imagery he needed in his mind: Up, down, up down, his hand instantly pumped. God her ass was so round! He wanted nothing more than to fuck her up the ass. He'd lube that nice little pucker hole of hers, stick a few fingers up there for a while, and then instruct her to sit down on his cock. God, the feel of that fat ass coming down on his cock would be heaven on earth, he knew it. And those tits! He could still feel them pushing against his face. So soft. So huge. Had he detected a hint of an aroused nipple before she left? Did she push his head against her tits on purpose?

Mat was about to cum before a very warped, perverted idea occurred to him. Cock in hand, shorts abandoned at his desk, he walked to where the bread maker was in the kitchen. Should he? Would she notice? Mmm. What if she did notice? She wouldn't know what it was. There'd be no way. But she just might detect a new ingredient. Oh, he had to do it now. It was so erotic and wrong... He pulled out the tray and began pumping his cock over it, all the while thinking of his mom and her gorgeous ass. He couldn't wait to watch her eat his own cum. Know that while they were watching a movie on the couch, his sperm was traveling through her body. That thought sent him over the ledge and he began shooting rope after rope into the container. He must have ejaculated seven very large shots of cum in there. There was so much he wondered whether it would interfere with the baking process.

Mat went and put his shorts back on and walked back into the kitchen to finish putting the ingredients in for the dough. Even after he cummed, he was still horny. There was no moment of thinking, "OK, Crazy, clean it out now. Fun's over." He just looked down at the tray quizzically and calculated how much water he should put in with so much cum in there.

His cock was still hard and pushing against his shorts when he started the breadmaker. Well, he could make some garlic dip...


His mom came back an hour and a half later, and the dough was almost done spinning in the bread machine.

"Mat, come help me with the groceries, will you?"

"Sure, Mom," Mat replied.

Mat went out to the car and grabbed the rest of the groceries. Arms full, he staggered up the front porch and closed the front door with an awkward ninja kick. The groceries were in tall paper bags, but he could still see his mom leaning down to pick up some fallen vegetable cans on the floor. Tits dangling and ass in the air, she looked as inviting as ever. Planning to use the paper bags in his arms as an excuse, Mat walked up behind her and planted his crotch square into her ass for a few seconds and got a good feel.

"Oh! Jeez, sorry, Mom. I didn't see you there."

Pam laughed. "Whoa there, tiger. If you're going to do that, at least give a girl a warning so I can put my hands out to catch myself."

Mat laughed and said, "Sorry," again, putting the groceries on the counter as he did.

"Is the dough almost ready? I'm starving," Pam said standing up, nipples at attention.

"Yeah, it only has a few more minutes."

"Great. This bag here has all the essentials. While you're doing that, I'm going to get into something more comfortable." She turned to walk out of the kitchen but stopped short of the door: "Is this garlic dip?" she asked.

"Yep," Mat said as calmly as he could.

Pam put a finger in the simmering pot and brought it to her lips. "Mm! It's delicious!" She sucked on her finger for a moment and was then reminded of something, though she had no idea why: "Oh! And I almost forgot: Here are some paper towels and tissues for your room. Didn't know what would work best for you, so I got both. I'll go and put them by your bed where you'll be able to get to them easily when you need to."

Mat was red in the face again. She was so nonchalant about him masturbating...That was what she was implying, right?


"Mm, this pizza's delicious!" Pam said next to him as they sat on the couch in the living room. She was back in her grey shorts from that afternoon, but was now wearing a black cotton v-neck shirt showing off a lot of cleavage. They were sitting close to one another watching some romantic comedy on one of the premium channels they got. It was a Friday ritual sort of thing.

"I'm glad you like it."

"The crust tastes different somehow. Almost sweet. Did you do anything different?

"I tried a different recipe I found online. Actually called for vanilla extract of all things." Mat was a good liar.

"Well it's wonderful. I could eat it all by itself." She then dunked some crust into the 'special' garlic sauce Mat made and took a big bite out of it. Some sauce dropped from the crust and fell onto her chest, sliding down into her cleavage: "Good lord," she said, "I am making a mess of myself." Picking up a napkin and wiping off her chest, she pulled her shirt out and looked down to see if any had slipped further. Mat tried to continue eating and not ogle her conspicuously, but he noticed she had a birthmark on her right tit and it made his heart leap.

"Sorry," Pam said, "Not trying to make you blind."

"Huh?" Mat said, as if he hadn't noticed her tits almost falling out.

"It's hard to keep these things in one place," Pam said, reaching into her shirt and pulling her bra back into place.

Mat finished eating just before the movie they were watching ended. He was delightfully full and feeling rather content. Watching his mom eat his pizza and slurp on the garlic sauce had made him unbelievably horny, and, yet, strangely satisfied at the same time. It was as if that glow that proceeds a good cum had just now set in. Pam was still eating long after he had stopped: "I really can't get enough of this. You really shouldn't make pizzas this good. You'll make my ass even bigger, if that's possible," she said. Mat laughed.

"Hey, careful there, young sir," Pam said. "You weren't supposed to laugh 'all knowingly' at that."

"What?" he replied.

"Do you think I have a fat ass? Honestly, should I lose weight?" Pam asked.

"No, I think you're perfect."

"Please, come on, let's be honest with one another. My ass is pretty big." His mom had been drinking off and on that night while eating. She didn't drink often, but, when she did, she became 'Super Honest Mom'. "Here, in case you've forgotten, let me show you." She stood up in front of him with her ass a mere foot away from his face and put her hands on her waist. "See, my ass begins right here," she said pointing to her hips, "and it doesn't end until all the way down here," and she ran her hands slowly and sensually down her ass until her fingertips were at the bottom of her cheeks. "That's a lot of junk. It ain't muscle. See," she said, and she lifted her ass cheeks a few times and let them drop. They jiggled like mounds of jello.

Mat chuckled nervously and shrugged his shoulders. "Mom, I think you look good," he reiterated.

"You're apparently not seeing what I'm seeing. Take one more look," she said as she pulled her shorts up from the top, causing the fabric to ride up her cheeks. She arched her back as she did, and Mat was sure he could see the lips of her pussy and the little pucker of her asshole through her shorts. "That's one big butt, you can't deny that. I probably shouldn't do this to you after eating, but look, it's so big I can even make it clap." She clapped her ass without making any movements with her back or legs. Her ass and upper thighs positively danced before him.

"Uh, you look great," Mat said red in the face. "I don't know how I can convey it to you." Mat had picked up a thin pillow when she pulled her shorts up and had put it on his lap to hide his super hard-on.

Pam turned and looked at him, her eyes falling to his crotch. Smirking, she sat down and exhaled: "I raised such a gentleman; and a liar, too, it seems."

"I'm not lying. You're a very good looking woman."

"But you said you didn't know how to convey it to me." Mat's face instantly got red. "Anyways, thank you. But I'm pretty sure other guys don't feel the same way as you seem to."

"I don't know about that," Mat said.

"What do you mean?" Pam asked.

Mat hesitated for a moment, but relinquished and said, "OK, I'm going to tell you something, but you have to promise not to freak out."

"OK, sure," Pam said.

"Almost every friend I've ever had has admitted to fantasizing about you," Mat said.

Pam was silent for a moment. "Um...What you mean is they've admitted to masturbating to me?"

"Um, I guess so. Yeah, more or less."

"... Even now?" she asked.

"All of them are at least 18 with raging hormones. Especially now," Mat replied.

"Well, these are probably to blame," Pam said lifting her tits and weighing them in her hands- Mat's eyes and cock widening. "They tend to attract attention."

"Actually, they like your butt. They like both, but they're very verbal about your butt."

"What do they like about it?" Pam asked, unconsciously wiggling her hips; her nipples pushing against her V-neck shirt.

"Honestly? What you don't."


"They like how round it is. They say it's the perfect ghetto booty," Mat said.

Pam flushed and said, "Really? In my days, having a ghetto booty was a bad thing. Now it gives guys hard-ons?"

Mat coughed at his mom using the word 'hard-on' and said, "Yeah, guys are into butts these days."

"Which do you prefer?" Pam asked. "Ass or tits?"

"On you? Totally your ass," Mat said, instantly realizing his mom was talking about girls in general.

Pam smirked and raised her eyebrows. "Why thank you. Not exactly what I meant, but thank you. So you also like my ass? It's wasn't really your friends we were just talking about, was it?"

Red in the face, Mat said, "No, my friends have admitted to jerking off to you."

Pam smiled warmly at him and asked, "And you?" Mat blushed and didn't say anything. "It's OK, honey. It's quite flattering to know that I have that effect on you."

"Really?" Mat asked.

"Uh-huh." Mat's heart slowed down in anticipation. Pam put her left arm over his shoulder and scooted in close to him. Her tits pressing into his chest, she started rubbing his inner thigh and asked, "So, do you jerk off to me? Be honest, do you?"

"Um... yeah... I have a few times."

"You jerk off to other girls, too, though, right? Not just me..."

"Oh, of course," Mat said, lying.

"Good. A little bit I can understand. Freud said it's completely natural, of course, as has every other psychologist. But, still, you have to be interested in girls your own age. Healthy girls, not some dried up old hag like me."

"Hey, I won't have you talking about my mom that way!" Mat jokingly exclaimed.

"I'm serious! Young girls need to be ravished, too. Otherwise, when you get older, there won't be any horny milfs like me walking around anymore, because there won't be any women who appreciate a good, hard cock." Mat's heart fluttered and his cock became a raging bar of steel in his pants. "Whoa, I'm being way too honest right now. I should probably shut up before I reveal how much of a slut I am." She hiccupped and visibly wavered on the couch. "Man, I am really feeling it tonight." She looked at the pillow resting on her son's lap and smiled: "We're going to need another Friday ritual if I'm going to drink myself into a drunken stupor every time. Do you mind if I put my head on your lap? I'm feeling really disoriented."

Almost recovered, Mat replied, "No, go right ahead. Mind if I change the channel? Movie's over, and the next one doesn't look like any count."

"Sure. I don't care what we watch, just as long as you don't go anywhere," she said as she put her head on his lap and pulled her feat up on the couch.

Her face pointed to the TV, Mat now stared at her voluptuous body without restraint. He just wanted to reach out and grope every part of her. Instead, he rested his right hand on her side and tried to watch the TV. Pam immediately took his hand and pulled it up to her upper stomach so it was grazing the bottom of her tits. She pressed it hard against herself and moaned softly.

Resting in such a provocative pose, Mat noticed that the bottom of her shorts had ridden far up her ass. They were so far up that he wondered how she was even comfortable. He was thus soon again fighting another losing battle against the growing hard-on in his shorts. He was worried his mom would feel it poking against her cheek and freak out; instead, she didn't seem to notice anything; if she did she gave no sign of noticing. She just laid there and squeezed his hand up against her, breathing softly.

Mat changed the channel to a movie station right when a new program was coming on. He didn't know what it was, but a parental warning came up moments before the WARNING: STRONG SEXUAL CONTENT label flashed across the screen. Pam said, "Ooh, these are always fun."

"You want me to keep it here?"

"Please, I know you want to. Don't worry. We're both adults here, right?"

"I guess so."

It was a 'documentary' about social taboos. One of the segments centered on older females and younger males.

"Hmm, oddly appropriate, don't you think?" Pam said and squeezed Mat's hand, pulling and pressing it closer to her. Mat could feel the softness and warmth of his mom's stomach and the outer edges of her tits grazing his knuckles.

After some jazz music and sporadic shots of people hanging out in clubs and having drinks, the camera switched to a guy in his early twenties:

"'Yeah, I've been sleeping with older women for some time now. Started when I was in college. I was having trouble getting laid, so I went online and found a free message board for 'casual encounters' in my area. I posted an ad along with a picture of me and my cock, and I got five responses that night. Three of them were of older women, and a couple of BBWs in their late twenties. The one that stood out the most, though, was a woman in her early forties. Writing was sensual, and the pictures...very provocative. So I wrote her back and we met up that Friday.

"'I think she sensed I was a virgin, because she took things slow. We first went to her couch, had a few drinks, and talked for a while. I was so nervous, though, that my hands were shaking, and I was having trouble lifting up my wine glass to my lips without spilling any. But she noticed and just smiled. It was great. Then she started kissing me and rubbing my chest. I loved it, but I was, for some reason, still afraid to reach out and touch her; so, she scooted in close and pressed her big tits against my chest, continuing to kiss me slowly and sensually. I'd never been kissed like that- and it actually almost made me cum. Slowly she unzipped my pants and took out my cock, and started stroking me- our lips never breaking contact. She must have known I was going to cum fast the first time because she was unfazed when I came. She smiled, stood up and got a washcloth, and cleaned me up. Then she immediately started sucking on my cock, and I was hard again within moments. Cock fully erect, she hiked up her skirt and jumped on top of me without a condom. We fucked for over an hour. It was easily the greatest night of my life up till that point. And that's...that's the sort of behavior I've noticed with older woman. They love cock. They don't care about the usual stupid things that younger women do. They just want sex and sexual contact. And they don't feel like they're giving you anything they themselves don't want.'"