Gotta Pay the Piper Ch. 02

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Bas meets some new people.
6.1k words

Part 3 of the 31 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 10/26/2021
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I awoke the next morning, hard as a rock to find Robin spooned up behind me. "You have been hard and then soft and then hard again," she commented. "Do you want to make love before we get up?"

"Hell yeah!!" I said, turning to give her a kiss. I could smell her minty toothpaste. "Ooooh, Go brush your teeth and hurry back" she said wincing.

By the time I peed and brushed my teeth, and returned to bed, my morning erection had deflated. I kissed her and felt her fingers touch my penis. "Oh you are soft. Why don't you get down there and give me a good licking first while we wait for it to stand up?" she said. I flipped around and as I moved my face towards her groin, I put her hand on my penis. She instantly pulled her hand away.

I gave her clit a few flicks with my tongue making her giggle, I moved my groin towards her face and reached down with one hand, grabbing my penis to push it towards her mouth.

She pushed my penis away saying "Why would I want to do that?" That struck a chord. I stopped what I was doing. I looked down my body towards her face. "Why did you stop?", she asked.

"Fuck this!!" I exploded, getting up. "I am NOT going to be some kind of sex toy for you while you don't give back a goddamn thing."

I was angry as Hell as I jumped out of bed and, grabbing my running shorts and tshirt, left the room. I was in the kitchen a few minutes later filling the coffee pot with water. As I added the grounds I felt, rather than heard her enter. I ignored her until after I pushed the button to make the pot start.

'What was all that about?" she asked angrily, stepping up to me as I turned.

"I just fucking don't like being used." I seethed."You ask if I want to make love and then you treat me like that? I am NOT a fucking toy for your damn amuse....." My speech was cut off when she slapped me hard across the face. I looked at her incredulously.

"You WILL NOT disrespect me like that. I am not sure what happened that made you angry, but storming away like that is NOT going to happen!!" she yelled. "You talk to me! Now what is the damn problem?".

"You don't know?" I asked, starting to feel my anger rebound from the shock of being slapped and well up again.

Robin looked me straight in the eye."Know what? You did not say a damn thing. You just threw a fit and walked out." she growled.

We stared at each other for a minute."You wanted me to lick your pussy, but I did not even rate you touching my dick?" I said, astounded at her audacity to act like nothing was amiss. "And you had just asked me to screw you or make love as you put it?"

She looked at me with a strange look then told me to follow her to the bedroom. Once there she told me to strip and get on the bed. Only after she stripped off her tshirt leaving herself nude, did I comply. It is hard to keep an argument going if you are both nude. We began to talk and I began to calm down.

She really had no idea why I was offended. As we talked, I discovered her experiences with playing with a penis prior to mine had not been all that sexually enjoyable.

All in all, her limited experience with manual or oral stimulation of a penis had not been good. I commented that she had played with mine the night before like she knew what she was doing. She grinned and said it was there, it was hard and it just felt natural to examine it and rub a bit.

"It is called foreplay. Where you get your partner and yourself in the mood." I growled.

"I heard of that but did not really know how to go about it." she said

"I thought you said you were experienced!" I said, surprised, to which she answered, not a little defensively.

"I said I was not virgin and I knew all about the anatomy. I had seen penises before, mainly soft but also erect. Kids I babysat, Hell even my own father after I took control of him. Oh, I knew with Dad it was the humiliation that got him hard and getting an erection would compound his humiliation "

"But messing with one in a sexual manner is a little different. That is where I am lacking." she admitted, blushing. "The guys I went out with were pretty much jerks. I felt more used than anything else." One boyfriend had had Robin play with his penis and complained how she was rough and did not do a good job. Another, as she began to suck him, had shoved her down onto his erection and choked her in the process. As she recounted a couple of these stories I could not tell where one story began and the other ended, or whether it was one guy or more.

Now I felt bad and I apologized. "Yeah? Well guess what? Even if you did not realize that I had no idea what I was doing, you did not have to react that way and make me feel like shit.' she glowered. "You could have said something. Instead, you showed me complete disrespect. Now THAT I know about.... and I know how to fix it."

I was ordered into the kitchen, naked, and told to sit at the kitchen table and wait. A few minutes later Robin returned with several sheets of paper.

She told me I was going to write lines. I was to repeat my pledge, only this time on paper I would write it 100 times in the next hour. She would fix breakfast and then I would drive her to school. When I began to calculate how long that gave me for each line instead of saying "Yes , Ma'am", she extended it to 180 repetitions within a ninety minute time frame. "You'll drive me naked or in just your running shorts. if you haven"t finished." she threatened.

"This is a waste of time." I gritted. "I'm not going to do it."

"You'll think it was an easy punishment when I have my talk with Joanne." Robin said. "And when she gets the conservatorship papers going you'll beg me to take you over as part of the 'program'.

Also if I had not completed my task in the time allowed, she'd double the lines. I could spend the rest of the morning writing. When she got out of class and we got home, she was going to march me totally nude to the shrubs behind my house to cut a switch with which she was going to beat my ass. I would get two stripes for every incomplete or missing line. That meant each line had to be written neatly as well. She warned me that any switch she selected would not just sting my butt, but would leave me bawling. I stared at her.

"I will return in ninety minutes to check on you and be ready to leave for school." Robin growled. "And if it comes to it you'll accept the spanking or face Joanne. Don't dare defy me!"

"If you don't finish before we leave, you will be strip nude when you get home and work on your lines and stay that way I unless I text and release you to get dressed." Robin said. "I know you think I will not know if you obeyed. But I will."

I really did not know if I was more angry or more afraid of her. Would she really push her control and would Joanne back her up to that degree? I had only Gary Atwell's word Joanne had an open and shut case to take over as my guardian.

Angry at myself for being a wimp I sat to work and began writing as quickly as I could.

I had barely finished when Robin came into the kitchen and stopped me. She had me stand next to her while she took my seat to check my work. I fidgeted. My right hand and forearm was aching and my bare penis was within inches of her left elbow. "Stand still. Put your hands behind your back", she ordered. At least I could rub my arm behind my back.

"Well, it looks like you can follow orders. We won't be taking our naked walk and welting your backside. Good job. You can work on your bullets instead of writing lines when you come back home." she said. Then, grinning at me, she took my half erect penis in her hand, leaned over and took it into her mouth. Ten seconds later she released my now fully hard penis. "Guess that is the trick to get it ready." she giggled. Now get dressed and drive me to school. Next time you won't miss the opportunity to play if I offer.

I was both upset and aroused as I tried to stuff my very erect penis into my jeans. Robin did not help my frustration. She reached over and stroked the front of my pants for the whole drive. "I expect this thing to jump and stand up when I get out of class." she said. "If it doesn't, I'll assume you masturbated without my permission and I will take you over my lap and spank your butt. I want to play this afternoon."

"Fuck!" I thought as I drove home. "How much control is this girl going to expect?" I may have verbally agreed to let her punish me but I was not happy about it. I was in a state of arousal at the time and not thinking straight. I knew full well what she was doing. She was trying to condition me to obey. The problem was I could not hate her for it. I actually liked the girl.

I went home and finished the set of bullets Derek ordered. I made an extra twenty for myself. I had one rifle of that caliber and liked the idea of having a few of that style. I sat and thought about how to test the blasting power. Maybe shooting some ballistic gel or seeing how many sheets of plywood it would penetrate. It would be fun. I forgot all about Robin.

Once again I had to wait on Robin to arrive. but only five minutes this time. I timed my arrival to coincide with her usual arrival time. I almost hoped she would see me pull up. I was thinking about pushing a confrontation. I was considering just remaining in the car and let her open her own damn door. Instead, she walked up and climbed into the car without a pause. As we drove home, she reached over and rubbed the front of my jeans as she asked me if I finished making all the rounds I had promised Derek.

"Yeah, got them made. I called him." I reported, sucking in my breath feeling her lightly squeeze my now very hard cock. "He invited us all over to his place for a barbecue tomorrow. I told him Joanne would be here. He said his girl Caroline would be happy to see her."

"Okay, I suppose we can go." Robin said, like she was giving me permission. I had already decided I was going. I did not tell her that, though. "You have to deliver those bullets and I'm sure Joanne would like to see Caroline."

"But I want to go over to my old apartment and get the rest of my things first. I had planned to do it early afternoon when they were not likely to be home but morning will work."

As we walked through the front door, Robin said. "Strip right here. I want to watch your naked bod as you walk through the house. Meet me in your bedroom. Do you want me to wash my pussy before you lick it?" I nodded. She smiled. "Okay. I expect your cock to be clean or I will not be sucking it." I stripped quickly watching her begin to unbutton her own blouse. I did not even think about her having given me an order. The only thing on my mind was getting some pussy.

I was laying on the bed when she walked into my room nude, her breasts swaying.. I am not a judge of breast size but I guessed hers were at least a C cup. They were larger than Christine's had been. I had never seen Joanne's bare, of course. I had seen Robin nude but not from this vantage point. My cock was hard as a rock. She grinned. "This is gonna be fun!" she declared. With that she pushed me onto my back. "I'm getting on top. I don't want you getting carried away and pushing your cock and gagging me. I'm sure you don't want to get bit."

After this morning's debacle, I was pleasantly surprised. With her on top pushing her pussy into my face she began to bob up and down on my cock. She came within a few seconds. She ground down and taking her mouth off my cock momentarily said. "Keep going. This is fantastic." I was happy to oblige. I concentrated on getting her off, wondering how she would react when I came. She alternated between taking me deep and sucking on my glans. When I came she sucked even harder, and came again.

She turned around grinning, a little semen escaping her mouth. "That is a first. The first time I had a guy cum in my mouth. I like it!" I liked it too. I was spent. I watched as she licked her lips. "When you cum in my pussy, I am going to turn around and suck you clean." she said as we lay there resting. "But you are gonna lick me clean too. Just like you did before."

It did not take me long to get me hard again. It took much longer to shoot the second time around. Robin had several orgasms in the meantime, which made me proud. Finally I rolled over and took a nap. I awoke to find myself in bed alone. "Hey!" Robin announced loudly. "Joanne is here. If you don't want her walking in and catching you laying there naked, you better get your ass up and get dressed. She propped the door to my room open. "Door stays open. Your choice."

I scrambled to get up and get dressed then stepped into the bathroom to wash my face. I could still smell Robin's secretions covering it.

I came out to find Joanne taking her overnight bag to her room. She smiled and greeted me. "I guess you and Robin are getting along well?" she asked. I know I blushed.

We all went into the kitchen. Joanne laughed when she noticed the pile of paper containing my lines. 'You got him to agree already?" she asked Robin incredulously.

Robin nodded and began to recount the week's activities. How she had started giving me orders the first night there and I had followed every one. Last night she convinced me I had already submitted to her control and got me to verbally admit I wanted her to stay there and be in charge. "And he has been VERY attentive to my sexual needs as well." she chortled.

Joanne shook her head, "Damn, I guess you won the bet. I figured he'd be easy sexually, but the rest..... When do you want me to pay up?"

"What bet?" I asked.

Joanne laughed and said she had been sure I would capitulate and give Robin full authority eventually, "But Robin claimed you would before I left to go back home this weekend. But it seems you rolled over even quicker." She refused to tell me what the stakes of their bet was.

"I agreed verbally, but I don't want anything on paper." I said. "No written contract. I'll keep my word. I can accept how things have gone so far." They both stared at me but neither said anything.

I asked Robin if she needed me to call a friend to borrow a truck to get her furniture. She told me all of that would stay and she only needed plastic trash bags for her clothes. She suggested I go 'piddle around' in my shop for a half hour or so while she and Joanne had a private talk. Then the two disappeared into Joanne's bedroom.

I was thinking about moving clothes. I knew many college students thought garbage bags perfectly adequate as they could just stuff them full then cram the bags into a vehicle. Wrinkles, etc was not important. I considered notebooks, shoes, and hard items that might not do well in a bag. Grabbing my car keys I drove the three blocks to the grocery store I frequented to see if they had any cardboard boxes. The manager told me they always kept some available as they had many requests from college students. I stacked a half dozen into my car and headed home.

I walked inside to find an obviously perturbed Robin in the kitchen. Joanne was sitting at the table watching. "Where have you been?" Robin demanded.

I explained that I ran down to the grocery store for boxes. Robin got straight in my face and informed me that I was not to go anywhere without permission. "The only reason that you aren't getting at least a hand spanking right now is I did not specifically tell you that before now. I assumed you would have figured it out on your own. But NOW you know."

She was even mentioning spanking me in front of my daughter? Even as a tease, this bothered me. I glanced over at Joanne to see her reaction. Se did not seem at all surprised. Almost like she thought Robin's threat or offer to spank was perfectly normal. A totally acceptable situation.

Joanne stood up and giggled. "She is going to be tough! You are going to have to mind your P's and Q's if you don't want a sore butt." At my expression, she added, "AWW, you are blushing. Too cute." and gave me a kiss.

I froze. I could smell something on her breath besides the coffee she had been sipping. As my eyes got wide, she realized the reason. Joanne shrugged. "I bet Robin that if she could take control of you by the weekend, I would kiss her ass. She said she had other ideas of what I should kiss. Well, she made me pay up. Guess I need to wash my face again."

We had a quiet meal that evening. I was thinking about me and Robin and Robin and Joanne. Several times I was careful to not stand up and reveal the erection tenting my jeans.

Early the next morning, I followed as Robin and Joanne drove her car to her old apartment. Robin's three roommates were home. They were just stirring. A guy was laying on the couch with a beer in hand despite the hour. The smell of pot permeated the room. I wondered if some of the smears on the glass coffee table were from another drug. We made short work of packing Robin's clothes. I boxed the contents of her desk while the girls carried clothing to the cars.

Once finished, I insisted Robin get a statement of release from the roommate who was primary on the lease. I wanted it to say that there was no damage to Robin's bed, dresser or desk and that because a new roommate had already been found, Robin would be due a refund of her damage deposit.

The guy on the couch started to make snide comments and tell me I was not in a position to dictate anything, so I added. "Or we can go around to the management office. I saw the sign saying they had someone on duty daily. We can have whoever it is come right around and do a quick inspection for us." Seeing no reaction, I said, "Hopefully they won't object too much when they smell the marijuana and decide to call the cops."

Needless to say, there was no further disagreement and we had our statement in hand when we left ten minutes later. One of the roommates walked out with us. She said she was sorry to lose Robin and hoped she would be happier where she was moving. The young man walked to the door and said loudly, "If you had turned us in to the office, I would have kicked your ass."

The girl with us apologized for the guy, saying he was a jerk and she really could not see what her roommate saw in him. "No problem," said Robin. Joanne grinned at me then told the girl it was a good thing the guy had not jumped me as she turned me slightly and lifted the back of my shirt. "We have plans for today. I would hate to have them interrupted with us all at the police station." The girl gaped at the pistol in my waist band.

Once home I told Joanne she probably should not have shown I was carrying a firearm. "Why not?" she shrugged. "The girl who walked out with us was the only friendly one of the group. I hope the rest are pissing their pants right now worried we might have called the cops."

We put Robin's things into her bedroom and got ready to drive to Derek's house. He had given me the directions the night before and even the key code to his gate. I had once considered how fun it would be to live out in the 'boonies'. Christine had wanted to stay in the city. Our large plot of land was the compromise.

While the girls were getting ready I walked outside. Brenda came out of her house. "Did you sign up for the program?" she asked, concerned. "I shook my head and told her not yet.

"Good, DON'T!!" she said vehemently. "I wish I hadn't." At my surprise she added. "I fucked up. I signed. I was so afraid you would. I could not warn you. Marianne is assured Robin would have no problem convincing you to sign. Of course Rick likes the idea. He is now in charge of my ass. He is not cruel except when the others are around and he follows their lead. I could not tell you before. If I even hinted and the others found out I would be in serious trouble. I could even get indentured if not actually enslaved."

I asked how she got involved. She had been arrested a few months ago for driving intoxicated. Because Rick and Marianne had already been dating, Gary agreed to take her case pro bono. His services were contingent on her joining the "program" if he succeeded in getting the charges dropped. She did not have the money to check out other attorneys and thought they might want to secure their fees the same way.