Gold Digger Wife Wants It All Pt. 02

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Gold Digging wife picked the wrong man to cuckold.
3.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/02/2021
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Authors Note:

"Gold Digger Wants It All" was published on June 2, 2021 and I appreciated the constructive criticisms of this story. The main theme of this criticism was that I needed a more fulfilling ending to the story. As one commentor said "You wrote what might happen to the main characters instead of what did happen to them." I did this on purpose so an engaged reader could continue the story in their own mind, coming to their own conclusion rather than mine.

I took this recommendation to heart and have added a more complete ending to finish the story. I hope this will bring you as much entertainment to read as it was for me to write.

This is Chapter 2 of the LW story "Gold Digger Wants It All". All characters mentioned are above the age of 18. All characters are fictitious and do not intentionally resemble anyone living or dead.

I highly recommend reading Chapter 1 of before reading this edition. You will discover the same characters attempting to find $10 million and one character playing hide and go seek with his money while reeking vengeance on his cheating wife.

TO A NEW READER: At this point, please do not read any further or you will spoil the ending of Chapter 1 for yourself.

Chapter 1 of Gold Digger ended with one of the main characters, Bob Rogler ceasing to exist on the rolls of humanity.

Chapter 2

On April 1st my Marine buddies and I were watching on my computer as that slut wife Susan was shown the picture of my severed head on a table. They howled as their two Marine friends played the perfect role as they told her of my death with my lifeless head now being in a pile of other bloodied victims in the insurgent's compound.

When the laughter died down, they wanted to know what I could do for an encore for entertainment for the troops. I told them "This was the part of my plan to keep my wife from robbing me blind in divorce court. From now on it is revenge for my personal enjoyment. I will not be weeping for nights on end about the loss of my sluty wife."

They seemed to enjoy that remark and made me promise to record every episode so all of them could enjoy the action.

I was watching my hidden camera reveal that Susan was having a very difficult time dealing with the horrifying death of her cuckolded husband Bob. Her sleazy boyfriend kept hollering about the $10 million that I did not get sent to them in time to save the Cyless Koehn real estate empire.

After about on an hour of sobbing, cursing and screaming the two of them looked at each other and said "What the fuck are we going to do now? We have to get on top of this before it all comes apart."

Davis said "I suppose we should go tell Cyless that Bob is definitely dead."

Susan looked like she had swallowed a mouthful of vinegar. She nodded and said "Might as well bring the bad news as fast as possible." I saw the two of them walk solemnly out the front door to Davis's car.

I was glad I paid Mr. Pappas for three additional months of Koehn surveillance. It would be worth the price as I watched the three of them suffer then burn.

Mr. Pappas's camera displayed a snarling Cyless Koehn as Susan and Davis walked into his office. I could almost feel the heat from his forehead on my computer screen.

"What manner of bad news do you have for me today?" snapped the troll Koehn.

While looking at her shoes Susan said "Two Marines came to my house this morning and showed me a picture of Bob. His severed head was held up by a fucking terrorist." With this she statement lost it and started sobbing again.

After a moment she said "Sorry, we have been hunting for him for weeks now. No one knows who he is or will not even acknowledge that he ever existed. The bank statement he showed me earlier this Spring with $3 million in it, is gone, vanished. I called the bank in Switzerland and they just laughed at me for wanting information without the account number, let alone password."

"I took the day off from work today because I am having a hard time coming to grips with the confirmation of Bob's hideous death and the disappearance of the $10 million. This was not the way this deal was supposed to go down"

Slowly, Koehn said "I have just enough cash to make half of the loan payments. I'll beg for forbearance from the lenders for a two month extension. Maybe we can sell a property or two and use the proceeds to make the other payments."

"I have to remind you, all my multimillion dollar real estate loans have a nasty clause in the loan agreement stating that if I default on their loan or any other loan then all other lenders can claim that their loan is also in default. Then the interest rate increases by 3%, making it even harder to make all the loan payments. We are on the brink of disaster."

Susan pleaded "Cyless, can you please make the payments to my bank first so I don't find myself in hot water by the end of the month? I'll make it worth your while if you do that for me."

"You're a great ass fuck Susan but I have to take care of myself first. If it is in my best interest to pay your loans first, I will do that but cannot promise it."

He continued "If you don't mind, I have to call and start begging at a couple of banks right now." He turned away to dismiss the two of them.

Susan turned to Davis and said "Let's look for more money. It has to be around here somewhere."

Back in Susan's house she commented "Bob was meticulous about his records and keeping everything in order. He knew where everything was, the only exception was he didn't know about us fucking."

"He was not expecting to be killed. Hell, he left almost all of his clothes, shoes and personal stuff. So there has to be some records around here pertaining to this transaction. He always had a journal or written record of important information. Let's go look in his office."

Susan wiped what was left of her tears from her face and determinedly walked to my former office. "Look at this orderly desk and office. His account information has to be here somewhere."

Davis said "The filing cabinet is locked. I'll find a screwdriver and open it like I did before."

Without being very careful this time, Davis jammed the screwdriver into the opening above the top drawer and popped it open. They found it was in the same order as before, including the bank statements for his IRA's and stock investments.

"Look, Look, Look" exclaimed Susan. "Here are his latest banks statements and it appears there is over a million dollars. Damn! I knew we could get some money out of my dearly departed husband."

"Great" exclaimed Davis. That will help us keep the wolves away from our door by making the April real estate payments."

The face that Susan made behind Davis's back said "Fuck you fella. That money is mine! If I don't have Bob for a source of ready cash, I will need every bit of that million dollars to meet my bills. Fuck you and Cyless"

I thought "It appears to me that these three scumbags are already fighting over what they think is a huge pot of Bob Rogler's money. I am going to love watching them go after each other."

I smirked when I heard Bob's widow thank him for the million dollars. They don't know that money had vanished like smoke in the wind the week I left Chicago.

With the assurance of recovering at least $1million they decided to treat themselves to dinner and drinks.

It was several hours later when a "ping" was sounded notifying me of movement in the house. They were both giddy from their martinis and decided a good fucking was in order. They even discussed the hope of finding the $10 million and fucking over slimy Cyless. They had already ascertained Koehn was dead meat and they would use the $10 million to buy him out at a huge discount and keep some of the real estate for themselves.

I thought that was an ingenious plan, other than there never was $10 million for them, but they did not know that.

I saw them move to the master bedroom where what passed for foreplay was nothing more than roughly pawing each other. Since I could forecast what was coming next, I turned on their television and loaded a recording of a hell and brimstone preacher giving a sermon on the Ten Commandments.

From my computer controls, I turned off all the lights in the house.

Again, I ran 30 seconds of strobe lights while they were in mid fuck to get their attention. The volume knob on the whole house sound system was turned all the way clockwise with wild screaming.


Then the sound system shut down, tv turned off and the strobe light went dark. No sound whatsoever. That is until Susan started sobbing. Hands shaking, Davis said "I'm getting the fuck out of here."

All the lights in the house were still off so he had to stumble, fall, curse and scramble to run for his life. He left Susan sobbing on the bed. It appeared to me that she had passed out.

I made sure this segment was marked for replay to the Marines.

The rest of my day was wonderful.

By evening, I had read several of her texts to Davis as they tried to make sense of what happened last night. But like the greedy bastards they were, they decided to ignore what happened last night and get together at the house after work to look for more evidence of my money.

With the "ping" on my motion detector I knew they had returned to the house. Susan started tearing into my accounting files again, knowing there had to be more.

Davis was rummaging in the office desk. "What are these numbers? They don't make sense. Are these the numbers we need to get into the Swiss bank accounts 19L 44R 66L 0?" he questioned.

Susan appeared puzzled until she saw Davis standing next to Bob's gun safe. Looking at him she flatly said "Stick your right hand out Sherlock, you have the answer beside you."

"Oh, probably the combination." Mumbled Davis.

I turned around and yelled for any Marines that were outside the tent to come in for a real treat. We all waited for the next bit of excitement.

The computer screen displayed Davis spinning the dial of my former gun safe. As he turned the safe handle the door started to open. Both of them pushed their faces in like Caribbean pirates looking into a captured treasurer chest.

Susan inquired "Where are his guns, he had several rifles, a shotgun and several hand guns. Did he take them on this tour? That does not make any sense."

"Cash!" is what Davis called out and started to grab the bait money I had laid out for them.

"Watch this!" I said to my Marine buddies just as the red dye exploded all over Davis, Susan and the room. Hot embers started smoldering on the carpet. Then the poof of the tear gas kicked it. Both got a dose like a skunk climbing into a campers sleeping bag.

My buddies could not believe what they saw. I got high 5's all around.

The two cheaters struggled, coughing and crying, to get to the door and inhale some fresh air. I could not see them outside as I had no cameras there. I chuckled seeing the stained money scattered like confetti in a smoky room. There were burn marks on the carpet. The smoke stayed around a few minutes but the acrid smell would stay strong.

It was humorous but not hilarious to watch these two ass holes fight through the stench in the house to open all the windows and doors. I told my Marine buddies that for now, the show would be over but I will still record the action and display anything fun.

My enemies must have stayed at Davis's apartment or hotel that night as there was nobody in the house that night.

At 6pm Chicago time the next day, I was notified of movement in my former house. Susan came into the house and was cursing and throwing around anything that was not nailed down. The noise she was making was unintelligible other than the occasional "Ass Hole, Fucking and Bob".

Half an hour later Davis showed up and Susan tore into him demanding that when she calls him, he needs to drop what he is doing and come to her. Through the screaming it seems that she had gone to the banks where I had investment accounts and IRAs to withdraw the funds.

She told the clerks she was Mrs. Robert Rogler and needed to withdraw the funds. She was informed that she was indeed the secondary owner of these accounts. (I had opened those accounts when we got married) However there was no money in any of the accounts. It had been withdrawn the week before I left.

The bank clerk told Susan "I remember his withdrawing the funds and accepting the fact that he would pay a big tax penalty on that withdrawal of IRA money. He did not seem worried about the tax consequences."

Susan asked Davis "Do you think these funds were included in the $10 million investment?"

He answered "I can't think of why else he would withdraw the funds."

"Let's find the checking account statement and see if he put the funds in there." Susan offered.

After much stumbling around, they found a booklet I had left for them to find the passwords to what I wanted them to see. They thought they were so much smarter than I was after finding what I left them.

As they got online to see the most recent activity, they discovered huge sums of money flowing in and immediately being wired to an off shore bank.

Davis said "If he was trying to hide money from IRS he would never run funds through his checking account. This puts it out for all to see, that he was making millions and not paying taxes. Babe, this shit may roll back on you. You are on this account and you have been filing jointly."

I giggled out loud as they have finally discovered what was going to happen to that cheating bitch. She should have stayed away from those creeps and held on to me.

While they were online reviewing accounts, they decided they needed to find out how much she had available on the joint credit cards. She was afraid that if she were fired, she may need to put some expenses on the credit cards. Susan was happy to see that there was a credit limit of $30,000 on each card and knew I paid it off every month. She screamed and slammed the desk top with her hands, scaring Davis enough to trip and fall over backwards.

"NOOOOOO this can't be. NOOOOO." She had just found that I had maxed out the credit cards while purchasing Krugerrands. She would have to start making payments on $60,000 in credit card debt next month.

Before I left Chicago, I closed our on-line bill pay function to the bank accounts and destroyed all the unused checks so she did not know what or who to pay each month. With me no longer paying on line, written correspondence was sent to Bob Rogler at his house demanding money.

Since I paid everything on line when I was overseas, Susan did not know the costs of owning the house. Money that his widow needed to pay to retain the services of water, sewer, electricity, cable, telephone, insurance, bug treatment, lawn mowing and taxes were now her responsibility.

By Mid-May, Susan's bank had rated the loans to Cyless Koehn as "Substandard" as a result of non-payment. The Chief Credit Officer had a serious conversation with her about the quality of her portfolio. If those loans in the future were rated as "Doubtful" or "Loss" by the examiners she would be terminated.

With the encouragement of Susan's pussy, Davis had moved out of his apartment and in with Susan so they could share their household expenses. Davis was still skittish about the weird things that would happen at night in Susan's house. His addiction to her cock sucking overrode his fear of sounds in the night.

Life for them was miserable and I did not need to add to their troubles. They had created enough of their own hell. I did have something lined up for Davis and it took a while until the conditions were perfect.

Late one night, Davis was under so much stress he could not sleep so he went into the family room to watch television. The conditions were perfect for me. I took over the tv program and changed to a video of me in Marine camo looking right at him, pointing my M4 assault rifle at him and saying "I'm going to kill you, Davis. Davis you are going to join me in hell and I will be on your ass for eternity."

With that said, I started firing out of a 30 round magazine on full auto with my M4. He squealed like a little girl as he rolled behind the couch as I expected. A projection of this video went on the wall behind him and I started shooting at him again. Then the other two projections of me on different walls opened fire. I now had four identical projections of blazing firepower. It was so quick, so loud and muzzle flashes were so bright he could not get his brain to realize they were only video projections on the wall.

He had nowhere to hide so he started running toward the door. He had his head down, dodging video bullets, missed the door and crashed head first, full speed against the door jam. Then he fell straight legged backwards like a tall pole, slamming his head on the floor tile. I shut off the video projectors in time to hear the sound similar to dropping a watermelon from an 8 foot ladder.

It happened so fast Susan could not understand anything other than Davis squealing and crying. By the time she got out of the bedroom all was quiet and dark again. She ran to him and tried to wake him up. As she knelt over him, I could see that both her pussy and ass hole appeared to be larger, sloppier and definitely more skanking looking than I remembered. Good thing I am done with her.

The ambulance came and hauled his carcass to the hospital. It was not life threatening but it was serious.

Not much happened in the house for a few days as I figured Susan was working hard to keep her job and seeing Davis in the hospital.

Mr. Pappas provided a report that disclosed Koehn was working up his bankruptcy plan. Many renters stopped paying him, hoping to get some rent concessions from either the bankruptcy court or new owner of the property. This creates an even greater cash flow problem for that troll. Susan has not been seen in any videos from Koehn's secret cameras for some time. I presume Mr. Pappas removed the cameras as stealthily as he put them in.

Since Davis was not in the house anymore, I amuse myself by using my projectors. Just as Susan gets into bed or is ready to go to sleep, a projection of my severed head would appear on the wall and my voice was heard saying "Why Susan Why?" It only would last a second or two but just enough to completely freak her out. She could not tell if it was real, her imagination or just a bad dream.

The end result of all this was that I kept the money I earned. I dumped a cheating slut and have a great home in Scottsdale. My time in Arizona was divided between golf at some of the best golf courses. My social life was spectacular, I was a real catch for the ladies as I did not have the baggage of an ex-wife or kids to contend with. My work in the Middle East continued for several years with successes for both the CIA and myself.

The sun's rays while golfing and being in Middle East can be harmful on a man's skin. I located a good Dermatologist to combat the development of any cancerous cells. On my first doctors visit, I had to stand naked and let a tall beautiful Doctor study every square inch of my body for possible damage. I was put on a 3 month call back and after six months she moved into my house for more though daily examinations.

I think she wants me to start work in her office. Why else would she be instructing me how to examine female skin so closely. Even skin that rarely sees the light of day and usually comes out at night.